Psych Test Review :/

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Which would be the best breif motto to use as a guide when trying behavior modification techniques?

Ignore bad behavior; reinforce good behavior.

How should you respond to someone who maintains that educational research is relatively easy to do?

State that educational issues are among the most difficult to research because of the complexity of educational processes and outcomes.

Ms. Carlson wants to use the computers in her classroom to increase her students; achievement in math. She knows that some types of computer programs help learning, but others do not. Which of the following have NOT been shown to improve student achievement?

artificial intelligence programs

Which of the following instructional objectives is best suited to criterion-referenced evaluations rather than norm-referenced evaluations?

Determine how well students have learned specific terminology.

Ms. Neaville's objective for today's music lesson is, "The student will reproduce a drum rhythm by clapping after listening to an audio recording." This objective is written at which of level of Simpson's Psychomotor Domain?

Guided Response

Deanna answers questions quickly, thinks with a fast conceptual tempo, and gives less thought to various solutions prior to answering questions. She appears to have a more global approach to information processing and does not identify the parts of a whole as readily as her peers. Which learning style does Deanna exemplify?


Marina, a fourth-grade student, qualified for placement in a special education program. Marina's parents request that she be placed in a regular classroom for the entire day instead of being placed in a pull-out program. Marina's parents are advocating for a policy of: (7)


Information held in long-term memory has the effect of

influencing what we selectively perceive and find meaningful

Rachel excels at language arts and math in school but finds P.E. challenging. She is also very reflective and prefers one or two close friends to many, probably because she finds social situations awkward. Howard Gardner might describe her as being strong in which of his multiple intelligences?

linguistic verbal, mathematical logical, and intrapersonal

Ms. Wilson wants to create an authentic assessment that will test her economic students' knowledge and skill with money. She asks her students to imagine themselves as young adults who just left home and to create a budget based on their likely job, income, expenses, and location. What kind of assessment should she use?

performance assessment

A student who has a moderate degree of self-efficacy for solving math problems will likely

persist on a mathematical task until success is attained or corrective feedback is given.

Lily is in a bilingual Spanish/English program that includes students who are dominant in one of the two languages. Their core subjects are taught in both languages and they are expected to respond in both languages at various points in the lesson. Lily is in what type of bilingual program?

dual or two-way bilingual program

Zamir enjoys working with model rockets. His most recent project involved an extremely complex model that required several hours of assembly. Sternberg would probably say that Zamir's style is


Mrs. Ely needs to find out how well her students have learned several concepts and terms that she has recently taught them in science class. She can do this most efficiently by

giving her class a written test

A kindergarten teacher can help her students to develop in a healthy fashion by

giving them the freedom to explore and taking the time to answer questions

Students who have a strong sense of self-efficacy will likely

have high expectations of success and, therefore, persist on a given task even when it becomes difficult.

Mr. Lehman is preparing his science unit for his 3rd-graders on animal habitats. The unit includes 5 different habitats and many species of animals. Which of the following is a constructivist approach he could use in his instruction?

helping students make connections between their existing knowledge and the new information they are learning

If you were interested in using technology to support a social approach to teaching, you would be drawn to applications that lend themselves to

helping students negotiate ideas with one another.

Trying to determine whether to allow a student to graduate a year early form high school is a(n)

ill-structured problem

In his work on the development of moral reasoning in children, Piaget found that

young children tend to be much more literate than adolescents in their interpretation of rules.

Which of the following situations calls for the administration of an achievement test?

A biology department is developing an advanced course and wants to select students on the basis of how much they understand about biology.

Teaching as inquiry involves four steps: asking useful questions, gathering data, reflection, and taking action. Which of the following best represents the step of gathering data?

A teacher asks her student to give a brief oral presentation about one aspect of the lessons they have been learning in history, and follows up with a short review of prior learning to fill in the gaps.

It is not uncommon for schools to offer breakfast (at reduced or no cost) as well as other snacks and small meals throughout the day. In addition, children at some schools enjoy a special time each day for napping and rest. These activities are manifestations of the work of

Abraham Maslow

Which of the following describes Piaget's concept of a scheme?

