Psychology: Test 1, Human Growth & Development: Test 2, Human Growth & Development Test 3

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What does the text say about cohabitation and divorce rates?

Cohabiting=2 in 3 people live together Divorce=1 in 4 US marriage occur b/t previously divorced partners

How does food insecurity affect US families?

Concern for lack of sufficient funds, 1 in 5 mothers reporting this fear in US

What is behaviorist theories?

Couldn't study feelings & thoughts so had to chart measurable, observable responses

What are the parenting outcomes after divorce?

Depending on type of marriage- Moms: -Can be happier -Better able to handle stresses of motherhood -Single motherhood may feel like weight of world Dads: -Can be happier if he was stuck in a loveless marriage -No change in parenting skills -Struggle to handle chores & managing career w/kids on their own

How much of a role do fathers have in childcare today?

Depends on personality & attitude -Can be very involved (possibly the one to change diapers or be the disciplinarian) -Also can be distant from any baby care tasks/raising of kids

Post conventional thinking example

"Heinz had to steal the drug because nothing outweighs the universal principle of saving a life"

Preconventional thinking example

"Heinz should not take the drug because he will go to jail" or "Heinz should take the drug because then his wife will treat him well"


Directly feeling another person's emotions

What were the results of Harlowe's studies with baby monkeys?

Disproved Behaviorist theory about food forming attachment, as baby monkeys preferred cloth-covered "mother" versus wire-mesh "mother" the monkeys fed from

What about the false sterotypes about older adults?

-People w/Alzheimer's can still live a meaningful life -5% of 65+ adults are in a nursing home

What are the stages of Piaget's Sensorimotor stage?

-Primary -Secondary -Tertiary Circular Reactions

What should you tell your parents about staying mentally sharp?

-Prioritize health -Mental stimulation (challenging games, word puzzles, etc)

What is lifespan?

Average/maximum age we can life

What is insecure attachment?

Avoidance; appears detached & indifferent upon mother's return

What does it mean to be academically gifted?

scoring higher than average on the IQ test & either skipping a grade/joining a program with special learning courses

How does divorce impact parenting?

Divorce can lead parents to set the child against the other one or limit the balance both parents had during marriage

How does a woman feel during the second trimester?

Feeling much better & connecting emotionally

What is flow?

Feeling of being totally absorbed in an activity

Learned helplessness

Feeling powerless to affect your fate & gives up w/o trying

What is intimacy?

Feelings of closeness

Internalizing tendencies

Form the habit of hanging back in social situations; usually timid, self-conscious, frightened & depressed

How does brain development affect toilet training?

Freudian oral theory transferring into the anal stage, around age 2

When did the Baby Boom generation take place?

From 1946-1964

When are infants expected to show self-control?

From age 2-4 beginning

What is a stereotype?

Generalized assumptions about particular group's beliefs, way of life, people, etc.

How is semantic memory affected by aging?

Gets worse/harder

How does neural plasticity operate throughout life?

Getting rid of unnecessary abilities and magnifying other more prevalent ones

How does a woman feel during the third trimester?

Getting very large & waiting for birth

What is the mental health effect on sexual activity outside of committed relationships for girls and boys?

Girls feel dirty & conflicted about noncommitted intercourse while guys are praised as studs for it

Fine motor skills

Girls; small, coordinated movements (ex. drawing, hitting a ball with a bat, etc.)

What do developmental psychologist study?

Growth and change throughout life; from a baby into old age

What is the typical sequence of change in puberty for both girls and boys?

Growth spurts, lengthening of the reproductory organs, and production of pubic hair

How is episodic memory affected by aging?

Hard at any age Practically impossible for elderly

What role does forgiveness play in marital conflict?

Hard w/a spouse who's disappointed you many time: -Creates trust issues -Sometimes results in divorce

Authoritative parents

High on nurturing & setting limits

What factors are important for predicting which dating couples stay together?

How couples: -talk/interact -solve conflicts

What is life-expectancy?

How long one is suspected of living, especially due to disease, circumstances of birth, etc.

Proactive aggression

Hurtful behavior we initiate to achieve a goal

What are the characteristics of formal operations?

Hypothetical, scientific, flexible reasoning


Ideal discipline style for socializing prosocial behavior, involving getting a child who has behaved hurtfully to empathize w/pain he has caused another

What role does divided attention play in memory performance?

Impairs memory, at a surprisingly young age & progressively gets harder

What are the disadvantages of authoritative parents?

May have strict rules, yet they are bent sometimes in favor of a special event

Who typically pays for nursing home care?

