Psych Final

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Self-worth, accomplishment, and confidence represent the ________ level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. -Self-actualization -Physiological -Security -Esteem


Children who are developing disorganized attachment to their caregivers most likely have been _____________. -Abused -Separated from their parents -Born addicted to cocaine -Diagnosed with ADHD


Which of the following statement about drive theory is incorrect? -According to drive theory, need results in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need. -According to drive theory, once our behavior successfully reduces a drive, we are more likely to repeat the behavior if the drive reoccurs. -According to drive theory, deviations from homeostasis create physiological needs -According to drive theory, we are driven to develop new physiological needs in order to motivate our own behavior

According to drive theory, we are driven to develop new physiological needs in order to motivate our own behavior

Which of the following is a way that James-Lange theory of emotion differs from the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion? -According to the James-Lange theory, our appraisal of the stimulus determines our cognition, which then influence our emotions; according to the Schachter-Singer theory, emotions are determined by our appraisal of the stimulus -According to the James-Lange theory, emotions include a cognitive factor and a physiological factor; according to the Schachter-Singer theory, emotions arise from physiological arousal -According to the James-Lang theory, facial expression are capable of influencing our emotions; according to the Schachter-Singer, facial expression are incapable of influencing our emotions -According to the James-Lange theory, emotions arise from physiological arousal; according to the Schachter-SInger theory, emotions include a cognitive factor and physiological factor

According to the James-Lange theory, emotions arise from physiological arousal; according to the Schachter-SInger theory, emotions include a cognitive factor and physiological factor

According to research, the need for ___________ encourages Adam to engage politely with his coworkers. -Power -Intimacy -Achievement -Affiliation


According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, when is the most efficient time for Carl to mow the lawn? -Immediately after his calming afternoon nap -During a period of tranquility -After he is relaxed from finishing his daily meditation -After he has received some exciting news

After he has received some exciting news

Which of the following theorist is not neo-Freudian? -Carl Jung -Albert Bandura -Erik Erikson -Karen Horney

Albert Bandura

Who developed social-cognitive theory? -Carl Rogers -Erik Erickson -Abraham Maslow -Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura

Kim believed he failed his math class because the test was too hard, passed his psychology class because the professor passed every student in the class, and didn't get the internship because the manager didn't like him. Julian Rotter would say that Kim has ________. -An external locus of control -A dependent personality -Low self-efficacy -An internal locus control

An external locus control

What is the just-world hypothesis? -A belief common in the United States that we will be rewarded in the afterlife -A belief common in the United States that rejects the idea that people get the outcomes they deserve -An ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve -An ideology common in the United States that the rich are bad people who will be punished

An ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve

Which of the following is a way that anorexia nervosa is different from bulimia nervosa? -More men than women suffer from anorexia -Anorexia us associated with binge eating, and bulimia is associated with starvation -Anorexia is associated with starvation, and bulimia is associated with binge eating -More men than women suffer from bulima

Anorexia is associated with starvation, and bulimia is associated with binge eating

___________is an eating disorder characterized by an individual maintaining body weight that is well below average through starvation and/or excessive exercise. -Bulimia nervosa -Satiation nervosa -Anorexia nervosa -Leptin nervosa

Anorexia nervosa

Henry is juror number four in a murder trial. He believes the accused is guilty, but when the jurors vote it becomes clear he is the only one that thinks this way. Henry votes not guilty along with the other jurors despite what he sees as evidence clearly indicating guilt. This is an example of the ________ effect. -Asch -Milgram -Majority -Zimbardo


___________ is a long-standing connection or bond with the others. -Security -Regard -Nourishment -Attachment


Which parenting style is most encouraged in modern America? -Authoritarian -Disorganized -Authoritative -Permissive


Karen Horney suggested ways in which people typically cope with day-to-day problems. According to Horney, these strategies could ________ if used rigidly and compulsively. -Result in obsessive-compulsive behavior -Result in complete mental breakdown -Lose their effectiveness -Becomes neurotic strategies

Becomes neurotic strategies

Which of the following is not something the theories of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow have in common? -Both theories focus on individual choices -Both theories reject biological determinism -Both theories focus on the personality formed in infancy -Both theories are humanistic

Both theories focus on the personality formed in infancy

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In order for a memory to go into storage, it has to pass through three distinct stages: transitional memory, short-term memory, and long term memory. -Change the word "short-term" to the word "episodic" -Change the word "transitional" to the word "sensory" -Change the word "storage" to the word "engram" -Change the word "memory" to the word "neurotransmitter"

