psychology test intelligence FRIDAYY

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The process of adjusting a schema and modifying it is called

conscious memory begins around

3 1/2 years

Schemas are:

concepts or mental molds into which we pour our experiences.

Bill, a young man with an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 65, has relatively good interpersonal skills and is able take care of his own personal grooming needs. However, he has difficulty with reading and counting money. If he is to live independently, Bill would probably have most difficulty with

conceptual skills

according to Piaget, at which stage do children become capable of true logical thought?

concrete operational

In terms of gender differences in intellectual abilities, boys tend to _____ girls in special education classes


The employees were not surprised when Sharon was promoted to Senior Director of the organization. She has demonstrated her ability to motivate the team, delegate to the appropriate people, and promote herself. This best illustrates:

practical intelligence

infants are born with

rooting reflex, locate food

5 years old has a

sense of self and long term memory


showed that infants bond with surrogate mothers because of bodily contact and not nourishment.

men and women have same intelligence, just in different areas


Stereotype threat can lower test scores in people who are aware that they belong to negatively viewed groups


Conceptual skills include all of the following

understanding numbers. concepts of time. concepts of money.

If we look at racial differences, on average intelligence, white Americans score higher than black Americans (Avery and others, 1994). European New Zealanders score higher than native New Zealanders (Braden, 1994).


n embryo turns into a fetus

9 weeks


A single sperm cell (male) penetrates the outer coating of the egg (female) and fuse to form one fertilized cell.

cognitive development

Adolescents' ability to reason gives them a new level of social awareness. In particular they can think about: 1. Their own thinking. 2. What others are thinking. 3. And think about what others are thinking about them. 4. How ideals can be reached. Criticize society, parents and even themselves.

forma operational

Around age 12, our reasoning ability expands from concrete thinking to abstract thinking. We can now use symbols and imagined realities to systematically reason, what Piaget called formal operational thinking.

aging memory

As we age we remember some things well. These include recent past events and events that happened a decade or two back. However, recalling names declines

brain maturation timeline

Birth to 3 yrs: Branching neural networks enable walking, talking, and remembering. 3 to 6 yrs: Frontal lobes develop, enabling rational planning. 6-13 yrs : Association areas proliferate, enriching thinking, memory, language and reading skills.

Piaget Stage 2: Preoperational (2 - 7 yrs)

Children have a preliminary understanding of the physical world. Theory of mind—people's ideas about their own and others' mental states—about their feelings, perceptions, and thoughts, and the behaviors these might predict.

Piaget Stage 3: Concrete Operational (7 - 12 yrs)

Children learn how various actions or "operations" can affect or transform "concrete" objects Conservation—the notion that properties such as a mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects.

Which statement best summarizes researchers' findings about the impact of the Head Start program?

Children participating in Head Start tended to be more ready for school and less likely to repeat a grade.

normal curve.

Standardized tests establish a normal distribution of scores on a tested population — a bell shaped pa^ern called


The development of the brain unfolds based on genetic instructions, leading various bodily and mental functions to occur in sequence— standing before walking, babbling before talking—

A valid intelligence test divides two groups of people into two extreme

The mentally retarded (IQ 70) and individuals with high intelligence (IQ 135) are significantly different.

reasons environment effects intelligence

The races are remarkably alike genetically. 2. Race is a social category. 3. Asian students outperform N.American students on math achievement & aptitude. 4. White and black infants tend to score equally well on tests predicting future intelligence. 5. In different eras, different ethnic groups have experienced periods of remarkable achievement.

Francis Galton attempted to measure intellectual strengths based on tests of reaction time, muscular power, and body proportions. Which statement best describes the results of Galton's research?

These tests did not differentiate between people with different intelligence test scores.


Wechsler developed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and later the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), an intelligence test for preschoolers.

self concept

a sense of one's identity and personal worth emerges gradually around 6 months. Around 15 18 months they can recognize themselves in the mirror. By 8 10 years, their self image is stable


ability of a test to measure what it is intended to measure


ability of a test to produce consistent results when administered on repeated occasions under similar conditions


administration of a test to a large, representative sample of people under uniform conditions for the purpose of establishing norms

reasoning power , piaget

adolescents can handle abstract problems, i.e., they can perform formal operations. Adolescents can judge good from evil, truth and justice, and think about God in deeper terms

Sternberg (1985, 1999, 2003) al

also agrees with Gardner, but suggests three intelligences rather than eight. 1. Analytical Intelligence: Assessed by intelligence tests. 2. Creative Intelligence: Intelligence that makes us adapt to novel situations, generating novel ideas. 3. Practical Intelligence: Intelligence required for everyday tasks (e.g. street smart).