Medicare doesn't pay for it: -Relatives -Retirement fund of elderly carries over

Once men & women go out into workforce, how do their experiences differ?

Men still paid more (women engineers experience a loss of $40,000 in comparison)

What is the name of the trend in early puberty?

Merache (female) & spermarche (male)

How has the social clock changed?

Mid-late 20's

What are evolutionary theories?

Mirror image of behaviorists; look at nature to explain how people behave


More muted feeling that we experience for another human being

What are the disadvantages of an early-maturing boy/girl?

More prone to abuse substances, at risk for depression, friendship with more mature friends (smoking, drinking, & drugs), unprotected sex, low self-worth, bullying, shorter & stockier

Anorexia nervosa

Most serious eating disorder, defined by self-starvation to the point of reaching 85% of one's ideal body weight or less

How has fertility changed in much of the developed world?

Much of the developed world as people can choose whether or not to have kids

What is a teratogen?

Name for any substance that crosses placenta to harm baby

What are the effects of obesity in life?

Negative emotional effects

How do children affect marital satisfaction?

Negatively: -Focus shifts from marriage to kids -Struggle to uphold relationship & passion -Leaning to become a team

Do girls & boys play the same?

No Girls' play is gentle & subdued, usually one-on-one and more talk than play Boys' play is rough & tumble, usually in big groups and more physical than talkative

How do we effectively prevent bullying?

No audience to encourage the bully


Not doing what we feel like doing (pressing a button whenever a kid sees an animal, but not a dog)

What are the limitations of good preschool programs for low-income children?

Not every poor community have funds to start a good preschool/factors of poverty continue even if children are given educational boost

What is the research done on Eastern European infant orphans?

Not given a secure attachment as robot arms feed babies without anyone holding them or showing any affection

What is neural plasticity?

Occurs in the sense that what is not as needed is shrunk in favor of strengthening another sense

How does a woman feel during the first trimester?

Often tired & ill

What is socioemotional selectivity theory?

Older adults begin to change their prioritizes & social relationships

Which quality is most likely to promote thriving in teenagers?

Superior executive functions

What is the difference b/t sympathy & empathy?

Sympathy less directly involved while empathy is feeling others' emotions directly

What are the advantages of later maturing boy/girl?

Taller & better proportioned

Which hormone is responsible for teenage acne?

Testosterone/androgen androgens


Tests & measures academic potential

What is identity achievement?

The end result where identity formation is complete

Flynn effect

The rise in average IQ scores that has occurred over the decades in many nations (practically-smarter people=higher average scores

What is the explanation of the transition to concrete operational thinking by the information processing framework?

The way memories are made

What is an example of the preoperational stage?

Thinking a ball of clay has different amount when it's flattened/believing a glass of water poured into a different shaped glass magically increases the liquid's volume (no/little knowledge of laws of conservation)

What is the developmental trajectory of prosocial behavior during childhood?

This behavior during childhood is very open & giving, but narrows to sophistated skills to know when to help another & if one has the capability to even be helpful

What types of people do we pick as friends?

Those similar to us (similar likes/hobbies)

What is the role of the placenta?

To protect and cushion the baby while providing nutrients

What is income inequality?

Widening gaps between richest fraction of citizens & everyone else (#1 economic problem)

What are the gender differences of women in old age?

Women: -Survive longer due to wider web of social connections -Second X-chromosome -Rank higher on sickness indicators throughout life -More prone to illnesses that cause problems w/ADLs but aren't fatal

What type of issues come from the balance of work-life?

Work encroach on daily life (ex: parenthood made more difficult by distractions)

Rejecting-neglecting parents

Worst of both fields: low on structure & on love

Do the number of synapses in theban change over the lifespan?

Yes, as there are continue connections/disconnections being made

Does personality typically change during young adulthood?

Yes, maturity & personality changes multiply as there's more focus on weighing options & making healthy decisions

What is identity diffusion?

Young people drifting aimlessly toward adulthood w/o any goals

What is identity foreclosure?

Young people who adopt an identity w/o any self-exploration or thought

What is moratorium?

