psych final

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The social dominance orientation scale measures the motivation to ______ and cross-national data show that scores on the scale are usually _____

Dominate out-group members; higher for men than women

Because there is no such thing as race, stereotypes must be wrong


According to social dominance theory, men are more likely to be the agents of intergroup aggression because

Large potential gains make the risks of conflict mor tolerable to men

The opportunity cost of parenting is higher for ____ because ____.

Males; reducing mating effort forfeits more benefits for males

Parental investment theory says the sex that invests _____ in reproduction will be more selective in choosing mates because _______.

More; that sex has more to lose if low quality offspring is produced

Given rates of criminal arrests (rather than given population proportions), ______.

Police officers are more likely to fatally shoot white citizens

Consider the graph below. If people are showing an outgroup homogeneity effect, which of the two distributions would represent the outgroup?

The red, dashed line distribution

Gricean maxims of conversation can be used to explain

Use of infrequent categories

Duncan (1976) found that, compared to a push performed by a White actor, a push performed by a Black actor was more likely to be perceived as _____ and more likely to attributed to the _______

Violent; person

If we define discrimination as "offering different transaction terms to groups who do not differ in relevant criteria," then which of the following examples would not count as discrimination?

A health insurance company charges sick pope a higher price than is charged for healthy people

What evolutionary problem is most relevant to categorization based on hypodescent?

Accepting individuals with outgroup features may undermine coalitional boundaries

On average, males gain more fitness than female from _____, which explains why males ______.

Acquiring an additional mate; use more risky tactics in competition

Reciprocal altruism is particularly likely to evolve in the context of in-group interactions because interactions with in-group members ____ and defection can result in ______.

Affect reputation; punishment by the group.

Social dominance theory says that social hierarchy is organized in three ways. What are they?

Age; gender arbitrary set

In a prisoner's dilemma with a single interaction, the best strategy is to ______. In an iterated prisoner's dilemma, the best strategy is to ________.

Always defect; cooperate if your partner has cooperated

Imagine someone holds the stereotype that asians are intelligent. What is the best way to describe what the person believes?

An Asian person is more likely than a member of comparison group to be highly intelligent

If we define discrimination as "offering different transaction terms to different groups, regardless of the reason," then which of the following examples do count as discrimination?

An advertising agency refuses to hire unattractive models because they have less public appeal A car insurance company charges young men a higher price because they get into more accident

Consider a case in which groups receive unequal outcomes and there are average differences across groups in terms of how interested people are in reaching the outcome. What can you conclude about this situation?

An intervention that causes the average interest level across groups to become more similar result in more equal outcomes

The mechanism underlying stereotype threat is _____ that stems from ______

Anxiety; worrying about confirming a negative stereotype

Compared to adolescent boys, adolescent girls are more likely to ______, which is consistent with the finding that ______.

Believe that science does not make a positive impact in society; females prefer to work with people rather than objects

Steele and Aronson (1996) found that when a test was described as non-diagnostic of verbal ability, ______

Black and white students with equal abilities performed the same on verbal GRE questions

Correll wt al. (2002) compared White participants and Black participants in the shooter task. What did they find and what do the findings suggest?

Both races are biased against blacks; both races stereotype blacks as dangerous

Stereotypes ________; prejudice ________

Can be positive or negative; can be positive or negative

Stereotypes are most likely to influence how we perceive a person's behavior when we have ______ and when the nature of the behavior is ______.

Categorical but not individuating information; ambiguous

Without charging laws. What is one solution discussed in class that would cause prices for men and women to become more equal?

Change men and women's preferences so that they value similar products

If men's razors have less material than women's razors, then the _____ of men's razors are necessarily lower


When business are exposed to high levels of crime in a particular area, in what sense are the costs of that come "passed on" to the local community

Crime raises the costs of doing business and business owners compensate for these costs by raising prices for consumers

The gender pay gap among top executive is at least 45%. A study of this gap found that the gap ______ after executive experience and the size of the employing corporation were taken into account and supported the notion that the observed pay gap is primarily due to _____.

