psych final

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a conditioning perspective would emphasize that blank leaves those with an OCD to frequently repeat their compulsive behavior

(-) reinforcement

Freud's Psychosexual Stages

1. Oral Stage 2. Anal Stage 3. Phallic Stage 4. Latency Stage 5. Genital Stage

haldol and prolix, thorazine

1st drugs 1950


3-6 years old, emphasizes on sexualized attachment to your parent of the opposite sex

placebo affect

A response to a fake drug, caused by subjects' belief that they are taking real drugs

Collectivism is most likely to be emphasized in




There is evidence that the impact of biology on personality traits includes

Extroverts seeks stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low

rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation)

LESS likely to cause seizures


Openess to experiences conscientiousness extroversion agreeableness neurotisim

Trait theory of personality

Personality consists of a set of traits which are characteristics that vary between people and are STABLE over the course of the lifetime. Key: NO ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES. Very little personal control over personality, and personality is hereditable.

4 year old John is very competitive with his father in trying to gain more attention from his mother.freud would have suggested that John is going through which stage of development?


in terms of repeating or rephrasing what the patient says during the course of therapy which of these fits best

Rodgers client therapy

theraputic alliance

a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist and client, who work together constructively to overcome the client's problems

freuds theory of psychoanalysis

a method for treating mental illness oral anal phalic

humanistic theorist encourages

a positive self concept is the key to happiness and success

standardized testing

a situation in which all students take the same test under the same conditions

confirmation bias

a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence


absence of suicidal thoughts 2 years

self serving bias

accepting more responsibility for success than failure

PTSD people are haunted by

acts such as being raped, torture

psychoanalytical theory has been criticized severely for offering

after the fact explanations w/o advancing any testable prediction


an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting

The levels of stress hormones among adults with ________ were lower than average when they were children.


Psychoanalysis is most likely to involve

attentive to patients positive and negative feelings towards the therapist (transference)



Persuading depressed patients to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs about themselves and their futures is most characteristic of

becks cognitive theory

adopted kids IQ

becomes less correlated to adoptive parents and siblings

Those who engage in spurts of excessive overeating, followed by remorse-but do not binge, purge or fast are said to have

binge eating disorder

SSRI work by

blocking reuptake of excess serotonin


boarderline retarded

anterior cingulate cortex

brain region that monitors our actions and checks for errors



mrs jones fell on a busy city sidewalk, hundred walked by, none offered help, this illustrates

bystander effect

no weapons of mass destruction were found following the US invasion of Iraq, when this case to pass, some Americans revised their memories for the main rational for going to war, people change their memories because

cognitive dissonance

carl jeong expressed

collective unconscious- universal experiences pass down generations

majority of teachers ...

complied fully and delivered the highest level of shock

according to the maturity principle which big 5 trait is likely to increase somewhat during adulthood


super ego is


which of the following freudient ideas is most consistent in following todays psychological research findings?

conscious awareness of what goes on in our minds is very limited


consistency of measurement

Clients' perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are often misleading because clients

convince themselves it worked cause it costs a lot of money


cut nerves connecting the frontal lobes to the emotion-controlling centers of the inner brain


dialectical behavior

which therapeutic approach combines cognitive tactics for tolerating stress and for regulating emotion ..

dialectical behavior therapy

30 year old Jonna has been diagnosed with schizophrenia she's unable to ignore a relevant stimuli often giving her undivided attention to spotlight shining in the window etc

disorganized thoughts


does the test measure what it says it measures


dull average


effective In treatment of bipolar disorder


electroconvulsive therapy; a biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient

many suspect that EMDR may be therapeutic due to its similarity to

exposure therapy

which of the following is a negative symptom

flat affect

neo-Freudian theories

greater emphasis on the role of social interactions in personality development

group therapy

helps improve communication skill

bi-polar is more common In women

highs and lows

which theorist has been criticized for under estimating the human capacity for

humanistic theorist

Newborns' behavior is ______ controlled by the

id (to want it all without delay)

while participating in an experiment, joan is asked to look at images of black and white faces while researches looked for difference in the facial muscles, researchers were looking for indication of

implicit prejudice


in psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories

personality disorders are best described as

inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning

psychologist would likely agree that

intelligence test have comparable predictive validity for whites and blacks


lack of oxygen

severely depressed people are especially likely to show reduced brain activity in the

left frontal lobe

compared with those living in individualist cultures like the United States people in collectivist cultures are more likely to experience

less privacy, less loneliness

bright light exposure

lessens seasonal depression

the use deep brain stimulation for treating depression involves manipulation of activity in the neural hub of

limbic system

50% of people

make them selves better looking than average

stalin millgrim is a social physiologist who conducted studies to

measure peoples compliance to authoritative order

although many newer antipsychotic drugs are less likely to produce tremors, these drugs may increase the risk of



overwhelming desire to keep the harmony in a group

compassionate love from a person in a calm and steady companionate love of a marriage of 20 years, the bonding is facilitated by


Joan has never cheated on a psychology test but she often does on chemistry tests. She recently stole some merchandise from a store but she also returned a lost purse with 28 dollars to its owner. should make psychologists more aware of the impact of

personality traits

according to freud what psychologist now call our gender identity develops most rapidly during which stage


virtual reality exposure therapy is most likely to prove effective in the treatment of


Freud emphasized that the id operates on the ________ principle.

pleasure principle

intelligence is


evidence suggest that what contributes to schizophrenia

pre natal viral infection

although Jim as repressed his own homo desires he is distressed by the suspicion that many men frequently stare lustfully at his body, this thinking best illustrates which defense mechanism


which theory has been most severely criticized for offering after the fact explanations without providing testable predictions



psychoanalytic defense mechanism in which an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infantile psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy remains fixated

ego operates on the

reality principle

sally has been rejected by her parents. And because of this she mistrust other people and treats other people with hostility which leads to their rejection.

reciprocal determinism

The criticism most likely to be made regarding the use of antianxiety drugs as an ongoing treatment is that they may

reduce symptoms without resolving underlying problems



John whose an odd child who has no emotion and separates himself from normal childhood play how might he be diagnosed


cognitive therapy is most likely to focus on the extent to which emotional disturbances results from

self blaming and over generalized explanations of bad events

Dual-action antidepressant drugs work by increasing the availability of

serotonin and norepinephrine

which of the following statements about people with psychological disorders is true

studies have found that those with psychological disorders are more likely than those w/o psychological disorders to be a victim of crime

cocaine increase

symptoms of schizophrenia by increasing dopamine levels

anti psychotic drugs- long term use of these drugs can cause involuntary movement of facial muscles like the tongue is Called

tardive dyskinesia

major depression symptoms have self limiting value

terminate by themselves


the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition; a widely used system for classifying psychological disorders.

magnetic stimulation

the application of repeated pulses of magnetic energy to the brain; used to stimulate or suppress brain activity

Psychodynamic theorists emphasized that

the importance of unconscious process and focus on childhood events

Reciprocal Determinism (Bandura)

the interacting influences of behavior, internal cognition, and environment

just-world phenomenon

the tendency for people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get

outgrip homogeneity effect

the tendency to view outgrip members as less varied than in-group members

trait theorist have been criticized for

underestimating the consistency of behavior from one situation to another

concious awareness of what goes on in our mind is

very limited

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