An organized pattern of behavior or thought.

A teacher designed an end-of-term summative assessment for her 11th grade German Literature course. She included questions about authors with German heritage, British heritage, and American heritage in her exam. It is likely that his test lacks

Content Validity

Which of the following activities satisfies the complex response level of the psychomotor domain?

Cut 10 perfect paper circles independently

Danny has made new friends this year because, although he is in 2nd grade, his math class also has 1st and 3rd graders in it and they all learn together and have math ability levels in common. Danny is involved with which type of grouping program?

Joplin Plan

Which one of the following statements is false regarding the tactic of note taking?

King found that students who use note taking outperformed those who used self-questioning and summarizing techniques.

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates the teacher expectancy effect?

Linda's achievement test scores increase because her teacher, who feels Linda is gifted, begins to expect more of her.

Which of the following describes a behavioral event that primarily involves the psychomotor domain?

Lynda pitches the softball in the strike zone consistently

Which of the following is not true of reciprocal teaching?

Reciprocal teaching improves reading comprehension scores, but the gains fade unless maintained by constant teacher support.

A teacher of a middle-school social studies class wants to encourage students to encourage his students to work in groups, to promote more group autonomy and foster social relationships and interpersonal skills. What strategy could the teacher use to meet this goal?

Place students in small groups and ask them to work together to complete an assignment on current events.

Which learning activity would be most likely to promote formal operational thinking in a high school science class:

Providing instruction on problem solving techniques and asking students to work on a complicated science project

One key difference between Piaget's and Vygotsky's theories of cognitive development is that Piaget believes that development must come first, and then learning can occur. Vygotsky believes the opposite--that the learning process causes growth and development. What is another area of disagreement between the two theorists?

Social interaction with more knowledgeable peers can greatly enhance cognitive development

Which of the following is an example of direct instruction?

Students practice solving two-digit multiplication problems while the teacher circulates among them, offering assistance and preventing off-task behavior when necessary

Which of the following is an advantage of short-answer tests?

They require students to recall information

What is the purpose of the least restrictive environment provision of IDEA?

To ensure that children with disabilities are educated with non-disabled children whenever possible.

High-stakes standardized tests that are administered in public schools statewide or nationwide are examples of ____ tests, because they are measures of ____.

achievement; how well a subject or skill has been learned

High-stakes standardized tests that are administered in public schools statewide or nationwide are examples of tests, because they are measures of .

achievement; how well a subject or skills has been learned

Summative assessment is synonymous with the phrase

assessment of learning

A teacher is working on character development with her students, and wants to engage her students in community volunteer activities for local charities. Which key concept of character development is she focusing on with this activity?


Mr. Delmar, a health teacher, just read a research article that reported the importance of attention to a student's ability to learn something new. The next day he arrived in class wearing a skintight bodysuit illustrated with each of the organs in order to deliver a lecture on how systems in the body work. Mr. Delmar has attempted to:

combine art with science

Which of the following verbs best reflects the analysis level of Bloom's Taxonomy?

compare and contrast

Elementary children's self-images are

composed of self-description, self-esteem, and self-concept.

Within social cognitive theory, the concept of self-regulation refers to

consistently using self-control skills in new situations

Norm-referenced grading can be used for all of the following purposes except

determining which students have achieved specific objectives.

Mr. Alonson's tenth-grade students are taking a standardized assessment in which they are asked "Should school be all-year round? Describe your reasoning and defend your choice." This assessment is an example of a(n)

direct writing

Ms. Douglas wants her students to organize information into logical structures, integrate ideas into broad themes, and make connections with knowledge learned elsewhere. Her lessons are full of higher-order thinking skills activities, but she loads her tests with short-answer and multiple choice items that require rote memorization. As a result,

her tests are not aligned with her objectives and instruction

Zane: I just don't understand how you can like analyzing poetry more than solving geometry problems. Greg: Because it's fun to try to figure out what the poet meant by using a mysterious metaphor Zane: But with geometry you actually know when you find the answer. Greg: Yeah, too predictable. Like I said, I enjoyed thinking about all the possible meanings. Zane is a fan of problems, while Greg prefers problems.

known; unknown

The basic purpose of giving standardized test is to

obtain an accurate, representative sampling of some aspects of student behavior.

