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Which of the following best describes attribution of blame?

- justifying immoral behavior by claiming it was caused by someone else's actions

Leaders who pull people together on the basis of shared beliefs and a çommon sense of organizational purpose and belonging are most likely the ones

- who create a compelling vision.

Ends-based thinking is often characterized as

-"do what's best for the greatest number of people."

Behavioral manifestations of personality. traits are often exhikited with conscious thought rather than automatically.


Ends-based thinking is consistent with Kantian philosophy and is characterized colloquially as "following the highest principle or duty."


Gen Xers have been a stabilizing force in organizations for decades, even if they are prone to digressions about "the good old days."


Mentoring is the same as coaching



According to Myers and Myers, there are four basic preference dimensions in which people can differ. Identify a true statement about people exhibiting these dimensions. leaders prefer to think things through and announce only final decisions.

According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, which of the following statements is most likely true about agreeableness?

It essentially concerns one's need for approval

-domain specific

Raymond scoreş high on practical intelligence and has extensive knowledge and experience in leading a pharmaceutical research team. He is likely to feel uncomfortable and unprepared when asked to grganize a maior fund-raising activity for a charitable institution. This example illustrates that practical intelligence is most likely

Which of the following statements is most likely true of servant leaders?

They need to integrate present realities and future possibilities.

According to the dual-process theorv, moral judaments dealing primarily, with "rights" and "duties" are made by automatic emotional responses


Leaders ultimatęly must be judged on the basis of a framework of yalues, not just in terms of their effectiveness


Unlike individualş who score low in extraversion, individuals who score high in this dimension -

come across to others as decisive and opinionated. skills,

According to the Five Factor Model (FFM) or OCEAN model of personality, the dimension of neuroticism is most likely

concermed with how people react to stress, change, failure, or personal criticism.

According to Goleman's conceptualization of emotional intelligence (EQ), the____- "change catalyst attribute most likely corresponds to the dimension of the OCEAN model.


Baby Boomers came of age during the Great Depression and World War II.


Effective leaders tend to score high on neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness and low on conscientious and opennesş to experience.-


In-group. favoritism occurs when people overrate the guality of their work and their contributions to the groups and teams to which they belong.


Most EQ researchers agree that emotional intelligence cannot be developed.


Strong situationş that are governed by clearly specified rules, demands, and organizational policies maximize the effects that traits have on behavior.


Tests of divergent thinking usually have a single best answer, whereas tests of convergent thinking have many possible answers.


An authentic leader will most likely

have a realistic self-perception

Which of the following involves participants being given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, phone messages, and letters from a fictitious manager's in- basket?

in-basket exercises

Dr. Jonathon realizes that his patient is suffering from a highly contagioYs disease that is likely to pose a threat to the entire city. However, he is uncertain about sharing this information with city officials to protect his patient's privacy. In this scenario, which of the following ethical dilemmas does the doctor most likely face?

individual versus community

Which of the following terms is most likely defined as the ability to intentionally Ray attention to the present moment while letting go of judament


In the OCEAN model, the personality dimension that is concerned with curiosity, innovative thinking, and assimilating new information is known as

openness to experience

Unlike leaders who score low in conscientiousness. those who score high in conscientiousness

rarely get into trouble

People who are observing an action are much more likely than the actor to make the fundamental attribution error. This is çalled

the actor/gbserver difference

Which of the following theories explains the interesting relationships between leader intelligence and experience levels, and group performance in stressful versus nonstressful conditions?

the cognitive resources theory

An advantage of the OCEAN model is that it is a useful method for profiling leaders.


In the context of the building blocks of skills, knowledge and experience are gasier components to change than intelligence and personality traits.


Leaders tend to have higher extraversion scores than nonleaders.


Leaders who can empathize and get along with others are often more successful than those who cannot.


Millennials share an optimism born, perhaps, from having been raised by parents devoted to the task of bringing their generation to adulthood.


Research has shown that openness to experience is an important component of leadership effectiveness and seems particularly important at higher organizational levels or for success in Qverseas assignments.


