PTCB: Compounding

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Material Safety Data Sheet must be filed with for all stored ingredients; contain information on:

1. hazard and flammability, how to clean up spills, procedures for treating accidental ingestion or exposure

certification of pharmacy technician in compounding

1. pass PTCB; 2. complete mini-certifications and laboratory training; 3. all compounding task must be supervised and checked by the pharmacist.

to be accredited must follow all specific standards

1.must follow continuous quality improvement process including periodic spot checks, random selection of product to be analyzed at an outside lab 2. certification of pharmacy technician

manufactured or bulk materials

25% of the remaining expiration date; 6 months earlier

a sweetened hydroalcoholic solution which may contain an active ingredient or serve as a vehicle for another medication; binder/filler to mask the actual taste of the medication


A mixture of two liquids that are not soluble in each other. when shaken, one phase will form globules in the other.


responsible for accrediting pharmacies


used for making larger quantities of capsules

capsule machine

two pan balance, used weight small amounts

class III prescription balance

act of reducing a substance to small, fine particles


a patient-specific medication prepared on-site by the technician, under the supervision of the pharmacist, from individual ingredients

compounded preparations

generated foe each prescription; use by pharmacist to complete initial calculation and documenting them

compounding log;

plate made of ground glass; disposable nonabsorbent parchment paper

compounding slab

protection when working with powders

container hood, mask, and gowns

two pan balance, used for larger weights


single pan, easier to operate than two pan balance, more accurate

digital electronic balance

to scatter or incorporate the particles of one substance into another


the act of dissolving a substance into a liquid


master control record list:

drug's name, strength, dosage form, ingredients and quantities, mixing instructions, recommended beyond use dating, storing and labeling requirements

inert substances added to another substances in order to attain suitable consistency, shape or form (tablets fillers and binders


used for grasping objects; used with pharmaceutical weights to avoid transferring moisture or oil from hands


used for storing ingredients and final products

freezers and refrigerators

used to combine one drug with another in a mortar and the smaller amount, usually the active ingredients into mortar then add the same amount of the next ingredient

geometric dilution

a water loving substance


water hating or oil loving substance


compounding log list

ingredients, manufacturer, wholesaler source, assigned lot number, NC number, expiration date of ingredients; quantity made, date of compounding, initials of pharmacist and compounding technicians

using a spatula to mix, smooth, or dispense a solid, semisolid, or liquid into an ointment base


products prepared off-site by a manufacturer, mass production

manufactured products

recipe for maing the compound prescriptions

master control record - prepared by pharmacist or compounding service

used for grinding and mixing ingredients

mortar and pestle

a semisolid dosage with a petroleum or fatty bee meant for topical application


USP chapter 795

only USP or National formulary ingredients should be used; pharmacist balance cost of ingredients with quality;3. pharmacist must have multiple sources of ingredients

used with two-pan balances to offset ingredients weight; made of polished brass with noncorrosive coating

pharmaceutical weights

copy of the log

prescription record

substances added that are intended to maintain sterility by killing or inhibiting growth of bacteria or other organism


Many compounding pharmacy seek national accreditation

protects patient, protect business, differentiate their practice from other pharmacies

method for filling capsules in which the body of a capsule is repeatedly punched into a cake of medication until the capsule is full

punch method

estimated for beyond-use dating

refrigerated solutions: 14 days solids and solutions: 6 months or less; all other formulations: 30 days

a liquid dosage form in which active ingredient are dissolved in a liquid vehicle


used to transfer solid ingredients to weighing pans, ointments and creams, remove material from mortar pestle


to add slowly


mixing a substance using a stir rod or other appropriate tool, without the use of a stir bar

stir by hand

mixing or agitation a substance using a stir bar and magnetic stir function of the hot plate



stirring rod

surface acting agent. a substance used to lower the surface tension of a liquid to facilitate compounding


insoluble substance held in dispersion by an agent to prevent separation or settling


controlled sucrose solution suitably flavored and intended as a vehicle or base or the active ingredient. Must be preserved with an antibacterial anti fungal ingredient


used for combining tablet ingredients

tablet press

to reset the balance to zero


other equipment

tong, hot plate, ointment jar, troche mold, suppository mold, thermometer, braun, homogenizer

grinding or mixing dry powders in a mortar and pestle to reduce particle size


used in measuring liquids;

used to measure liquid

a whorled arrangement, design, or pattern created by the spin bar and the magnetic stir function of the hot plate


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