psych review 3

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major depressive disorder

Eeyore, a character in the Winnie the Pooh series by E. E. Milne, speaks slowly, has a pessimistic view, and often does not wish to participate in social activities. These behaviors suggest that the character suffers from _____ disorder.

disruptive mood dysregulation

Eight-year-old Jamaiah is generally cranky and touchy. She is prone to tantrums. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), Jamaiah might be diagnosed with _____ disorder.

positive symptoms (of schizophrenia)

Frank was seen laughing inappropriately in the library as if he was responding to internal stimuli. On the bus home, he was crying uncontrollably and suddenly became angered when a fellow passenger offered him a tissue. His excess of inappropriate behavior is known as:

one-tenth of a second

George is a participant in an experiment in which he will be asked to assess a person's trustworthiness based on a brief exposure to a photo of the person. Based on prior research results, what is the briefest exposure possible that will enable George to make an accurate assessment?


Group members sometimes fail to consider a range of viewpoints and alternatives in an effort to maintain cohesiveness and a united front. This is called

adapt to our current levels and then need more

Happiness does NOT increase with increased wealth because we:

chameleon effect

If one student in a classroom begins to cough, others are likely to do the same. This BEST illustrates:

Stanley Schachter two-factor theory

If people who have just been aroused by watching rock videos are then insulted, their feelings of anger will be greater than those of people who have been similarly provoked but were not previously aroused. This is best explained by the

group polarization

In a phenomenon called _____, groups make decisions that are more extreme than would the individual members of the group.


In an attempt to lose some of the weight gained by binge eating, Claire uses laxatives and exercises until she is exhausted. Claire MOST clearly demonstrates symptoms of _____ nervosa.

normative social influence

In making wedding preparations, JaMarcus conforms to the expectations of his future bride's family in order to win their favor. His behavior illustrates the importance of _____ social influence.

positive psychology

In recent years, the study of happiness has taken on increased importance with the rise of ______ psychology

daily hassle

In the 1990s, Alanis Morissette sang that "a traffic jam when you're already late" is ironic. While it actually may not be ironic, this situation is indeed a(n)


In the Stanford Prison Study, subjects were randomly assigned to be prisoners and guards in the experiment. The guards wore khaki prison uniforms, carried nightsticks, and wore sunglasses while the prisoners wore prison garb with their prison numbers on the back. These costumes signified the _____ each of the subjects was to play in the experiment.


Irwin lived through Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Throughout the duration of the life-changing event, Irwin experienced intense distress. Such a response to catastrophes is:


Jan, who is on a strict diet, often finds herself cheating when she is tired or stressed. This is because her _____ varies over time.

emotion-focused coping

Joseph has been experiencing financial problems associated with his recent divorce. He was able to save $300 from his tips, but since he could not pay off his bills, he decided to purchase a flat screen television to help him take his mind off of his stress. This is an example of ______ coping.

antisocial personality disorder

Kyle is extremely manipulative and can look anyone in the eye and lie convincingly. His deceit often endangers the safety and well-being of those around him, but he is indifferent to any suffering they might experience as a result of his actions. His behavior best illustrates

normative social influence.

Makayla has heard that the teachers are considering switching her to the gifted class. Makayla decides to dumb down to act more like her friends. She begins answering questions incorrectly in class, on purpose, in order to be more like her friends. Her behavior is an example of:


Marci suggests that the aggressiveness of her sister's new friend is the result of the friend's abuse during childhood. Marci's inference about the cause of the girl's behavior is an example of:

3, in a state of exhaustion.