Young people who engage in the exciting, healthy search for adulthood

What do aptitude and achievement tests measure?

a child's academic performance & progress in various subjects

Why do so many teenagers have sex?

b/c they're not educated about it, merely being told to wait on it without any explanation/much reason behind it; curiosity about it

How do school age children describe themselves?

based on what they have to offer others, their attitude, & the values they hold that have an impact on themselves & those around them (internal & psychological)

How do preschoolers describe themselves?

based on what they have, physical appearance, & unrealistic views of their abilities/temperament (external facts)

According to David Elkind, how do teenagers think about the world?

become emotionally & logically intuned to their parents (what they say vs. what they do) & begin to question why things the way they are

How do teenagers' relationships with their parents change as they age?

begin to distance from their parents as they get a car, can drive, & take on more responsibility

What is the best way to parent difficult children?

being sensitive to their needs is crucial to the development & positive outcome for the child

How does menarche compare to spermache?

both at the beginning of a period & have to do w/the major changes, like lengthening reproductive organs

What do teenagers want from sex education courses?

define what sex is in an open & comprehensive way, willing to answer any questions & straighten out misunderstandings

What is an example of intrinsic motivation?

determination to get better at a class, love of learning, stubbornness to meet a challenging subject

What is the prognosis of dyslexia?

inhibit many children/adults who test well on IQ tests but not on general tests

What is the cause of dyslexia?

many causes, including often being an inherited trait

Under what circumstances do children deal with failures well?

physical failures as they realize they're still growing

What is the cause of ADHD?

primarily genetic/ biological surrounding the frontal lobes taking longer than normal to mature

What is the best route of action when children are being abused?

report abuse to authorities & be willing to stand up for abused child in trial if need be

How does learned helplessness develop?

when kids fail once/many times & decide there's no point in trying since they won't succeed anyway

What is the limit of lifespan?


When did adolescence become a defined life stage in our country?


What is joint attention?

1st sign of "getting human intentions" when a baby looks at an object to which an adult points/follows a person's gaze

What are the chances of growing up in poverty if you live in a mother-headed single parent household?


What did the average family during the Baby Boom grow to?

4 children

When is the secondary circular reactions?

4 months-1 year

When does separation anxiety generally develop?

7-8 months

What is identity confusion?

A failure in discovering who you are, marked by the lack of a future path

What does normal self-esteem issues in a child should look like?

A kid noticing academic areas they struggle in, where others seem to be exceling, & determining to do better

What is the process of fertilization?

A man's sperm travels toward the woman's egg and enters, combines, and becomes an embryo

What is compensation?

A middle-aged person replaces sitting/resting w/active ways of performing basic tasks

What factors can predict a child having a stormy adolescence?

A poor home life &/or sleep deprivation

Reactive aggression

A response to being hurt, threatened, or deprived

Who embarrasses females most regarding their changing body during puberty?


How does marital satisfaction change over the adult span?

Marital satisfaction is in a U-shape-the path goes down as fantasies about marriage are disproven & couple finds a good balance

What is commitment?

Marriage/exclusive, lifelong cohabiting relationships

Conventional thinking example

"Heinz shouldn't/should steal the drug b/c it's a person's duty to obey the law (or stick up for his wife)" or "Yes, human life is sacred, but the rules must be obeyed"

When should people be concerned about the self-esteem of children?

"I can't do/am not good at anything" or "why even try if I'm just going to fail mentality

What is an example of identity diffusion?

"I don't know what I want to do, nothing appeals to me"

What is an example of identity achievement?

"I know what I want to do w/my life; I've found my calling"

What is an example of moratorium?

"Let me try this, that, & the other. How can I choose from so many careers in which I have an interest?"

What is a stereotype about mid-life?

"Money can't buy happiness" TRUE!

What labels do we use to describe how popular a child is?

"Most well-liked"/"most feared/intimidating"

What is an example of identity foreclosure?

"My parents want me to continue the family business, so that's what I'll do"

What are the advantages of permissive parents?

"Provide total freedom & unconditional love"

What role does SES play in how quickly we age?

(socioeconomic status)-predicts how long someone can live from how healthy the environment is/how much the economy is flourishing/struggling

What are the disadvantages of authoritarian parents?

-"Do just what I say" -Rules are non-negotiable -Child grows up in an uncaring & cold environment

What stereotypes about older adults are true?

-"Memory stays stable through midlife, then declines in later life" -"Old age is the most happy life stage" -"The typical retirement age is 65" -"Widowhood is always a devastating emotional blow" -"Due to scientific advances, we will soon be able to live well beyond the maximum human lifespan"

What are the sleep patterns in infants?

-18 hrs a day -90% of time in sleep/drowsy state -Drops immediately into REM

What are the gender differences of men in old age?

-2x as likely to die from a heart attack earlier in life -Outlived by wome in every developed nation by at least 4 years

What is the Seattle Longitudinal study?

-40 yrs ago -Study of effect of aging on intelligence, cross-sectional & longitudinal studies

What role does technology play in our jobs today?

