Psychology final review

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Akiva tends to worry a lot, even about things that are out of his control. He is very insecure about the decisions that he makes in his life, and when things don't go his way he tends to pity himself instead of looking for ways to improve the situations. According to the five-factor theory of personality, Akiva would be

high in neuroticism.

Bernice has just discovered that she is pregnant. She should expect to be able to feel her baby's movements in about

5 months.

Patient B.F. has anterograde amnesia. Which of the following will he be able to do?

recognize his wife and children, learn to knit, remember the days of the week and months

Jake just turned 25 and Joseph just turned 30. Jake teases Joseph about being an "old man" and tells him that since he's 30, "it's all downhill" for him. Evidently, 25-year-old Jake feels that he is presently exempt from the mental and physical decline associated with aging and that, for Joseph, it has already started. Which of the following statements could Joseph correctly employ in his defense?

"Between the ages of 20 and 40, we all begin to experience a steady decline, so you're probably already headed downhill right along with me."

According to the global workspace model, which of the following would Angelina be most likely to say if the temporal lobe of her cerebral cortex were stimulated?

"I hear things."

Jolie is writing a research paper that focuses on the physical development of the brain and body. She is emphasizing how these changes prepare the child for voluntary movement, such as rolling over, sitting, and walking. What would be the best title for this paper?

"Maturation in Infants"

How often should those who practice transcendental meditation engage in this activity?

20 minutes, twice a day

After many years of working, Seton has decided to go back to college, and he feels nervous about taking his first exam. According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, why is Seton's nervousness a good thing?

A moderate level of anxiety is associated with optimal performance on exams.

Religious ecstasy and meditation both can lead to experiences of altered consciousness. Why?

Both practices allow practitioners to direct attention away from the self.

Wesley is walking to the kitchen in his house when he suddenly sees a mouse run across the floor. Wesley's brain first processes the information about the mouse. Then at the same time he feels the emotional response of fear and the physical response of increased heart rate. In this case, Wesley's experience is consistent with the __________ theory of emotion.


Which of the following is true about the functions of dendrites and axons?

Dendrites detect information from neighboring neurons, whereas axons transmit information.

Dr. King is preparing a presentation for his students that addresses the relationship between the reticular activating system in the brain and an individual's level of extraversion or introversion. Whose theory would Dr. King most likely reference in this talk?


Which researcher identified four interpersonal styles that lead to difficulties and, often, breakups between couples who are romantically involved?


Cari often has temper tantrums, and she pouts when she can't have her way. She often behaves impulsively and becomes extremely impatient if she can't have the things that she wants immediately. According to Freud's view of the personality, Cari's personality appears to be dominated by her


Coleman has an IQ of 130 and tends to do very well in school. This suggests that which of the following is true about IQ tests as measures of intelligence?

IQ tests are valid.

Austin and Hallie just witnessed a serious accident where a cyclist crashed while riding through the park. The couple was shocked that none of the nearby people in the crowded park rushed over to help. According to the psychologists who first described the phenomenon of the bystander intervention effect, which factor should increase the chances of the victim receiving help from others?

If there are fewer bystanders, someone is more likely to help the victim.

Split-brain patient G.C. is in line at a coffee shop when he witnesses a woman in his right visual field about to trip over an electrical cord on the floor. What happens next?

Luckily, because the incident is taking place in his right visual field, G.C. is able to warn the woman about the cord before she trips.

Richard and Kathy have been best friends for years. When it comes to predicting what each other will do in certain situations, which of the following statements is MOST accurate?

Richard will not be able to predict Kathy's behavior more accurately than she can.

Kendra is studying abroad, and she realizes that, compared to the local students she has befriended, she sometimes remembers events differently. Perhaps her preexisting __________ are affecting the way she encodes experiences.


Joy and Shawn have a good marriage, but they disagree about food. They buy two different loaves of bread each week, one white and one wheat, so that they each have the bread they like best. Which of these choices is the MOST likely cause of their different preferences?

Shawn and Joy ate different types of bread as children, and they still each prefer to eat the bread most familiar to them.

Nicola has been playing roller derby for several months now, but she hasn't seen many improvements in her skills lately. She is at the rink three nights a week, but she's starting to feel that there's no point to practicing so hard as it isn't paying off. Given what you know, which of these statements applies to Nicola?

She has low self-efficacy.

According to the notion of general intelligence, if Cici is very good at math, how would you expect her to do in other subjects, such as writing?

