Psychological Assessment-Item Analysis and Test Construction

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What are the effects of item analysis?

increases test score variability, helps to ensure that scores will be normality distributed, it provides maximum differentiation between examinees, it helps maximize the test reliability

Adjective Checklist

long list of adjectives to check off what ones apply to them

Multiple Choice Formats

multiple alternatives

How are statistics determined?

determined by the person who designed the test and the person who is analyzing the test

Dichotomous Format

each item has two alternatives (yes or no; true or false)

What is an example of a Continuum Format?

faces of pain in a hospital

What is scaling?

has a goal of measuring in some type of way a trait, construct, or characteristic

What is the item difficulty index (p)?

a formula that will give you a correlation coefficient

What is a rating scale?

a grouping of words, statements, or symbols on which judgements on concerning the strength of a particular trait, attitude, or emotion are indicated by the person taking the test

What is Classical Test Theory?

a test score is composed of true score and error score

What are the 5 properties of the normal curve?

occurs based upon chance; depends on a large number of observations; the tails of the bell curve recede indefinitely and never touch the baseline; the shape of the distribution is symmetrical; and the mean, median, and mode have the same value

Likert Scale Format

rate the degree to which they agree

What is test data?

raw and scaled scores

What is an item analysis?

refers to a group of statistics that can be computed for each item of a test

What is a test?

refers to systematic method for measuring a sample of behavior, knowledge, or skills and abilities

What does p represent in an item difficulty index?

represents a level of ease

Bipolar Adjectives are also known as?

simatual differential technique

What can item analysis assist us in?

understanding tests and how tests can be improved

Continuum Format is also known as?

visual analog scale

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