psychobiology chapter 9

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___ of body water is intracellular fluid and ____ is extracellular fluid. of extracellular fluid, ____ is in the capillary wall and ___ is plasma

2/3, 1/3, 3/4, 1/4

mammals evolved to have a constant temp of

37 C or 98 F

fever of above ____ (____) does the body more harm than good. fevers above ___ (___) are life-threatening

39 C, 103 F, 41 C, 109 F

water constitutes ___% of the mammalian body and must be regulated within ____ limits. sufficient fluid needed in ______

70, narrow, circulatory system

______ and _____ in the stomach digest proteins

HCL and enzymes

the ____ receives input from temp receptors throughout the body. heating it leads to ____ or _____, cooling leads to ______. it receives input from the _____

POA/AH, panting or sweating, shivering, immune system

____ refers to the adaptive way in which the body anticipates needs depending on the situation


hypovolemic thirst: like vasopressin, ____ constricts blood vessels to compensate for a ______. it stimulates neurons in areas adjoining the _____ which send axons to the ____ where ____ is released as a neurotransmitter

angiotensin II, drop in blood pressure, 3rd ventricle, hypothalamus, angiotensin II

allostasis helps the body ____ instead of just ____

avoid errors, correcting them

benefits of fever: certain ______, ____ works more vigorously

bacteria grow less fast, immune system

____ is the energy used to maintain a constant body temperature while at rest

basal metabolism

surviving in extreme cold: poikilothermic animals die if body temp drops _____ and ____ form in cells and blood, amphibians and reptiles _____ to avoid cold, some insects and fish stock _____ in winter

below freezing, ice crystals, burrow underground, blood with antifreeze compounds

after a meal, _____ levels fall, ____ levels drop, _____ enters cells more ____, hunger _____, and pancreas releases ____

blood glucose, insulin, glucose, slowly, increases, glucagon

vasopressin raises ____ by ____, helps to compensate for ______, and enables _______

blood pressure, constricting blood vessels, decreased water volume, kidneys to reabsorb water and excrete highly concentrated urine

digested food absorbs into the


pure water dilutes ___ and changes ____

body fluids, osmotic pressure

digestive system function is to

break down food into smaller molecules that the cells can use

much of our behavior is organized to keep the right ____ in the right _____ at the right _____

chemicals, proportions, temperature

the concentrations of ____ in ____ determines the rate of all chemical reactions in the body

chemicals, water

nearly all adults in ____ and surrounding countries lack the gene that enables adults to metabolize lactose


the duodenum also releases the hormone ____ (____), which helps to regulate hunger

cholecystokinin, CCK

poikilothermic organisms accomplish temp regulation via

choosing locations in the environment or behavioral mechanisms

osmotic thirst occurs because the human body maintains a ______ at a fixed level of ____

combined concentration of solutes, .15 M

biologically, what is necessary for life is a

coordinated set of chemical reactions

stretching out will ____ temp as the body is a _____. curling up will ____ temp as the body is a _____

decrease, larger surface area, increase, smaller surface area

glucose: main product of ___, important source of ____, nearly only fuel used by the ___

digestion, energy for body, brain

when osmotic thirst is triggered, water that you drink must be absorbed through the _____ and is delivered by ____ to the brain. the process takes about ____

digestive system, blood, 15 min

the main signal to stop eating is the

distention of the stomach

most often water regulation is accomplished via

drinking more water than we need and excreting the rest

the ___ is the part of the small intestine where the initial absorption of significant amounts of nutrients occurs


cholecystokinin released by the ___ regulates hunger by closing the ____ between the ____ and ____ and causing the stomach to _____ and _____; stimulating the _____ to send a message to the ____ that releases a chemical similar to CCK

duodenum, sphincter muscle, stomach and duodenum, hold its contents and fill faster, vagus nerve, hypothalamus

declining levels of lactase may be an evolutionary mechanisms to

encourage weaning

homeothermic mechanisms requires ___ and _____. ____ and ____ decrease temperature. increasing temp is accomplished via ____, ____, and _____

energy and fuel, sweating and panting, shivering, decreasing blood flow to skin, fluffing out fur to increase insulation

water can be conserved by

excreting concentrated urine and decreasing sweat/other autonomic responses

as a result of digestion, energy is stored: (3)

fats in adipose tissue (lipids) = 85%, proteins in muscle broken down into amino acids (14.5%), glycogen largely stored in liver readily converted to glucose (.5%)

distention of the duodenum can also produce

feelings of satiety

___ reflects an increased body temp set point, directed by the ____

fever, hypothalamus

human behavioral mechanisms for regulating temp

finding a cool place on a hot day, put on/take off clothing, become more active, huddle or cuddle

milk consumption after weaning can cause __ and ___

gas and stomach cramps

most digested food enters the bloodstream as ____, an important source of energy and nearly the only fuel used by the ____

glucose, brain

____, ____, and ___ levels also influence feelings of hunger

glucose, insulin, glucagon

osmotic thirst: caused by _____, best relieved by _____, receptor location: ____

high solute concentration outside cells, pure water, OVLT, subfornical organ, digestive tract