Mrs. Newton reads a section of a book out loud to her third-grade class, closes her book, then allows them to ask her questions about the passage. Next, she asked the students to close their books and she asks questions of the students. Finally, the students answer each other's questions. Which strategy is the teacher using in this lesson, according to social cognitive theory?

reciprocal questioning

Ms. Appleton enjoys reading education blogs several times a week and finds that they make her think about her own teaching by articulating some of her feelings and providing perspective on common experiences she shares with the bloggers. This use of digital forums is helping Ms. Appleton to learn about teaching and from her own teaching by encouraging


If you were using a standardized test to determine your students' aptitude for science and found that students who took the test a second time got scores quite different from those they received on the first attempt, you would question the test's


Justine has positive self-esteem and strongly believes that goodness and beauty exist in the world. In addition, she holds individuals with a strong sense of humor in high regard. According to Maslow, Justine may be satisfying her need for


After information is attended to, it moves into working memory, which has the capacity to hold bits of information for about twenty seconds.


Read the dialogue below: Student: (as teacher passes out slips of paper with 2 questions to be answered) is this for a grade? Teacher: No, this is just an exit pass. I need to see how well the class understands what we learned today. Answer the questions as well as you can and give to me on the way out of class. The student is concerned the questions may represent a type of assessment, but the teacher is using the exit pass as a assessment.

summative; formative

Ms. Morgan's professional goal this school year is to keep a journal in which she uses an inquiry process to improve her teaching. Which of the following practices would not fit her goal?

take action based on her instincts in the situation

Four-year-old Gina was unusual among her age-mates because she was able to

thread a needle

Teaching as inquiry involves four steps; asking useful questions, gathering data, reflection, and taking action. Which of the following best represents the step of taking action?

A teacher works one-on-one with students who are falling behind in the class, to help them to complete homework assignments and improve their overall performance.

Edgar is a student with a learning disability as defined by IDEA. He is struggling with learning the course material in his science class. What non-academic support could assist Edgar in his leaning process?

Change the seating plan to help him focus in class

Clarence is a fifth-grade student with a learning disability. He and his classmates recently took a standardized reading achievement test. Clarence's percentile rank fro that test was 20. The norm group for this test did not include any students with learning disabilities. What inference can be made on the basis of Clarence's test scores?

Clarence's scores cannot be meaningfully interpreted; given the standards for evaluation

A history teacher is preparing his student for a big end of term exam. He tells them that they will need to be able to answer multiple-choice and short-answer questions about specific historical events an that they will also have an essay question with a choice of 3 different topics. which approach to meaningful learning is the teacher utilizing?

Communicating clear goals and objectives

A student who is at the stage of conventional morality (as described by Kohlberg) makes moral decisions on the basis of

Concern about what other might think

A teacher designed an end-of-term summative assessment for her 11th grade German Literature course. She included questions about authors wit German heritage, British heritage, and American heritage in her exam. It is likely that this test lacks

Content Validity

An English teacher uses heterogeneous groups to discuss their interpretations of Shakespearean sonnet. Students then have the opportunity to collaborate with other groups to add to their understanding. How does this constructivist approach promote meaningful learning?

Discussing possible interpretations in small groups and working together fosters multiple points of view and promotive interaction

A science teacher is helping students to organize their projects for the upcoming science fair. She asks her students to plan out a timeline based on the due date, block out times on their calendar to work on the project, and to create an outline which lists the steps they will need to take to complete their project. Which approach to developing self-regulated learning is the teacher using?

Encouraging student autonomy

Mr. Lee wants to assess his student's ability to use and apply concepts they learned in their science class. Prior to the assessment, students have completed science experiments for the class. For the assessment, students have created a visual presentation of some sort to show what they learned. Which type of performance assessment is Mr. Lee using?


Cesar finds that he tends to think of examples from his walks in the outdoors in the countryside for many of the geometry concepts he is learning. Which of the following would best explain Cesar's ability to understand geometry in this way?

Gardner's Naturalist intelligence

Which of the following activities is an example of an objective development approach to instruction?