Decease; differences in employee value

If a law mandated that men and women receive equal pay regardless of employee value, what would happen to the rates of employment for women?


Savagery _______ exist in Africa before Europeans colonized the Americans . Africans sold as delivery in the Atlantic slave trade were usually enslaved by ______.

Did; hostile African tribes

As mentioned in class, what are two possible causes of the outgroup homogeneity effect?

Differences in contact with in group and outgroup members; allocating attention to reproductively-relevant individuals

In a case where there is an average difference between groups but not all members of the higher group are higher than the members of the low group, the distributions for the two groups will have _____ and will be _____

Different centers; overlapping

Which statement is the best description of how "disparate outcomes" and " different treatment" are related?

Different treatment is one possible cause of disparate outcomes

Imagine a person is deciding how to allocate money between the in-group and the out group. The first option gives $10 to the in group and 5$ to the out group. The second option gives $20 to the ingroup and $19 to the out group. The first option maximizes the ingroup's ______, which is consistent with the goal of _______.

Differentiation; establishing superiority

From the cognitive perspective outlined by Halberstadt and colleagues, the key variable in understanding hypodescent is:


Decisions are most likely to be influenced by implicit bias when people:

Do not make an effort to be accurate

What might likely happen if the law said that men and women must be charged the same price for dry cleaning?

Dry cleaners would prefer to do business with men

Correll et al. (2011) found that presenting targets in dangerous contexts compared to neutral context ______ race bias in the shooter task


Suppose two groups of employees (men and women, blacks and whites, etc.) have equal value for an employer. If businesses are operating in a competitive marketplace, what might we expect with respect to discrimination in employment decision?

Employers can discriminate against employees but will pay a competitive price for doing so

If a law mandated that men and women receive equal pay regardless or employee value, what would the impact of this law be on employers

Employers would view women's labor as overpriced

According to evolutionary psychology, we should expect the mind to have a general, all-purpose mechanism for learning.


All well-functioning cognitive processes that we see in humans today can be understood as "adaptations."


Given the definition from this unit, a behavior can be altruistic if there is no cost to the altruistic individual


Humans evolved to be sociable with all people equally


Prejudice requires power, and therefore only majority group members or higher status individuals can be prejudiced


Stereotype threat can explain achievement gaps between groups


Stereotype threat is a phenomenon limited to academic performance only.


The "blank slate" view of the human mind is correct.


The fear extinction research by Navarrete et al. (2009) supports the hypothesis that Whites show greater prejudice against Blacks (compared to blacks against whites)


There are no genetic differences between groups of people


If people use stereotypes or categorical information in judging another person, this can be taken as evidence that the person is prejudiced toward that group.

False, because even non-prejudice people can store and be influenced by stereotypes

According to social dominance theory, what psychological foundation serves as a unique basis of women's prejudice against out-groups?

Fearfulness related to sexual coercion

For the gender that places more subjective value on cosmetics with particular effects on one's appearance there will be _____, which will lead sellers to charge _____ prices.

Fewer acceptable alternatives while shopping; higher

Positive feelings towards one's ingroup would be explained as resulting from a need _____ according to social identity theory, but from a need to establish ______ according to reciprocal altruism theory

For self-esteem; future relationships with

What did Gino et al. (2015) find regarding men and women's self reported highest attainable position and ideal position in the business world?

Genders do not differ in highest attainable position; men report a higher ideal position

Throughout human history, conflicts between groups have been ____ and have typically involved neighboring groups that ______.

Generally common; are of shared racial descent

A meta-analysis of gender differences in mandatory education performed by Voyer and voter (2014) found that

Girls outperformed boys in every subject and this has always been true

East Asian Americans _______; Irish Americans ________.