-Allows coworkers to interact over long distances -Business partners collaborating on websites -Cash registers, tablets to write down orders, placing online orders -Blue light issues can lead to headaches -Impaired health from overlong periods of sitting

Which chronic illnesses are typically experienced in old age?

-Arthritis -Osteoporosis -Heart disease

What is a generative person?

-At a point in midlife -Find meaning from nurturing next generation -Caring for others -Enriching lives of others through work

How can hearing issues be prevented?

-Avoiding high-noise -Carpeting -Hearing aids if needed -Facing person when speaking -Avoiding elder-speak

What are different development perspectives about how we should show love to babies?

-Behaviorists/Watson: maternal reinforcement stimulus related to food -Ethologists/Lorenz: Gosling attachment

What is post formal thinking?

-Beyond adult formal operations -Combination of wisdom & experienced reasoning

What factors play a role in a good pregnancy?

-Calm attitude -Sober/undrugged mother -Healthy diet -Anything toward birthing a healthy, fat baby

How has the view on childhood changed?

-Children not valued -Child labor common -Children dressed as grown-ups from the beginning, fighting to survive -Child labor made illegal -Children sheltered -Children allowed to enjoy childhood & encouraged to play

What are the hallmarks of adjusting to widowhood?

-Connecting w/Lord, family, & friends -Learned independence

What are the best ways to avoid/prevent dementia in later life?

-Continue to take part in mentally stimulating activities -Not retiring if possible, keeping active & mentally challenged

What role does disappointment play in marital conflict?

-Disappointments w/reality of marriage -Disappointments w/spouse themselves Both can lead to fights

What types of memory tests are problematic for older adults?

-Divided-attention tasks -Working memory -Recalling

What kind of people choose not to have children?

-Doesn't necessarily mean types of people -May worry they wouldn't make good parents -Not wanting kids since they want to focus on career/have to take care of parents early in life -General feeling kids aren't in the books

What are the core attributes of wisdom?

-Embrace uncertainty -Sensitive to other people's perspectives -Self-transcendence/humility

How can motor issues be prevented?

-Exercise moderately -Encourage activity -Remodel home -Cautious in speed-oriented situations

How do intrinsic rewards affect our job satisfaction?

-Feelings of fulfillment -Being part of a work team -Being heard by a boss who truly cares

What are the stages of pregnancy?

-First trimester -Second trimester -Third trimester

What types of programs are most effective at providing food to children in need?

-Food Stamp Program -Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children -Child and Adult Care Food Program

What was a middle-class marriage like in the 1950s in our country?

-Gender roles defined -Usually stay-at-home moms & working dads -Traditional raising of kids -Image of "enduring love"

Years from now, what will you remember from this course?

-General concepts (procedural) -Enough connections to connect these concepts together (semantic) -Hardly any small facts (episodic)

What evaluation is given to currently operated nursing homes in our country?

-General milieu (how homey it feels) -Staff (how king they are/non-abusive to residents) -Residents (how actual members of nursing home reacts)

What are the stages of prenatal development?

-Germinal stage -Embryonic stage -Fetal stage

How should you handle conflict with your spouse?

-Head on -Not hesitating to talk about issues -Not sweating the small stuff

How do extrinsic rewards affect our job satisfaction?

-Health benefits -Retirement -People feel more secure in positions in life

How can vision issues be prevented?

-Healthy diet -Physical exercise -Mental exercise

What health issues typical of later life are preventable?

-Hearing -Motor -Vision

What are the psychosocial stages during adolescence & emerging adulthood?

-Identity -Identity confusion

What are Marcia's identity status categories?

-Identity diffusion -Identity foreclosure -Moratorium -Identity achievement

How & why do grandparents differ in their involvement w/their grandchildren?

-Influenced by gender -Physical proximity -Age (physical/mental ability) -Involvement can be enhanced by technology

What are the characteristics of an emerging adult?

-Life exploration -Not married or settled -Entering & exiting college/parent's home -Testing relationships before marrying -Unrealistic optimism about the future

What are the important characteristics of a quality day carE?

-Loving teachers -Low child-to-caregiver ratios -Care-provider stability -Predictable routine & daily structure

How do today's workers feel about their jobs?

-Negatively -Workplace lacking caring managers -Boss deception rampant in today's economy

What are the Big Five personality traits?

-Neuroticism -Extraversion -Openness -Conscientiousness -Agreeableness

What are the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease?

