Psychology of Sport: Chapter 1

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- An investigator observes or assesses factors w/o changing environment - Have ltd. ability to identify causal (cause & effect) relationships b/w factors.

Period 3: Preparation for the Future (1939-1965)

- Applied work in sport psych still ltd., but changed at end of era - Dorothy Hazeltine Yates, one of 1st women in US to practice sport psych & conduct research: relaxation-set method. - David Tracy did applied work w/ St. Louis Browns


- Based on observation. - Objective evidence must support beliefs and must be open to outside eval and observation.

Social-Psychological Orientation

- Behavior determined by complex interaction b/w (social) environment and personal makeup of athlete/exerciser. - Ex: Examine how leader's style/strategies foster group cohesion/influence participation in exercise program.

Psychophysiological Orientation

- Best way to study behavior during sport and exercise is to examine physiological processes of brain and influences on physical activity. - Assess heart rate, brain wave activity, muscle action potentials, determining relationships b/w psychophysiological behaviors and sport and exercise behavior.


- Concerns emerge on how to prep/educate students - Ex psych flourishes, esp in uni environment, driven by external funding and utility in facilitating wellness and holding down health care costs - Strong, diverse, sustained research progs around world - Interest in applied sport psych increases

Ferrucio Antonelli

- Credit for Internat'l devel of sport psych - First pres of ISSP - First editor of Internat'l Journal of Sport Psych

Cognitive-Behavioral Orientation

- Emphasize athlete's/exerciser's cognitions or thoughts and behaviors and believe that thought is central in determining behavior, in addition to environment. - Devel self-report measures to assess self-confidence, anxiety, goal orientations, imagery, and intrinsic motivation, then see how this is related to exercise behavior.

International Society of Sport and Exercise Psychology (ISSP)

- Est'd 1965- promote/share info of sport psych - Sponsored 12 World Congresses of Sport Psych that promote awareness/interest in field - Sponsored International Journal of Sport Psych

Period 2: The Development of Laboratories and Psychological Testing (1921-1938)

- Germany, Japan, Russia, US - Coleman Griffith 1st N. Am. to devote big part of career to sport psych.--He is the FATHER of American Sport Psych. - Griffith est'd 1st lab in Sport Psych, initiate one of 1st coaching schools in Am, wrote: Psych of Coaching & Psych of Athletics

Period 5: Multidisciplinary Science and Practice in Sport and Exercise Psychology (1978-2000)

- Interest in applied issues, growth and devel of ex psych as specialty for researchers and practitioners. - Field more accepted/respected - Prof practice issues: training standards, ethical standards, licensure, full-time jobs for increasing people in the field. - Dorothy Harris prof at Penn State est'd sport psych grad prog, 1st female/American to be in International Society of Sport Psych, first female: awarded w/ Fullbright Fellowship in sport psych, pres of N. Am. Society of Sport Psych and Phys Activity (BROKE GROUND FOR WOMEN).

Another limitation of science is overemphasis on ____ ____

- Internal Validity; science favors extent to which results of an investigation can be attributed to treatment used. - Causes scientists to overlook external validity.

Coming off the Bench: A Sport Psychology Consulting Case Study--(p.14)

- Jerry Reynolds referred to Ron Hoffman a Sport Psych - consultant at Southeastern Uni. - Jerry had bad anxiety playing college bball, b/c hadn't played since HS. - Jerry learned breathing techniques (centering), stretches, control negative thoughts by replacing with an image and positive affirmations.

Professional Practice Knowledge

- Knowledge gained through experience

Period 4: Establishment of Academic Sport Psychology (1966-1977)

- Phys Edu own academic discipline, & sport psych separate component of discipline, distinct from motor learning. - Sport psychologists study psych factors influence on sport/motor skill performance & how participation in sport and phys ed influences psych devel. - Bruce Ogilvie of San Jose State 1st to work (applied sport psych) w/ teams; FATHER of N. Am. Applied Sport Psych - First sport psych societies in N. Am.

Sometimes scientific knowledge is ______

- Reductionistic; too complex to study all variables simultaneously, so researcher will select isolated variables that are of most critical interest. - However when prob reduced to smaller parts, understanding of whole pic is compromised.


- SCIENTIST'S ULTIMATE GOAL. - Set of interrelated facts that present a systematic view of some phenomenon in order to describe, explain, and predict it's cute occurrences. - Help org/explain a large # of facts - Theory turns into practice.

Professional Practice Knowledge comes from...

- Scientific Method - Systematic Observation - Single case study - Shared public experience - Introspection (examining your thoughts/feelings) - Intuition (immediate understanding of knowledge in absence of conscious, rational process) - Coaches, etc use these as theoretical principles to guide work.

Limitations of scientific method are...

- Slow and conservative b/c reliability is judged by o/t's - Takes time to become systematic/controlled.