Give students a list of materials with the requirement that they separate magnetic materials from non-magnetic materials.

A behavioral psychologist would be most likely to recommend which of the following motivational techniques?

Give students bonus points when they complete an assignment.

Facial expressions, yawning, restlessness, and disruptive behavior can improve your teaching because they are:

Informal feedback from students on the effectiveness of the lesson

Which would be the best brief motto to use as a guide when trying behavior modification techniques?

Ignore bad behavior; reinforce good behavior.

You assist one of your students in working out the spelling of the nine-letter word, "wonderful," by relating the first syllables tot eh word, "won," which she can already spell sounding out "der," and relating the third to the word "full," then pointing out that each syllable is only three letters long. When she returns to her desk she hold up three fingers and spells each syllable correctly. From an information-processing standpoint, how can this strategy best be explained?

Information in working memory can be chunked so that more than 7 pieces of unrelated information become pieces of related information for easier maintenance.

Which of the following does not exemplify a constructivist approach to learning?

Involve students in guided and independent practice sessions to work on memorization.

A fifth-grade student has learning disabilities that are not covered under the IDEA act. He is able to stay on top of assignments and barely passes his assessments, but his reading skills are poor, an he doesn't feel confident in his ability to keep up with is peers. What support can the teacher offer him, under the Vocational Rehabilitation Act?

Protect the student form bullying in the classroom

Eric, a student with a learning disability in your history class, gets good grades in class projects, discussions, and presentations. However, you notice that he has great difficulty recalling information fro the history test that you administer. What should you do in order to accommodate his disability?

Rather than a paper-and-pencil test, give him some alternate form of assessment.

Mrs. Robbins teaches third grade. Her students are studying fractions. She has planned for a variety of instructional and assessment activities. Her students will practice working problems involving the addition/subtraction and multiplication/division of fractions until they remember to use the appropriate methods for handling like and unlike denominators. They will also work exercises in which they will be required to identify equivalent and nonequivalent values. Additionally, students will work in groups using fractions to measure ingredients for a snack they will prepare. At the end of the unit, all students will take an exam on which they will solve equations and write an essay about the use of fractions outside of math class. Mrs. Robbins's methods are best described as an application of _____ view of intelligence.

Robert Sternberg's

Mrs. Robbins teaches third grade. Her students are studying fractions. She has planned for a variety of instructional and assessment activities. Her students will practice working problems involving the addition/subtraction and multiplication/division of fractions until they remember to use the appropriate methods for handling like and unlike denominators. They will also work exercises in which they will be required to identify equivalent and nonequivalent values. Additionally, students will work in groups using fractions to measure ingredients for a snack they will prepare. At the end of the unit, all students will take an exam on which they will solve equations and write an essay about the use of fractions outside of math class. Mrs. Robbins's methods are best described as an application of _____ view of intelligence. (4)

Robert Sternberg's

One key difference between Piaget's and Vygotsky's theories of cognitive development must come first, and then learning can occur. Vygotsky believes the opposite--that the learning process causes growth and development. What is another area of disagreement between the two theorists?

Social interaction with more knowledgeable peers can greatly enhance cognitive development

Ms. Berman is discussing the testing results of a student she as referred to the gifted and talented program with the district diagnostician. Ms. Berman discovers that many gifted students score highly on the IQ test that was administered and also receive individual subtest scores. Although there are some differences among these subtest scores, they are often close, giving the student a high IQ overall. Which theory would best explain this type of profile?

Spearman's Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence

While constructing a standardized test, researchers administer a single test to a group of students, create two scores by dividing the test in half, and measure the differences in the two scores to determine internal consistency. This is an example of

Split-half Reliability

Which of the following is an example of direct instruction?

Students practice solving two-digit multiplication problems while the teacher circulates among them, offering assistance and preventing off-task behavior when necessary.

Which of the following is an example of the application of the information-processing/social cognitive approach to instruciton?

Students use wet sand and measuring cups to study volume and measurement.

Which of the following activities is an example of an objective development approach to instruction

Students will be able to summarize and defend a personally held belief regarding the appropriate role of women in contemporary society

All but which one of the following goals could belong in the cognitive domain of educational objectives?