Have lacked political power but over performed economically; have has political power but under performed economically

In a study by Carver and de la Garza (1984), participants listed questions they would ask about a driver involved in a car accident. Compared to when the driver was described as young, when the driver was described as old, participants were more likely to ask questions about ______, which illustrates how stereotypes promote searching for _____ information

Health issues; confirming

In support of the invariance hypothesis, classical racism scores in a Texas sample were

Higher for men than women in all ethnic groups

Among whites, the strength of aggression as a predicator of anti-black attitudes is ______. The strength of fear of sexual coercion as a predictor of anti-black attitudes is______

Higher for men; higher for women

Shooter task research with undergraduate samples generally finds that if unarmed targets are black rather than white, rates of incorrect shooting are _____ and reaction times for correct decision to not shoot are ________.

Higher; Slower

Investigations into the graduate admission outcomes at UC Berkeley in 1973 revealed that, compared to men, women tended to have _____ rates of acceptance at the department level, and a _____ rate of acceptance in aggregate

Higher; lower

Classic natural selection considers _____; inclusive fitness considers ______.

How many offspring you have; how many offspring you have plus how many nieces, nephews, and cousins you have

Imagine that groups A and B have unequal college admissions rates. Imagine that standardized test scores predicts college admissions, and that you are about to learn about the distribution of test scores for each group. What implications will this new information have regarding the question of whether there is group-based discrimination in college admissions?

If test scores differ across groups, then discrimination is less likely to fully account for the unequal outcomes, if test scores are equal across groups, then discrimination is more likely to account for the unequal outcomes

The history of Jewish immigrants and overseas Chinese immigrants suggests what about the relationship between overt discrimination and economic achievement?

Immigrant groups can follow a cyclical trajectory, experiencing reduced achievement during Periods of overt discrimination and high levels of achievement when overt discrimination is lifted

An evolutionary perspective suggests that facial symmetry is associated with beauty ___ because _____.

In nearly all cultures; diseases disrupt symmetry

From a policy perspective, which proposal for reducing interest rates for short term loans used by urban people is based on the idea of changing costs?

Increase the efficiency or processing and selling short term loans

Darley and Gross (1983) had participants provide judgments of a girl's academic achievement. Categorical information about the girl's social class was provided via video. Providing an additional video showing the girl's mixed academic performance caused stereotyping on the basis of social class to ______, which suggests that ______.

Increase; stereotypes influence the interpretation of ambiguous information

DeBruine (2005) found that facial self-resemblance

Increased positive evaluation of trustworthiness but not short-term sex appeal

Ackerman et al. (2006) studied the ability of white participants to accurately recognize faces they had previously seen. Target faces were either white or black and were wither displaying a neutral expression or an angry expression. For black faces, recognition accuracy ______ in the angry condition compared to the neutral condition because _______.

Increased; the threat of aggression makes attending to outgroup faces functionally important

As the cost of supplying a product rises, the price of the product ______. The more consumers value a product, the ______ the price will be for the product

Increases; higher

Considering how your actions impact the survival of your nieces and nephews is part of _____

Indirect reproductive fitness

According to kin selection, altruism evolves because it can increase _____ reproductive fitness. The increase in fitness will be largest for those who deliver altruism ______

Indirect; based on relatedness

According to kin selection, what is required for altruism to develop in population?

Individuals must be able to determine the likelihood that the target of altruism is related to oneself

What is the relationship between implicit bias and individuating information?

Individuating information can reduce the impact of implicit bias

As discussed in class, what are two factors in real world interactions that might reduce the impact of implicit bias?

Interaction partners belong to multiple categories; interaction partners give off individuating information

The minimal group paradigm is used to study ____ when group membership is based on _____

Intergroup prejudice; arbitrary categories

Evolutionary reasoning (as discussed in the course thus far) tell us that prejudice ______

Is something that all humans are capable of

A person's score on the implicit association test may reflect his or her awareness of cultural stereotypes. Why is this important?

It argues against the view that the IAT measures prejudice

Imagine a new parental leave policy causes fathers and mothers to both take time off work following the birth of a child. As discussed in class, how would this influence the income disparity between genders?