Scientifically Derived Knowledge

- Strengths 1) Highly reliable 2) Systematic and controlled 3) Objective and unbiased - Limits 1) Reductionistic, conservative, slow to evolve 2) Lack of focus on external validity (practicality)

Professional Practice Knowledge

- Strengths 1) Holistic 2) Innovative 3) Immediate - Limits 1) Less reliable 2) Lack of explanations 3) Greater susceptibility to bias

Systematic approach

- Utilized by scientific method to study a question. - Involves standardizing conditions (Identical conditions with a carefully designed measure).

External Validity

- Whether the issue has true significance/utility in real world.

Social Facilitation Theory

- Zajonc, 1965 - An audience creates arousal in the performer, which hurts performance on hard/complex tasks that had not been well-learned, and helps performance on well-learned tasks. - Inc understanding of how audience influence performance

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #1

1) Consulting and service opportunities are more plentiful than ever. Performance psych-sports psych principles applied to business performance arts, medicine military- emerging as area of interest

Why is there a gap b/w scientific and professional practice knowledge?

1) Few opportunities existed to transfer results of research to pros in working in field. 2) Some sport and exercise psychologists overly optimistic about using research to revolutionize practice of teaching sport and physical activity skills. 3) Little connections to field made form lab research in 60s/70s

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #10

10) The importance of embracing globalization of sport and ex psych is a paramount for contemporary students in the field and will continue to increase. Helps understand what principles are generalized and culturally bound. Increased activity in Europe, Asia, South America.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #11

11) Multidisciplinary research is increasing. Work w/ o/t disciplines to solve big probs.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #12

12) As tech develops at record pace and changes all aspects of our lives, sport psychologists are learning how to use these technologies to facilitate their efforts.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #13

13) As our world becomes seemingly smaller and more connected more emphasis in contemporary sport psych placed on studying cultural diversity/examining how groups like men and women or those from diff ethnic cultures are similar/unique. Greater emphasis on increasing understanding, facilitating inclusion, and embracing diversity.


1st World Congress of Sport Psych in Rome.


1st annual NASPSPA conference held

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #2

2) Emphasis on counseling/clinical training for sport psychologists. Need more training in counseling and clinical psych.


2nd Olympic Congress debates psych effects of sports on youth.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #3

3) Ethics and competence issues receiving greater emphasis AASP est'd certification for sport and exercise psych consultants/2006 APA recog sport psych as proficiency in psych. Ethical standards have been developed for sport psych specialists.


3rd Olympic Congress focus on sport psych

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #4

4) Specializations and subspecialties are developing. Exercise psych most growth, but new include: youth life and skills development through sport, and psych of performance excellence.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #5

5) Tension continues w/ practitioners of academic and applied sport psych.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #6

6) Qualitative research methods now accepted. 1990s reflected change in way sport and ex psychologists conduct research

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #7

7) Applied sport psychologists have more work opportunities than ever but only limited chances at full-time positions. Grad degree to become qualified sport psych specialist.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #8

8) Sport and ex psych become recognized sport science of considerable utility and is receiving increased attention and recognition globally.

Current and future trends in Sport Psychology #9

9) A number of leaders in gen field of psych embrace positive psych mvmt. Need for psychologists to focus more on devel of positive attributes like hope not on deficits. Sport psychologists Graham Jones, Jim Loehr, Austin Swain, Shane Murphy, Steve Bull took what learned to business world to enhance psychological skills/work performance. Katie Hays helped elite performance artists (dancers, musicians) devel psych skills needed for top performance.


AASP est'd.


AASP est, "certified consultant" designation


APA Division (Sport Psychology) est'd


APA Division 47 focus on Sport Psych as a specialized proficiency area.


Abnormal Psych

Research Role

Advance knowledge in the field. Sharing of findings produces advances, discussion, and healthy debate at professional meetings and in journals.


Am. TV coverage of Olympics emphasizes Sport Psych.


B. Cratty of UCLA writes Psychology of Physical Activity

Ema Geron

Bulgarian; leadership role in formation of European federation of sport psych/1st pres of org (1969-1973)

Ex Phys

Clinical Psych


Clinical Psychologists Ogilvie and Thomas Tutko write Problem Athletes and How to Handle Them, and began to consult w/ athletes/teams.

3 roles in professional activity of Sport Psychology

Conducting research, teaching, and consulting

Consulting Role

Consulting with individual athletes or teams to develop psychological skills for enhancing competitive performance and training. Consult Olympic and University athletes, military, surgeons. Work in support with Sports Medicine/PT Clinics to provide psychological services to the injured (athletes).

Motor Development

Counseling Psych

Scientific Method

Depicts science as a process/method of learning about the world through systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical filtering of knowledge acquired by experience.

Motor Learning/Control

Developmental Psych

Jim Loehr

Drew parallel b/w top exec's and world class athletes. Teaches exec's to be effective by becoming corporate athletes who reach ideal performance by devel phys, emotional, mental, and spiritual capacities.


E.W. Scripture conduct data-based studies of athletes at Yale, examining reaction/mvmt times and transfer of physical training.


Est'd first applied scholarly journal: The Sport Psychologist.

Sports Medicine

Experimental Psych

Experimental Group and Control Group

Experimental group is manipulated and control group is left alone.

