Psych Test 4

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Type A personality tends to be relaxed and laid back. A) True B) False

B) False Type A personality tends to be extremely competitive, intensely driven, impatient, rushed, and hostile. Anger/hostility dimension of the Type A behavior pattern is one of most important factors in development of heart disease. Type B tends to be relaxed and laid back

________ is having an experience that is so engaging and engrossing that it becomes worth doing for its own sake. During this state a person might say that they feel that they "lose themselves" in the activity. A) Zen B) Flow C) Completion D) Chi

B) Flow Flow is a particular experience that is so engaging and engrossing that it becomes worth doing for its own sake. It is a feeling of losing oneself in an activity.

Which of the following is an example of a primary appraisal of a stressor A) Ava decides to quit her job because her employer is so unpleasant. B) Humphrey judges the man with the gun to be a moderate threat. C) Mekhi weighs his options on dealing with the bully who is harassing him. D) Sophia decides to get a divorce because her husband is cheating on her.

B) Humphrey judges the man with the gun to be a moderate threat A primary appraisal is a judgement about the degree of a potential harm/threat to well-being that a stressor might entail. A threat could cause harm/loss/negative consequences A challenge could carry the potential for gain/personal growth A secondary appraisal is the judgement of the options available to cope with a stressor, and perceptions of how effective such options will be. A threat is less stressful if we believe something can be done about it.

What branch of psychology seeks to identify and promote those qualities that lead to greater fulfillment in our lives? A) Cognitive psychology B) Positive psychology C) Social psychology D) Health psychology

B) Positive psychology Positive psychology seeks to identify well being and promote those qualities that lead to greater fulfillment in our lives.

Noticing that you have difficulty concentrating during and after periods of prolonged stress exemplifies how stress can have a negative ________ impact. A) emotional B) physical C) cognitive D) social

C) Cognitive Cognitive stress is having difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Physiological stress is having an accelerated heart rate, headaches, or gastro problems Behavioral stress is drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking actions to eliminate the cause of stress

A flat tire in the morning, realizing that you forgot to get your homework done, and getting into an argument with a buddy are all examples of ________. A) eustressors B) life changes C) hassles D) traumatic events

C) Hassles Hassles are minor irritations and annoyances that are part of our everyday lives. Can lead to distressed mood states. Frequency of hassles is a better predictor of physical and psychological health than life change units.

Mahayla is receiving feedback on her performance in a way that her supervisors, direct reports, peers, and even she herself provides feedback on her performance. This is referred to as _________ feedback. A) 360-degree B) surround C) reciprocal D) circular

A) 360-degree In 360-degree feedback appraisal, supervisors, customers, direct reports, peers, and the employee himself rate an employer's performance

Events such as traffic, breaking a leg, or deadlines are examples of _______ stressors. A) Acute B) finite C) chronic D) infinite

A) Acute Acute stressor is a brief event that sometimes continues to be experiences as overwhelming well after the event has ended (EX: breaking a leg, traffic, impending deadlines) Chronic stressors are events that persist over an extended period of time (EX: long term unemployment; poverty; chronic disease)

A psychological disorder is a ________. A) Condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors B) Set of situational, idiosyncratic, or unconventional inner feelings C) Condition characterized by normal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors D) Medical condition that has identifiable neurological causes

A) Condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors A psychological disorder is a condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Behaviors, thoughts, and inner experiences that are atypical, dysfunctional, or dangerous are signs of psychological disorders.

For the past 3 years, Jake has been experiencing a depressed mood most of the time, as well has having 2 major symptoms of depression. Jake is likely suffering from _________. A) Persistent Depressive Disorder B) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder C) Bipolar Disorder D) Major Depressive Disorder

A) Persistent Depressive Disorder Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) is depressed moods most of the day nearly every day for at least two years, as well as at least two of the other symptoms of major depression. Chronically sad but do not meet all of the criteria for major depression. Major Depressive Disorder is when someone is in a depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day. Their symptoms are causing significant distress or impair normal functioning and are not caused by substances or a medical condition. At least 5 symptoms for at least a two-week period. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is when an individual was exposed to, witnessed, or experienced the details of a traumatic experience ("actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence") Bipolar Disorder involves mood states that fluctuate between depression and mania.