It would reduce the gender disparity by equalizing the negative impact of child birth on men and women's career development

A comparison of the income of Japanese Americans and Puerto Rican American suggests?

Japanese Americans have better outcomes than Puerto Rican Americans despite the fact that Japanese Americans were historically exposed to equal or worse levels of discrimination

This unit has argued that modern racial prejudice has its foundation in _____


Imagine a small store and a large store that sell similar products. The small store receives its inventory in a series of small shipments and keeps less inventory in storage, whereas the large store receives bigger shipments and uses more storage. The small store will be _____ and will have higher _____.

Less efficient; price

According to the cognitive miser view, why does the brain use stereotypes?

Less effort is required to obtain categorical compared to individuate gentlemen information

The outgroup homogeneity effect refers to the tendency to perceive the outgroup as:

Less variable than then in group

In the shooter task, Milwaukee police officers showed _____ anti-black bias than untrained citizens. At the individual level, the degree of race bias was _____ to the officer's own race

Less; unrelated

Asian Americans have _____ mortgage rejection rates from banks than white Americans, which ______.

Lower; can be explained by the fact that Asian Americans make more money and have better credit than white Americans

As discussed in class, decreasing income disparities between men and women would require policies that:

Make the genders more equal in terms of work experience and employee value

According to Bateman's principle, which sex has greater variance in its reproductive success and why?

Males, because males compete for access to females

Tajfel and Wilkes (1963) found that group labels were most likely to influence the perception of line lengths when the labels were _____ and the lines were _______.

Meaningfully associated with length; at the transition between the groups

What do the findings of Geno et al . (2015) suggest about men and women's interest in power?

Men are more interested than women in power because women prefer to devote more time to other life goals

Men are 54% of the labor force but account for 92% of job related deaths. What is the relevance of this fact for understanding economic disparities between men and women?

Men are more likely than women to work dangerous jobs, and employers must pay more for dangerous work compared to non-dangerous work

Research on competitiveness (e.g. Niederle & Vesterlund, 2006) finds that

Men prefer competition more than women, and this difference is found even when men and women are equated in terms of their ability level

Faster reaction times for a certain category of words in a Lexical decision task indicate:

More cognitive activation of that category

Bertrand and Mullainathan (2005) measured how the race and sex of job applicants influence the probability of receiving a call back upon submitting a resume. The result showed that back names are discriminated against ______, which supports the ______.

More if they are male rather than female; outgroup male target hypothesis

There are gender differences in the association between verbal and quantitative ability, such that among women, high quantitative skill is ______ likely to be accompanied by high verbal skill. This suggests that women prefer "symmetric" fields like psychology and medicine because thee fields ________.

More, allow women to use both their verbal and quantitative skills

The gender pay gap for three groups of women was examined in a 1969 study of academic women. Order the groups from smallest gender pay gap to largest gender pay gap

Never married women; married women without children; married women with children

Imagine you have the opportunity to benefit your nephew by babysitting him, but to do so you would have to pay the cost of canceling your date with someone you like. The benefit to your nephew is 20, and the cost to you is 10. According to Hamilton's rule, should you babysit your nephew?


Imagine a women from another culture participates in a math competition at MSU. Imagine both of the following two things are true: first, other people expect her to perform poorly because of her gender; second, she is unaware of gender stereotypes related to math. Will she experience stereotype threat?

No, because awareness of the negative stereotype is necessary

Does the evolutionary perspective say that race is fundamental category of social perception? Why or why not?

No, because in the evolutionary past different races did not encounter each other.

Given the research we discussed in class, is implicit bias as measured by the IAT likely to account for disparities in group outcomes?

No, because the IAT is a poor predicator of discriminatory behavior

Is my newborn baby racist?

No, but she is born ready to make distinctions among groups in her social world

Is there evidence for price discrimination against women? What is the evidence?

No; women do not pay more than men after the economics of pricing has been taken into account

Using categorical information to make decisions about people is:

Not necessarily good or bad

What is the argument for why population proportions are an inappropriate comparison for testing race bias in officers' shooting decisions?