Students will be able to summarize and defend a personally held belief regarding the appropriate role of women in contemporary society.

A high-school language arts teacher has a student who has emotional and behavioral disabilities that qualify for special education services. This student is quite often disruptive in class, and has to be removed from the classroom and sent to the counselor or principal's office. What non-academic support can the teacher use to assist this student to progress in his learning?

Utilize behavior management strategies to prevent inappropriate actions

Mr. Jennings and his wife are planning a family vacation this summer. They must choose a destination that fits within their budget, has something that entertains each and every member of the family, works within their time frame. In other words, they have a task with an engaging purpose and they must work logically within various constraints being sure the use sound reasoning. Which intelligence theory best explains the Jennings' ability to complete their plan to the satisfaction of all?

Wechsler's Global Intelligence

Mr. Jennings and his wife are planning a family vacation this summer. They must choose a destination that fits within their budget, has something that entertains each and every member of the family, works within their time frame. In other words, they have a task with an engaging purpose and they must work logically within various constraints being sure to use sound reasoning. Which intelligence theory best explains the Jennings' ability to complete their plan to the satisfaction of all?

Welchsler's Global Intelligence

Which of the following is supported by research findings regarding the effectiveness of ability grouping for science and math instruction?

Within-class grouping and the Joplin Plan seem to be effective.

Leslie and Tony are in a cooperative learning group assigned to solve a political problem in their government class. Leslie tells the group that she wants to hear more form the 'liberals' in the group since the 'conservatives' outnumber them and are more outspoken. She is especially interested in hearing their thoughts on the third criterion in the rubric used for this task and how much emphasis they would put on it. Tony is focusing on the information presented in the assignment and using what they learned in class this week to analyze the problem and add his ideas to the list. Which set of learning styles are Leslie and Tony exhibiting?

Witkin's Field-Dependence and Field-Independence

Bella and Talullah are second-grade students practicing their spelling words. Their teacher periodically stops the class to ask to show with thumbs if they are ready for their test. Bella always shows a thumbs up and Talullah always shows a thumbs down. Their teacher notices this pattern with most of her students. What might be a reasonable explanation based on research for this pattern of response?

a lack of metacognitive awareness of knowing something well enough for testing

Quest Atlantis is a technological tool compatible with a constructivist approach to teaching because it provides

a situated learning environment that allows students to collaborate and solve realistic problems.

Which is an example of Erikson's stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt?

a two-year-old insisting on helping her mom make cookies

Which of the following represents the proper sequence of cognitive processes that occur as we process information?

attention, recognition, transformation, storage, retrieval

Brittany's cooperative learning group is involved in a team competition and she wants very much to win the prize of extra computer time. However, Brittany is frustrated because a new student of a different cultural background is paying more attention to making sure everyone on the team gets a chance to contribute than she is to winning, even though her skills would really help the team win. This might be attributed to

differences in perceived value of competition

If you wanted to use a social cognitive theory approach to motivation, you would

encourage students to imitate the behaviors of academically successful peers whom they admire.

a fifth grade history teacher wants his students to use elaborative rehearsal to help encode information about the Industrial Revolution as they study for their chapter test. He should prepare study materials that asks students to

explain and clarify the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and working conditions of laborers by creating a concept map

Mr. Torrance assigned his statistics students to view several mini-lessons on correlation coefficients at home then the next day in class provided an interesting and relevant set of data on adolescents' use of social media and diagnoses of depression. He assigned them to groups to analyze the data and report on their findings. This example of constructivism is called

flipping the classroom

Sarah, though she prefers dance to medicine, is a medical student because her parents have always dreamed of having a "Dr. Daughter." She is certain that medicine is the right career for her because her parents have supported that notion. Sarah would be classified by Marcia as which of the following types?


In Mrs. Spruill's drama class, students are required to participate in the school play. At dress rehearsal, Mrs. Spruill offers "notes," or feedback, to students on how they can improve their performances. What type of assessment is the Drama teacher conducting?