Change the word "transitional" to the word "sensory"

Elena finds it very difficult to remember a long string of numbers, so she tries to memorize three numbers at a time. Later, she is able to repeat the numbers correctly because she grouped the numbers into more manageable groups of three. This is an example of ________. -Elaborative rehearsal -Persistence -Chunking -Mnemonic device


_________ developing involves learning. attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning, and creativity. -Emotional -Artistic -Cognitive -Psychosocial


Don knows that drinking too much liquor is a costly habit that is bad for his health, but he continues to drink large amounts of liquor. He also thinks he is a smart person that makes good choices. Don feels some psychological discomfort from this contradiction, which is also called ________. -Peripheral dissension -Perceptive deception -Cognitive dissonance -Aggressive discord

Cognitive dissonance

The formulation of new memories is sometimes called _________, and the process of bringing up old memories is called ___________. -Coding; recoding -Information; misinformation -Construction; reconstruction -Equipotentiality; amnesia

Construction; reconstruction

Ashley and Mikhail share their intimate thoughts and emotions, are physically attracted to each other, and agree to support each other. Their love is called ________. -Fatuous -Consummate -Infatuation -Romantic


The __________ Concerning Blacks Test is a projective test deigned to be culturally relevant to African-Americans, using images that relate to African-American culture. -Contemporary Stereotypes -Thematic Subjects -Contemporized- Themes -Cultural Themes


What is the primary psychosocial milestone of childhood? -Developing a positive sense of self -Confirming one's sexual orientation -Controlling the id -Developing a secure attachment to a caregiver

Developing a positive sense of self

___________ holds that our behavior is determined by internal factors. -Moralism -Collectivism -Situationism -Dispositionism


Jory, a six year old, is picking out a card for his mother's birthday. He picks the card with a picture of Lightning McQueen, reasoning that since he loves Cars his mother does to. What does this exemplify? -Conservation -Pretend play -Reversibility -Egocentrism


The field of social psychology studies topic at the intrapersonal level. These topics include ____________. -Ethnographies, case studies, archives, and statistics -Emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition -Society and social interaction, families, ecology, and religions -Prejudice and discrimination, helping behavior, aggression, and group process

Emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition

Lisa puts five quarters into the parking meter every time she goes downtown. However, when asked, Lisa cannot say if the head on a quarter is facing left or right. This may be an example of ________, because Lisa never paid attention to the picture in the first place. -Effort processing -Encoding failure -Enigmatic processing -Effortless processing

Encoding Failure

Who developed the psychosocial theory of development? -Erik Erikson -Abraham Maslow -Jean Piaget -Lawrence Kohlberg

Erik Erikson

How is an explicit memory different from an implicit memory? -Explicit memories are memories we unconsciously remember, while implicit memories are those that we consciously remember. -Explicit memories are memories we consciously try to remember and recall, while implicit memories are those that are not part of our consciousness -Implicit memories are memories we consciously try to remember and recall, while explicit memories are those that are not part of our consciousness -Explicit memories are memories we have directly experienced, while implicit memories are memories that someone else directly experienced.

Explicit memories are memories we consciously try to remember and recall, while implicit memories are those that are not part of our consciousness

_________ motivation arises from external factors or rewards. -Habit -Extrinsic -Instinct -Intrinsic


Eli seeks attention, acts first while thinking later, and prefers verbal communication. Carl Jung would describe him as a(an) ________. -Introvert -Extrovert -Neurotic -Archetype


Which of the following statement about eyewitness testimony is correct? -Eyewitness testimony is always reliable -Eyewitness testimony is reliable for events that do not involve crime. -Eyewitness testimony is vulnerable to the power of suggestion -Eyewitness testimony is never reliable

Eyewitness testimony is vulnerable to the power of suggestion

The facial ___________hypothesis states that facial expressions are capable of influencing our emotions. -Mediation -Response -Reaction -Feedback


The traits openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism are key components of the ___________. -Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) -TEMAS Multicultural Thematic Apperception Test -Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) -Five Factor Model

Five Factor Model

For many in the baby-boom generation, the Kennedy assassination represents a ________, an exceptionally clear recollection of an important event. -Flashpoint -Hyperthymesia -Flashbulb memory -Sensory memory