Officers are not equally likely to use deadly force in every situation, and different racial groups are not evenly distributed across those situations

Data from laboratory "shooter" tasks supports the interpretation that police offices shoot unarmed black males due to:

Officers' expectation of black males having weapons

As discussed in class, what explains why women pay higher prices than men for dry cleaning?

On average, it costs more to dry clean women's clothing compared to men's clothing

Based on the history of Jewish immigrants in America and Chinese immigrants in Southeast Asia, what can be said about the relationship between discrimination and social achievement?

Once discrimination is lifted, it is possible for groups to reach high levels of achievement despite past discrimination regardless of whether those groups obtain political power

The _____ hypothesis can be derived from sexual selection and parental investment theories

Outgroup male target hypothesis Motive differential hypothesis Invariance hypothesis

The research discussed in class supports the _____ hypothesis more than it supports the _____ hypothesis

Outgroup male target; double jeopardy

A certain proportion of people shot by police are black. Among those shot. Blacks are ______ relative to their proportion in the overall population. Among those shot, blacks are ______ relative to their proportion of violent crime arrests

Over represented; not over represented

80% of mudersers are men. Which of the following statements on conditional probabilities best reflects this face?

P(man|murderer) > p (woman|murderer)

The probability that a person is nurturing given that the person is a woman is greater than the probability that a person is nurturing given that the person is a man

P(nurturing|woman) > p(nurturing|man)

Americans are generally low in explicit bias. According to the implicit bias perspective, discrimination still occurs in our society today because:

People cannot control their implicit bias

What is one reason why people might devote more attention to inconsistent information compared to consistent information?

People want to make the inconsistent information fit with their overall stereotype, allowing them to maintain the stereotype

How does kin selection result in the spread of altruistic genes?

People who are altruistic cause their relatives to leave more offspring with altruistic genes

What evolutionary problem is most relevant for stigma towards people who have poor prospects?

People with poor prospects may be unable to return benefits in cooperation

Imagine a study estimates the size of the gender pay gap after men and women are equated on all economic variables known to influence wages. Following adjustment for these other variables, the pay gap will _____ if the gap is due to discrimination and will _____ if it is due to the economic variables

Persist; be eliminated

Stereotypes can be preserved even after learning about a person whose behavior is inconsistent with the stereotype. The inconsistent behavior is LEAST likely to change the stereotype when the:

Person is sub-typed as special

What evolutionary problem is most relevant to stigma towards people with physical abnormalities?

Physical abnormalities are a cue to the presence of contagious disease

An initial biases for racial prejudice could be _____ because it ______.

Physical similarity; produces positive feelings via kinship recognition

Consumers who are more price sensitive _____. When consumers are price sensitive, sellers have an incentive to ______ prices.

Place more weight on price when deciding what to buy; decrease

Imagine a world with two groups: red people and blue people. The population is 90% red and 10% blue. Of those people who complete a university education, 50% are red and 50% are blue. Of those people who become professors, 50% are red and 50% are blue. Under what comparisons would we conclude there is a group disparity in the professor outcome?

Population proportions but not education proportions

The face that discrimination is observed in the minimal group paradigm suggests what about prejudice?

Prejudice is a basic human tendency

According to the evolutionary perspective, why is racial categorization an automatic process among people in our society?

Race predicting coalition affiliation in our society

To say that race is natural kind means:

Races are discrete categories that cannot be changed

Sprots teams can be thought of as coalitions. Imagine two teams are competing and both teams are racially diverse. How will the sports context, compared to an everyday context, affect racial categorization among the players and why?

Racial categorization will decrease because race is a worse cue than team membership for predicting coalition affiliation

Positively biased treatment of ingroups is reduced when anonymity is guaranteed and there is assurance that there will be no future interaction. This supports _____ theory because _____ requires repeated interaction

Reciprocal altruism; future repayment

Why is the coefficient of relatedness (r) important?

Relatedness predicts whether someone shares an altruism gene with you

On the SAT math test, boy score ______ on average. At the high end of the distribution ______.

