QUIZ: Boolean Operators
Which two of these searches are the best examples of narrowing down your search results
Surfing AND History NOT Hawaii Surfing AND History AND Hawaii
Using the Boolean operator OR
Broadens your results
Match these Boolean terms with their correct definition. Boolean Operator: NOT Boolean Operator: AND
NOT: Tells the database to exclude... AND: Tells the database that search terms must be included in your search results OR: Tells the database that any of the search... Quotation Marks: Keeps multiple...
Boolean operators connect your search words together to either narrow or broaden your set of results
Quotation marks are another way to help you focus your search by telling the database to look for that specific multiple worded search term or phrase that is within the quotation marks.
The three basic Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT
Using the Boolean Operator 'AND' will help you narrow your results when searching online database.