Alfred Binet

and his colleague Théodore Simon started modern intelligence testing by developing questions that would predict children's future progress in the Paris school system. U.S. Government (1910) had English translation of Binet test given to immigrants to determine which might be mentally defective - 83% of Jews, 80% of Hungarians, 87% of Russians, and 79% of Italians immigrating to U.S. were considered to be "feeble-minded" based on their test scores! • Group-administered intelligence tests created for army recruits during World War I - Army Alpha & Army Beta tests - 47% scored at a mental age of 13 years or lower!

newborns prefer these visual cues

angles black and white eyes faces circles primary colors

Piaget Stage 1: Sensorimotor (Birth - 2 yrs

Infants acquire information about the world by sensing it and moving around within it. Object permanence— the idea that objects continue to exist even when they are not visible

two controversies that remain

Is intelligence a single overall ability or several specific abilities? 2. With modern neuroscience techniques can we locate and measure intelligence within the brain?

middle adulthood

Muscular strength, reaction time, sensory abilities and cardiac output begin to decline after mid twenties. Around 50, women go through menopause; and men experience decreased levels of hormones and fertility.

Piaget Stage 4: Formal Operational (12 yrs - Adulthood)

People can solve nonphysical problems; they can think logically about abstract concepts

components of emotional intelligence

Perceive emotion Recognize emotions in faces, music and stories Understand emotion Predict emotions, how they change and blend Manage emotion Express emotions in different situations Use emotion Utilize emotions to adapt or be creative

What are the four components of emotional intelligence?

Perceiving emotions (recognizing them in faces, music, and stories) •Understanding emotions (predicting them and how they may change and blend) • Managing emotions (knowing how to express them in varied situations) • Using emotions to enable adaptive or creative thinking


Piaget concluded that preschool children are egocentric. They cannot perceive things from another's point of view. When mommy asks 2 year old Gabriella to show her picture to mommy. Gabriella holds the picture facing her own eyes, believing that her mother can see it through her eyes

moral thinking

Preconventional Morality: Before age 9, children show morality to avoid punishment or gain reward. 2. Conventional Morality: By early adolescence social rules and laws are upheld for their own sake. 3. Postconventional Morality: Affirms people's agreed upon rights or follows personally perceived ethical principles.

2 facts

Racial groups differ in their average intelligence scores. High scoring people (and groups) are more likely to a^ain high levels of education and income.

____ studies found that older adults gave fewer correct answers on intelligence tests than did younger adults.

cross sectional

As people age, they tend to gain vocabulary and knowledge, which are systematic of _____ intelligence.


Which of the following kinds of intelligence would most affect a person's ability to work toward a long-term goal instead of immediate rewards?

emotional intelligence

Willis again picked the wrong day to ask his boss for a day off, especially with the multimillion-dollar project proposal due in a couple of days. This best illustrates a lack o

emotional intelligence

Mary wonders why people exist and is trying to determine her purpose in life. Mary has _____intelligence.


Mike is wondering what happens to a person after death. This is an example of _____ intelligence.


If intelligence is a single mental ability rather than a group of separate abilities, _____ should reveal a single cluster of mental abilities.

factor analysis

Dr. Rich is a psychologist who studies social influences on behavior. She has published ten articles and three books in the past three years, which is quite an accomplishment for a psychological scientist. This is probably because her _____ is currently at its peak.

fluid intelligence

Some people have been fearful that higher twentieth-century birth rates among those with lower intelligence scores would push human intelligence scores progressively downward. This fear has been most directly alleviated by the discovery of the

flynn effect

High scoring people on intelligence tests—contrary to popular beliefs—tend to be

healthy, well adjusted, and unusually successful academically.

Brody is doing quite well as the manager of a large electronics store. He writes clear memos to the staff, delegates tasks effectively, and knows how to read other employees. Robert Sternberg and R.K. Wagner would predict that Brody would score:

high on practical intelligence

Conducting research in an Iranian orphanage, _____ observed the dramatic effects of early experiences on children and demonstrated the impact of early intervention.