She will perform relatively as well in writing as she does in math.

Why is REM sleep sometimes called paradoxical sleep?

The paradox lies in the fact that some parts of the brain are more active during REM sleep than they are during wakefulness.

Maurice is taking a personality test in which he is shown an ambiguous picture and asked to tell a story about what is happening in the image. He is taking which of the following tests?

Thematic Apperception Test

Tyler loves socializing and is a thrill seeker, whereas Marco prefers to spend time alone and hates partaking in risky activities. According to Eysenck, how can we explain their different personalities?

Tyler is generally less aroused than Marco.

You are doing an experiment to test whether exercise improves self-control in children. Half of the children will jump rope for five minutes before being left alone in a room with a bowl of candy. The other half of the children will color for five minutes before being left alone in the room with the candy. You plan to measure how long it takes for each child to begin eating the candy as well as how much candy the children consume. Which statement about your research is true?

Your dependent variable has two operational definitions.

Nikki is in middle school and she loves to read and write short stories, which means that she usually gets very good grades in her English class. Nikki's parents start to pay her $5 for every book that she reads and $10 for every A that she gets on the stories that she writes for English class. According to self-determination theory, the impact of this reward system is likely to be

a decrease in Nikki's intrinsic motivation to read books and write stories.

While reading about George Sperling's research investigating visual sensory storage, Umar is surprised to find out that one particular factor caused a significant decline in participants' ability to remember what was seen. What was this factor?

a longer delay between when participants saw the three rows and when they had to report one of them

Dora scored high on an intelligence test. Further testing will possibly find all of the following except

a short attention span.

Lewis completes a test that assesses his current skills and knowledge. Alice completes a test that assesses her ability to learn in the future. In these examples, Lewis has probably completed an __________ test and Alice has completed an __________ test.

achievement; aptitude

Research has shown that even infants can display empathy, or the ability to feel the emotions of another person; for example, when an infant sees another baby crying and soon begins crying herself. This type of learning is most likely a result of

activation of mirror neurons.

Dana's professor has been in a good mood all month, ever since a shiny engagement ring appeared on her hand. Dana is hoping that this good mood influences how the professor grades her latest essay. According to the __________ theory, Dana may be in luck


What is the most widely used and abused depressant in the world?


Which part of the brain is responsible for processing the emotional importance of a stimulus, as well as generating immediate emotional and behavioral responses?


Vivianna knew that if she saved a little bit of money each week, she would be able to afford to go with her friends to Las Vegas over spring break. The trip to Vegas served as __________ to keep Vivianna motivated.

an incentive

As she begins the process of going through puberty, which of the following physical changes will occur in Ardella's brain?

an increase in gray matter

During a trip to the north, Rodrigo wrote to Larissa about the first time he saw snow falling. To do so, he pictured it in his mind to recall the experience. When he wrote to her, he used the word "snowfall" for the first time. Rodrigo picturing the snow is an example of aNo __________ representation. In Rodrigo's letter, the word "snowfall" is aNo __________ representation.

analogical; symbolic

Kelly was evaluated by a developmental psychologist when she was 3 years old and was described as being "undercontrolled." Based on research noted in your text, which two conditions is she at a higher risk for developing by the time she is 21 years old?

antisocial personality disorder and alcohol problems

The majority of twin studies have found that genetic influence explains ________ of the variability between individuals for all personality traits.

around half

According to filter theory, having limited __________ helps us to function in the world, because otherwise we would be swamped with irrelevant sensory information.


According to Costa and McCrae, __________ are traits determined primarily by biological processes, and __________ are adjustments to situational demands.

basic tendencies; characteristic adaptations

Dr. Rickles adheres to the humanistic perspective on personality. Which of the following correctly states what his general view of people might be?

basically good and capable of growth

During the election for a new city mayor, Sheila held several news conferences to explain in detail how she would address the important issues that the city was facing. Another candidate, Novia, bought TV advertisements that showed local celebrities supporting her for mayor. According to the elaboration likelihood model, Sheila was attempting to use persuasion by the ________ route and Novia was using persuasion by the ________ route.

central; peripheral

Dwayne loves going to Las Vegas. Even when he is inside the casinos, where there are no windows to give him light cues, he still feels sleepy by midnight, because his body still is influenced by __________ rhythms.


