Quiz 2: Respiration

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During respiration for speech, inspiration takes up about ____% of a cycle of respiration, while expiration takes up about ____ % of the cycle.

10, 90 WRONG!!!!

which of the following best describes the rate of respiration for an adult

12-18 breaths per minute

there is how many sets of floating ribs


Which of the following best describes the rate of respiration for a newborn infant?

40-70 breaths

State Boyle' Law, and describe the implications for respiration.

Boyle's: given a gas, if you INCREASE volume, then pressure will decrease. -Respiratory system: closed, and governed by changes in internal vs external air pressure. -upward/outward movement of rib cage expands cavity in transverse dimension -contraction of diaphragm expands it in vertical dimension. -expansion of cavity decreases pressure and increases volume.

which of the following have high elasticity

lungs and cartilage

the lungs are housed within the


tensile strength is the quality of material which keeps fibers from being easily separated when pulled


the process of moving air through the respiratory system?


by what age do lungs have their full complement of alveoli

8 years

Emphysema results in the breakdown of the alveolar wall, resulting in enlargement of alveolar clusters and consequent enlargement of the thorax known as Barrel Chest . This results in the diaphragm being pulled down at rest. What implications do you see for inspiration and expiration with this altered system?

In advanced emphysema the diaphragm is pulled down and stretched relatively flat by the flaring rib cage. When this flattened diaphragm contracts, it pulls the ribs closer together, compressing the thorax at the very time the patient is attempting to inhale. The alveoli are thus compressed, causing air to leave the lungs.

An individual with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis will experience a gradual loss of muscle function. As a result, this person will eventually be required to maintain a semi-reclined position to support respiration. Discuss the reason for this required posture.

In the sitting position, gravity is pulling the abdominal viscera down (supporting inspiration), as well as pulling the rib cage down (supporting expiration). The client with ALS suffers from increasing muscular weakness. The semi-reclining position increases vital capacity, and decreases the amount of muscular effort required to inhale.

What characteristic of cartilage makes it appropriate and beneficial for use in the respiratory passageway?


describe the process of passive expiration

Passive expiration refers to the exhalation of normal tidal breathing, as during sleep or quiet sitting. During inspiration the muscles elevate and expand the rib cage while the diaphragm descends into the abdominal cavity. During passive expiration, the ribs, diaphragm, and abdominal viscera return to their original position, exemplified by lung tissue elasticity, gravity, visceral recoil, and rib untorquing.

Compression of the ____ will result in extension of airstream duration during active expiration


Compression of the ____ will result in reduction of lung volume.


compression of the ___ will result in reduction of lung volume


Gas exchange occurs within the minute air sac of the lungs called


gas exchange occurs in the ____ of the lungs


An adult has a larger respiratory capacity than an infant. Which of the following best explains this capacity difference?

an adult has a larger thorax can voluntarily expand their lungs? WRONG!!!!

The reference pressure for measurement of respiratory pressure is __________ pressure.


pressure generated as a result of the weight of atmospheric pressure

atmospheric pressure

The term _________ refers to combinations of volumes to express physiological limits.


using the muscles of inspiration to impede the outflow of air during expiration

checking action

The portion of the rib cage consisting of cartilage is termed the ________________ portion.


in respiration, which of the following structures undergoes torquing?

chondrial portion of rib

the pectoral girdle of the scapula and


which is the inferior most component of the vertebral column


An increase in thorax volume will cause a(n) _________________ in alveolar pressure


Contraction of the diaphragm will cause a(n) _________________ in intrapleural pressure.


an incase in thorax volume will cause a ____ in alveolar pressure


an increase in thorax volume will cause a ___ in alveolar pressure


contraction of the diaphragm will cause a ___ in intrapleural pressure


Resting lung volume ________________ when one moves from a standing position to supine.


when the diaphragm contracts, the central tendon


the serrates posterior superior muscles ___ the rib cage


When the diaphragm contracts, the central tendon (elevates/depresses) __________.


when the diaphragm contracts, the central tendon ___



device that measures pressure


device that measures the volume of expelled air

At rest, the rib cage slopes


What forces cause the rib cage to return to resting position following torquing of the rib-cage elements?

elasticity and gravity

The serratus posterior superior muscles (elevate/depress) _________ the rib cage.

elevate ?? try depress

which of the following best describes what happens when the lungs expand

expansion of the thorax causes increase in lung volume, which decreases pressure within the lungs, allowing air to enter

this muscle originates at the osseous portion of the lower 7 ribs, then fans downward to insert at the iliac crest, inguinal , and abdominal aponeurosis

external oblique abdomnis

Turbulence within the respiratory passageway decreases the resistance to airflow.