Lewis Terman, in

in the US, adapted Binet's test for American school children and named the test the Stanford Binet Test. The formula of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) introduced by William Stern is: mental age / chronological age x 100

general intelligence, or the g facto

intelligence can be described as a single factor called

thurstone - cluster of abilities

intelligence consists of seven "primary mental abilities," each a relatively independent element of intelligence. slide 25

Being able to take care of one's daily habits, such as diet and personal hygiene, is a form of _____ skills.


Richard learned at an early age how to sell numerous items ranging from chocolate to small electronics. Many say his best education came from the streets he grew up on. This best illustrates _____ intelligence.


creative intelligence is demonstrated in

reacting adaptively to novel situations and generating novel ideas.

character performs mind-boggling feats of mathematical calculations, yet cannot perform the simplest of tasks such as determining how much change he would receive when buying a candy bar. This is known as:

savant syndrome

old age

sensory After age 70, hearing, distance perception, and the sense of smell diminish, as do muscle strength, reaction time and stamina. After 80, neural processes slow down, especially for complex tasks motor At 70, our motor abilities also decline. A 70 year old is no match for a 20 year old individual. Fatal accidents also increase around this age.

Zelda was adopted when she was an infant. Her adoptive parents' intelligence test scores are in the average range. Her biological parents, on the other hand, have test scores that are well above average. When Zelda is 30, what can be predicted about her performance on an intelligence test?

similar to biological parent scores

Which of the following is defined as the know-how involved in interpersonal situations and managing oneself successfully?


morality, kohlberg

sought to describe the development of moral reasoning. Kohlberg posed moral dilemmas, like "Whether a person should steal medicine to save a loved one's life," to children and adolescents and found stages of moral development

Having students participate in self-affirmation exercises, such as writing for 15 minutes about significant accomplishments, might be effective in combating:

stereotype threat

_____ is a self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype.

stereotype threat

Longitudinal studies

suggest that intelligence remains relatively stable as we age. It is believed today that fluid intelligence (ability to reason speedily) declines with age, but not crystalline intelligence (accumulated knowledge and skills)

Alzheimer's disease also increases with age. Individuals who are in the early stages of this disease show more MRI activity in the brain than normals of the same age.


Brain scans show similarities in gray matter and brain areas associated with intelligence among identical twins. ! Recent research has identified chromosomal regions important to intelligence and specific genes that appear to influence intelligence.


Critics argue that intelligence tests reflect cultural knowledge and values of dominant cultures, leading to lower scores among minority groups.


Differences in intelligence among these groups is largely environmental, as if one environment was more fertile to develop these abilities than another.


Infants begin to roll over first followed by siPing unsupported, crawling, and finally walking. Experience has liPle effect on this sequence.


Intelligence is the result of a complex interaction between heredity and the environment.


Recent Studies indicate some correlation (about +. 40) between brain size and intelligence. As brain size decreases with age, scores on verbal intelligence also decrease.


Studies of brain functioning show that people who score high on intelligence tests perceive stimuli faster, retrieve information from memory quickly, and show faster brain response times.


Studies of twins, family members and adopted children together support the idea that there is a significant genetic contribution to intelligence.


Well being and people's feelings of satisfaction are stable across the life span.


With increasing age the risk of dementia also increases. Dementia is not a normal part of growing old


early neglect from caregivers leads children to develop a lack personal control over the environment and also impoverishes their intelligence.


intelligence is 110 at 16. will be 110 at 32.


French government commissioned Alfred Binet to help identify children with special needs because they were concerned that teacher evaluations of student learning potential might be _____.

unfair or biased

achel graduated with honors from Harvard. Before college, she scored in the top 2 percent on the SAT. One could argue that this is evidence that the SAT is _____


A professor hands out an exam that is supposed to be on Chapters 11 and 12. The students are shocked to see that the exam is covering Chapters 13 and 14 instead. The exam clearly lacks _____ in relation to Chapters 11 and 12.


According to some research, heritability accounts for about 50 to 80 percent of the _____ in intelligence test scores.


A number of cognitive abilities decline with age. However, vocabulary and general knowledge increases with age.