After returning from the vet, Dave noticed that his dog, Smooches, began to shake and whine whenever she was near his car. Which of the following types of learned response was Smooches exhibiting?

classical conditioning

When she was little, Melanie ate corn nuts right before riding a roller coaster. The ride gave her motion sickness and she threw up. Since then, Melanie has never wanted to eat corn nuts, even though the corn nuts did not cause her to be sick. Which type of implicit memory is at play?

classical conditioning

Whereas Chuck used to feel confident, alert, energetic, and sociable when using this drug, he now feels paranoid and has developed some violent and psychotic tendencies.


Dr. Barker is an experienced medical professional, but he is also a smoker. In order to reduce the inevitable __________, he probably needs to change his behavior and quit smoking, because it will be very difficult for him to change his attitude and stop believing that smoking is bad for his health.

cognitive dissonance

Brian is an American traveling abroad. He is shocked by the extent to which the people in the country he's visiting seem to follow group norms and emphasize family connection and group cohesiveness. Brian is traveling in a country that has aNo __________ culture


Jenna knows that Johnny doesn't treat her right. She also knows she can find someone who will treat her better. But for some reason, she keeps dating Johnny anyway. Which of these is true about Jenna?


Cedric walks into his boss's office and says, "I have a conflict next Thursday. Can I please have the day off?" His boss thinks it over for a minute and then agrees to give Cedric the day off. The boss's willingness to agree to a specific request is an example of


Cindi wants to start practicing daily meditation, but she is trying to decide which approach is most appealing to her. She can't decide between __________ meditation, where you focus attention on one specific thing or phrase, and __________ meditation, where you let your thoughts flow freely without examining them or reacting to them.

concentrative; mindfulness

Minnie has signed up to take a class in developmental psychology. She can expect that the course will study the changes that occur between __________ and __________.

conception; death

After a large balloon burst loudly and suddenly at her birthday party, Cindy showed a fear of balloons. In terms of the acquisition phase of classical conditioning, the balloon is the __________ and her fear is the __________.

conditioned stimulus (CS); conditioned response (CR)

A child has learned to avoid his father in the morning because his father is always grouchy at that time. Generally, being able to learn what stimuli predict pleasure or pain is consistent with Pavlov's belief that

conditioning is how we adapt to our environments.

Courtney is a highly intelligent person and also a successful attorney. She is thankful that both of her parents not only had very high IQs but also gave her an experience-filled and educationally rich childhood. Generally speaking, Courtney's high intelligence can be attributed to the

contributions of nature and nurture.

Joaquin worked really hard to write his first history paper. He went to the library and took thorough notes about everything he read. But later he mistakenly thought that some of his notes represented his own original ideas rather than those of other scholars, so without realizing it, Joaquin plagiarized the work of others by making a source attribution error called


When Lauren visits her grandfather she loves walking with him because he names all the species of trees and plants that they see. When Lauren's grandfather recalls these facts he is demonstrating __________ intelligence.


Bee was asked to write a paper comparing her personality with her brother's personality using the trait approach. In her paper, Bee might have explained which of the following?

demonstrates more neuroticism

In one study, hypnotized participants asked to drain color from colored images showed diminished activity in the visual cortex regions associated with color. This did not occur with participants who were not hypnotized. Which theory of hypnosis is supported by this result?

dissociation theory

Donna is madly in love with Harry. Whenever they are together she has a very strong sexual yearning for him, and when they're apart she longs to be with him. Brain imaging studies show that this sort of passionate love is associated with activity in the __________ reward system.


Grace loves to gossip. She spends most of the time talking about people who are having financial, relationship, or health issues and who are generally doing worse than she is. Grace is engaging in __________ comparison and probably has __________ self-esteem.

downward; high

Morris is 85 years old. Which of the following tasks would you expect him to have the most difficulty with?

driving while listening to the radio

When he first meets the people at his new job, Jared tries hard to impress them with his experience and achievement. The fact that he attempts to build and maintain others' positive impressions of him demonstrates that he is motivated by

egosystem goals.

Deano, a high school senior, is attracted to novelty and risk taking, has a lousy relationship with his parents, and generally feels invincible. He may be at risk for

experimenting with alcohol and illegal drugs.

Sandy has a huge crush on Casey. When he is nearby, Sandy doesn't pay attention to anything or anyone else. Psychologist Donald Broadbent explained that we selectively attend to the most important information in this model, which he developed.

filter theory

Huey is a very sociable and funny person. His sociability, but not his sense of humor, is probably influenced by his


Laura's mother died from Huntington's disease. Unfortunately, after opting to take a genetic test, it was determined that Laura's __________ predisposed her to Huntington's disease.


