Psych Final

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The ability to arrive at broad conclusions based on smaller ones as known as?

Infernal validity

The degree to which a study allows an ambiguous casual interferences has____


The fanciest restaurant in town the upper crust has a no children policy when Jeanette and Brian complain they are informed by the manager that children allowed dirty and difficulty control.

Independent variable

The variable that is manipulated in an experiment study is known as


Vincenta is looking at a book at the local library when Diana brushes past her gently pushing her backwards wow she is very rude this is an example of social ____ which occurs when we make educated guesses about the efforts or motives of another person.


Which emerging field in neuroscience examines areas of the brain are associated with spiritual experiences?

Several applications of power pose effects of called into question which elements of Amy Cuddy's research from what she does her 2012 Ted talk?

-our bodies impact our mind

At what age does aggression seem to peak?



Which type of instrument would be useful for measuring the electrical activity that is generated by the brains neurons

Correlation studies

Which type of research design shows that two variables are related to one another but not that one causes the other?

Dr. Singh wants to conduct a study that would enable to comparisons between people from different cultures.

A cross cultural study

Dr. Robertson wants to conduct some research on the distinction between social physical pain in browsing the scientific literature which of the following claims do you think she'll find the supports the idea that social pain is just as damaging to the humans is physical pain

FMRI imaging studies find similar brain areas activated by both experiences

Mason's parents want to get them a math teacher but he feels that he's not good at math and will never be good math. He has a _____ personality


I will get a test back in bio chemistry class she knew she felt terrible by the score of 68 but when she found out the class average was 53 just had a section with her on Kaden creased

Downward compsrison


Ellie is very subtle and nonconsciousing reminding women of their gender before keeping them a math test what technique is Ellie using for her study?

Poyin teaches Her daughter that families a dumping recipe that was passed down to her by her mother and her mother's mother which of the following refers to the form of learning that has taught from one generation to another?


Darlene is from the United Kingdom and thinks it is ridiculous that Americans drive on the right hand side of the road. She jokes with her American friends that they drive on the wrong side


When I was in ghost to South Africa for a business meeting with a prospective client she studies for hours in about appropriate behaviors she wants to learn how to act one meeting people that she doesn't end up


Social categorization

Ezra is currently experiencing high level of activity in the superior temporal suclus or STS. Which is happening at moment?

We compare new experiences to previously stored schemas allows us to put forth less effort to assess

How is it that schemas help people save time as they have new experiences or encounter new people or objects on a daily basis?

In her research on social interactions Dr. Fisher anticipates that people the same racial background or interact more with each other and they were with people of different races she conducts


Inclusive fitness

Imagine a person has the ability to pull a lever that will direct a speeding train onto one of true tracks unfortunately the best friend is tied to one of the trucks and their sibling is tied to the other which of the following would best explain peoples widespread desert choose to save sibling?

Mike is taking a cognitive psychology course and his teacher asked the students to take a computerized test that involves sorting pictures into different categories such as good and bad the purpose of this test is to identify automatic preferences of which a person may not be consciously aware

Implicit association test IAT


In social psychological studies involving deception, sometimes a person who appears to be a participant is actually working for the researcher. What is this person called?

First visit to concordia she understands all she has is it together soon for the rise on the floor outside the main door

Informative influence

Sonia is cognizant about others around her are doing and how they were behaving. She regularly sets aside her own preference and try to adjust to the preferences of our social group Sonya's operating from______ sense of self


Why do people engage in upper comparison even though it tons of diminish one self-esteem?

It gives you an opportunity to learn from other cells perform better on a given task


Jacinta beliefs that people who are military veterans are brave honorable and respectable. She tends to treat them with an inherent sense of consideration and thanks them for their service wherever she can. These beliefs represent ___ that she has for them.

Correlated it

Jon is testing the effects of exercise on mood he defines exercises the number of steps a person takes a day. What did John do fo variable exercise

motivated skepticism

Kari visited the doctor recently told her she needed to start eating better or she is at risk for heart attack. She wonders if tests could be false. Uncertainty example?


The ____ heuristic is one in which the frequency or likelihood of an event is evaluated based on how easily examples come to mind

Christina is presenting our research at a psychology conference in the overview ever literature we search she states that emotions develop as a result of similar environmental pressure ancestors she doesn't summarizes researchers found that people from different cultures report someone emotional experiences Christina's advocating for the sleeping baby


In the United States some people advocate for open carry legislation without even having guns in public play sometimes argue that having a gun world to tear violence because others will think twice by acting violently according to the blank however

Weapons effect

Random assignment

When each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to a particular group the research design uses

Hers instantly gets nervous seeing men walking toward her.

Which of the following demonstrates social categorization as an atomic process?

The firing of mirror neurons

Which of the following is a brain mechanism that is activated both when a person observes the actions of another and when they imitate that action?

People underestimate time for tasks and repeat

Which of the following is an example of planning fallacy?

Accurate report will have no affect but inaccurate will strength and duration

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about affective forecasting?

