Psych U4

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Which of the following sentences best describes the relationship between sensation & perception? 1Sensation is detecting stimuli, perception is interpreting stimuli detected. 2Sensation is a strictly mechanical process, whereas perception is a cognitive process. 3Sensation involves learning and expectations, and perception does not. 4Sensation happens in the senses, perception happens in the brain. 5Perception is an advanced form of sensation.

1 (Sensation is detecting stimuli, perception is interpreting stimuli detected.Sensation is detecting stimuli, perception is interpreting stimuli detected.)

Which of the following best illustrates the idea that perception is not an exact internal copy of the world? 1. jumping in response to a pinprick 2. the Ponzo illusion 3. a bright light 4. bottom-up processing 5. the sound of a familiar tune

2 (the Ponzo illusion)

weber's law; constant minimum percentage for weight, light, tone


Our sense of smell may be a powerful trigger for memories because: 1 smell is a powerful cue for encoding memories into long-term memory. 2 strong smells encourage us to process memory events deeply so they will most likely be remembered. 3 the nerve connecting the olfactory bulb to the brain sends impulses directly to the limbic system. 4 we are conditioned from birth to make strong connections between smells and events 5 the receptors at the top of each nostril connect with the cortex.


According to Gestalt explanations of how perceptual processes work, when a person encounters an unfamiliar collection of stimuli, he or she will try to 1. analyze each stimulus component separately to ascertain its meaning 2. judge whether each stimulus matches a familiar signal. 3. compartmentalize their findings. 4. assemble the parts into a meaningful whole or pattern that makes sense. 5. make guesses about its symbolism until finding a matching concept.

4 (assemble the parts into a meaningful whole or pattern that makes sense.)

prolonged exposure to more than __ decibels can produce hearing loss


standing 10 miles away on a clear night, most of us would see a flame, this is

absolute threshold

Which of the following is true about pain? The brain can create pain. All of them are true. Pain diminishes when neurotransmitters - such as endorphins - are released. No single stimulus produces pain. We edit our memories of pain.


intensity is the

amount of energy

As we look at a flower, the intensity, or brightness, of the color we see is related to the light wave's: amplitude placement on the spectrum hue wavelength length


Which of these sensory structures does not belong with the others? ganglion cells rods retina basilar membrane visual cortex

basilar membrane

people with a stroke or surgery damage to their visual cortex experience


ways in which people are blind to their own choices and preferences

choice blindness

knowing things you aren' supposed to know


When two close friends are talking, other people may not be able to follow their conversation because it has many gaps, which the friends can mentally fill in from their shared experience. Which Gestalt principle is illustrated by the friends' ability to fill in these conversational gaps? closure ambiguity proximity common fate similarity


The structure that contains the main receptor cells in the auditory system is the _____ incus cochlea maleus tempanic membrane stapes


list all skin sensations

cold, warmth, pain, pressure

hue is the


lights wavelength determines the


basilar membrane hairs do what

compress sound

rupture of the eardrum or tiny bones of the middle ear can lead to ___ hearing loss


proved that neurons in the occipital lobe's visual cortex receive info from individual ganglion cells in the retina

david hubel and torsten wiesel

sound is measured in


Eleanor Gibson and her colleagues have used the visual cliff to measure an infant's ability to perceive ____ depth weight temperature height vision


name all monocular cues

depth perception, linear perspective, relative height, relative size, interposition, relative motion, light and shadow

not watching a nurse give you a shot and feeling less pain is an example of


preformed the visual cliff experiment

eleanor gibson and richard walk

sweet taste indicates

energy source

weber's law creator

ernst weber

As you talk with a friend at a party, her voice is distinct from all the other voices you hear. This illustrates the perceptual principle of: grouping figure-ground closure proximity

figure ground

a theory that the rate of nerve impulses matches the frequency of a tone and enabling us to sense its pitch

frequency theory

If a girl stares at a red spot for one minute and then shifts her gaze to a white piece of paper, she is likely to experience an afterimage that is black green red violet blue


studied absolute threshold

gustav fechner

place theory is better for __ pitch sounds




lights amplitude determines the


In the same game, we watch as a team attempts a field goal. Since the goal posts are distant and the time to make a decision is short, the referee must use many perceptual cues to decide whether the kick is good or not. One important ability is depth perception. Which of the following cues might be most helpful in deciding whether the field goal is successful? interposition motion parallax linear perspective relative motion convergence


found that the retina does receive upside-down images of the world

johannes kepler

When crossing your legs, you know which hand is closest to your phone. This sense of body position is an example of transduction vestibular sense kinesthetic sense ganglion cell sense of smell

kinesthetic feedback

Rather than saying a person is "colorblind," it would be more accurate to say that the person: 1has a blind spot 2is experiencing an overstimulation of the red- and green-sensitive cones 3lacks red- or green-sensitive cones 4has an excess of blue-sensitive cones.