Group leaders should refrain from expressing strong opinions at the beginning of discussions. Leaders should also encourage their teams to consider alternative ideas and treat dissenters respectfully. In this way, leaders can prevent which of the following from happening?


On the first day of Jake's summer job at the fish market, he was so overwhelmed by the smell that he was concerned about being able to stay on at the job. What form of non-associative learning would lead us to predict that Jake will not have to quit due to the smell?


When Martin first drives his new car home, he notices that there is a lot of road noise coming in through the windows. After a few weeks of driving, however, he barely notices that noise. Martin is most likely experiencing non-associative learning through


Ecstasy has an energizing effect similar to that of other stimulants, but it also has the properties of __________, which may be why the drug has become popular at clubs and raves.


According to the work of Ebbinghaus, in order to reduce the amount of time it would take to relearn material, one should do which of the following?

have more initial exposures to the material

Julio and Antonio are monozygotic twins. Both boys have the same eye color, but Antonio is taller and better at sports. Based on this information we know that they

have the same genotype, but different phenotypes.

Mia and Thalia are very similar to each other in the personality trait of openness, whereas Esther and Hannah are less similar to one another in openness. One explanation is that Mia and Thalia are __________, whereas Esther and Hannah are __________.

identical twins; fraternal twins

Charlie is a 16-year-old boy who has always been a straight-A student. Recently Charlie has started to struggle in his math and science classes so his teachers assign him to a special study hall for students who need academic help. Even though Charlie has thought of himself as academically gifted he wonders whether he is actually academically challenged. Given this information, Charlie is most likely experiencing a crisis of _________ versus ______________.

identity; role confusion

Craig said he had forgiven Josh for a past disagreement, but whenever Josh goes out with the group, Craig seems to stay at home. Which of Craig's attitudes toward Josh likely remains negative?


Melia's company has offered her the chance to move from Philadelphia to North Carolina. She does not really want to relocate, but the company has offered her a promotion, moving expenses, and a big pay raise if she agrees. These external rewards that are designed to motivate Melia to relocate are best described as


Jim's best friend Denise was sexually assaulted, and Jim was shocked to hear of the event. He was even more surprised by how many people assumed that Denise must have done something to provoke the attack. These people are making an attribution that seems to make the world seem safer and saner, according to the

just world hypothesis.

Gloria does a lot of weight training between soccer games. As she strengthens her muscles, she is able to run harder and faster during games. In the same ways, when synaptic connections between neurons become strengthened, the activity between them increases. This biological mechanism that underlies learning is called

long-term potentiation.

Abraham is at a bar with some friends when he sees an attractive woman at another table. He strikes up a friendly conversation with her, and after a while she gives him her email address. Abraham repeats the email address to himself over and over again while he signals to a friend that he needs a pen so he can write it down. Abraham is using __________ to keep the information active in his working memory.

maintenance rehearsal

This popular drug alters consciousness by blocking the reuptake of dopamine and increases its release, and in the long term, it can cause considerable damage throughout the brain and body.


While studying for her final exam in an anatomy and physiology class, Fabienne tries to create a sentence where the first letter of each key term represents an important concept that she will need to know. Fabienne is using the retrieval cue of __________ to help her remember the key terms.


While studying the different types of long-term memory, Mary finds it helps if she starts by thinking about how each kind of memory is defined. Which of the following would be the best way for her to think about the definition of procedural memory?

motor skills and habits

Joseph is studying the different types of learning presented in the textbook chapter. Which of the following is a type of learning about one simple stimulus from the external world?

non-associative learning

Which of the following pairs of variables would be an example of a negative correlation?

number of times a person brushes his or her teeth and likelihood of getting cavities

Domenica hates that she blushes at the slightest sign of embarrassment. However, blushing may serve which of the following purposes?

offering a type of biological, nonverbal apology

Eriq has been diagnosed with diabetes, which means that his body does not release enough insulin to help manage the glucose levels in his blood. The part of the body responsible for producing insulin is the


Yasmeen and her girlfriend recently got into a major fight, and there was a lot of yelling and screaming before Yasmeen stormed out of the house and drove away. Now, thirty minutes later, she is calming down due to increased activity in her __________ nervous system.


Which of the following is likely to contribute to a person's sense of self in a collectivist culture?

personal relationships

Which term concerns the characteristic thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviors that are relatively stable in an individual across time and circumstances?


