public speaking final

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Research shows that the typical preferred duration of direct eye contact with an individual audience member is

3 seconds

When you think about your communication and concentrate on changing what you do to become more effective, you are exhibiting

A and B

Pseudo-paraphrasing is

A and C

Impromptu speaking is the easiest method of delivering a speech.


In an interview, asking a question such as Is there a computer access problem on campus? is an example of a leading question.


It is appropriate to use humor even if the joke, story, anecdote, or quotation has nothing to do with the speech topic because at least it gains attention.


Mary Ellen Walker, an attorney in the U.S. Justice Department, states . . . is a complete citation of a credible source.


Most PowerPoint slides should have lots of creative, even humorous animation and colorful graphics to be effective.


Oral and written style are about the same, with few significant differences.


Oral and written style are virtually the same, so writing your speech word for word and reading it to your audience is an effective way to present a speech.


Outlines of speeches should work from the most specific points to the most general points.


Outlining and organizing a speech are the same process.


PowerPoint slides should follow the rule of seven.


The Internet is a reliable, credible source of information for your speeches.


The formula for distinguishing rational from irrational speech anxiety is the severity of the feared occurrence times the intensity of the feared occurrence.


Visual aids are appropriate for any speech and should be used in any speech that you give.


When interviewing a source, be sure to ask leading questions to elicit the best, most accurate information.


When introducing a featured speaker, make sure that you spend a great deal of time reciting all of the accomplishments of the speaker to build credibility with the audience.


When you use a source more than once during your speech, make sure that you cite the source completely, leaving nothing out.


The credibility of evidence refers to its believability as determined by consistency and accuracy.


When you are trying to explain why an event occurred, typically you would use which of the following organizational patterns?

causal pattern

Which of the following is an ethical component of the communication competence model for public speaking?


When you organize your speech on the basis of a sequential time pattern, this is which of the following organizational patterns?

chronological pattern

A person who holds two inconsistent ideas, beliefs, or opinions at the same time will likely experience

cognitive dissonance

Bipolar disorder is an example within the psychiatric community of


An internal summary occurs during the conclusion to a speech.


Because eulogies delivered at funerals are somber occasions, it is inappropriate to use humor in this tribute.


During the adaptation phase of speech anxiety, symptoms of the fight-or-flight response steadily increase in response to the stress of giving a speech.


Ego involvement refers to the degree to which an issue is relevant or important to a person.


Flu shots typically have about a 60% effectiveness rate in preventing vaccinated individuals from getting the flu. Skeptics, therefore, should reject getting vaccinated because it doesn't even approach 100% effectiveness.


In a coherent outline, subpoints must come before main points.


It is ethically wrong to use emotional appeals.


Narratives should not be about yourself but about others. Otherwise, your audience will see you as self-involved and egotistical.


Never use yourself as a visual aid.


Persuasion always results in attitude and/or behavior change.


The electronic age requires a vivid style, so data-driven, analytic, impersonal traditional style should be replaced with a more narrative, self-disclosing, dramatic, personal style of speaking.


The more people who support a belief, the stronger is the argument and its validity.


The spotlight effect refers to a desire to be conspicuous and receive attention from an audience to divert your attention away from any anxiety that you may experience giving a speech.


When presenting PowerPoint slides with lots of text, it is helpful to read the text on the slide for the audience.


You think that women should have the right to choose on the issue of abortion. We can confidently and accurately predict from this attitude that you would get an abortion if the need arose.


Your narrative speech will be best if you read from a manuscript.


The American Tobacco Institute claims that e-cigarettes are perfectly safe. This source for the claim is

inherently biased due to the profit motive

The Google search engine

is by far the most popular research tool among college students

The four principal methods of delivery are

manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu

Her hair was a rainbow of colors, and she walked with the sure-footed grace of a ballerina gliding across a stage hoping to bat a thousand with the audience. This is an example of

mixed metaphors

Experts are

more knowledgeable than non-experts

Abstract words

need concrete referents to create clarity

A demonstration speech is a

none of the above

Preparation before giving a speech is important. This preparation should include

none of the above

Research on the persuasive use of evidence shows that

none of the above

If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? (George Carlin). This quote used in a speech is likely to capture audience attention because it is


According to recent studies, taking 500 mg of calcium per day improves bone mass by 5%, and taking 1000 mg of calcium per day improves bone mass by 10%. Even though the studies haven't been done yet on higher doses of calcium, it makes sense to take 5000 to 6000 mg of calcium per day to get even better results in bone mass. This claim is principally based on


To use visual aids effectively, a speaker should

put the visual aid out of sight when not referring to it

In Toulmin's structure of argument, a word or phrase that indicates the level of likelihood that a claim is strong is the


Examples used as supporting material for a claim are likely to be ineffective when they are

real, not just hypothetical, examples

Tomorrow we begin our quest; tomorrow we embark on a new adventure; tomorrow we grab for the golden ring is an example of