Which of the following is an example of hopelessness theory? A) Rochelle has an expectation that terrible things will happen and there is nothing she can do about it—this leads her to become depressed. B) Rochelle is depressed, so she thinks terrible things will happen. C) Rochelle stops taking her medication because she does not think medication will help her depression. D) Rochelle experiences a lack of general hopelessness as a symptom of major depressive disorder.

A) Rochelle has an expectation that terrible things will happen and there is nothing she can do about it - this leads her to become depressed. Hopelessness theory is the expectation of unwanted outcomes and that there is nothing one can do to prevent it. Learned helplessness is an acquired belief that one is powerless to do anything about a situation Negative thinking is a perceived cause of negative events as stable and global Rumination is the repetitive and passive focus on the fact that one is depressed and dwelling on depressed symptoms, rather than distracting oneself of attempting to address symptoms.

__________ leadership is focused on the meeting of organizational goals typically through the use of rewards and punishments. A) Transactional B) Theory X C) Transformational D) Theory Y

A) Transactional Transactional leadership is focused on supervision and organizational goals which are achieved through rewards and punishments Transformational Leadership has four characteristics. 1) Charismatic (highly liked role model) 2) Inspirational (optimistic about goal attainment) 3) Intellectually Stimulating (encourage critical thinking and problem solving) 4) Considerate Theory X management styles assume workers are lazy, want to be told what to do, managers must have control, and goals are achieved through rules and punishments. Theory Y management assumes workers are hard workers, more satisfied when given responsibility, find creative solutions to problems, and goals are achieved through enticements and rewards.

The most frequent types of personality disorders are avoidant and Schizoid personality disorders. A) True B) False

A) True

Training and development begins as early as a company's orientation, or the period when employees learn about company policies, practices, and culture. A) True B) False

A) True Training usually begins with an orientation period during which a new employee learns about company policies, practices, and culture (orientation) Experienced employee guides the work of a new employee (ex: on the job training and shadowing) (mentoring)

If obsessions generally refer to thoughts and urges, compulsions generally refer to _________. A) behaviors B) beliefs C) cognitions D) emotions

A) behaviors Compulsions refer to repetitive and ritualistic acts, typically carried out primarily as means to minimize the distress that obsessions trigger or to reduce the likelihood of a feared event. Behaviors; Not performed out of pleasure Obsessions refer to thoughts and urges such as germs/contamination, doubts, order/symmetry, aggressive or lustful urges

Lamont cares for his aging father, who suffers from dementia. This long-term responsibility is an example of a(n) ________ stressor. A) chronic B) acute C) challenge D) non-threatening

A) chronic Chronic stress is an event that persists over an extended period of time (long term unemployment; poverty; chronic disease) Acute stress is a brief event that sometimes continues to be experienced as overwhelming well after the event has ended (broken leg, traffic, impending deadlines) Challenge is a stressor that carries the potential for gain or personal growth

The process by which one's physiological defense system becomes less efficient at fighting illness is called ________ and this process is enhanced by elevated stress levels. A) immunosuppression B) exhaustion C) biopsychosocial flux D) problem-focused stressors

A) immunosuppression Immunosuppression: decreased effectiveness of immune system Autoimmune disease: immune system mistakes body's own healthy cells for invaders and repeatedly attacks them Psychoneuroimmunology: studies how psychological factors influence the immune system and immune functioning

The crucial first step in an employee selection process is completing a(n) __________. A) job analysis B) criteria selection C) appraisal process D) needs assessment

A) job analysis Step 1: Creating Selection System Job analysis - purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job O*Net - database of previously compiled job analysis for different jobs and occupations Step 2: Candidate Analysis and Testing - Process of putting candidates through selection procedures - Can involve testing, interviews, and work samples, or exercises.

Mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety in social situations, such as avoiding eye contact or rehearsing sentences before speaking are called ________. A) safety behaviors B) cognitive restructures C) ruminations D) obsessions

A) safety behaviors Safety behaviors are mental or behavioral acts that reduce anxiety in social situations by reducing the chance of negative social outcomes (EX: avoiding eye contact, rehearsing sentences before speaking) Obsessions are persistent, unintentional, and unwanted thoughts and urges that are highly intrusive, unpleasant, and disterssing. Compulsions are repetitive and ritualistic acts, typically carried out primarily as a means to minimize the distress that obsessions trigger or to reduce the likelihood of a feared event.