Ms. Douglas is returning some graded math exams to her seventh-grade students. As she stops at Brandon's desk, she comments that he made another 100% and that he's really sharp when it comes to math. At Samantha's desk, she smiles and congratulates her on her perfect score and states that Samantha must have completed all of the practice problems and studied diligently. This is an example of

gender bias

Carol Gilligan's theory of moral development focuses on

gender differences development as individuals progress from a self-centered outlook to a caring outlook

Mrs. Hathaway stands at the door of her classroom each bell and welcomes students into her room. She praises students who perform appropriate responses such as a polite greeting, a smile, or a handshake. Halfway through the year, her friend across the hall, Miss Krause, stands at her door one day and is astonished that all of the students entering her room offer her a smile or a handshake. These students have learned to


Ms. McCarver is very supportive of the new anti-bullying program introduced by their campus counselor because it is representative of her

humanistic approach to teaching

Multicultural education is especially challenging to teachers in culturally homogeneous schools. What technology tool is likely to aid teachers the most in adding diversity to their classroom?

international telecommunications projects

Mr. Sanjabi's kindergarten class attends a computer lab twice each week. He has three educational programs available for his students. He assigns the reading program to those students who have difficulty with language arts. Students with poor math ability practice those skills using the math program. He also has a program that focuses on learning to be considerate and polite toward others. This third program is best described as an example of using technology to develop

interpersonal intelligence

Effective teachers recognize that teaching

is an art that should nonetheless have a good scientific basis.

Rhonda, a sixth grader, loves to work in her father's wood shop crafting items that she designs. Often, however, when she approaches her father about letting her work with him, he dismisses her requests and tells her that she should "help your mother in the kitchen and stay out of my way." According to Erikson, Rhonda

is at risk for developing feelings of inferiority.

Aubrey, a fourth-grade student, always studies at the desk in her bedroom with quiet music playing because she's heard it helps her memory. She studied hard to learn the state capitals, connecting each state with its capital using items she could see in the posters on her walls, and felt confident. The next day in school, Audrey fails her capitals test and tells her teacher that she just couldn't remember anything while she was sitting in the classroom. Which of the following is most likely to explain Audrey's failed recall?

lack of retrieval cues

Mr. Aberdeem is a new teacher who on his first day finds himself overwhelmed by all the decisions he has to make regarding teaching content, managing student behavior, motivating students, assessing learning, and taking care of administrative tasks. He realizes he is stressed by the

lack of support for his teaching

Dustin is a proponent of constructivist instruction. He plans lessons that are meaningful and require active learning from his students. However, in comparison to one of his colleagues who favors a behavioral approach of direct teaching, Dustin finds that his lesson plans are ____ detailed but his lessons take ____ time.

less; more

A third-grad team of teachers would like to incorporate virtual teaching into their science lessons. Which strategy would provide them with the most helpful information and data for feedback as they try out their idea?

lesson study

Read the dialogue below: Ms. Randall: I'm wondering if Harley's score on this test really shows what he's learned. Mr. Cunningham: Why? Because he's ELL? Ms. Randall: Well, yes. What if they didn't try out the test on students from diverse backgrounds? Mr. Cunningham: You could probably find out from the district office. I'm sure they found that out before they purchased the tests. To what are Ms. Randall and Mr. Cunningham referring in the last two comments?

normed excellence

A primary-grade child who seems to waste time in class rather than working to complete assignments should be

praised or given a small reward whenever he or she does complete an assignment.

A child thinks, "I would love to run across my mom's new white carpet after playing in the mud just to see what cool designs I could make. I won't though because I am afraid that she would punish me." These thoughts reflect which level of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?