When attitudes are shaped indirectly by media images or what friends and others tell you, this is called

second-hand attitudes

You challenge a speaker to prove his claim that owning handguns prevents home invasions. The speaker responds, Prove it doesn't. This is an example of

shifting the burden of proof

Success is like a great deodorant. It eliminates the odor of past failure. This is


Drawings as visual aids are ineffective when they are

sloppy and poorly drawn

Binge drinking by college students is probably the result in most cases of

social pressure to belong

Aristotle's ethos refers to

speaker credibility

Manuscript speaking is

speaking from a written version of the speech

Articulation is

speaking words clearly and distinctly

The lecture is a common example of a

speech that explains

The preview of a speech should

state the main points of the speech clearly and concisely

Anxiety that occurs when you face the audience and begin to speak is which phase of speech anxiety?

the confrontation phase

You present strong arguments to college students to support your claim that tuition and fees at state colleges are too high. You strongly encourage audience members to make a trip to the state capital and petition legislators to lower tuition rates. However, it is unlikely that many audience members, if any, will follow your suggestion because

the effort required to visit legislators is too great

The essential difference between persuasion and coercion is

the perception of free choice is persuasion

Confirmation bias is

the psychological predisposition to listen to information that agrees with our beliefs and values and to ignore or distort information that disagrees with them

Context for communication is

the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the communication event

According to the Monroe Motivated Sequence organizational pattern,

there are five sequential steps starting with attention and ending with the action step

As you become more experienced as a public speaker you can expect

to manage your anxiety effectively if proper steps are taken

A speech of presentation should communicate to the audience the meaning and importance of the award unless that is already obvious (e. g., Oscars).


According to social judgment theory, the further away someone's position is from the <br/>anchor attitude, the less likely persuasive attempts will be successful.


Accuracy as an element of credibility of evidence means that what a source of information says and does are in agreement, and accuracy means that the evidence has no error.


Claims based on plausibility require you to make a logical case for your claim even though the evidence may not be substantial.


Experiencing a significant emotional event is the likeliest way conversion might occur.


Gestures can enhance perceptions by listeners of a speaker's composure and confidence, and can increase a speaker's persuasiveness.


Inductive reasoning is a process of drawing conclusions from specific instances.


Informative speeches do not usually stir disagreement and dissension.


Our brains are hard-wired to enjoy storytelling.


Research reveals that it takes truth ten times as long as misinformation to reach 1,500 people.


Research shows that fake news is 70% more likely to be retweeted than real, substantial news.


Research shows that ideologically leaning Internet news sources have a strong biasing effect that produces a distorted understanding of evidence and promotes inaccurate beliefs.


When Obama called statistics on economic recovery steady growth but Trump called it evidence of failure and incompetence, they were both using framing as a persuasive strategy.


When preparing an informative speech, ask yourself if you have included needless detail that may make the speech too long.


You can still be a skeptic by respecting another person's point of view without necessarily agreeing with it.


Your voice pitch is the range of your voice from the extremes of soprano to bass.


A memorable conclusion to a speech should

use attention strategies much as they are used in the introduction to a speech

Internet search tips include

use nouns, not articles, pronouns, conjunctions, or prepositions

An example of an effective use of startling appeals is

using a startling fact or statistic

The agenda-setting function of informative speaking refers to telling an audience

what to think about

Burden of proof means

whoever makes a claim has the responsibility for proving it

True believers

willingly accept claims by authorities or valued sources without question

Being a competent public speaker means that

you display immutable, inborn traits that make you proficient in every context

Which of the following is an example of persuasion as defined in the text?

A political candidate speaking to the party faithful, telling them what they want to hear about the evils of the opposition candidate

Which of the following is a difference between a rhetorical question and a direct question?

A rhetorical question asks an audience to answer mentally but not out loud, but a direct question seeks an overt audience response

An anecdote is

A short, real-life story

My third reason is . . . is an example of

A signpost

Competent outlining of a speech includes which of the following?

All of the above

Francis L. Warner at the Imagine Biotech Institute notes on an Internet site that biological warfare has been used at least a dozen times by countries during times of war is a citation of a source that is incomplete in which of the following ways?

All of the above

The reliability of Internet information can be evaluated in which of the following ways?

All of the above

Which of the following are considered tribute speeches?

All of the above

Which of the following steps should be followed when evaluating information on the Internet?

All of the above

You experience high anxiety before giving a speech. Which of the following indicate that your anxiety has reached an irrational level?

All of the above

Which of the following is an advantage of extemporaneous speaking?

Allows the speaker to respond to audience feedback as it occurs

You want to compare ten levels of median monthly income to median levels of experience in the corporate world. Which of the following visual aids would be an effective choice?

Bar graph

Division as a criterion for an effective speech outline means that

Division as a criterion for an effective speech outline means that

Impromptu and extemporaneous speaking differ in which of the following ways?

Extemporaneous is speaking from a prepared outline; impromptu is speaking with little or no preparation or notes

A speaker can never be overly dynamic. Dynamism is what you hope for in every speech.


A theme and a general purpose statement are the same.


Active listening should be effortless.


All cultures respond well to sarcasm and satire.


All those who hate riding public transportation raise your hand is an example of a rhetorical question.