Which type of interview reduces the chance for bias by providing a consistent procedure to all employee interviews? A) structured B) unstructured C) procedural D) semi-structured

A) structured Structured interview: - asks same questions for every candidate - questions are prepared in advance - standardized rating system for each response - more effective at predicting job performance - reduce chances for bias to impact decision Unstructured interview: - Different questions for different candidates - Questions are usually not specified beforehand Semi-structured: - blend of both structured and unstructured interview types

Which of the following is an example of the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome? A) Burt is determined to learn how to play chess, so he spends all his time reading chess books B) After wondering for months if he was going to lose his job, Nicolao begins to develop stomach ulcers. C) Nanette stays up all night to study for her math test. D) Ava steps down as class treasurer her senior year because she needs to focus on her grades.

B) After wondering for months if he was going to lose his job, Nicolao begins to develop stomach ulcers Hans Selye noticed prolonged exposure to stressors can cause signs of adrenal enlargement, thalamus, lymph node shrinkage, and stomach ulcers. Is the body's nonspecific response to stress Occurs in 3 stages: 1) Alarm Reaction: immediate reaction to threatening situation/emergency 2) Stage of Resistance: body has adapted to stressor but remains alert and prepared to respond 3) Stage of Exhaustion: person can no longer adapt to the stressor. Physical wear takes toll on body's tissues and organs, can cause illness or death.

Which of the following is not a protected status under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A) National Origin B) Age C) Sex D) Race

B) Age The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII protects employment discrimination based on: - Race - Color - Religion - Sex - National Origin This law applies to employers with 15 or more employees Plays a significant role in promoting diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities in the workplace

Type B personalities have been linked to the development of heart disease due to the anger/hostility component. A) True B) False

B) False Anger/hostility dimension of the Type A behavior pattern is one of the most important factors in the development of heart disease. Type A personalities tend to be extremely competitive, intensely driven, impatient, rushed, and hostile. Type B personalities tend to be relaxed and laid back.

Lucia is optimistic about goal achievement, and she encourages her team to think critically and solve problems. She is also considerate of their needs. What type of leader is Lucia? A) Theory X B) Transformational C) Scientific D) Transactional

B) Transformational Transformational Leadership has four characteristics. 1) Charismatic (highly liked role model) 2) Inspirational (optimistic about goal attainment) 3) Intellectually Stimulating (encourage critical thinking and problem solving) 4) Considerate Transactional leadership is focused on supervision and organizational goals which are achieved through rewards and punishments Theory X management styles assume workers are lazy, want to be told what to do, managers must have control, and goals are achieved through rules and punishments. Theory Y management assumes workers are hard workers, more satisfied when given responsibility, find creative solutions to problems, and goals are achieved through enticements and rewards.

Cole spends a few weeks being treated for major depressive disorder. He eventually stops exhibiting symptoms, but a few months later they reoccur. Once again the symptoms dissipate, but a few months later they reoccur. Cole's major depressive disorder is ________. A) reoccurring B) episodic C) asymptomatic D) limited

B) episodic Major depressive disorder is episodic (symptoms are usually present at their full magnitude for a certain period of time and then gradually diminish)

People with ________ disorders experience thoughts and urges that are intrusive and unwanted and/or the need to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts. A) mood B) obsessive-compulsive C) phobic D) anxiety

B) obsessive-compulsive Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves thoughts and urges that are intrusive and unwanted (obsessions) and/or the need to engage in repetitive behaviors/mental acts (compulsions) Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive and persistent fear and anxiety, and by related disturbances in behavior Phobia is excessive, distressing, and persistent fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation Mood disorders are characterized by massive disruptions in mood and emotions that can cause a distorted outlook on life, and impair one's ability to function

Carlos is a small business owner. Recently, he became the primary caretaker for his aging mother. He works long hours at his business and has noticed that this is causing conflict with his family at home as he has had to ask his significant other to pick up some of the caretaking duties he is responsible for. This exemplifies ________. A) job stress B) work-to-family conflict C) occupational burnout D) family-to-work conflict

B) work-to-family conflict Work-to-family conflict is when pressures from work domain make participation in family role more difficult. Family-to-work conflict is pressures from the family domain make participation in work roles more difficult. Job stress is caused by specific stressors in an occupation, can lead to poor health, job performance, and family life. (ex: having to fill multiple roles, workplace role ambiguity, lack of career progress, lack of job security, lack of control over work outcomes, isolation, work overload, discrimination, harassment, bullying, etc)