lacks red- or green-sensitive cones

if hot and cold water are held at the same time, your hand will

let go

in audition, amplitude determines what


the amplitude of a sound wave determines its


frequency theory is better for __ pitch sounds




perceptual phenomenon that demonstrates an interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception. The illusion occurs when the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound, leading to the perception of a third sound.

mcgurk effect

do we rely on binocular or monocular cues for long distance


which depth cue is good for distance


stroboscopic movement is an example of what

motion perception

biological influences of pain are

nociceptors, endorphins

The REGION of the brain responsible for coding visual information is the _____ occipital lobe parietal lobe frontal lobe Broca's area temporal lobe

occipital lobe

afterimages are best explained by the

opponent-process theory

color blindess is best explained by what theory of color vision? trichromatic theory dichromatic theory binocular disparity theory opponent-process theory visible hue theory

opponent-process theory

The structure of the ear that is responsible for INITIALLY gathering sound is the ____ pinna maleus ear lobe tempanic membrane auditory canal


in audition, frequency determines what


a theory that when a certain place in the cochlea is stimulated, a certain pitch will be made

place theory

bitter taste indicates


powerful and striking stimuli can trigger


knowing something before it happens


researchers have identified receptors for which of the following pain cold warmth pressure hot


face blindness; not being able to recognize faces


umami taste indicates

proteins to grow and repair tissue

moving things with the mind


The part of the eye responsible for opening and closing to allow in more or less light is the _____ cornea pupil lens vitreous humour retina


bipolar and ganglion cells are in the


Makers of 3-D movies rely most heavily on: retinal disparity the visual cliff the Müller-Lyer illusion shape constancy

retinal disparity

name a binocular cue

retinal disparity

nocturnal animals have more __ in their retinas


cells in the retina order

rods and cones, bipolar, ganglion

top-down influence on touch sensation where a person thinks their hand is being touched when it's not

rubber-hand illusion

a cochlear implant would be most helpful for those who suffer ___ hearing loss


heredity, aging, and exposure to loud noise or music can lead to __ hearing loss


If you move your watchband up your wrist an inch or so, you will feel it for only a few moments. This best illustrates: absolute threshold sensory adaptation accommodation parallel processing Weber's law

sensory adaptation

phantom limb sensations best illustrate that pain can be experienced in the absence of

sensory input

which sense is the quickest to adapt


what are the chemical senses

smell, taste

salty taste indicates

sodium essential to physiological processes

a time lag between left and right auditory stimulation is important for accurately locating




list all taste sensations

sweet, sour, bitter, umami salty

one sense is simultaneously perceived by one or more additional senses such as sight.


reading the mind is


The REGION of the brain responsible for coding auditory information is the _____ occipital lobe parietal lobe frontal lobe Broca's area temporal lobe

temporal lobe

Although the markings in the ceiling tiles are all different shapes and sizes, you notice that larger, darker spots seem to stand out against a background makeup of smaller, lighter ones. Which principle of perceptual grouping explains this distinction? the law of proximity the law of common fate the law of similarity the law of Prananz the principle of closure

the law of similarity

Racial and ethnic stereotypes can sometimes bias our perceptions of others' behaviors. This best illustrates the impact of: top-down processing retinal disparity bottom-up processing interposition perceptual adaptation

top down processing

sour taste indicates

toxic acid

When physical energy is transformed into neural impulses, it is referred to as ____ action potential transduction induction switching light energy


movement of hair cells along the basilar membrane initiate


Color-deficiency is best explained by what theory of color vision? trichromatic theory dichromatic theory binocular disparity theory opponent-process theory visible hue theory

trichromatic theory

semicircular canals and vestibular sacs help with our __ sense


In order to receive a 10 on a balance beam routine, the Olympic gymnast is best served by a highly functioning transduction vestibular sense kinesthetic sense ganglion cell sense of smell

vestibular sense

groups of neurons respond to a sound by firing action potentials slightly out of phase with one another so that when combined, a greater frequency of sound can be encoded and sent to the brain to be analyzed (ex of frequency theory)

volley principle

sensation of hot is s combo of what

warmth and pain

2 stimuli must differ by a constant proportion for their diff to be perceived as

weber's law

can memories or thinking about pain cause it?


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