A child who first realizes that learning is easier when words or ideas that belong to the same category are grouped together or that generating a visual image of a word makes it easier to recall is most likely to be at what grade level?

primary grades

Nathan's parents have observed that he is becoming more sensitive to his siblings' feelings while at the same time he takes criticism more to heart and has a hard time adjusting when he fails at something he attempts. At which grade level do these characteristics begin to emerge?

primary grades

Which of the following strategies would be an example of scaffolding, based Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development?

provide examples to illustrate the content students are learning

Which of the following strategies would be an example of scaffolding, based on Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development?

provide examples to illustrate the content students are learning

A fourth-grade student with developmental delays has been placed in an inclusion classroom with his peers. He does not participate much in class, and is shy around other students, even in small groups. His teacher believes that he is demonstrating low self-esteem. What non-academic support would likely help this student to participate more in small group discussions and projects?

providing group counseling with students who have similar issues

Alberto is learning algebra. His teacher provides him with classroom instruction and exercises to work at home and also solves problems with the class. When concepts are new, the teacher interacts often with Alberto and his classmates, showing them how to perform operations, giving subtle hints, asking leading questions, and making suggestions. As Alberto becomes more competent in his new skills, his teacher begins to back off, allowing him to work with increasing independence. Alberto's teacher has used the constructivist principle of


Casey received a score of 88 on yesterday's exam and was quite pleased with the result because it was higher than the 79 she received on the last exam. After thinking about it for a while, she concluded that her improved performance was due to a more systematic use of study skills. Casey's behavior reflects which part of Zimmerman's self-regulatory model?

self-reflection phase

One day Jorge, a third-grade student, noticed that his classmate Sharae received praise from their teacher every time she turned in her homework. Jorge decides that he will also turn in his homework, because he'd like to receive that praise, too. For the next month, Jorge meets his goal of turning in his homework and receives the teacher's praise, and the other kids start to notice, so Jorge explains to his friend what happened. What key principle of social cognitive theory is the student demonstrating?

self-regulated skill learning

Reflective teaching includes all but which of the following?

sitting back and thinking a out teaching and learning after a long day in the classroom.

Crispus Attucks, thought to have been a runaway slave, was a patriotic American who died in the Boston Massacre in 1770. If you were to present a lesson about events that led to the American Revolution, asking your students to select a point of view of either white colonists or African Americans (such as Attucks) at the time and to study with their perception in mind, this would be the approach to multicultural education.

social action

Educational psychologists who are familiar with research findings

sometimes construct different interpretations of what the data mean.

A cumulative final exam at the end of a college course would be best categorized as an example of a ______ assessment.


Research supports the idea that one outcome of being a reflective teacher is that the critical analysis of one's teaching beliefs and practices a teacher results in a stronger sense of

teacher efficacy

If you wanted to use computer-based technology in a way that was consistent with Vygotsky's principles of cognitive development, which of the following applications would you select?

teleapprenticeship programs

Mr. Fradigio would like to investigate the effectiveness of wearing bandannas on the retention of information among his high school seniors. He believes that the tighter students tie their bandanas the better they will recall lecture material. To see if his theory is correct, one-third of his morning history class wear extremely tight bandannas, one-third wear moderately tight bandannas, and one-third wear a loose fitting band. He lectures and then administers the regular exam to each of the classes. He repeats the same experiments the following term with a new group of students. He then writes about his experiment and reports the results in the weekly school newsletter. Mr. Fradigio's inquiry is an example of

the scientific method

According to the attribution theory, high achievers typically attribute success in school to ____ and failure in school to ___.

their own abilities; lack of effort

Mr. Parker's unit test assesses students' understanding at Bloom's knowledge and comprehension levels. Based on this assessment, he should assume that his students will be able to do all of the following except:

use concepts they have learned in new situations

Ms. Chavez' students were instructed at the beginning of the school year to turn in their reading logs in a special box in front of the room every Friday morning when they come into the classroom. One Friday, Susie is the first one to turn in her reading log, and the teacher rewards her with verbal praise and a special snack. Lori didn't remember to turn in her log, but after seeing the reward Susie received, she made sure to turn in her reading log the next Friday. What is Lori experiencing, according to motivational theory?

vicarious reinforcement

According to Erikson, if Robert has successfully resolved the psychosocial crisis of adolescence, he is now able to

view himself as having a meaningful role in life.

Vygotsky's research in the area of cognitive development in children indicates that

we learn best when instruction is pitched just about the lower limit of proximal development

Research on the effectiveness of using objectives leads to conclusion that objectives

work best when students are aware of them.

Research on the effectiveness of using objectives leads to the conclusion that objectives

work best when students are aware of them.

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