Quiz 4

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Which of the following regions was NOT conquered by Charlemagne?


Charles Martel is famous for:

Being the Frankish leader who halted the northward advance of the Muslims and consolidated the office of Mayor of the Palace

What did Charlemagne do that spurred the Lombard king, Desiderius, to foment rebellions against Charlemagne, with the support of some hostile Frankish nobles?

Charlemagne had married one of Desiderius's daughters, but had subsequently set her aside and taken the inheritances of her sister's children.

How did the Saxons end up converting to Christianity?

Charlemagne offered considerable legal, social, and economic advantages to those who were willing to convert to Christianity, but otherwise didn't interfere in the process of Saxony's Christianization.

The most famous surviving Carolingian building is:

Charlemagne's chapel at Aachen

Which of Charlemagne's capitularies addresses the work and duties of the peasantry?

De villis

Which of the following individuals wrote a biography of Charlemagne that paints Charlemagne in an overwhelmingly positive light, but still provides some information about his rise, his establishment of the Frankish Empire, and his general policies as ruler?


Peasant women in the Carolingian kingdom:

Had familial responsibilities, owed certain services to their manorial lord, and were expected to produce cloth.

Charlemagne's reform movement:

Included an effort to standardize and centralize music in religious ceremony

Which of the following is NOT true of the collapse of the Carolingian Empire?

It was followed by a swift recovery and the strengthening of the central royal government.

The Vikings were bought off with significant tribute, particularly of silver.

King Charles the Simple gave a peninsula to the Viking leader Rollo, making him a vassal in exchange for protection from other Viking incursions.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Vikings?

They were allied with the Byzantines in attempting to overthrow the Carolingian dynasty. TRUE: They either invaded or entered into trade alliances with cultures from Ireland to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea They were skilled warriors from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway They had highly maneuverable warships with a shallow enough draft to navigate nearly all rivers in Europe and the capability of carrying up to 100 warriors

The Treaty of Verdun:

Was an agreement between the three sons of Louis the Pious dividing the empire into three parts

Charlemagne's immediate successor, Louis the Pious:

Was well-educated and civilized but lacked his father's military and administrative skills

Elite woman in the Carolingian kingdom:

Were expected to administer and manage the affairs of their households, including the queen's management of the royal estates

The cultural achievements of the Carolingian period:

Were not terribly original, but provided a critical link between the traditions of the classical Mediterranean and western Europe's subsequent accomplishments

What is Carolingian minuscule?

a very legible script that introduced for the first time the use of lowercase letters, and which required careful spacing between letters and words

The legal decrees that Charlemagne instituted, which applied to everyone in the kingdom, were:


Which of the following land grants eliminated the Lombard threat to the papacy and formed the nucleus of the powerful Papal States?

the "Donation of Pepin"

Who held the real authority of the Merovingian court as a result of a weakening of royal power during the seventh century?

the Mayor of the Palace

Which of the following is a sixteen-sided structure with a central octagon surrounded by an ambulatory, divided into alternating rectangular and triangular bays, an aggressive verticality supported by heavy tunnel and groin vaults, and characterized by the use of stones from Roman ruins?

the Palatine chapel of Charlemagne at Aachen

What term describes the personal relationship of loyalty and fidelity between free nobility, in which one pledges loyalty and fidelity to a superior, providing military and personal service in exchange for protection and grants of land?


The manuscripts of the Carolingian era were:

Often enclosed in covers that could be elaborately carved ivories or bejeweled precious metals

Who was Alcuin?

A Saxon cleric Charlemagne had come from Britain to educate the clergy

Which of the following is NOT a legacy of the Carolingian Renaissance?

A lack of care for education and the liberal arts DID: The elaboration of manuscript illumination The development of an extremely legible and elegant script The erection of numerous sacred buildings in an architectural style that imitated Rome

The Handbook of Dhuoda is:

ANSWER: All of these. A treatise of moral instruction written by a noblewoman for her son The assertion of a mother's right to influence her son's behavior and his activity as a strong noble warrior A reflection of the generally high level of education and literacy among late Carolingian noblewomen

Which of the following tactics does NOT apply to Charlemagne's governmental administration?

ANSWER: Avoiding the influence of the Church Emphasis on personal loyalty to the king Granting of land tenure to counts in exchange for administrative and military service A system of missi dominici who kept tabs on the fulfillment of the king's orders and conducted judicial assizes

The Oath of Strasbourg:

All options are true Demonstrated the linguistic differences in the Carolingian kingdom Was an oath of alliance between Charles the Bald's West Franks and Louis the Pious' East Franks Was spoken in German by Charles and in Old French by Louis

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Although Carolingian noblewomen in the secular world could have considerable economic freedom, women who entered the religious life were increasingly subjected to cloistering and isolation from males.

Which of the following functioned as representatives of the king, safeguarding his interests, traveling throughout the kingdom to inspect the activities of royal officials, transmit the king's orders, and conduct judicial assizes?

Missi dominici

Who was Paul the Deacon?

NOT: A scholar who was drawn from Visigothic Spain to the court of Charlemagne as a result of the king's educational reforms, and who was responsible for educating the royal children in history and astrology A scholar who was drawn from Ireland to the court of Charlemagne as a result of the king's educational reforms, and who debated with the king on topics as varied as theology, mathematics, astrology, and philosophy A scholar who was drawn from Italy to the court of Charlemagne as a result of the king's educational reforms, and who subsequently wrote an extensive grammatical treatise

Why did Charlemagne's successors struggle to control Charlemagne's empire?

NOT: Dynastic disputes fueled by the practice of partible inheritance.

Which of the following regions was NOT under Frankish control by the time of Charlemagne's death?

NOT: Germany northern Italy

Which of the following functioned as provincial governors, especially in the border regions of the Frankish Empire, and had more military authority than other members of the nobility?

NOT: Missionen

Which of the following is a manuscript created during the reign of Charles the Bald, with a gold cover that depicts Christ enthroned, surrounded by jewels, as well as the Four Evangelists and scenes from Jesus's life, and which has golden calligraphy?

NOT: the De consensus Evangelistarum of St. Augustine the Legenda Aurea

Which of the following functioned as provincial governors, especially in the border regions of the Frankish Empire, and had more military authority than other members of the nobility?

Not: Missi dominici

The man who inaugurated the rise of the Carolingian dynasty was:

Pepin the Short

The Carolingian Empire after Charlemagne's death:

Suffered from internal strife and external incursions by various peoples

Which of the following were NOT responsible for incursions into Carolingian territories?

The Berbers WERE: The Muslims The Magyars The Vikings

Which of the invading forces would have the greatest impact on the Carolingian rulers?

The Vikings

Charlemagne is likely best known for:

The creation of a huge empire that controlled almost all of western Europe

Charlemagne furthered his centralization of power through:

The institution of imperial laws through capitularies

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