Maya owes the credit card company $20,000, her adjustable-rate mortgage has just gone up, and she has been out of work for 3 months. Her husband of 15 years came home today to tell her he is having an affair and wants a divorce. With that news, she collapsed and had to be taken to the emergency room. In Selye's general adaptation syndrome, Maya is in Phase:

adaptation-level phenomenon

Mick never seems to be satisfied with his achievements, although, he is not depressed. He does celebrate those achievements, but his achievements become normal after some time, and he moves on to the next big thing. This is BEST explained in terms of:

anorexia nervosa

Raquel was initially excited to make the cheerleading squad. However, her parents noticed that she stopped eating dinner with them, wanted to help make most meals, and had a list of good and bad foods. She began portioning the amount of food she ate and weighing food. Most concerning was the significant weight drop from a healthy 115 pounds to 90 pounds. This case demonstrates symptoms of:

foot-in-the-door phenomenon

Researchers asked homeowners for permission to install a large, poorly lettered sign in their front yards. Only 17 percent of the homeowners consented to the installations. Researchers then approached different homeowners and asked if they could post a small sign. Nearly all agreed. Then, when asked two weeks later if they could post the large, ugly sign, 76 percent consented. The results of this experiment are MOST likely due to the _____ phenomenon.

the fundamental attribution error

Rhys submits a major report to his boss ahead of the deadline. His boss assumes that Rhys is conscientious, rather than that he simply had more time than usual to devote to the assignment. This example illustrates:

Sandy is a Type A personality

Sandy is a human resources director for a chain of fast-food restaurants. When interviewing perspective employees, Sandy is known to finish their sentences and to be very short with them if they do not finish a sentence quickly. According to Friedman, Rosenman, and colleagues, which of these would be accurate of Sandy?

emotion-focused coping

Sarah recently had a routine medical test conducted. Her doctor contacted her and told her that there were some irregularities and further tests were needed. While Sarah was concerned about the results, she dealt with her stress by talking to friends, spending time with her family, and staying busy. This is an example of _____ coping.

self-blame over personal failure

Seligman attributes the rise in depression in young people to


Serafina is preparing a lecture on the benefits of exercise and she will highlight that exercise orders up mood-boosting chemicals such as _____.


A(n) _____ is a learned tendency to evaluate some object, person, or issue in a particular way that may be positive, negative, or ambivalent.


Aerobic exercise increases the body's production of the neurotransmitter______

left frontal lobe

After John's stroke, his family noticed he was depressed and had difficulty showing positive emotions. This was contrary to the easygoing, positive characteristics he formerly displayed. According to Eddie Harmon-Jones, the stroke was probably located in the:

She felt fear.

Alone in her house, Shanita hears a noise in the middle of the night. She tells a friend that her heart started to pound, she began to breathe heavily, and finally she jumped out of bed trembling. If an emotional response is made up of physiological arousal, expressive behavior, and conscious experience, which of the following is missing from Shanita's description of the event?

Females are more likely to cry and report distress when observing someone else in distress.

An empathetic person will identify with others and can imagine what it might be like to walk in another person's shoes. There are some apparent gender differences related to empathy. Which observation supports this finding?

the words she used to tease her friend

Angela sent an e-mail to her best friend in which she teased her about getting her first B in a college course. Angela believed her teasing was good-natured and funny. Her friend responded that she was hurt and accused Angela of being insensitive and uncaring. Which aspect of Angela's e-mail is LEAST likely to have contributed to this misunderstanding?

twice as

As compared to people living in other nations, people living in the United States are _____ likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.


Attempting to alleviate stress by attending to one's feelings related to a situation is known as _____-focused coping.


Dahlia is trying to make partner at one of the city's most prestigious law firms. It is generally understood that associates remain hard at work in the office until at least 7 or 8 each evening. This is an element of the firm's:

gaze into each other's eyes

Dallas thinks two of his friends are highly compatible, so he is trying to get them together. To help get them interested in each other, Dallas might have them _____ for a couple of minutes.

macrophages; NK cells

Destroying worn-out cells is to ______ as attacking diseased cells is to _____

Why is it difficult to identify differences in emotions based only on physiological measurements?