Flashbulb memory

Kara gets an F on her social psychology exam. Then she goes home and gets into an argument with her roommate, Lee. Lee assumes Kara is yelling at him because she likes to bully him, not because she had a bad day. Lee is making a ________. -Fundamental attitude shift -Central attitude shift -Fundamental attitude shift -Fundamental attribution error

Fundamental attribution error

What is the development task of Erik Erikson's seventh stage of psychosocial development, in which individuals contribute to society and focus on being a part of a family? -Trust vs. mistrust -Initiative vs. guilt -Generactivity vs. stagnation -Intimacy vs. isolation

Generactivity vs. stagnation

What does nature refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate? -Language acquisition -Environment and culture -Cognitive and capacity -Genes and biology

Genes and biology

Elroy decided not to cheat on the exam because he would fail the class if he was caught. What stage of moral development does this exemplify? -Pre-conventional -Post-conventional -Formal operational -Conventional


What is modification of the opinions of members of a group to align with what they believe is the group consensus? -Group patterns -Inter-group bias -Pattern bias -Groupthink


Tammy has a positive view of challenges: She views them as tasks to be mastered. She develops a deep interest in and a strong commitment to becoming a good teacher. When she doesn't pass her first teaching praxis, she quickly recovers and works to overcome the setback. Albert Bandura would say Tammy has ________. -Low self-efficacy -High self-efficacy -Moderate reciprocal determinism -Healthy cognitive process

High self-efficacy

A public opinion poll administered to 50 people before the election of President Barack Obama. Polls taken before election night showed 50% of the people polled believed Barack Obama would be elected president, and this time 75% if the people said yes. This may be an example of _________ bias. -Stereotypical -Egocentric -Hindsight -Transient


Drive theory states that deviations from ________ create physiological needs that result in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need. -Emotions -Homeostasis -Biology -Motivations


Sweating and shivering are responses created due to internal temperature fluctuations, and they are designed to bring the body back into ______________. -Homeostasis -Alignment -Locus -Neutral


__________ refers to prejudice and discrimination against individuals based solely on their same-sex orientation. -Sexism -Homophobia -Homophilia -Misogyny


When people say you never forget how to ride a bike, they are referring to ________ memory, also called non-declarative memory. -Implicit -Sensory -Semantic -Explicit


Which of the following statement about parenting styles is true? -Authoritative parenting is never as beneficial as authoritarian parenting -In some ethnic groups, authoritarian parenting is as beneficial as authoritative parenting -Authoritarian parenting is never as beneficial as authoritative parenting. -American children benefit the most from authoritarian parenting

In some ethnic groups, authoritarian parenting is as beneficial as authoritative parenting

Jasmin belongs to the chess club on her campus. She prefers to associate with other members of the chess club while avoiding people that do not belong to this group. Jasmin has a(n) ________ bias. -Out-group -In-group -Confirmation -Scapegoating


What is the main point of the textbook discussion of MIlgram's obedience study? -Milgram was unethical -Individual will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person -The Milgram study could never be repeated again because too many people know about it -Groups will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person

Individual will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person

What is episodic memory? -Type of implicit memory that stores information about how to do things -Information about events we have personally experienced -Knowledge about words, concepts, and language-based knowledge and facts -Storage of facts and events personally experienced

Information about events we have personally experienced

Dr. Grimes conducts a ________ by requesting that his patient respond to ambiguous stimuli, thus revealing hidden feelings, impulses, and desires. -Projective test -Psychoanalysis -Trait analysis -Self-report inventory

Projective Test

________ development involves emotion, personality, and social relationships. -Psychological -Physical -Psychosocial -Mental


Who proposed the locus of control concept? -Carl Jung -Julian Rotter -Albert Bandura -Walter Mischel

Julian Rotter

The concept conservation refers to _________. -Knowing that symbols represent words, images, and ideas -Understanding that objects can be changed and then returned to their original form -Knowing that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added -Thinking logically about real (concrete) events

Knowing that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added

Who believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages? -Lawrence Kohlberg -Erik Erikson -Jean Piaget -Sigmund Freud

Lawrence Kohlberg

In the following sentence , identify the extrinsic motivation. Kit, who lives with her father, maintains a 3.5 grade average in order to keep her phone, visits her mother every weekend because she wants to, and joins the high school basketball team because she enjoys the sport. -Maintaining a 3.5 grade average -Visiting her mother -Joining the wrestling team -Living with her father

Maintaining a 3.5 grade average

What is the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods of time? -Memory -Effort processing -Sensory encoding -Automatic processing