According to the text, the interaction of what three developmental domains shapes human development?

physical, cognitive, socio-emotional

After his stroke, Brian slowly recovered function in his right arm. The property of the brain that supports learning and recovery of functions lost after brain trauma and that reflects the interactive nature of biological and environmental influences is called


The probability of an action potential being propagated from neuron to neuron is increased when the __________ neuron's signal is __________.

postsynaptic; excitatory

Damian is a new driver and likes to speed, but he usually abides by the posted speed limit because he doesn't want to get a ticket or lose his driving privileges. What level of moral reasoning is Damian working from?


Antoinetta has just developed a skill called object permanence. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, Antoinetta is most likely about to progress to the __________ stage of cognitive development.


The concept of __________ can partially explain why 2-year-old Jason quickly acquired a fear of fire but did not show any fear of his mother's shoes.


As he is leaving the house in the morning, Jason's wife calls out to him, "Don't forget that we have a parent-teacher conference at 2:00 today!" Jason replies that he won't forget. This kind of memory, which involves remembering a future event, is called __________ memory.


Roberto has just moved to a new address. When he is filling out an information page on a website he automatically starts to type in his old address and then has trouble remembering his new address. What memory process explains why Roberto forgot his new address?

proactive interference

Chavonne was very stressed out and decided to get a massage. In order to fully experience the stress-relieving benefits of touch, the three functions of Chavonne's nervous system had to be intact; that is, her nervous system had to be able to do which three things (in the order listed)?

receive sensory information, process it, and then respond to it

Once Neal left home for college, he found it difficult to recall the street names of his childhood neighborhood and even the names of his old classmates. What type of forgetting has affected Neal?

retroactive interference

You go to the hospital to visit Patient N.L., who has had memory problems following a sports injury three weeks ago. Patient N.L. recognizes his team of doctors, is able to speak, and is able to remember who has visited him that day, but he did not recognize his girlfriend or parents, and he did not remember where he lived or went to school. You're not surprised to learn that he has been diagnosed with

retrograde amnesia.

Kim has an IQ of only 85 but can perform amazing feats of memory, such as memorizing the contents of over nine thousand books. A person like Kim, who has a low IQ but shows extraordinary ability in some intelligent process, is known as a


After Theo turned 13, he noticed that his voice deepened, and the hair on his arms and legs grew thicker and darker. Both of these physical changes are considered to be typical changes in boys' _________that occur during puberty.

secondary sex characteristics

Abraham has been working hard to reach his full potential, both in his relationship with his family and at work. He wants to become all that he is capable of. According to Maslow's hierarchy, Abraham is working to satisfy a need for


Janelle's college adviser discouraged her from taking computer science because those classes tend to be difficult. Even though Janelle had an interest in programming, she began to doubt herself and worried that she would be unable to succeed in difficult, analytical courses. Her adviser's expectations had the potential to turn into which type of outcome?

self-fulfilling prophecy

Anika is an Olympic athlete. She is at a loud party where she can hardly hear the person standing next to her, but when someone across the room makes a mention of the Olympics, she hears it and looks to see who might have said it. Anika hears the comment about the Olympics because being an Olympian is part of which of the following?


When Marlon is asked to describe himself, he says that he is a son, father, brother, friend, student, teacher, worker, nephew, and churchgoer. All these factors, and many others, make up Marlon's


One-year-old Jerome is in the __________ stage of cognitive development. Thus, when his mother shows Jerome a ball and then hides it behind her back, we would expect him to __________.

sensorimotor; appear to lose interest in the ball and not look for it

Todd put a tiny light on one spoke of each of his bike wheels. When Todd rides at night, other people see the lights as circles, and not just as a single point, until Todd comes to a stop. Which memory system allows for this visual effect?

sensory storage

Employing a process known as ____________, when Brice was first training his dog to do a "high five," he gave it a treat for any behavior, such as lifting its paw, that approximated the desired end-goal behavior of a "high five."


Dr. Snodgrass is an interactionist, so he likely believes that personality is determined more by __________ than by __________.

situations; traits

Valerie snores so loudly during the night that her son, Kevin, can hear her all the way down the hall. Valerie is also frequently tired during the day and struggles to maintain a healthy weight. Kevin suspects his mother has which sleep disorder?

sleep apnea

When Cody arrived at the gym, it was relatively empty. She started riding a stationary bike at a leisurely pace. After a few other people sat down on nearby bikes, however, she began to speed up her pace and push herself a bit more. What is this phenomenon called?

social facilitation

At a meeting of the American Association of Knitting Enthusiasts, five people are elected to a committee to create a mission statement. Devin spends the entire committee meeting looking at her cell phone and texting and contributes nothing to the work. She is sure the other four will get the work done fine without her. Devin's behavior is most likely the result of

social loafing.