Clinical Sport Psychology

Extensive training in psychology so they can detect and treat individuals/athletes/exercisers with (severe) emotional disorders. Two areas of support: eating disorders and substance abuse.


First sport psych dept by P.A. Rudik in Moscow at State Institute of Physical Culture


Franklin Henry- (responsible for fields scientific development) works in dept of edu at UC Berkeley & est'd grad program in psych of physical activity.


G.T.W. Patrick discuss psych of play


Griffith publishes 25 research articles about sport psych


Griffith publishes Psychology of Athletics


Griffith publishes Psychology of Coaching


Internat'l Society of Sport Psych conference in China: 700 people from 70 countries.


Involves rigorous eval by researcher. Critical analysis ensure reliable conclusions.

Major strength of scientific method is...

It's reliable; the methodology is systematic and controlled and scientific findings are consistent/repeatable.


John Lawther writes Psychology of Coaching.


Journal of Applied Sport Psych begins


Journal of Sport Psychology est'd

Control (of Conditions)

Key variables are the focus of the study, other variables are controlled/don't influence the primary relationship.


Manipulates variables along w/ observing them and then examines how changes in one variable affects changes in others.

History of Sport and Ex Psych- Period 1: The Early Years (1893-1920)

North America, 1890's, Norman Triplett, psychologist at Indiana University wanted to understand why cyclists rode faster when in groups or pairs than alone (1898). Triplett and Scripture apart of "new psych" mvmt. Pierre de Coubertin: founded modern Olympic Games/org 2 Olympic Congresses that focused on psych as it related to sport in the time period. Took a philosophical perspective of psych.



Sport Pedagogy

Personality Psych

Sport Sociology

Physiological Psych


Proceedings of NASPSPA conference published for first time.

The three orientations contemporary sport and exercise psychologists choose from

Psychophysiological, social-psychological, cognitive-behavioral


R. Cummins assesses motor reactions, attention, and abilities as they pertain to the sport

Ethical Standards for sport and exercise Psychologists

Respect dignity and worth of person and protect human rights/Athletes welfare is #1 1) Competence 2) Integrity 3) Professional and Scientific Responsibility- if witness false claims/research, can oust researcher and report them to an org 4) Respect for peoples rights and dignity- No bias based on race, sex, socioeconomic status. 5) Concern for the welfare of others 6) Social Responsibility- fairness to experimental and control groups/equal opportunities to take part in an activity.


Robert Schulte direct psych lab at German HS for Physical Edu

Avksenty Puni

Russian sport psychologist; theorized psychological preparation for athletic comp focusing on realistic goals, uncompromising effort, optimal emotional arousal, high tolerance for distraction/stress, and self regulation. WAY AHEAD of N. Am. at the time


Schulte publishes Aptitude and Performance Testing for Sport


Schulte publishes Body and Mind in Sport


Scripture describes personality traits he believes can be fostered via sport participation.


Student, Coleman Griffith conduct informal studies of football and basketball players at the University of Illinois.

An important way in which scientists build, support, or refute theory is by conducting...

Studies and Experiments.


The journal, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, is developed/published in Europe.

Sport and Exercise Psychology

The scientific study of people and their behaviors in sport and exercise contexts and their practical application of that knowledge.

Educational Sport Psychology

Training in sport and exercise science, physical education, kinesiology. Understand psych of human mvmt as it relates to sport/exercise contexts. Grad training in psych/counseling, but cannot treat emotional disorders. "Mental Coach" who educate athletes about psychological skills and their development. NOT a licensed psychologist.


Triplett: 1st social/sport psych experiment.


US Olympic Committee devel Sport Psych Advisory Board


US Olympic Committee hires 1st full time sport psychologist.


US Olympic team accompanied by officially recognized sport psychologist for 1st time.


Uni of Illinois research-in-athletics lab est'd; Griffith=director

Teaching Role

University courses: Exercise and Health Psyc, Applied Sport Psyc, Social Psyc of Sport.


Warren Johnson assesses precompetitive emotions of athletes.

Lane4 Mgmt Group

Worldwide consulting group: Graham Jones and Adrian Moorhouse. Use lessons in high performance to help corps, business teams, and exec's attain high performance through workshops, etc.


Yates work w/ College boxers/studies effects of relaxation-set training method (intervention).

Most people study sport/exercise psychology with 2 objectives in mind:

a) Understand how psychological factors affect an individuals physical/motor performance. b) Understand how participation in sport and exercise affects a person's psychological development, health, and well-being.

Professionals use Sport Psychology to help...

children, persons who are physically or mentally disable, seniors, average participants. Also to help elite athletes achieve peak potential, sedentary people become active, personal satisfaction and possibly cure depression to physical activity.

When we apply science to psychology, the goals are to...

describe, explain, predict, and allow control of behavior.

The art of coaching is...

recognizing when and how to individualize these general principles.

Must integrate ____ knowledge and ______ experiences and temper with your insights and intuition.

scientific; professional

Psychology is a _____ science


The science of coaching focuses on...

the use of general principles

Goal of scientists to present _______ data

unbiased; not influenced by personal feelings/opinions.

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