A person's _________ rate is the amount of energy she expends in a given period of time. -Calorie -Leptin -Metabolic -Satiation


Who was the social psychology professor at Yale who designed an obedience study in order to test the defense of "I was just following orders" typically used by accused Nazis? -Zimbardo -Philips -Asch -Milgram


_________ is wants or need that direct behavior toward some goal. -Drive -Motivation -Instinct- -Habit


When Imogene feels anxiety, she clings to her mother and father for affection and reassurance. What coping strategy is Imogene using? -Moving toward people -Repression -Reaction Formation -Moving against people

Moving toward people

When it comes to relationships, we expect to share thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a mutal exchange called _________. -Intimacy -Altruism -Balancee -Reciprocity


Madeline is seven months old. Her mother is eating a cookie and Madeline wants some. Her mother hides the cookie under a napkin, but Madeline is not fooled. She knows the cookie is still there. What does this exemplify? -Egocentrism -Object permanence -Reversibility -Stranger anxiety

Object permanence

Which statement summarize the main idea of reciprocal determinism? -Our behavior, cognitive process, and situational context all influence each other. -Emotions are cognitive processes with behavioral antecedents -Our defense mechanisms are formed in childhood -How we cope with anxiety reflects our personality

Our behavior, cognitive process, and situational context all influence each other.

Which type of persuasion involves an indirect route that relies on association of peripheral cues to associate positivity with a message? -Head-in-the-sand -Cognitive route -Foot-in-the-door -Peripheral route

Peripheral route

Food, shelter, and warmth represent ________ needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. -Social -Physiological -Emotional -Acceptance


According to the Schachter-Singer two-factor theory of emotion, emotions consist of two factors: ____________. -Stimulus and appraisal -Physiological and arousal -Time and fear -Physiological and cognitive

Physiological and cognitive

After Mike does not get the job he interviewed for, he moves back in with his parents and spends his days playing video games. Which defense mechanism does this exemplify? -Repression -Sublimation -Regression -Reaction Formation


In order to remember his lines for the play, Guy repeats his lines over and over again. This process is called __________. -Hyperthymesia -Declarative memory -Rehearsal -Relearning


The act of getting information out of memory storage and back into conscious awareness is known as _______. -Hyperthymesia -Encoding -Hyperthymesia -Retrieval


Jason studies Spanish for three years, and then switches to Pashto. When asked to remember Spanish vocabulary he can't, instead he can only remember Pashto vocabulary. This is an example of ________ interference. -Procative -Retroactive -Inactive -Active


When experiencing ________ amnesia, you experience loss of memory for events that occurred prior to the trauma. When experiencing ________ amnesia, you cannot remember new information. -Retrograde; antegrade -Flashbulb; retro-antero -anter-retro; flashbulb -Anterograde; retrograde

Retrograde; antergrade

In California, undocumented migrants are often blamed for high unemployment in the state, although statistics show that high unemployment is not related to the number of illegal migrants. In this example, illegal migrants are victims of __________: the act of blaming an out-group when the in-group experiences frustration or is blocked from obtaining a goal. -Discrimination -Confirmation bias -Scapegoating -In-group bias


Umberto is a one year old, and his mother is sensitive and responsive to his needs. He is distressed when his mother leaves him, and he is happy to see her when she returns. What kind of attachment is this? -Secure -Resistant -Disorganized -Avoidant


The concept of ________ suggests that people choose to move to places that are compatible with their personalities and needs. -Personality Location -Discrimination emigration -Elective immigration -Selective migration

Selective migration

According to Abraham Maslow, the highest need is ___________. -Self-efficacy -Love -Good parenting -Self-actualization


If you believe you will win the hot dog eating competition, then you have a sense of __________, and you are more likely to enter the hot dog eating competition. -Self-efficacy -Instinct -Extrinsic motivation -Fulfillment


Ben is asked to memorize the words canine, feline, and avian. He remembers the words by associating them with their synonyms: dog, cat, and bird. This is an example of ________ encoding. -Semantic -Sensory -Visual -Acoustic


What are the two components of declarative memory? -Short-term and long-term -Semantic and episodic -implicit and explicit -Procedural and implicit

Semantic and episodic

During Jean Piaget's ________ stage, the world is experienced through senses and actions. -Concrete operational -Formal operational -Sensorimotor -Preoperational


Dale thinks that women shouldn't work outside the home and vows never to hire a woman at his bank. Dale's attitudes and planned course of action are ________. -Typical -Sexist -Xenophobic -Racist