Kelvin is pitching for his high school baseball team. He has mastered the art of the curveball, and knows just how to twist his fingers around the seam of the baseball to make the pitch work. The part of the nervous system that helps him feel the seams on the baseball and control his fingers to throw the curveball properly is the ________ nervous system.


James is a painter who continuously must adjust the tension of his brush-holding hand to execute strokes. The ability to control his grip is supported by the __________ nervous system, a subdivision of his __________ nervous system.

somatic; peripheral

According to one model of memory, seeing a hammer might also partially activate memories for related items, such as nails, screwdrivers, and wrenches. The model of memory that best accounts for this phenomenon is

spreading activation models.

When Annaliese takes a job qualification exam to work in a science lab, she becomes aware that she is the ONLY woman in a room of 20 people who are taking the exam. She becomes anxious about women being regarded as less capable in sciences, and then she does not do as well on the test as she otherwise might have. In this situation it is MOST likely that Annaliese has been impacted by

stereotype threat.

When Amy stepped on a sharp nail, she felt pain. For her to feel pain, there must have been sufficient __________ of a neuron to create __________, which is the first step in neural communication.

stimulation; an action potential

Although your friend is much more outgoing and boisterous than you are, at your college graduation you were both somber and quiet. Graduation was probably an example of a __________ situation.


The sound of the word "cow" is aNo __________ for a cow, whereas the sound of the word "moo" is aNo __________ for the sound a cow makes.

symbolic representation; analogical representation

While on spring break in Acapulco, Maia decided to do some cliff diving. As she stood at the edge of a 50-foot cliff, her heart raced, her respiration increased, and she sweated profusely. Which of the following divisions of Maia's autonomic nervous system had been activated by this experience?


While being put to bed, 2-year-old Tommy says to his mother, "go potty . . . drink water . . .," which is his way of saying he needs to go to the bathroom after drinking water. Tommy's statement best demonstrates

telegraphic speech.

Nakila was born totally deaf. She has never been able to hear a sound. Her physicians note that the structures of her ears are all fine, as are the auditory nerves that send sound information to the brain. "There must be a problem with the ________ lobes, which contain the auditory cortex," the physicians report to Nakila's parents.


Bliss is hooked on a horror television series about serial killers. Based on the number of programs that she has watched, she decides that she is likely to be victimized by a serial killer and purchases an expensive home security system. Bliss is demonstrating

the availability heuristic.

Aditya is talking with a woman he wants to ask on a date. He wants to make sure that she likes him before he asks, so he watches the way that she smiles. Aditya figures that if she displays a genuine smile, not a fake one, it is more likely that she feels positively toward him and will agree to go out with him. Aditya is happy when he finally sees a genuine smile, where

there were small crinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Keoh is studying for a test tomorrow, and he knows the teacher will ask for the definition of "intelligence." Which of the following details should he NOT include in his definition?

the motivation to be successful in life

Ayelet is a research assistant in a lab at her university. Her lab studies the way sensory information is processed, and their latest results suggest that different neural processes are associated with different types of information, such as recognizing faces, understanding grammatical phrases, and so on. The results support the global workspace model, which posits that

there is no one area of the brain that is responsible for general "awareness" on its own.

When attempting to understand the connection between psychological and physical problems, Freud concluded that

to a large extent, behavior is directed by mental processes that operate below the level of conscious awareness.

Sherlock rewards his older son for cleaning up the garage by giving him $5. Later he is amused when his younger daughter, Lily, comes up to him later and asks, "Daddy, can I clean the garage tomorrow?" Lily most likely learned about the benefits of cleaning the garage through __________ conditioning.


5-year-old Laurence observes his father yelling at Laurence's sister after she dropped and broke her dinner plate while removing it from the table. Thereafter, due to __________, Laurence is very cautious when removing his own plate.

vicarious conditioning

Casey is jealous of his sister Yvette, who seems to get special treatment because she is very physically attractive. Yvette always breezes through airport security, and whenever she gets pulled over for speeding, she is able to talk her way out of getting a ticket. From which stereotype does Yvette benefit?

what is beautiful is good

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