Untorquing means the same as recoil


the central tendon of the diaphragm is capable of contraction


the transverse abdominis muscle is superficial to the internal oblique abdominis


__ inspiration requires use of diaphragm and accessory muscles of inspiration.


_____ inspiration requires use of diaphragm and accessory muscles of inspiration


Boyle's law states that

given a gas of constant temperature, increasing the volume of the chamber in which the gas is contained will decrease the pressure


having the ability and tendency to return to original position

the primary role/s or the muscles of the thorax, back, and upper limbs include:

head control and trunk control

Adducting the vocal folds during expiration causes an immediate (increase/decrease) ________ in subglottal pressure.


When the diaphragm contracts, the central tendon is pulled in which direction?

inferiorly and anteriorly

The volume of air that can be inspired after a tidal inspiration

inspiratory reserve volume

the ____ nerve innervates the diaphragm

intercostal. WRONG phrenic?

this muscle originates at the inguinal ligament/iliac crest, then fans medially to insert in the cartilaginous portion of the lower ribs and abdominal aponeurosis. it serves to rotate and flex the trunk and compress the abdomen

internal oblique abdominis

during inspiration, intraoral pressure is ___ relative to atmospheric pressure


Which of the following is the primary purpose of respiration?

none of the above? "goal of respiration is to oxygenate blood and eliminate CO2" WRONG!!!!

A relative increase in air pressure over atmospheric pressure is known as ________________ pressure.


alveolar pressure becomes ____ relative to atmospheric pressure ___ during expiration


The esophagus is posterior/anterior (circle one) to the trachea.


Pressure is defined as

pressure X area/pressure WRONG

When the volume of a closed container such as a hypodermic needle is increased,

pressure decreases?

surfactant is a mucus which serves the lungs by

promoting inflation, enabling smooth movement, lowering surface tension

which of the following is the primary purpose of respiration

provides the means of gas exchange between an organism and its enviornment

this muscle originates as 4 or 5 segments at pubis inferiorly, courses up to segment border, to insert at the diploid process and the cartilage or ribs 5-7

rectus abdominis

_______ in the volume that can be inhaled after a tidal inspiration.

residual volume

air that can not be expelled during expiration

residual volume?

which of the following is defined as the exchange of oxygen between an organism and its enviornment

respiration ?

when the surfactant between the pleural linings is lost or reduces a person is said to have ___

respiratory distress syndrome WRONG

The lateral aspect of the thorax is made up of the

rib cage?

the functional unit of the vertebral column is the ___

spinous process? WRONG try vertebrae

Respiratory volume is measured using which of the following?


The _______________________________ muscle is used to turn the head, but also serves as an accessory muscle of inspiration.


tensile strength

the ability of a material to resist being pulled apart

Which of the following best describes what happens during inspiration?

the muscles of inspiration contract, causing the thorax to increase in volume the muscles of the abdomen relax, allowing expansion of the diaphragm into the abdominal space

The amount of air we breathe during a respiratory cycle is referred to as _______________.

tidal volume

_ refers to twisting of a shaft while not permitting one end to move.


The _______________ is a flexible tube beneath the larynx, forming the first passageway to the lungs.


Contraction of the accessory muscles of inspiration increase the volume of the thoracic cavity in the ________________ dimension.


This muscle originates at the posterior abdominal wall at the vertebral column, courses laterally, and inserts in the transversus abdominis aponeurosis and inner surface of ribs 6-12. Contraction will compress the abdomen.

transverse abdominis

areolar pressure becomes positive relative to atmospheric pressure during expiration


hyaline cartilage makes up the larynx, trachea and bronchial passageway


Contraction of the accessory muscles of inspiration increase the volume of the thoracic cavity in the ________________ dimension.


Contraction of the diaphragm increases the volume of the thoracic cavity in the ________________ dimension.


contraction of the accessory muscles of inspiration increase the volume of the thoracic cavity in the _________ dimension

verticle WRONG

The combination of inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, and tidal volume, representing the capacity of air available for speech

vital capacities

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