Quiz 5

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What were the two reasons why some of the Sons of Liberty who took part in the Boston Tea Party dressed up as American Indians?

They wanted to show that they were more like the Native Americans than they were like the British, because they were natives; born and raised in America. They dressed like the Mohawk tribe.

How does the Boston Tea Party explain that Mr. T drinks coffee, instead of tea?

After the Boston Tea Party, drinking tea as a colonist was very unpatriotic. In this country we are more likely to drink coffee than tea, and in Britain they are more likely to drink tea than coffee.

How did the British government react to the Boston Tea Party incident?

They shut down the Boston Harbor, dissolved the Massachusetts Assembly, revoked the Massachusetts charter, and forced the Bostonians to quarter more British troops.

What did the "Continental" in the First Continental Congress emphasize, and how does that Congress and the modern US Congress fundamentally differ from each other?

12 representatives were sent from all around the colonies to form the First Continental Congress. They differ because the first and second Congress were meant to just be conferences were they tried to decide what to do with the British (like a meeting), and our Congress makes laws (a legislative body), their Congress did not (just an advisory body).

What is the connection between the French and Indian War and Beyoncé?

At the end of the French and Indian War, the French lost New Orleans to the Spanish, and French Acadians (from Acadia) were deported to New Orleans. These people then became known as Cajuns, and Beyonce is part Cajun.

Why was quartering British soldiers especially "intolerable"?

Because the British were considered "the enemy" and "the opposing side", so it was considered "intolerable" that the colonists had to quarter their enemies.

Why did the colonists claim that taxing them without representation in the British Parliament was unfair?

Because the colonists didn't have any representatives in the British Parliament, so Britain was taking their money without their consent.

Why did the British Parliament impose new taxes on the American colonies and cracked down on smuggling?

Because they were in debt 60 million pounds from paying off and for the colonies, and the colonies refused to pay them back/help them get out of debt. Because of this, they imposed new taxes on the colonies for anything paper related. They also cracked down on smuggling because Samuel Adams and other colonists claimed that the British were taking their money without their consent ("no taxation without representation").

Why did John Adams feel it was important to defend the British soldiers accused of killing the colonists in Boston?

He wanted to be as unbiased as possible, look for evidence first, then judge. He wanted to take them to trial without laws because the colonists didn't have equal justice.

What was the "i" word that most colonists were initially reluctant to use, and how did Patrick Henry famously express his commitment to it?

Independence, and Patrick Henry delivered the famous "Give me liberty or give me death!" speech.

How did the French and Indian War affect the salutary neglect policy?

It ended the policy.

What do you think is meant by the expression "shot heard 'round the world"? What is the connection between the US gold reserve, general Henry Knox, Fort Ticonderoga, pencils, Mr. T, George Washington and the British army leaving Boston in 1776?

It had an impact all around the world, and it turned out to be the first shot in the first battle of what would later become known as the Revolutionary War. It had a worldwide implication and worldwide consequences.

How can you argue that the Boston Massacre was really NOT a massacre, and why do you think some colonists were interested in "putting a spin" on the events that took place that day in Boston?

Only 5 people were killed, so it was not by definition a massacre. Some colonists did this to try to make the British Parliament suffer more and look worse to others.

What was the outcome of the French and Indian War for a) the British, b) the French, c) the Spanish, d) American Indians, e) British colonists?

The British gained Acadia, which is now known as Quebec, the land from the Appalachian Mountains to Mississippi, and Spanish Florida. The French lost everything except that the British allowed them to keep their language and their religion (Catholic) in Quebec. The Spanish gained Louisiana. The American Indians lost their British and French allies, lost their land to the British settlers, and they ended up taking revenge on rival tribes. The British colonists gained experience in fighting wars, confidence, and land to expand into.

What two secret societies were formed by the colonists, and what tactics (name at least two) did they use to protest the new British policies?

The Sons of Liberty and the Daughters of Liberty were formed, and they boycotted British goods and destroyed tea.

Why did the Sons of Liberty oppose the British India Tea Co. selling its tea in Boston, even though it was cheaper than the smuggled tea?

The smugglers would be losing profit if the colonists bought tea from the company instead of from them, the colonists were paying taxes to Britain (which they did not like), and the British were just finding a roundabout way that the colonists just opposed fundamentally.

What did the tax laws become known as, what three products were famously taxed, and what was the British government eventually forced to do with all but one of those taxes?

They became known as Acts, and sugar, stamps, and tea were most famously taxed. The government was eventually forced to repeal the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act.

How did the colonists famously object to the new taxes, and how did the British justify taxing the colonies?

They boycotted British goods, used violence and harassment against British officials (tar and feathering), and destroyed property (tea). The British justified their taxes by forcing Bostonians to quarter the British troops in their homes.

What two things did the British Government do in order to recover the money it had spent on the French and Indian War?

They imposed taxes, and they cracked down on smuggling.

Why did the First Continental Congress send the Declaration of Rights to the king, and why did King George III refuse to consider it?

To try and get their problems fixed, but the King refused it because he claimed that the colonists had proceeded to open rebellion, and that they should be hanged.

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