-Not having proper supervision in later stages as elderly person can walk out of house & get lost -Injuring themselves if they don't have someone to care for them, especially for basic tasks

What characteristics of children make them more likely to be prosocial and how do you encourage this type of behavior?

-Prosocial -Refuse moral disengagement -Caregivers encourage good behavior

What are the stages of labor and birth?

-Stage 1: dilation & effacement -Stage 2: birth -Stage 3: expulsion of placenta

How does our society & media portray mothers & their impact on children?

-Still view women as key caregivers -Fathers sometimes switch to take over role -Mothers may rarely seen as primary caregiver in a complete family unit, but usually as single mother

When is a change in intelligence scores a cause for concern?

-Sudden drop is concerning at any age -Especially into old age as it can be a sign of dementia

What are the 2 major processes of brain development after birth?

-Synaptogenesis -Myelination

What is a state of flow?

-Times flies by -Extreme intrinsic motivation -Appropriate person-environment fit -Challenging

What were common characteristics of the Baby Boom?

-Traditional families -Stay-at-home moms

What are the types of prenatal tests that a pregnant woman can have?

-Ultrasound -Chorionic villus sampling -Amniocentesis

How should you deal with a preschooler's errors in thinking about the world?

-Understand they can't understand some common sense -Reward right ideas & gently correct thinking

What are the factors involved in SIDS?

-Unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant while sleeping -Peak risk during 1-10 months -Top-ranking cause of infant death in developing world

How do working mothers spend their time?

-Usually loaded day of work -Manage kids (school drop-off & pickup) -Spend most of time working/caring for children

How should you treat recent widows?

-W/supporting love, but not w/pity or like they're made of glass -Need to relearn independence in whole new way

What are the compositions of ethnic groups in the USA?

-White -Hispanic/Latino -Black/African American -Asian -Mixed race -American Indian/Alaska native -Hawaiian & Pacific Islander

Are young people interested in marriage today?

-Young people view it with rose-colored glasses -Many consider it simply an option, not a commitment to stand by as divorce is also a choice

What about the false sterotypes of mid-life?

-Youth isn't the happiest stage of life -Fame, success, & money don't instantly lead to a happier life -Happiness/teaching happiness to people can be done

When is the tertiary circular reactions?

1-2 years

When is the primary circular reactions?

1-4 months

How do young people transition to adulthood in our country?

1. Taking responsibility for actions 2. Financially supporting yourself 3. Making independent decisions on your own

Selective attention

Ability to manage awareness to focus only on what one needs to know (kids being asked to memorize only a few pictures of a certain category and not the other irrelevant info)

What is fluid intelligence?

Ability to reason quickly when facing totally new intellectual tasks, linked to nervous system

What is crystallized intelligence?

Accumulated knowledge, increases w/age to later life

Externalizing tendencies

Act on immediate emotions & often behave disruptively & aggressively

Extrinsic motivation

Activities undertaken in order to get external reinforcers

Relational aggression

Acts designed to hurt relationships

How does an affair affect a marriage?

After commitment & marriage vows are broken: -Divorce sometimes results -Usually, marriage is never the same afterward

When does a child master theory of mind?

Age 6

What does amniocentesis do?

Amniotic fluid is removed to test

What is life expectancy?

Amount of time someone is expected to live


Any reading difficulty or disability

What is nurture?

Anything having to do with the environment

When does depth perception develop in babies?

Around 8 months

When does self-control develop?

Around age 2

When does theory of mind first appear?

Around age 4/5

When do losses in executive functions begin?

As early as 40's

Permissive parents-At the opposite end of the spectrum from authoritarian parents

At the opposite end of the spectrum from authoritarian parents

What is a disorder marked by theory of mind problems?

Autism spectrum disorder

What is the developmental importance of attachment throughout life?

Babies need attachment to primary caregiver(s) to have healthy development throughout older life as parents teach what is important & what dangers are around

What does Piaget mean by "little scientist?"

Baby & toddler years when child is exploring surrounding world

How is temperament related to genetics?

Baby can be born on two sides of the spectrum, extremely difficult or very easy-going, even shy

What are the assumptions of nature and nurture?

Based and influenced by human genetic code

What is the limit of life expectancy?

Based on genetics & if they have chronic illness/good health

What are cognitive theories?

Based on us being a social species & modeling (imitating other people & others imitating us)

What proportion of teenagers and young adults are arrested typically?

Beginning teenagers, risk-taking males, or young adults who often drink

How does fluid intelligence change over our lifetime?

Begins to decline early in adulthood

How does crystallized intelligence change over our lifetime?

