Psychology 201 Final - Oregon State University

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If a researcher or trainer wants an operant response to be more resistant to extinction they should use ___ reinforcement


A potential problem of surveys is that

people do not always answer honestly

If a hypnotist fails to give a posthypnotic signal, a posthypnotic suggestion will

wear off after a few hours or days

When lotteries air videos of a happy winner on TV, but don't air videos of the thousands of people who did not win the lottery, which heuristic are they capitalizing on?


According to the serial position effect, you will be least likely to remember information from the ____ of an ordered list.


One study followed a group of very intelligent individuals in order to determine whether intelligence predicts later success in life. What did they find?

Personality differences explained the gap between the most successful and least successful individuals

Jenson needs to buy a new backpack. If he wanted to make the quickest decision possible, which of the following decision making strategies should he use?

Single feature

Carol is buying some earl grey tea for her partner, who isn't very picky. There are fifteen different brands of earl grey available at the store, and Carol is in a rush to get back home before her favorite TV show stars. Which decision making strategy is Carol most likely to use?

Single feature model

Communication within a neuron relies on ___ signals


Magicians often use misdirection to exploit your attention's

limited and selective nature

Schemas are stored in

long term memory

Alzheimer's disease appears to be associated with

massive tissue loss throughout the brain

Morgan received a bad grade on her report card so her parents took away her cellphone for 2 weeks. This is an example of

negative punishment

Select the option below that lists these three processes in terms of increasing difficulty, from easiest to hardest.

recognition; cued recall; recall

A major difference between classical and operant conditioning is that in classical conditioning the behavior is


Evidence indicates that when you recall the memory of a sound

regions of your brain associated with hearing the sounds are reactivated

Specialized cells known as ___ transform physical energy into electrical impulses.

sensory receptors

A dream is defined as a(n) ___ occurring during sleep.

sequence of perceptions, thoughts and emotions

According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, humans can perceive color because the eye has three

types of cones, sensitive to difference wavelengths.

While visiting her eye doctor, Zoe received a puff of air in her eye causing her to blink. Pavlov would call this air puff a(n)

unconditioned stimulus

Age is a(n) ___ whereas "the number of years since birth" is a(n) ___

variable; operational definition

Binocular disparity relies on the fact that the image that comes into your left eye and right eye are slightly different. If an object has a greater difference to your left and right eyes you brain interprets the object as being

very close

During ___ sleep a person experiences heightened brain and body activity.


What does the semantic network model imply for the structure of long term memory?

Similar ideas are clustered together

This category of drug is used to relieve pain and produce euphoria.


A tentative statement that describes the relationship between two or more variables is what is known as

a hypothesis

Who would be most responsive to hypnotic suggestion?

a young child

Proprioceptors in the muscles and joints are used to in order to sense

body position

Motion sickness is best understood in terms of

conflicts between vision and the vestibular sense

The parasympathetic nervous system activates in order to:

conserve the body's energy and resources.

A dyssomia is a sleep disorder that involves ___ in the person affected.

disruptions in the amount or timing of sleep.

A sleep deprived person is likely to experience

issues with their mood and reaction times

No matter how carefully an intelligence test is crafted...

it will favor individuals from the test creator's culture

When driving in your car you notice trees passing very quickly but houses in the distance seem to pass more slowly. This is an example of a monocular cue to depth called

motion parallax

A special type of cell that communicates information from the nervous system to a muscle.

motor neuron

You study really hard for your midterm and receive an A for your efforts. Receiving a good grade is functioning as a ___ and making you want to study hard for your next exam.

positive reinforcer

Before giving a presentation you notice you have an increased heartbeat, sweaty palms, and a dry mouth; this is likely due to activation in the ___ nervous system.


When a person's prior knowledge of, and expectations for, a stimulus impacts their perception of it, they are using

top-down processing

The current estimate for the heritability of intelligence, or the percentage of variation within a population that is due to genetic heredity, is which of the following?


It takes approximately ___ minutes for an average 20-year-old to go through all the stages of sleep one time.


Why do police officers test the motor coordination of individuals they suspect of drunk driving?

Alcohol impair the cerebellum

Why don't we use algorithms to solve every problem we encounter?

Algorithms are effort intensive and take a lot of time

Which is an example of observational learning?

A child trying to tell a joke because they watched their brother get positive attention for doing the same.

Which of the following is an example of a second order conditioning?

A dog learning to pair a bell with food, then learning to pair a light with a bell

Which of the following is an example of empirical evidence?

A high school teacher uses a stop watch to time how long it takes each student to complete and exam.

Sternberg's practical intelligence refers to which of the following?

Ability to adapt to a culturally determined environment

Which specialty in psychology focuses on the relationship between psychological processes and the body's physical systems?