Different emotions can have very similar physiological signatures.

seem too wide

During a job interview, the prospective employee laughs at Ms. Dolly's jokes and seems to feign his smiles. She knows this from all of these clues EXCEPT that the smile


cells that identify, pursue, and attack harmful invaders in the body


Social facilitation is most likely to occur in the performance of ________ tasks.

depressive disorder

Taresa feels that her life is empty. She has lost interest in career and hobbies, and she wonders if she would be better off dead. She is MOST likely suffering from a(n):


The brains of people who suffer from depression tend to have low levels of:


The neurotransmitter _____ is in abundance during a manic state and scarce in a depressive state.

Paul Ekman

The psychologist ______ is known for early demonstrations of the universality of emotional expressions among Americans and New Guineans.

viral infections

The relationship between the season in which people are born and their subsequent risk of schizophrenia BEST highlights the role of _____ in this disorder.

self-injury is an attempt at coping

The significant difference between suicidal behavior and self-injury is

psychoanalytic perspective.

The suggestion that dissociative identity disorder symptoms are created as defenses against the anxiety caused by one's own unacceptable impulses BEST illustrates the:


Those with paranoid schizophrenia are particularly prone to delusions of

Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer

To experience an emotion, a person must be physically aroused and cognitively label that arousal. This theory of emotion was suggested by


Victor's mother is frustrated because she cannot get Victor involved in any activities. Although he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, she still expects him to do things around the house. But most days, he sits in a chair with no expression on his face. This type of absence of appropriate behavior reflects the _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


When one follows orders or behaves similarly to one's friends, one is demonstrating the power of social:


When we adjust our own behavior or thinking so that it coincides with a group standard, we are exhibiting:

the fundamental attribution error

While eating at a café, Janet sees a server's serving tray tilt, and the food and beverages spill onto four people. "What a careless, clumsy idiot," Janet mumbles to herself as she resumes eating. Janet has just committed:


Yolanda has been having bouts of tension headaches. Her physician has not found any medicine that prevents future attacks. Which option is MOST likely to be effective in treating tension headaches?

behavioral medicine

an interdisciplinary field that integrates behavioral and medical knowledge and applies that knowledge to health and disease

B lymphocytes

fight bacterial infections

cognitive dissonance theory

in order to reduce dissonance, individuals, try to align their attitudes and behavior.

depressed mood

inactive and feel unmotivated

adaptation-level phenomenon

our tendency to form judgments (of sounds, of lights, of income) relative to a neutral level defined by our prior experience

Martina knows little about politics and is not especially interested in the outcome of political races. Martina would MOST likely be persuaded by a campaign message relying on the _____ route to persuasion.


Type A personality

personality type that describes people who are competitive, driven, hostile, and ambitious


psychologists investigate how people think about, influence, and relate to one another.

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, which sequence is the correct order of events when a car drives directly toward someone and that person experiences emotion?

see an oncoming car; heart pounds and, at the same time, fear is experienced

According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, which sequence is the correct order of events when a car drives directly toward someone and that person experiences emotion?

see an oncoming car; heart pounds; experience fear

anorexia nervosa.

Continued dieting after significant weight loss is common in individuals with:

social faciliation

Norman Triplett observed that adolescents wound a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same task. This best illustrates:

liver's ability to remove cholesterol and fat from the blood

One reason why Type A personalities may be more prone to heart disease is that they are more often "combat ready," which leads to increased activity by the sympathetic nervous system and interferes with the:


One study of the predictors of a longer life followed more than 5200 adults for 28 years. Because the participants were tracked for a long period of time, this study exemplifies a(n) _____ research design.

Which choice accurately lists the components of emotions as they are described in the textbook?

bodily arousal, expressive behaviors, feelings, and conscious experience

Jennifer's feelings of frustration are a stress reaction.

jennifer was driving her car to school when it broke down. Which statement is true?

major depressive disorder

loss of interest in activities

fundamental attribution error

the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition


those who have an _____ locus of control believe that chance or outside forces control their fate.

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