Slightly higher than girls; boys are over represented relative to girls

In the evaluative racial IAT, implicit racial bias against blacks is indicated by reaction times that are ______ when "blacks" is paired with "good." It is possible that this implicit bias can result from _______.

Slower; both prejudice and stereotype

What is the primary cause of price differentiation?

Some groups places different value on the same product

Married men usually have higher incomes than single men of the same age. According to the research from this unit, what is the most likely reason why this is the case?

Some portion of single men's time is spend on tasks (food shopping, etc.) performed by the wife of a married man, freeing the married man to spend that time at work

An recurrent theme has been the notion that solutions with good intentions, if based on an inaccurate understanding of a problem, can make problems worse rather than better. What is one reason why this might happen?

Some solutions might remove the costs inherent in discrimination, thereby allowing people to discriminate without penalty

Statistical models of the decision process in the shooter task suggest that the information gathering process is slower when unarmed targets are Black rather than White. What hypothesis does this support?

Stereotypes impact the difficulty of distinguishing weapons from wallets

Jesse Jackson, an African American activist, once indicated that he experiences more fear when he encounters a black person rather than a white person on the street. What does this suggest about stereotyping and prejudice?

Stereotyping does not require prejudice

An association between a group and an attribute is the definition of _____; treating people differently on the basis of their group membership is the definition of ________.

Stereotyping; discrimination

If a job is dangerous, then _____ for that job is decreased, which increases ______ for employees with that job

Supply; wages

Consider the graph below. Imagine that the red dashed line is an outgroup and the solid black line is an in group. Which of the following might the graph display?

That people think there is less variability in how friendly the outgroup is

In the design of the laboratory shooter task, realism is sacrificed in exchange for

The ability to isolate the effects of variables

What is the best interpretation of narrate et al. (2009)'s study of resistance to extinction in a fear conditioning paradigm with face stimuli?

The brain treats out-group men as especially dangerous stimuli, since fear of out-group male faces is slower to extinguish than fear of faces with other combinations of sex and group

How does the brain know who is kin and who is not?

The brain uses indirect cues that are correlated with relatedness

From the point of view of a consumer, the substitutability of a product declines if ____. When consumers regard a product as having low substitutability, sellers of that product will _____ prices

The consumer has picky preferences; increase

"Urban people are exploited by business owners." What is a good reason to question the truth of this statement?

The cost of operating a business in urban areas tend to be higher

Women, on average, pay more than men for dry cleaning. According to reader he presented in this section, what is the best explanation for this price disparity?

The costs are higher for dry cleaning women's clothing relative to men's clothing

One concern about the laboratory shooter task is that participants might consciously try to appear unbiased with regards to race. What feature of the task reduces this concern?

The decision window is less than one second

Examining the historical economic trajectory of Black Americans reveals that

The greatest economic gains for blacks occurred before discrimination was illegal

Ruffle & Sosis (2003) tested Israeli Kibbut residents' cooperative behavior. Results support which of the following conclusions?

The ingroup/outgroup distinction is fundamental

The moralistic fallacy is:

The mistake of inferring what is true from what ought to be true

The "naturalistic fallacy" refers to:

The mistake of inferring what ought to be true from what is true

"Past levels of discrimination explain the current day success of different ethnic groups." If this statement were true, what patterns would you expect to find when examine the social trajectories of groups across time?

The more historical discrimination there was against an ethnic group, the slower the group's ride towards success

An identical product might be sold to two different consumers for two different prices. Although discrimination might be one reason for this, what is another reason?

The price sensitivity of the buyer

Which of the following is a conditional probability?

The probability of someone being female given that the person is 6 feet tall The probability someone being male The probability of someone being male given that the person is 6 feet tall

Imagine a person encounters a black male performing a stereotypically masculine activity. Now imagine a different scenario where a person encounters a black male performing a stereotypically black activity. How would categorization of the black male be affected in these two contexts?