_____ refers to temperature regulation and other biological processes that keep certain body variables within a fixed range


_____(_____) refers to the use of internal physiological mechanisms to maintain an almost constant body temp. ex: ____ and _____

homeothermic, endothermic, mammals and birds

____ solution has a higher solute concentration than another solution and water particles will move _____ of the cell, causing _____(____)

hypertonic, out, crenation, raisin

receptors in the OVLT, subfornical organ (SFO), stomach and elsewhere relay info to areas of the ___ including the _____ (___) and _____ (___). both control the rate at which the ____ releases ______. receptors also relay info to the _____ which controls _____

hypothalamus, supraoptic nucleus, SON, paraventricular nucleus (PVN), posterior pituitary, vasopressin, lateral preoptic area, drinking

____ solution has a lower solute concentration than another solution and water particles will move ____ of the cell, causing ______(____)

hypotonic, out, cell to expand, lyse

physiology of water homeostasis

increased plasma osmolality/decreased arterial circulating volume in brain: thirst to increased fluid intake/release vasopressin to antidiuresis: leads to decreased plasma osmolality/decreased arterial circulating volume

POA/AH cycle for integration of temp info

infection to immune response to prostaglandins/histamines, goes to POA/AH, temp receptors in brain/other organs go to POA/AH, and temp receptors on skin go to POA/AH

____ and ____ regulate the flow of glucose into cells. excess glucose enters the ___ and ____

insulin and glucagon, liver, fat cells

____ is a pancreatic hormone that enables glucose to enter the cell. levels of this hormone rises as someone is ____ and ____. In prep for the rush of additional glucose about to enter the blood, high ___ levels let some of the existing glucose in the blood to ______. Consequently, ___ levels of ____ generally _____ appetite.

insulin, ready for a meal and after a meal, insulin, enter the cells, high, insulin, decrease

poikilothermic organisms lack the ____,_____ mechanisms of ____ regulation

internal, physiological, temp

____ solution has the same solute concentration as another solution and there's no _____ of water particles and the overall concentration on both sides of the cell membrane remains _____

isotonic, net movement, constant

at the age of weaning, most mammals lose the intestinal enzyme ___, which is necessary for metabolizing lactose: _____

lactase, sugar found in milk

the more we regulate temp behaviorally, the ____ we expend relying of physiologic efforts

less energy

bacteria and viruses trigger the release of ____ which release small proteins called _____, which attack intruders but also stimulate the _____

leukocytes, cytokines, vagus nerve

when glucose levels are high, ____ cells convert some of the excess into _____ and ___ cells convert it into ____. when low, ___ converts ____ back into glucose

liver, glycogen, fat, fat, liver, glycogen

hypovolemic thirst: caused by _____, best relieved by _____, receptor location: ____

low blood volume, water with solutes near .15 M, kidneys and blood vessels

hormonal response to hypovolemia

low blood volume: kidneys release renin into blood: proteins in blood form angiotensin I: angiotensin I converted to angiotensin II: angiotensin II constricts blood vessels and stimulates cells in subfornical organ to increase drinking

hypovolemic thirst is associated with _____ via ____/_____/____.

low volume of body fluids, bleeding, diarrhea, sweating

digestion begins in the _____. _____ in _____ break down _______

mouth, enzymes, saliva, carbs

the brain regulates eating through messages from the ____, _____, _____, _____, and elsewhere

mouth, stomach, intestines, fat cells

_____: processes that reduce discrepancies from the set point.

negative feedback

much of motivated behavior can be described as

negative feedback

POA/AH is _______ involved in temp regulation. It is the primary area for controlling ____ or _____

not the only brain area, sweating or shivering

osmotic vs hypovolemic thirst

osmotic changes: osmoreceptors: hypothalamus: ADH release and thirst vs. hypovolemia and other non osmotic stimuli: baroreceptors: hypothalamus: ADH release and thirst

osmotic thirst: solutes inside and outside a cell produce ______

osmotic pressure

solutes inside and outside a cell create ____

osmotic pressure

two different kinds of thirst include: ____ thirst which results from _____, and ____ thirst which results from

osmotic, eating salty foods, hypovolemic, loss of fluids due to bleeding or sweating