Begins to fail in later life

What is the cause of early puberty in girls

Being overweight

Gardener's theory of intelligence

Believes IQ tests aren't completely invalid but don't cover the 8-9 intelligences each person has

Sternberg's theory of intelligence

Believes IQ tests only test 1 type of intelligence rather than the 4 areas of intelligence there truly are

What is an example of animism?

Believing a doll or stuffed animal is conscious and alive

What are the advantages of an early-maturing boy/girl?

Better at sports, more equal with girls, popularity & self-esteem increases

What is lifespan?

Biological limit of human life (around age 105)

What is normal aging?

Body deterioration that advances gradually over many years

What role do prenatal hormones play in later sex role behavior in play?

Boys believed to biologically have hormones that make them aggressive/boys are afraid of playing w/ girl toys (tough mentality Some girls more masculine b/c of exposure to testosterone & regularly cross the line to play with "boy stuff"

Gross motor skills

Boys; large muscle movements (ex. Running, jumping, etc)

How is depth perception measured?

By a large drop & one's fear of heights

What are some examples of emotional regulation?

Calming down one's anger when receiving a failing grade Stopping fear/intimidation from keeping you from asking the teacher for help

What is the main problem with attachment styles research?

Can change & often do Sometimes, people who were attached one way responds in a different way

What are Bronfenbrenner's theory?

Center of expanding circle of environmental influences

How does a recessive gene influence a child?

Changes of 1 in 4 of getting the illness

What is temperament?

Characteristic behavioral style of approaching the world

What is an example of egocentrism?

Child believes he/she is the center of the universe

What is stranger anxiety?

Child gets agitated when any unfamiliar person picks him/her up/wary of anyone other than caregiver

What is a recessive gene?

Child has to get 2 copies of the gene, one from each parent

What is secure attachment?

Child uses primary caregiver as a secure base from which to explore

What are the disadvantages of permissive parents?

Child's wishes rules

What are the disadvantages of rejecting-neglecting parents?

Children left to raise themselves

What are the advantages of rejecting-neglecting parents?

Children neglected, ignored, & emotionally abandoned

How should you talk to children about their accomplishments in schools/otherwise?

Children should feel rewarded about their efforts & progress instead of generally being "smart" or they will feel the pressure to be/do right every time

What are genes?

Codes of DNA attained from mother and father, paired in X's and Y's

What quality is the most important for a teenager to handle college challenges well?

Driven personality

What role does college graduation play in getting a well-paying job?

Drives many previous students to find a job worth their years at college (though that doesn't always happen)

When are ova produced in a woman?

During time in the womb; will have all the eggs throughout life from birth

How does a dominant gene influence a child?

Each has a 50-50 chance of getting ill

What is attachment theory?

Early experiences w/caregivers shape adult ability to love

What is an individualist culture?

Emphasizes independence, competition, & personal success

What are the ultimate determinants for the timing of puberty?

Environmental wellness/stress, health of the body, and a variety of other random influences

What is A not B error?

Even though a baby sees an object hidden in a 2nd hiding place, he/she returns to the originally viewed hiding place to find it

When are sperm produced in a man?

Everyday in a large amount

What is the cause of shyness?

External stimulation in infancy

What can babies see?

Faces, mother's face, especially attractive faces

What is habituation?

Fact that we naturally lose interest in a new object after some time

What can babies hear?

In the womb, learns to differentiate voices

What is nature?

Inborn biological forces that have evolved to promote survival, to explain how we live

Authoritarian parents

Inflexible parenting style

What is procedural memory?

Info we automatically remember

What age will you be at your professional peak?

Intellectually: 40's/50's Creatively: 60's

What is shyness?

Intense nervousness to new or unfamiliar stimuli, especially strangers


Intimate groups that have a membership size of about 6

What is said about co-sleeping?

It can be useful, even necessary, for development, but depends on each family

Peer group theory

Judith Rich Harris believes that the environment has a dramatic impact on our development; but, rather than parents, our peer group socializes us to become adults


Knowing the amount of a given substance remains identical despite changes in its shape or form


Knowledge & ability to arrange items according to a measurable field

Class Inclusion

Knowledge that a category can comprise subordinate elements

Secondary sex characteristics

Label for hundreds of other changes that accompany puberty (ex: breast development, growth of pubic hair, voice changes, & alterations in person's skin)

What is social security?

Landmark government program instituted by President Roosevelt in 1935 at height of Great Depression, gets its financing from current workers

What was the outcomes of the Seattle Longitudinal study?