The stereotypic masculine activity would increase the tendency to categorize by sex, and the stereotypic back activity would increase the tendency to categorize by race

What is the best description of how race and genetics are related?

There are clusters of genetic variegation, and these clusters correspond to racial categories

Consider this quote: "do we really want men and women to have equality of income? Or do we really want both men and women to have an equal chance to work. 80 hours in their prime reproductive years?" This quote illustrates which of he following important points of this unit?

There is a difference between equal outcomes and equal opportunities, and having one does not ensure having the other.

What do the "illusory correlation" and "needs-based" theories of stereotyping have in common?

They both assume that stereotypes are inaccurate

What does sexual selective theory say about complex traits that might reduce survival (such as violent aggression against competitors)?

They might evolve if they increase access to mates

Consider this statement: "race was the basis of slavery, and racism is the main reason for black-white differences in income." What would the research presented in the readings from this unit suggest about this statement?

This statement is not consistent with historical data on race, slavery, and disparate outcomes across groups.

Consider the statement: "where there has been a lessening over time of disparities between men and women in their employment, it has been due to a lessening of discrimination under the pressures of government." What would the research from this unit and Sowell's writings suggest about this statement?

This statement reflects a fallacy about the causes of disparate outcomes between men and women in employment

Consider the statement: "when and where there are significant differences between men and women in their employment, pay, or promotion, discrimination can be inferred." What would the research form this unit suggest about his statement?

This statement reflects a fallacy about using disparate outcomes to infer discrimination

In evolution by natural selection, ________

Those individuals who are less fit reproduce less

What is the function stigma from an evolutionary perspective?

To avoid individuals who increase the costs of group living

The purpose of Tajfel & Wilkes (1963) was:

To test whether stereotyping could be understood with the same processes that we use to judge physical stimuli

Why did Ackerman and colleagues (2006) manipulate the emotion portrayed by the faces presented to participants?

To test whether the evolutionary relevance of outgroups impacted people's attention to their faces

According to this unit, we understand people's preferences for their own racial group as having the same foundation as the system that tells people to prefer their own relatives to strangers


We can best understand stigma in terms of the trade offs inherent in group living


If we were evaluating how gender relates to income at a particular company, simpson's paradox would be most likely to occur in a situation where men and women were _____ distributed across departments of the company and where different departments has ______ average salaries

Unequally; different

As discussed in lecture, what evolutionary problem is most relevant for stigma towards unpredictable people?

Unpredictable people may not return favors reliably

According to reciprocal altruism, why might we share with ingroup members and not outgroup members?

We have a longer time horizon with ingroup members compared to outgroup members Outgroup members can be ostracized We can readily monitor ingroup members

Costs are determined by ______; prices are determined by ______.

What resources are requires to bring a product to market; supply and demand

When might we expect an in group homogeneity effect?

When people want to rally the in group for a competitive advantage

Use of stereotypes increases accuracy ______, but leads to many errors when ______.

When there is a group difference of any size; the stereotyped attributes is uncommon in the stereotyped group

The purpose of Macrae, Bodenhausen, & Milne's 1995 study in which participants watched videos of a Chinese woman was to test: _______.

Whether categorization of a target could be impacted by context in which that target appeared

In a study by Kinzler et al. (2009), white 5 year old children were asked about their friendship preferences. In one condition, the children were only given both race and accent information. When only race information was available, _____; when both race and accent information was available, _______.

Whites were preferred over blacks; black native speakers were preferred over white foreign speakers

"Equal pay for equal work exists. Equal work does not exists." As discussed in class, why is this quotation true?

Women and men choose to engage in different types of work

What did Gino et al. (2015) find regarding the anticipated outcomes of holding a position of power for men and women?

Women anticipate more negative outcomes; positive outcomes are anticipated equally

How do child rearing tasks influence women's economic outcomes?

Women choose more flexible and part time work in order to perform the child rearing role

According to Thornill, greater pathogen prevalence in region is associated with more _____, which functions to ______.

Xenophobia; prevent exposure to foreign diseases

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