Any kind of startling statement or behavior that grabs the attention of an audience is appropriate for a speech.


Hypothetical examples are more effective than real examples for making points in a speech.


I didn't think I'd win so I didn't prepare a speech is a fine introduction to a speech of acceptance when you are given an award. It shows humility.


Identification is a relatively weak persuasion strategy.


Informative speaking differs from persuasive speaking in which of the following ways?

Informative speaking teaches; persuasive speaking convinces

Cricket is basically baseball on Valium (Robin Williams). This quotation has attention appeal because it

Is humorous

Appropriateness of speech topics should follow which of these guidelines?

Narrow your topic to fit the time limit

An attitude is

None of the above

Lucy finds a great article on the Internet while researching her speech. She especially likes a paragraph in the article that makes one of her main points while using language that is vivid and amusing. She changes a few words of the paragraph and then uses it in her speech without attributing it to the original author. Lucy has

Plagiarized the author's work

Some topics are poorly suited to a specific speaker and shouldn't be used.


The Picture Superiority Effect refers to which of the following?

The power of visually interesting pictures to increase retention of information presented in PowerPoint slides

Adopting an informal speech pattern to relate to listeners is an example of using the substantive similarity approach to identification.


Audience expectations are critical to the effectiveness of a special occasion speech.


Communication competence in public speaking is based on two primary variables: effectiveness and appropriateness.


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not protect hate speech.


Credibility can be established in your introduction by demonstrating competence on the subject, citing credentials and impressive accomplishments relevant to the purpose statement and topic.


Ethnocentrism is the biased belief that customs, practices, and behaviors of one's own culture are superior to any other culture.


Listeners cannot attend to two competing stimuli simultaneously.


Never record an interview conducted for speech research without the expressed permission of the interviewee.


Reframing as a persuasive strategy alters perception by changing how issues and problems are descriptively phrased.


The central idea of a speech identifies the main concept, point, issue, or conclusion that you want the audience to understand, believe, feel, or do.


The content dimension of a message is the information communicated, and the relationship dimension is how the words that compose the message relate to each other to produce meaning.


The contrast effect works well as a persuasive strategy when used to present your solution to a problem.


The difference between a eulogy and a tribute to a colleague leaving because of retirement or taking a new position elsewhere is that both are tributes but a eulogy honors the departed and the other honors the departing.


To be a mindful, active listener requires focused attention.


Uncertainty reduction theory posits that as you gain speaking experience, the novelty wears off and anxiety consequently diminishes.


Your communication in public speaking situations can be appropriate without being effective.


An informative speech differs from a persuasive speech in which of the following ways?

a and b

The National Anthem is sung by more than 50 million people each year is an example of

a questionable statistic

Every student in this room is affected by the pollutants hidden in these walls stated in a speech introduction is

a statement of significance

You are asked by a speaker to accept her point of view because most people already do, as indicated on several national surveys using random samples of more than 1,000 subjects. She has committed a fallacy called

ad populum

Which of the following are effective and productive strategies for managing speech anxiety?

adopt noncompetitive communication orientation

A narrative speech is typically composed of

all of the above

Demographics to consider when analyzing an audience for a speech include

all of the above

Dr. Regina Ducette, in an article in Journal of Pediatrics, argues that climate change is real and threatens human existence. This source citation is incomplete because

all of the above

Grabbing and holding the attention of your audience is important because

all of the above

Guidelines for effective eulogies include

all of the above

Important reasons to become a competent public speaker include

all of the above

Students in a public speaking class should not interrupt a fellow classmate during his or her speech. This is

all of the above

Supporting materials for speeches include

all of the above

The benefits of visual aids include that they can

all of the above

The credibility of a statistic used to support a claim in a speech is enhanced by citing

all of the above

When citing testimony from an expert as supporting material for a claim made in a speech, a complete citation should include the

all of the above

Which of the following are potential weaknesses of <i>Wikipedia</i> as a source of credible information for researching speeches?

all of the above

Which of the following is accomplished by using a well-chosen statistic?

all of the above

You can determine the currency of a document cited on the Internet by

all of the above

A hypnotic horror that hounded them to hell is an example of


A commencement address is

an inspirational speech

It is difficult to tell whether this is the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning of this war is an example of


You enhance your credibility as a speaker presenting a persuasive message by

appearing competent

Ways to gain attention in the introduction to your speech include

asking a meaningful rhetorical question

Fear appeals as a persuasive strategy are likely to be effective only if

audience members feel vulnerable and thus fearful

Amy wants to enhance her credibility with her audience because she is faced with a big challenge in changing attitudes about a needle exchange program for the inner cities' drug problem. She can enhance her credibility by

b and c

Factors that significantly influence how consistent your behavior is likely to be with your stated attitude include

b and c

Ways to establish speaker identification with an audience include

b and c

Simple ways to improve eye contact with an audience when giving a speech include

being very familiar with the content of the speech

As a means of managing speech anxiety, the communication orientation

emphasizes making the message clear and interesting to listeners

An after-dinner speech should

entertain an audience

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