____ means hair flattens to ____ temp. ____ means hairs on skin stand up to ____ temp

pilorelaxation, decrease, piloerection, increase

______ (____) refers to the idea that the body temp matches that of the environment. examples: ____, _____, and most _____

poikilothermic, ectothermic, amphibians, reptiles, fish

vasopressin order

posterior pituitary gland excretes vasopressin to elevate blood pressure

body temp regulation is predominantly dependent on areas in the _______ (______)

pre optic area/anterior hypothalamus, POA/AH

the immune system delivers ____ and ____ which causes ____,____, and ____

prostaglandins, histamines, shivering, increased metabolism, fever

enzymes in the small intestine digest:

proteins, fats, carbs

animals with osmotic thirst have a preference for ___ water and animals with hypovolemic thirst have a preference for ____ water

pure, slightly salty

osmotic thirst: the brain detects osmotic pressure from ______, the _____ and the _____ detect osmotic pressure and sodium content of the _____, and from ______, including the ___ and _____

receptors around 3rd ventricle, OVLT and subfornical organ (SFO), blood, receptors in the periphery, stomach, digestive tract

hypovolemic thirst: low blood volume - kidneys release enzyme ____ which helps form ____. other enzymes convert that into ______

renin, angiotensin I, angiotensin II

hypovolemic thirst is different from osmotic thirst in that your body needs to ______, including ____

restore fluids, salts

osmotic pressure: water flows across a _____ from an area of ___ solute concentration to an area of ___ solute concentration. it occurs when solutes are _____

semi permeable membrane, low, high, more concentrated on one side of the membrane

temp regulation: decreased body temp cycle

sensor is thermostat in hypothalamus, response is shivering or blood vessels in skin constrict, body temp increases

temp regulation: increased body temp cycle

sensor/control center is thermostat in hypothalamus, response is sweat or blood vessels in skin dilate, body temp decreases

fixed concentration of solutes in the body is a _____. ____ in mammals

set point, .15 M

a ____ refers to a single value that the body works to maintain. examples: levels of ____,_____,_____,_____, etc. in the body

set point, water, oxygen, glucose, acidity

the POA/AH, is responsible for control of

shivering, sweating, heart rate, blood flow to skin, metabolism in brown adipose tissue, etc

osmotic thirst: eating salty food causes ____ to ______ and ______ of the cell. the higher concentration of solutes outside the cell results in _____, drawing water from the cell to the ______. certain neurons detect the loss of water and trigger ____ to help restore the body to the normal state

sodium ions, spread through the blood and extracellular fluid, osmotic pressure, extracellular fluid, osmotic thirst

____ is a strong craving for salty foods and develops automatically to restore ____ in the blood

sodium-specific hunger, solute levels

homeostasis cycle

stimulus produces change in variable, change detected by receptor, input: info sent along afferent pathway (sensory) to control center, output: info sent along efferent pathway (motor) to effector, response of effector feeds back to influence magnitude of stimulus and returns variable to homeostasis

sweating is when ______ secrete sweat which removes heat when water changes state. shivering is rapid ____ and ____ of _____ and heat is produced by respiration

sudorific glands, contraction and relaxing, skeletal muscles

to inhibit thirst, the body monitors ___ and detects the ____ of the ___ and ____

swallowing, distension, stomach, intestines

the desire to ___ and other mouth sensations like ____ are also motivating factors in ___ and ____. ___ or ____ alone doesn't produce _____

taste, chewing, hunger, satiety, taste or chewing, satiety

____ regulation is one of the body's biological priorities


______ is vital to the normal functioning of many biological processes

temperature regulation

maintaining temperature requires ____ as much energy as all other activities combined. it uses about ___ of our energy/kilocalories a day

twice, 2/3

distention of the stomach: the _____ (____) conveys info about the stretching of the stomach walls to the ____. the ____ convey info about the _____ of the stomach

vagus nerve, cranial nerve X, brain, splanchnic nerves, nutrient contents

_____ is when arterioles dilate so more blood enters the skin capillaries and heat is lost, _____ is arterioles get smaller to reduce blood going to skin which keeps the core warm

vasodilation, vasoconstriction

____ is a hormone released by the posterior pituitary and is also known as _____ (___)

vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone, ADH

muscle activity benefits from being as _____ as possible. higher temp requires _____, ____ in the body ____ and lose their useful properties at higher temps, and ______ require cooler temps

warm, more energy, proteins, break their bonds, reproductive cells

every reaction takes place in a ____ at a rate that depends on: ______, _____, and ______

water solution, identity and concentration of molecules, temperature, presence of contaminant

the large intestine absorbs ___ and _____, and lubricates the remaining materials to _____

water, minerals, pass as feces

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