Psychology - Unit 5 Study Guide

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Eighteen-Month old Becca is in the telegraphic speech phase. What would be a statement she might say?

"Katie fall"

If approached on the street by a stranger and asked to make a guess about their IQ score, your best guess would be _______?


People are said to have an intellectual disability if they have difficulty adapting to the demands of independent living and have IQ scores lower than _____.


What does Hermann Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve show about the nature of storage decay?

A rapid initial decline followed by leveling off.

A methodical, logical rule that guarantees solving a particular problem is called a what?


What would be an example of fluid versus crystallized intelligence?

Alice is 25 and has discovered a new chemical element.

What is an example of a flashbulb memory.

Anna remembers when her father returned from an overseas military deployment because the day was very emotional for her.

After seeing a news story about a kidnapping, we are more afraid of kidnapping, even though it is a very rare occurrence. Which of the following is the term for this phenomenon?

Availability Heuristic

Tom believes that his congresswoman is an honest person even after she is arrested and sent to jail. Tom is experiencing what?

Belief Perseverance

Researchers studying the links among emotion, stress, and memory have discovered what?

Both stress and emotion make events more memorable.

The idea that language develops because of an inborn tendency to learn grammar rules of language was proposed by which psychologist?


When someones provides his phone number to another person, he usually pauses after the area code and again after the next three numbers. This pattern underscores the importance of which memory principle?


The mental activity associated with remembering, thinking, and knowing is called?


Tom believes that his congresswoman is an honest woman. He looks for examples of her giving to charity and ignores her ethics violations, which have recently be in the news. Tom is being affected by what?

Confirmation Bias

John has noticed that hes does better on chemistry exams when he takes them in the same seat that he sits in during class than when he sits in a different seat for exams. If he properly prepare for the exam, then ____________ may explain the difference in scores.

Context Effects

Which of the following refers to the narrowing of available problem solutions with the goal of determining the best solution.

Convergent Thinking

Producing valuable and novel ideas best defines what?


What is an example of representativeness heuristic?

Deciding that a new kid in school is a nerd because he looks like a nerd.

Your teacher asks how many uses you can think of for a pencil. She is testing your?

Divergent Thinking

If Lanie is able to tell when her husband is upset by noticing subtle changes in his facial expressions, she might be said to have a high degree of __________________.

Emotional Intelligence.

Muhammad's has been in his school cafeteria hundreds of times.It is a large room, and there are nine free-standing pillars that support the roof. One day, to illustrate the nature of forgetting, Muhammad;s teacher asks him how many pillars there are in the cafeteria. Muhammad has difficulty answering the question, but finally replies that he thinks there are six pillars. What memory concept does this example illustrate?

Encoding Failure.

Scott gets soaked in the rainstorm because he does not think of using his Backpack to shield himself from the rain. Which barrier to problem solving is evident here?


Many people prefer meat that is 80 percent lean instead of 20 percent fat, even though they are the same thing. Which concept is being used when the same information is presented in a more desirable way?


People are more concerned about a medical procedure when told it has a 10 percent death rate than they are when told it has a 90 percent survival rate. Which psychological concept explains this difference in concern?


What does Charles Spearman's g refer to?

General Intelligence.

The Flynn effect refers to the _______________.

Gradual increase in average intelligence score of the general population over the last several decades.

Benjamin Lee Whorf's linguistic determinism hypothesis relates to what aspect of the power of language?

How language determines thinking.

Carl damaged his cerebellum in a car accident. As a result, he would have the most trouble remembering what?

How to ride his therapy bike. (Cerebellum affects motor memory)

What is NOT one of Robert Sternberg's components of creativity?


researchers studying the effects of genes on intelligence have found that ________.

Intelligence is affected by many genes working together.

What would be true of a thermometer that always reads three degrees lower than the actual temperature?

It is reliable but not valid.

According to Noam Chomsky, language acquisition occurs most especially because of what?

Linguistic Determinism

The most widely used modern intelligence test was developed by who?

Louis Terman

What is an example of anterograde amnesia?

Louis can remember his past, but nothing since experiencing a brain infection 4 years ago.

By waiting until the last minute to study for an exam, you are using an unreccomended strategy called?

Massed Practice (i.e cramming)

Achievement tests are to aptitude test as ____________.

Measurement is to prediction.

What is true concerning memory?

Memories are often a blend of correct and incorrect information.

The original formula for a child's intelligence quotient compared to a child's ____________.

Mental age to his or hers chronological age.

You are more likely remember happy memories when you are presently happy than when you are sad due to what?

Mood Congruence

The prefix "pre" in "preview", or the suffix "ed" in "adapted" are examples of?


What does Hermann Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve show?

Most forgetting occurs early on and then levels off.

Alice significantly underestimated how long it would take her to write her term paper because of?


In the word "prepare", each "r" can be considered a what?


What was one of Robert Sternberg's types of intelligence?

Practical Intelligence

The purpose of Alfred Binets early intelligence test was to _____________ ?

Predict how children would do in school.

Students who do well on college entrance exams generally do well in their first year of college. This helps establish that these exams have what?

Predictive Validity

Mave got a new car with the license plate "MAVNUM1". She is asked by the school parking clerk what her number is but can only remember her old one, "VANMOM1". Her inability to remember the new plate is most likely due to what?

Proactive Interference

Suzanne gets a new phone number. Each time she tries to give someone the new number, she gives her old one instead. The fact that her old number is causing difficulty in remembering of the new one is an example of what?

Proactive Interference

When asked to think of a "desk", many students think of the desks in their classrooms rather than a large desk used by an executive. This illustrates that their school desk have formed their __________ of a desk.


When asked to think of a bird, many people think of a robin. In this case a robin is people's _______ for a bird.


What is an example of the serial position effect?

Remembering the beginning and end of your grocery list, but not the items in the middle.

Howard Gardner found evidence of multiple intelligence in individuals who scored low on intelligence but had an area of exceptional ability - for example, to make a complex calculations. These people have ________

Savant Syndrome

What is an example of an illustration of the serial position effect?

Someone is unable to remember the middle of a list of vocabulary words as well as he remembers the first or last words on the list.

What is an example of source amnesia?

Someone misremembers a dream as something that really happened.

Long-term potentiation (LTP) is best described as what?

Synaptic changes allow for more efficient transfer of information.

Heritabilty intelligence refers to what?

The amount of group variation in intelligence that can be attributed to genetics.

What has research on the role of the amygdala in memory found?

The amygdala help make sure we remember events that trigger strong emotional responses.

What does Millers "magical number seven, plus or minus two" refer to?

The capacity of short-term memory.

What two parts of the brain are most involved in implicit memory?

The cerebellum and basal ganglia.

The basketball players could remember the main points of their coach's halftime talk, but not her exact words. Why is this?

They encoded the information semantically.

What would lead to semantic encoding a list of words?

Thinking about how the words relate to your own life.

What is the benefit of standardizing an intelligence test?

To provide a basis for comparing scores against a pretested group.

A phoneme, such as the "c" in cows, is best described as what?

Unit of sound in a language.

What is an example of a heuristic?

Using three dramatic news reports of corporate fraud to estimate how often business fraud occurs.

What is an example of implicit memory?

What time you had lunch yesterday.

What would most likely be encoded automatically?

What you ate for breakfast this morning.

In history class, James is effortfully connecting the new material to what he has learned in the past. This making of connections in the moment best describes James' ______________.

Working Memory

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