(sexual maturation). Puberty occurs earlier in females (11 years) than males (13 years). Thus height in females increases before males

average iq is


8-year-old Edie responds to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency of an average 10-year-old child, she would record an intelligence quotient (IQ) of _____.


In the Iranian orphanage studied by J. McVicker Hunt, the typical child could not sit up unassisted at age _____ or walk at age _____.


Which of the following is an accurate description of the heritability of intelligence?


Intelligence scores become stable after about

7 years of age

frontal cortex

During adolescence neurons in the frontal cortex grow myelin which speeds up nerve conduction. Frontal cortex lags behind limbic system development. Hormonal surges and limbic system may explain teens' occasional impulsiveness.

emerging adulthood

Emerging adulthood spans from 18 25 years. During this time young adults live with their parents and aPend college or work. They marry on average in their mid twenties.

commitments in adulthood

Generativity—being productive and supporting future generations intimacy—forming close relationship

There are seven ways in which males and females differ on various abilities.

Girls are be^er spellers 2. Girls verbally fluent, large vocabularies 3. Girls are be^er at locating objects 4. Girls are more sensitive to touch, taste, and color 5. Boys outnumber girls in counts of underachievement 6. Boys outperform girls at math problem solving but underperform at math computation 7. Women detect emotions more easily than men do


a fertilized cell with 100 cells, which become increasingly diverse. At about 14 days the zygote turns into an embryo (a and b).

A high-school counselor gave Amy a test designed to predict whether she could learn to become a successful architect. Amy most likely took a(n) _____ test.



are chemicals or viruses that can enter the placenta and harm the developing fetus. are harmful substances such as viruses (HIV, rubella) and drugs (cocaine, alchohol, nicotine) that can slip through and cause abnormal development or birth defects.

Piaget b

believed that the driving force behind intellectual development is our biological development amidst experiences with the environment. Our cognitive development is shaped by errors we make.

or many researchers of intelligence, a(n) _____ intelligence test is a test that predicts future behavior or achievement for some groups but not for others.


WAIS subtest that measures one's ability for visual abstract processing is:

block design

Biological evidence for the existence of emotional intelligence includes _____.

brain damage

Which of the following statements is true?

children are actively engaged in making sense of the world.

A group of people from a given time period is known as a _____.


_____ includes language, literacy, and concepts of money, time and numbers.

conceptual intelligence

Beginning slowly in the 20s and 30s, and then more quickly after age 75, fluid intelligence


People who score high on _____ intelligence tests are likely to experience high-quality interactions with friends.



involves incorporating new experiences into our current understanding (schema).

fetal alcohol syndrome

is marked by a small, misproportioned head, with unusual facial features and lifelong brain abnormalities.

Intelligence (

is the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.

attachment differences

laced in a strange situation, 60% children express secure aPachment, i.e., they explore their environment happily in the presence of their mothers. When mother leaves they show distress. The other 30% show insecure aPachment, these children cling to their mothers or caregivers, and are less likely to explore the environment.

When he was very young, William took an intelligence test as part of a research study. Decades later, William is asked if he would be willing to take another intelligence test in order to test the stability of intelligence. By agreeing to take another intelligence test, William is engaging in a(n) _____ study.



measures overall intelligence, and in addition 11 other aspects related to intelligence designed to assess clinical and educational problems. picture competition picture arrangement block design

Psychologists define intelligence testing as a

method for assessing an individual's mental aptitudes and comparing them with others using numerical scores.

Howard Gardner (1983, 1999) s

supports Thurstone's idea that intelligence comes in multiple forms. Gardner notes that brain damage may diminish one type of ability but not others. People with savant syndrome excel in abilities not related to general intelligence. Gardner proposes eight types of intelligences and speculates about a ninth one — existential intelligence — the ability to ponder about question of life, death and existence. (the list is on slide 26)

he first extremely large-scale administration of an intelligence test was performed in which context?

testing army recruits in World War I

secondary sexual characteristics

the nonreproductive traits such as breast and hips in girls and facial hair and deepening of voice in boys develop. Pubic hair and hair in armpit grow in both sexes.


thepercentage of variation within a given population that is due to heredity • Currently,theheritabilityof intelligence for the general population is estimated at approximately 50 percent.

Which of the following is an indication that someone might have high emotional intelligence?

they are good at predicting the emotions of others.


transfers nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus and filters harmful substances from reaching the embryo or fetus

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