Servant leadership puts an emphasis on listening effectively to others.


Smart but inexperienced leaders tend to be more effective in stressful situations than less intelligent, experienced leaders.


The most productive way to develop as a leader is to travel along the spiral experience.


The strength of the relationship between personality traits and leadership effectiveness is often inverselv related to the relative strength of the situation


Leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of guestionable moral behaviors by higher-ups is referred to as

upward ethical leadership

Rule-based thinking, known as utilitarianism in philosophy, is premised on the idea that right and wrong are best determined by considering the consequences or results of an açtion.


Which of the following statements is true of informal coaching?

-It takes place whenever a leader helps followers to change their behaviors.

Occurs when people's expectations or predictions play a causal role in bringing about the events they predict.

-The self-fulfilling prophecy

Which of the following statements is true of managers with the Theory Y orientation?

-They reflect a view that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work.

Leadership development is enhanced when an experience involves three processes, which are

-action. observation, and reflection

A disadvantage of action learning is that it inherently involves time away from immediate iob responsibilities.


According to the fundamental archetypes of leadership, the Visionary-Alchemist archetype refers to leader who provides oversight, control, moral guidance, and caring protectiveness.


Analvtic intelligence is much more concerned with knowledge and experience than is practical inteligence. -


In mentoring, a mentor is the protégé's immediate supervisor and is necessarily a part of the organization.


In single-loop learming. individuals tend learn about subiects outside the comfort zone of their belief systems.


In the context of moral potency, moral ownership is best described as the fortitude to face rişk and overcome fears associated with taking ethical action.


Studies įndicate that perception is basically a passive activity suggesting that evervone attends to all aspects of a situation equally.


With in-basket exercises, participants are given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, letters, and phone messages from an actual manager's inbox.


According to Patricia O'Connell's webs of belief, which of the following webs of belief undergirds how one balances active participation in the events of one's life with alternating periods of obseryation, reflection, detachment, and rest?


Values are most likely

-learned through the socialization process.

People do not see everything that happens in a particular leadership situation, nor do they hear. everything; instead they are selective in what they attend to and what they, in turn, understand. A phenomenon that demonstrates this selectivity is çalled

-perceptual set.

Which of the following best describes ethics?

-principles of right condyct

Jonathan, a front desk executive at Read Books Inc., handled 40 customer calls per day, He was then sent to a training program last month to improve his communication skills, which cost the organization $500. This month. Read Books observes that his growth is positive and substantial and that he is able to handle 60 customer calls per day. His productivity, has iocreased by $700. This scenario most likely exemplities

-return on investment

According to Patricia O'Connell's webs of belief, which of the following webs of belief is associated with respecting and caring for all creation, and honoring the needs and identities of evervone in every culture?


Kyra, a 16-year-old high school girl, is skeptical about her first day at a new school. She believes that nobody will talk to her and that her new teachers will be rude to her. She enters the class in a negative mood and speaks rudely to evervone. Eventually, she sees that her beliefs about the new school and teachers come true. Which of the following is most likely exemplified in this scenario?

-self-fulfilling prophecy

In the context of Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence. leaders and followers who possess high levels of analytic intelligence

-tend to be quick learners and do well in school

Ability-based EQ training programs make extensive use of videos and role plays to help participants better recognize, exhibit, and regulate emotion.


According to the A-O-R model. leadership development is enhanced when the consequences of actions and their significances are considered.


Good coaches not only discuss what needs to changę but also make coachees practice targeted behaviors.


Instrumental yalues refer to modes of behavior, and terminal values refer to desired end states.


Leaders and followers use development plans as road maps for changing their own behaviors


Moral reasoning refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors.


Technology-based approaches to leader development, such as video games and virtual reality simulations, require speedy thought and action.


Useful information about a leader's strengths and develorment needs is most likely provided by 360-degree feedback.


What are the four qualities of leadership that engender trust according to Bennis and Goldsmith?

-vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity

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