Psych Quiz 1.1 & 1.2
The _____ perspective rejected psychology's early emphasis on the internal workings of the mind, focusing instead on objective measures.
A theory and a hypothesis are the same thing. A. True B. False
Systematic observation refers to the careless observation of phenomena on interest. A. True B. False
According to Wilhelm Wundt, the focus of psychology was on the scientific study of:
Introspection & reaction time
Which is an example of Incidental Learning? A. Deliberately taking Dance lessons B. Learning Math from a tutor C. Learning about taxes from Monopoly
Learning About Taxes from Monopoly
Research on stereotypes
Leta Hollingworth
Was the first Psychology Lab established in the U.S.? A. YES B. NO
Which cliche' most fully encompasses the beliefs of early Gestalt psychologists?
The whole is more than the sum of its parts
The study on master chess players showed that master chess players are better than average players in recalling the location of pieces on a chess board because:
They can chunk the pieces better into familiar groups
Experimental Research
This is the manipulation of one variable to examine the effect on the second variable.
Though many believe that Wilhelm Wundt was the one who chose the term structuralism to refer to his approach to psychology, it was actually his student _____. This noted psychologist brought Wundt's teachings to America and emphasized the study of the general adult mind.
Confounding Variables
Uncontrolled variables known or suspected to exert an influence one dependent variable
What the mind is
The individual plays an important role in memory acquisition. Which of the following is LEAST likely to have an effect on memory? a. the situation in which you learn the material b. the amount of money that you are reimbursed for learning the materials. c. prior knowledge d. the learning strategy that was used
B. The amount of money you are reimbursed
Scenario: I am a participant and after the research, the researchers sent out a list of all the participants names. This violates what? a. Informed consent b. Confidentiality c. Deception
What does DRM stand for
Day Reconstruction Method
Why is Wilhelm Wundt often credited as being responsible for the initial development of modern psychology?
Established the first ever psychology cabin the world, located in Germany
Research on sexual orientation
Evelyn Hooker
Longitudinal Designs
One group of participants are studied over a long period of time.
Weber & Fechner
According to memory research, studying is most effective if study sessions are:
Short and across several days
Dependent Variable
The measurable effect, outcome, or response in which the research is interested.
Gestalt Psychology
The sum is greater than its parts
Who is regarded as the Father of Psychology A. Hermann von Helmholtz B. Edward Titchener C. Wilhelm Wundt D. Ernst Weber
Wilhelm Wundt
Students who have problems with anxiety so that it affects their learning, can be helped if they
Write about their anxiety
G. Stanley Hall is, perhaps. one of the most prolific of the early American Psychologists. What were some of his accomplishments?
-Founded the first laboratory of psychology in America at Johns Hopkins University in 1883. -In 1887, he created the first journal of psychology in America. -He wrote extensively on child development and education
Which do you think would hinder your learning the MOST??? A. A fast approaching deadline B. A party that you're having fun at C. A Nap D. Class
A Fast Approaching Headline
Clinical Psychologists
A branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders.
A method of self-observation in which participants report their thoughts and feelings
Naturalistic Observation
A research method in which subjects are observed in their natural environment.
What does Quasi mean? A. Fake B. Almost like C. The opposite of D. Fact
Almost Like
American Association for Applied Psychologists
Internal Validity
An attribute of an experiment that allows it to establish causal relationships
What is a hypothesis? A. a set of ideas related to science B. An idea that can be tested C. A fact D. An opinion
An idea that can be tested
Hugh is studying for his geography exam. He is in a hurry, so he focuses on the main points of the text by highlighting. He skips all the examples that the authors provide to illustrate each main point. Hugh is using which type of strategy?
An ineffective study strategy and will probably not retain many of the main ideas that he reads.
Empirical Methods
Approaches to inquiry that are tied to actual measurement and observation
The term that refers to the mental processes involved in acquring knowledge is:
Psychologists who adopt the _____ perspective might compare how humans process information to the way computers operate: information is inputted, saved, and later retrieved.
Scenario: After I participated in research, the researchers took the time to explain to me what the study was all about and how my participation helped them. Example of: a. Informed consent b. Deception c. Debriefing
External Validity
Degree to which results of an experiment can be applied to real-life situations. AKA Generalizability
Empiricism means that knowledge should be acquired through:
Direct observation and experience
Keeping an exercise journal of someone daily exercise is an example of what type of validity?
The belief that knowledge is best acquired as a direct result of experience is called:
Once you start a study, you must finish it? a. True b. False
Father of psychology established first ever psych lab, located in Germany studied reaction time
Who Established the first Psych lab in the U.S.? A. James McKeen Cattell B. William James C. G. Stanley Hall
G. Stanley Hall
Empiricism delivers...
John Locke & Thomas Reid
Research on Segregation
Kenneth & Mammie Phipps Clark
Who was the psychologists that documented the harmful effects of prejudice and directly influenced the Supreme Court's landmark 1954 ruling against racial segregation in schools, Brown v. Board of Education
Kenneth & Mammie Phipps Clark
Coefficient of this line
Which is a better motivator? A. Money B. anxiety C. Meaningfulness
Physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders
Correlational Research
Research that seeks to identify whether an association or relationship between two factors exists
An effective way to make sure that you will remember something a long time from now (such as in an upcoming exam) is to:
Review the material at regular intervals
As soon as class is over, Karen goes to the Mountainlair, gets a cup of coffee and reviews the material from class, asking herself what she remembers, and then checking to see if she is correct from her e-text. Karen is utilizing _____ to enhance her learning.
Speed of neural impulses senses could be studied scientifically
Looking through peoples trash tells us more about them than asking them to tell us what they consume A. True B. False
The awareness and understanding of one's own thought process Our thoughts and knowledge about how our learning and memory work
What contributed most to the development of applied psychology and psychology as a profession?
The demand for mental health needs of military personel and veterans returning home after WW II
Independent Variable
The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied.
Ecological Validity
The extent to which a study is realistic or representative of real life.
The study of the relationships between sensory experiences and the physical stimuli that cause them
Imagine that you are training to be a boxer. In order to do this you should actually box with other boxers to train for what a boxing match is really like. This is an example of what? A. Transfer-appropriate processing B. Uncluttering C. Metacognition D. Encoding
Transfer-Appropriate Processing
Memory performance is enhanced if the type of task at encoding matches the type of task at retrieval. This is called:
Transfer-Appropriate Processing
Systematic Observation
Watching people and carefully recording what they do or say
What the mind does
John B. Watson, an advocate of the behavioral perspective, believed that a person's achievements depend most on:
cognitive psychology
G. Stanley Hall
founded 1st psych lab in America & wrote 1st American journal of psychology
National Mental Health Act
funded training for clinical psychologists
Which of the following research question would psychology James McKeen Cattell be most likely to have studied?
nature vs. nurture
Science vs personal experience
personal experience= trial & error Scientific Method=systematic
Describe the difference between structuralism and functionalism
structuralism's what the mind is and functionalism is what the mind does
the belief that accurate knowledge can be acquired through observation
the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures.
Transfer-appropriate processing is likely to occur if:
the type of encoding matches the type of retrieval task
William James
wrote principles psychology study of consciousness should be studied as a continuous whole