Dr. Tylka is conducting research about the risk of developing eating disorders in adolescent boys. She concludes that her findings apply not only to the sample of high school boys she studied, but to other males in other settings and contexts. In this regard, Dr. Tylka is stating that her findings have high __________ validity.


Martyn is seated at a chair, and sees his father standing by a box with a ball in front of it. His dad leaves the room, and another person comes in and puts the ball into the box, and closes the lid. Martyn is then asked where his father will look for the ball when he returns. This is an example of the ________ test.

false belief

Which type of brain imaging technique measures changes in oxygenation of blood flowing in the brain

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

What was one outcome of Aschs conformity group study ?

About 75% of the participants confirmed to the incorrect group norm at least one time

Mindy finds out that her new coworker is from India since Mandi isn't familiar with people from India Mindy avoid situation where she may have to interact with her so that she doesn't have to experience any awkwardness this aversive racism is an example


social factilitation

April was able to run much faster when she was with friends rather than running alone April's experience in the benefits of

Day reconstruction method (DRM)

Artelle is taking part in a research study that examines her thoughts on the political election taking place in our country each night before bed she asked to complete a questionnaire that gathers information on these topics she submits her complicated questionnaire to the researchers at the end of the week what type of research method is being used?

What is the the that he did not have to have any football skills and then he can barely make a tackle he watches the Super Bowl and sees that amazing skill on the professional football player he does not care about the game and has no interest in working on his own tackling skills. Moses does not really compare himself to professional football players because football lacks ____ to him



Calvin is interested in measuring his schools willingness to do volunteer work around the community he sends out a self-report surveys that a student strictly thought there ____ attitudes on the topic

While watching a YouTube review about a certain brand of tennis shoe Jack becomes very interested in learning more about the shoes materials and construction. Jack logically concludes the tennis shoes Would be a good purchase and decides to buy them which persuasion route was Jack likely using


Janah is the recipient of a prestigious award given to her by her company at the award ceremony she explains the contributors of her coworkers family and friends she never mentioned her own work or personal achievements for speech is the old

Collectivism // comparison

Tell me a notice is that all of his high school friends have started vaping he doesn't really like baby but wants to fit in with the crowd so he starts beeping to Tommy's


Bruno limits that he should've bought his ex-girlfriend flowers held her hand and given her all his hours when he had the chance this kind of what if speculation is called?

Counter factual

error management theory

Lonnie needs to make a long business trip to Minnesota but is uncertain of when to leave according to weather report there's a big storm starting that he may encounter the cost of deciding to leave later will make him late for his meeting but the cost to leave early might put him in a car accident on the slippery roads. Which theory would predict that because of evolution Lonnie would choose the less costly or dangerous option?

Narcissism psychopathy and _____ are there personality traits associated with increase in aggression


Sexual over perceptions

Marsha was talking to Conrad being very friendly or she was smiling and touching Conrad on the arm when she laughed. Due to the ____ bias confess interpreted these unclear cues as sexual interest.

Mahoganie is thinking about the party later this evening and of all the social interactions she will have. If her brain was being actively monitored via fMRI while she has these thoughts, you'd expect to see activity in her ________.

Medical prefrontal cortex

The fact that religious experiments is activates neurological symptoms that are also involved and nonly just context suggests that?

No maybe next week!!

Julia has just started going to new school she notices the most of the other student standing orderly line before the bell rings an effort to make a positive impression on her classmates she also begins to stand in line before the bell rings

Normative influence

Doug a noise his roommates on a regular basis his roommates decide to go to a party one night but made a point not to invite Doug Doug went anyways and they pretended they didn't know him


Natural selection

Overtime species can evolve new traits and behaviors that increase reproductive success these are called_____

TI 80 is very similar to another implicit measure a video game called the first person shooter task. Correll and colleagues found that

Participants are more likely to shoot an arm target more quickly and more often when the target is black rather

Do you wanna campaign rally tray avoids questions about the details of his policies is that he focuses on discussing all the problems that were he has consultants by wearing a suit and tie speaking quickly and fluently and smiling frequently Trey tells his constitutes that they will be in good hands and he's elected


Javari is teaching a psychology class and tells his students, "Kenna is 31, single, outspoken, and bright. She majored in philosophy in college. As a student, Kenna was deeply concerned with discrimination and other social issues." When Javari asked his class if it was more likely that Kenna was A) a bank teller or B) a bank teller AND a feminist, most people in his class chose option B. Javari explained that their answer was incorrect because their _____________ heuristic led them astray.


The involvement cost of pregnancy is much higher in women

Researchers have found that men generally are more likely than women to be willing to consent to sex with strangers and to require less emotional investment for sex to occur. Evolutionary perspective ?


Ruben is in a biology class in the professor Tulsa students to find a lab partner ribbon immediately approach is an Asian classmate example of?

Which of the following might be an evolution airy explanation of why he makes us humans

Sexual selection

Automatic empathy

Shana comes home from school absolutely furious she complains or a sister Loretta about an awful exam she took Loretta find herself and very angry as well this is an example of

The ______ category allows human beings to identify those moving objects in the world that can act on their own


social influence

conformity and obedience are two widely researched forms of social _____ that have received attention in the files of social psychology

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