The _________ response cycle includes four phases including excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution. -Hormone -Leptin -Sexual -Luteal


Who called the stages of development psychosexual stages? -Erik Erikson -Jean Piaget -Sigmund Freud -Lawrence Kohlberg

Sigmund Freud

Who developed the first comprehensive theory of personality? -Immanuel Kant -Hippocrates -Wilhelm Wundt -Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud

Which of the following describes the Yerkes-Dodson law? -Humans experience a spectrum of needs ranging from basic biological needs to social needs to self-actualization. -Simple tasks are performed best when arousal levels are relatively high, yet complex tasks are performed best when arousal levels are low -A individual's belief in his own capabilities or capacities to complete a task influences his ability to complete the task - Deviations from homeostasis creates physiological needs that result in psychological drive states that direct behavior to meet the need and ultimately bring the system back to homeostasis

Simple tasks are performed best when arousal levels are relatively high, yet complex tasks are performed best when arousal levels are low

Travis is part of a group playing tug-of-war. He knows that his team is stronger, so he doesn't try as hard as he could. Travis is engaged in ________. -Altruism -Social loafing -Diffusion of responsibility -Aggression

Social loafing

Fatima generalizes that all men are irresponsible players, cheaters, and liars. When it comes to men, Fatima may be applying ________: negative beliefs about individuals based solely on their membership in a group. -Stereotypes -Cognitive dissonance -Social Exchange -Diffusion of responsibility


Francis takes his six-month-old daughter to daycare. A substitute provider is there, and his daughter begins crying. She clings to her father and hides her face. What does this exemplify? -Pretend play -Egocentrism -Conservation -Stranger Anxiety

Stranger Anxiety

Which of the following statements about the amygdala is correct? -The amygdala is involved in normal recognition memory as well as spatial memory. -The amygdala is a processing are for explicit memories. - Communication among neurons via the amygdala is critical for developing new memories. -The amygdala is involved in the process of transferring new learning into long-term memory

The amygdala is involved in the process of transferring new learning into long-term memory

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Hostile aggression is motivated by achieving a goal and does not necessarily involves intent to cause pain. -The word "hostile" should be changed to the word "instrumental" -The word "goal" should be changed to the word "norm" -The word "hostile" should be changed to the word "influential" - The word "aggression" should be changed to the word "attitude"

The word "hostile" should be changed to the word "instrumental"

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? Research suggests that there are two dimensions of our temperament that are important parts of our adult personality: interactivity and self-regulation. -The word "temperament" should be changed to the word "character" -The word "interactivity" should be changed to the word "reactivity" -The word "personality" should be changed to the word "self" -The word "self-regulation" should be changed to the word "reactivity"

The word "interactivity" should be changed to the word "reactivity"

Which statement about Sternberg's triangular theory of love is most accurate? -There are five types of love that can be described from the three components of love -There are three components of love: romance, fatuous, and infatuation -There are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment -There are three types of love that can be described from the three components of love

There are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment

__________ theorists attempt to explain our personality by identifying our stable characteristics and ways of behaving. -Jungian -Trait -Character -Rorschach


Between birth and one year, infants are dependent on their caregivers; therefore, caregivers who are responsive and sensitive to their infant's needs help their baby to develop a sense of the world as a safe, predictable place. What is the primary developmental task of this stage? -Autonomy vs. shame/doubt -Trust vs. mistrust -Identity vs. confusion -Industry vs. inferiority

Trust vs. mistrust

How can we use conversion therapy to change someone's sexual orientation? -We can follow the guidelines provided by Dr. Spitzer -We can apply the principles of the Yerkes-Dodson law to change the motivation for sexual orientation -We cannot change someone's sexual orientation because it is a relatively stable characteristic of a person that cannot be changed -We can use the James-Lange theory to change cognition and emotions associated with the sexual orientation we wish to change

We cannot change someone's sexual orientation because it is a relatively stable characteristic of a person that cannot be changed

Remembering ________ is a good example of semantic memory. -How a fruit tastes even though you have never tasted it yourself -Your most recent visit to the dentist -How to play the piano -What the word chocolate means

What the word chocolate means.

Which of the following is not one of the reasons for the new lifespan development category called emerging adulthood? -Taking longer to complete a college degree -Younger average age for marriage -Changes in the workforce -Changing cultural expectations

Younger average age for marriage

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