Rosetta is a master electrician. Often, she is the only woman at the construction site. Her male coworkers frequently make sexual comments about her appearance and tape explicit pictures of women up at the worksite. She complains to the site manager, but he tells her to toughen up. What form of sexual harassment does this represent? A) Career B) Quid pro quo C) Hostile environment D) Withholding a reward

C) Hostile environment Hostile environment sexual harassment is when the employee experiences conditions in the workplace considered hostile/intimidating (ex: environment allowing offensive language or sexually explicit images) Quid pro quo is when you give something in order to get something. Organizational rewards are offered in exchange in order for sexual favors Withholding a reward is when an employer withholds a reward if a sexual request is refused.

Which of the following is an example of a diathesis-stress model? A) Ozzie treats his depression by exposing himself to a series of stressors so he can learn coping skills B) Ozzie's doctor does not believe that mental illness has a biological basis. C) Ozzie has a genetic predisposition towards depression, but he did not experience depression until his mother and father died. D) Ozzie treats his manic episodes by using medication to induce depression.

C) Ozzie has a genetic predisposition towards depression, but he did not experience depression until his mother and father died A diathesis-stress model integrates biological and psychosocial factors to predict the likelihood of a disorder. People with an underlying predisposition for a disorder are more likely to develop the disorder when faced with adverse environmental or psychological events.

Symptoms such as hallucinations, abnormal motor behavior, and disorganized thinking are common symptoms of ___________. A) Bipolar Disorder B) Borderline Personality Disorder C) Schizophrenia D) Agoraphobia

C) Schizophrenia Someone undergoes hallucinations and delusions that do not align with reality. Bipolar Disorder involves mood states that fluctuate between depression and mania. Agoraphobia is a separate anxiety disorder. It causes intense fear, anxiety, and avoidance of situations in which it might be difficult to escape or receive help if one experiences a panic attack. (ex: public transportation, crowds, being outside the home alone)

Following losing her job during the pandemic, Sakura spends her days watching TV, drinking alcohol, and playing video games in order to distract herself from the negative emotions related to her stress. Sakura is using __________ coping. A) problem-centric B) problem-focused C) emotion-focused D) emotion-centric

C) emotion-focused Emotion focused coping is efforts that are used to change/reduce the negative emotions associated with stress. Treat the symptoms of stress, not the cause. Problem focused coping is individual attempts to manage or alter the problem that is causing them to experience stress. Proactively addresses the problem

Which of the following is not a part of the acronym KSAO? A) Other characteristics B) Skills C) Knowledge D) Accountability

D) Accountability Knowledge - factual or procedural information that can be applied Skills - capabilities required to perform tasks accurately Abilities - more stable characteristics (ex: cognitive, sensory, physical abilities) Other Characteristics

Those suffering from bipolar disorder experience moods that fluctuate between ___________________. A) anxiety and euphoria B) euphoria and depression C) mania and anxiety D) depression and mania

D) Depression and mania Involves mood states that fluctuate between depression and mania. Comorbidity is when someone has both an anxiety disorder and substance abuse disorder

What is the name of the organization responsible for enforcing federal laws regarding discrimination in employment practices? A) Employee Equity Opportunity Commission B) Equitable Employee Opportunity Committee C) Federal Employment Equity Council D) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

D) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information.

The notion that workers tend to show an increase in performance when they know that they are being observed is called the ________ effect. A) Taylor B) Flynn C) Cattell D) Hawthorne

D) Hawthorne Hawthorne Effect - Increase in performance of individuals who are noticed, watched, and paid attention to by researchers or supervisors.

Amanda was diagnosed with major depressive disorder five years ago. She knows her mother took medicine to combat depression and she worries her daughter will experience depression too. Why? A) Amanda also suffers from social anxiety disorder. B) People who grow up with a depressed parent usually become depressed themselves. C) Mood disorders are more likely to occur in younger people. D) Mood disorders have been shown to have a genetic component.

D) Mood disorders have been shown to have a genetic component Symptoms cause significant distress or impair normal functioning and are not caused by substances or a medical condition. In major depressive disorder, relatives have double the risk of developing disorder.

ADHD and Autism fall under what type of disorder? A) Anxiety B) Personality C) Obsessive-Compulsive D) Neurodevelopmental

D) Neurodevelopmental ADHD is constant pattern of inattention and/or hyperactive and impulse behavior that interferes with normal functioning Autism is developmental disability that impairs children's ability to communicate and relate to others. Involves deficits in social interaction, deficits in communication, and repetitive patterns of behavior or interests.