Biological psychology

Mavis rereads the same two note cards over and over again for 30 minutes. Devin spends 10 minutes reading the note cards once, then thinking of how the topics on the note cards are different. Based on the information provided in your textbook, who is more likely to remember the material on the note cards the next day?


Which of the following is/are released in response to stress, pain, and trauma?


Cara grew up speaking only english. Juanita grew up speaking only Spanish. Geraldine grew up speaking both Spanish and English. Who is most likely to have better control over attention and to be better at taking the perspectives of others?


Even though Greg can type without looking at the keyboard, he can't recite the layout of the letters on the keyboard from memory. According to your textbook, why is this the case?

Implicit and explicit memories are different sections of long term memory

Once the optic nerve reaches the optic chiasm

Information from one eye (right) splits and goes to both sides of the brain

In the USA, intelligence has been rising steadily for the past several decades. Based on the evidence provided in our textbook, which of the following conclusions regarding the nature of intelligence is most reasonable?

Intelligence can be influenced by changes in the environment

Pavlov found that certain factors can influence the strength of a conditioned response. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors.

Intelligence of the animal

Which of the following is NOT listed in your textbook as a strategy to control pain?

Magnet therapy

Jorge takes a test to find out what Disney prince his personality trait is most similar to. The first time he takes the test, he gets Prince Eric. The next time he takes the test, he gets Aladdin. The third time he takes the test, he gets Flynn Rider. This test most clearly lacks:


If a person wanted a conditioned response to weaken or go away completely what could they do?

Repeatedly present a conditioned stimulus without any pairing

Janette put on too much perfume before going out. After 10 minutes she doesn't know anymore and thinks it has worn off. Her inability to smell the perfume after sometime is due to

Sensory adaptation

A study of 1140 university students found that the number of minutes students spent reading their introductory psychology textbook correlated r = +.54 with their exam scores. From this, we can conclude,

Students who did well on their psychology exams spent more time reading their textbook than those who did not do well on their exams.

Why does obstructive sleep apnea disrupt the quality of a person's sleep?

The airway becomes blocked, decreasing the oxygen supply.

Most people perceive color in their peripheral vision, even though there are no cones in the corresponding location of the retina. Why is this the case?

The brain uses contextual cues to fill in the missing information

While the instructor was lecturing, Kim understood the material. When Kim got home, however, the homework didn't make any sense. According to your textbook, which of the following is the most likely explanation?

The material never transferred from working memory to long term memory

What happens during a neuron's refractory period?

The neuron repolarizes to return to resting potential

Which of the following would be an example of an achievement test?

This exam

When Kimbra is asked to name three mammals, she lists cat, dog, and cow. Which of the following is the most probable explanation for why "brat, dolphin, and whale" wasn't her first choice?

Those animals are less similar to the prototype of a mammal

The context effect reflects the fact that it is easier to recall information under the same conditions that you learned it. Why is this the case?

Those conditions serve as a retrieval cue

If a brain region is damaged, how might the brain compensate?

Undamaged brain tissue may take over the lost function

As Josh goes through REM sleep certain areas of his brains increase the rates of firing. He then imposes meaning on these internally generated signals to create a dream. The ___ model of dreaming best describes this argument?


By definition, psychoactive drugs are chemicals that

alter mood, thinking, sensation, and perception.

The placebo response, or a psychological and physiological response to a fake drug or treatment, can be partially attributed to

classical conditioning

Which of the following processes involves long term memory?


If someone were to ask you to describe the directions you take to walk from your last class to this one you would need to access your

cognitive map

The process of positive ions moving into a neuron during an action potential is call:


After drinking a small amount of alcohol at a party, normally shy Amelia finds herself dancing around and being sociable. This is because alcohol is a

depressant that lowers inhibition

Basic taste such as sweet or salty can be detected by

every taste bud on the tongue

The study of psychological processes that helped individuals adapt to their environments, survive, reproduce, and pass on those abilities to their children is most closely associated with

evolutionary psychology

Removal of a negative stimulus will ___ the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated


Depressant drugs cause

inhibition in the central nervous system

According to interference theory, forgetting happens when

other memories compete with and replace the target memory

Jeremy has insomnia. He has recently been using rules designed to help him sleep better, such as waking up at the same time every morning, only going to bed when sleepy, and stopping all cellphone and TV use in the bedroom. Jeremy is practicing

stimulus control therapy

If you are not consciously aware of a memory, in which of the following stages could the memory be?


___ tend to be more interested in identifying the structures of the brain whereas ___ tend to be more concerned with figuring out what each structure does.

structuralists; functionalists

Once an action potential reaches the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron

synaptic vesicles release chemicals into the synapse, which are received by the postsynaptic neuron.

Imitation is most likely to occur when

the a person is in an unfamiliar situation.

The peripheral nervous system is comprised of:

the nerves connecting to the spinal cord

Scientists are most confident in a result when

the result is replicated several times by different researchers

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