Landmark in blossoming field of adult development; -intellectual peak during 50's -vocab improves into 60's -fluid intelligence decreased/crystallized intelligence improved


Larger groupings than 6 people, includes both best friends & acquaintances

What are the demographics of childhood obesity?

Less than 1 in 2 second graders spend at least 4 days/week engaging in vigorous exercise

What is co-sleeping?

Letting a baby sleep in the bed with one or both parents

What is identity?

Life task of deciding who to be as a person while making the transition to adulthood

What happens to infant reflexes?

Loses these abilities after talking & walking begin

What can babies taste?

Love & prefer sweet things/breast milk

What are the advantages of authoritarian parents?

Love children deeply

What makes a fulfilling life?

One filled w/integrity, or the acceptance of the past & moving on to find happiness in present & future

What is a dominant gene?

One parent harbors the problem gene (& has the illness)

What kind of life is most fulfilling

One that's well-balanced, has good flow, & supportive social connections

What is episodic memory?

Ongoing events of daily life

What are pensions?

Other forms of support for retirement (lucky to receive)

What is semantic memory?

Our fund of basic facts

What is the Flynn effect?

Over past century, IQ scores have risen dramatically

What is the behavioral geneticists' view on how parenting affects development?

Parenting must shift its focus more on providing the best possible environments for their children to realize their genetic potential

How do parents and peers impact aggression and anti-social behavior in a child?

Parents over-spanking, shout-scolding, & curling punishing their child Peers rejection leads to more pride & anger in children ("Fine, I don't need anyone anyway")

What is medicare?

Part of social security as an assertion of medical care for older adults who can be treated

What is Sternberg's triangular theory of love?

Passion Intimacy Commitment

What is optimization?

Paul Baltes' 3 principles for successful aging: 1. Focus on our most important activities 2. Work especially hard in these top-ranking areas 3. Rely on external aids when we cannot cope on our own

What is a collectivist culture?

Places a premium on social harmony

What groups in school does the IQ test pose problems for?

Poor children

What effect can stress have on a baby?

Premature birth

Identity constancy tasks

Preoperational children don't realize that people remain their essential selves despite changes in the way they visually appear/officially set by 2½

What does an ultrasound show?

Presence of the baby, picture into the womb

What is preferential looking?

Principle that human beings are attracted to novelty & look selectively at new things

What type of memory tests isn't problematic for older adults?


What are some problems young people have in making the transition to adulthood?

Procrastination as emerging adults put off maturity, believing life is long enough to wait

Mental health impact of being in different crowds in high school

Punks/outcasts-Desire to stand out by dressing different & express personal opinion Popular-Less importance on following moral standards as long as social acceptance is there Bad crowd-Bad influences lead to careless/harmful actions Gang-Gives an illusion of family relationships lacking at home/w/blood relatives

What is an example of the concrete operational stage?

Reasoning the liquid is the same by realizing that the second glass is taller than the wide one it'd been in/blaming the change on the cups rather than conservation of the liquid

Primary sex characteristics

Refer to body changes directly involved in reproduction (ex: growth of penis & menstruation)

What is object permanence?

Refers to knowing that objects exist when we no longer see them

How can you keep marital passion alive?

Regularly engaging in flow-inducing activities that both partners enjoy

What is the most popular discipline technique in the USA?

Removal of children's privileges


Repeating material to embed it in memory (elementary school students repeating information to themselves before a test)

What is a correlational study?

Researchers charting the relationships between dimensions they're interested in exploring as they naturally occur

What are cross-sectional studies

Researchers comparing different age groups at the same time on trait/characteristics they're interested in, be it political attitudes, personality, or physical health

What are longitudinal studies?

Researchers selecting a group of a particular age and periodically testing those people over many years

What is chronic illness?

Result of body deterioration as the body can no longer hold up

What is the Big Five personality traits' relation to aging?

Results prove we become more ourselves as we age, especially due to specific life experiences

What does normal play look like for children?

Running & chasing

How does scaffolding fit in w/the zone of proximal development?

Scaffolding (process of teaching new skills by entering a child's zone of proximal development) allows parents and teachers to alter the child's thinking through repetition and gentle correction

What is social referencing?

Scientific term for regular checking-back, helps alert toddlers to which situations are dangerous and which are safe

How does your attachment style influence your dating relationships?

Secure attachment=fulfilling relationships Insecure attachment=Program distrust to be a part of every relationship

How does self-esteem and concrete operations relate to each other?

Self-esteem begins to lower in elementary school as kids look outward & compare themselves to others, grades/looks, & finds themselves lacking Concrete operations help a child see their strengths & accept their weaknesses

Intrinsic motivation

Self-generated actions that arise from inner desires

What are the advantages of authoritative parents?