Brizan has just lost his job. He is proactive in trying to resolve this source of stress; he immediately uses the internet to look up other jobs in his field and plans to eliminate non-essentials from his budget to make his savings last longer. Which type of coping approach is Brizan using? A) emotion-focused B) stress reduction C) proactive D) problem-focused

D) Problem-focused Problem focused coping is when an individual attempts to manage or alter the problem that is causing them to experience stress. The proactively address the problem and is used when stressor is perceived as controllable. Emotion focused coping are efforts to change/reduce the negative emotions associated with stress. Treats the symptoms of stress, not the cause. Can include avoiding, minimizing, or distancing oneself from the problem.

Which important legislation protected employees against discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? A) The Equal Pay Act B) The Supreme Court Ruling in the case of Griggs v. Duke Power Company C) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 D) The 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII

D) The 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VII Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination upon: - race - color - religion - sex - national origin Applies to employers with 15 or more employees Promotes diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities in the workplace

Which of the following is not included in the APA's definition/classification of a psychological disorder? A) The disturbance leads to distress or impairment B) Disturbance reflects a dysfunction in a biological, psychological, or developmental process C) Consideration of cultural norms D) The disturbance causes intense anxiety

D) The disturbance causes intense anxiety The APA includes a psychological disorder containing: - A significant disturbance in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors outside of cultural norms - A reflection of biological, psychological, or developmental dysfunction - The disturbances lead to significant distress or disability in one's life

Heather considers taking a new job. When appraising this potential change, she focuses on the increased opportunities for promotion and the higher salary rather than her increased responsibilities. She therefore views the new position as a ________ rather than a ________. A) hassle; major life event B) demand; resource C) distress; eustress D) challenge; threat

D) challenge; threat A challenge is a stressor that carries the potential for gain or personal growth A threat is a stressor that could cause harm/loss/negative consequences Hassles are minor irritations and annoyances that are part of our everyday lives Eustress is stress that can be positive and motivate us to do things in our best interests Distress is "bad" stress, causing people to feel burned out and performance to decline

Jade hears a rattle. When she turns around she sees a rattlesnake inches from her leg. Her pupils dilate, her heart pounds, and she begins to sweat. This response is called the ________ response. A) social supportive B) eustress-distress C) emotion-threat D) fight-or-flight

D) fight-or-flight Fight or Flight Response is a set of physiological reactions that occur when an individual encounters a perceived threat. In response to a threatening stressor, adrenal glands release epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) which causes physiological changes in the body. EX) pupils dilate, heart rate increases, muscles tense and may tremble, perspiration begins, respiration quickens

Industrial-organizational psychology is a branch of psychology that studies ________. A) how the unemployed are fundamentally different from the employed B) how to correctly organize one's workspace for increased productivity. C) how to provide therapy for workers experiencing stress or a traumatic event D) how human behavior and psychology affect work and how they are affected by work

D) how human behavior and psychology affect work and how they are affected by work Studies how human behavior and psychology effect work and how they are affected by work. Industrial-Organizational psychologists work in: - Academia - Government - Consulting firms - Business

Prior to developing a selection procedure, training program, performance appraisal system, compensation structure, or many other processes in an organization, one should first complete a _____________ to better understand the job roles and responsibilities. A) criterion selection B) performance inspection C) needs assessment D) job analysis

D) job analysis Job analysis is a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job Can be task and work oriented Task-oriented: lists in detail the tasks that will be performed for the job Worker-oriented: describes characteristics required of the worker to successfully perform the job (ex: knowledge, skills, abilities)

Janice is in the middle of a distinct period of an abnormally and persistently elevated mood. In the last week she has cleaned her house from top to bottom (breaking windows and dishes in the process), bought a new car that she can't afford, and dug up most of her yard in case she might want a garden next year. Janice is experiencing a(n) ________ episode. A) dissociative B) psychotic C) body dysmorphic D) manic

D) manic A manic episode is a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased activity or energy lasting at least one week Body dysmorphic is a preoccupation with a perceived flaw in the individual's physical appearance that is either nonexistent or barely noticeable to other people Dissociative disorders are characterized by an individual becoming split off, or dissociated, from their core sense of self - memory and identity become disturbed

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