Public Speaking Chapter 5, 6 & 15
Clustering Brainstorming
A group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely together.
Informative Speech
A speech designed to convey knowledge. Examples are lectures, describing an object, showing how something works and reporting an event.
General Criteria of an Informative Speech 1
Speech about Objects
Anything that is visible and stable in form. Oprah's world transformation.
Auditory Perception
Audience only absorbs information that is interesting to them and disregard other information. EGOCENTRIC.
Audience adaptation after the speech
Be prepared when something goes wrong.
General Criteria of an Informative Speech 2
Speech about Concepts
Democracy, capitalism, communism, Confucianism, net neutrality.
Guidelines for Informative Speaking 2
Don't be too technical, avoid abstractions, personalize your ideas, and be creative.
Guidelines for Informative Speaking 1
Don't overestimate what the audience knows, and relate the subject directly to the audience.
Speech about Events
Fashion Week, Met Gala, Presidential Election, Kate Middleton and Prince William's Wedding.
Step 2: Demographic Audience Analysis
Gauge the importance of those features to a particular speaking situations.
Personal Inventory Brainstorming
Generating topics form experiences, interests, hobbies, skills, etc.
Speech about Process
How something is made, done, or how it works.
Audience Adaption before the Speech
How the audience is likely responding to what you're saying and then adjusting what you say to make it more clear.
Step 1: Demographic Audience Analysis
Identify the general demographic features.
General Criteria of an Informative Speech 3
Meaningfulness and Interest
Ways to know about the audience
Observation and asking through contacts.
Selecting a topic
Occasions, audience, and qualifications. Also should be about subjects you know or you want to know more about.
Open-ended Questions
Questions that allow respondents to answer however they want.
Fixed-Alternative Questions
Questions that offer a fixed choice between two or more alternatives.
Scale Questions
Require a response at fixed interval along a scale of answers.
Situational Audience Analysis
Size of audience, physical setting (time and place where you give your speech), and disposition of the audience (towards the topic, speaker, and occasion)
Phrasing a Central Idea
Trying to gain a desired result from the audience.
Residual Message
What a speaker wants the audience to remember after it has forgotten everything else.
Specific Purpose
What do you hope to achieve from the speech. Always as a full infinitive phrase. Not vague.
Audience-Centeredness Questions
Who are you speaking to? What do I want them to know? The background of the audience?