Set clear standards but also provide freedom & plenty of love

What is passion?

Sexual arousal

What is the social clock?

Shared age norms that act as guideposts to what behaviors are appropriate at particular ages & is usually set by society

How should parents manage a shy child?

Shouldn't overprotect their child but expose the baby to unfamiliar people in a gentle, low-stress way

What factors make it difficult for children living in poverty to do well in school?

Single motherhood & low wages can create less opportunities for children to get a steady educational foundation

Emotional regulation

Skills involved in controlling our feelings so that they don't get in the way of a productive life

What role does reaction time play in memory performance?

Slows down as executive functions have to use more parts of the brain, making recall harder

What caused the Baby Boom?

Soldiers returning home after World War II

What does chorionic villus sampling do?

Some of the placenta removed to study chromosomes

In terms of language development by age 1, what abilities do they lose?

Sounds they did while learning

How is procedural memory affected by aging?

Stays about the same

What are the effects that occur from a teratogen?

Stunted growth immediately while in the womb, most seen after birth

What can fine motor & gross motor skills predict for later skill development?

Success in school/academic levels & sport finesse

What are infant reflexes?

Sucking, rooting, grasping, etc., along w/having the instinct to hold breath while underwater

What is the average teenager's general worldview?

To question rules, see below the surface, search for freedom, still reason logically & generally value school, but also have fun & follow the examples of friends to fit in

How does the typical teenage girl view her weight?

Too heavy/not light enough due to social pressures to be thin


Typically not life-threatening b/c the person's weight often stays within normal range, but often involves binging on a lot of food & then purging/vomiting it, leading to health issues

Theory of mind

Understanding that other people have perspectives different from their own

What is an example of artifificialism?

Viewing nature as created by humans/parents have eternal power

Zone of proximal development

Vygotsky's theory about the difference between what the child can do by himself and his level of "potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers

When should you be concerned about aggressive play in children?

When a young boy is willing to beat up a girl/doesn't stop even after the person is down Ill intentions when playing rough

What do babies know about human motivations?

When adults are being honest/manipulative, but cannot be manipulative back

How does the zone of proximal development work?

When teaching a child, you have to adjust your instruction to a child's proximal zone and back off as the child grows older

How is socioemotional selectivity theory applied?

Whereas young adults focus on the future, older adults refocus priorities by importance of relationships, as well as maximizing positive experiences

How does temperament affect attachment?

Whether a baby is easy, slow to warm-up, or difficult, it'll have an effect on the parent forming a secure/insecure attachment

What does resilience do for children?

carry them through life to become a successful/better version of themselves, despite the terrible parenting they received/childhood they endured

What is the developmental timeline of the brain's frontal lobes?

continues to develop into your 20's, especially the myelin sheath of the brain

What impact does learned helplessness have on children's lives?

ensure many/if not all failures in a kid's life as they won't give anything new a chance

How can you treat ADHD?

gentler parenting styles & psycho-stimulant medication

What is the role of the hypothalamus & pituitary gland in signaling the start of puberty?

goes through a 3-step chain reaction to signal the pituitary gland to secrete estrogen and testosterone at the beginning of puberty

How do we measure popularity in kids?

how well-liked/feared someone is by their peers

Autism spectrum disorder

impaired theory of mind in areas of social-referencing and normal conversation

What does Vygotsky claim about the role of inner speech in cognitive development?

inner speech plays a vital role in learning language and general concepts

What are the obligations adults have in reporting suspected child abuse?

law requires adults to report child abuse if they suspect it, even if they're unsure or are even worried about ruining a family

How does a child's body change during childhood?

lengthens and thins out into childhood

What type of infant/child is most at risk for child abuse?

ones who cry a lot/act spiteful

What is an example of extrinsic motivation?

parents' approval, making oneself proud, getting money for good grades

Why are teenagers sleep deprived?

tend to begin going to bed later at 11 & waking up early for school

What type of child is most likely to be labeled as highly aggressive?

those that are harshly/physically punished by parents & rejected by their peers/teachers

What type of infant/child is least at risk for child abuse?

those who are well-mannered/sweet

How is IQ measured?

through testing various logics such as similarities, vocabulary, picture completion, block design, coding, & digit span

What is the problem w/Kohlberg's moral reasoning scale?

wrong in how it defined young people as having no knowledge of morality during toddler years, but also not many people were able to reach post conventional thinking because of his demanding criteria

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