Ranger Standards - Blue book

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Authorized jewelry

1. Wedding band, class ring, WIA/KIA/POW bracelet, religious medallion on ID tag chain Rubber live strong bracelets not authorized 1 item per wrist 2. Females can wear earrings while off duty or in ASUs IAW AR 670-1

t shirts authorized for field uniform

1. issued t-shirt 2. moisture wicking t-shirt 3. flame retardent t-shirt 4. PCU level-1 undershirt All must be either sand or tan 499

Civlian athletic clothing

1. shorts with minimum of 3-5" inseam, plain short/long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants, athletic shoes, white/black socks 2. No profane language 3. Free of holes 4. tank tops are unauthorized 5. clean, fit properly, meet environmental conditions

PT Standards

12 mile foot march, RAW, RPAT, RFT annually APFT semiannually

Locations of call sign patches

1x left shoulder; 1x back of helmet; 1x on RBA

12-mile foot march standards

35 lbs dry w/ rack, weapon, OPS core/MCH; <3 hrs

RFT standards

58 PU, 69 SU, 5mile run in <40 mins; age/gender neutral

How long do new Rangers have to get in compliance with Regimental PT standards

6 months

RPAT standards

<40 mins (assessment), IAW RAW HB 4.0

RAW standards

>60% (assessment), IAW RAW HB 4.0

All Rangers must maintain a complete _____ uniform?


While attending military schools, rangers will comply with____

AR 670-1 and ranger Standards

Tattoos or branding. what is not allowed?

AR 670-1: any tattoo/brand that is visible in service uniform is unauthorized. Extremist, sexist, racist, or indecent tattoos are also unauthorized.

RFS personnel uniform

After RCO approves packet Duty uniform IAW AR 670-1, PC w/o ranger tab Field uniform IAW AR 670-1 when conducting fatigue details w/ all shoulder sleeve insignia and PC w/o ranger tab IPFU IAW AR 670-1 RGT field uniform unauthorized

Items Rangers will not display at any time in what locations

Items that denigrate any race, religion, or culture in their living quarters, residences, POVs, tattoos, or clothing

Beret will be worn how?

Level on head, 1" above eyebrows, flash centered over left eye, draped no lower than middle of right ear. IAW 670-1 Flash affixed center of stiffener Non-subdued rank (officers); DUI (enlisted) Not exposed when stored in the pocket Drawstring tied off and cut

Blue book / will / power of attorney

Maintain up to date "blue book" at all times w/ next of kin information

Short Length desc

No more than 1" from the scalp; no shorter than 1/4", but may be tapered to the scalp within 2" on the hair line edges; bangs can't be visible while wearing headgear

Conduct during airborne operations

Noise and light discipline No talking or shouting in air or on drop zone Tactical situation dictates level of talking and noise discipline Form teams/squads and fight off DZ Move as fast as possible to AA Move in tactical formation and BPT receive enemy contact

Sleeves and buttons in the duty uniform

Not cuffed, all buttons fastened.

Approved ballistic helmet and requirements

OPS-CORE FAST, MICH, and ACH Patachutist chinstrap fastened on chin Multi-cam cover

Hands in pockets

Only allowed when removing or replacing an item

BC can authorize what to the PT uniform? Examples?

Other items to meet weather peculiarities; long sleeve T, rain jacket

Undergarments will never be worn as _____


CONUS/OCONUS field environment cold weather gear

PCU and Army Issued OCP ECWCS; 3A top may be worn in inclement weather, but doesn't replace uniform blouse

What should a Ranger always have on them

Paper and Pen

Who can be punished in DUIs

Perpetrating ranger and other rangers involved who did not make a satisfactory effort of stopping the DUI

Policy Letter # for Charter requirements

Policy Letter #1: Fulfilling Our Charters

Social media requirements

Professional manner at all times; do not violate UCMJ or basic rules of Soldier conduct; recommended to remove military/Regimental affiliation to protect Rangers and family members

Hallmark of the regiment


Approval authority for RFS


Who is the approval authority for relaxed grooming standards?

RCO, can be delegated down to BC

Three Tenets of the Rangers

Ranger Creed, Charters, Big 5

Readiness Levels of the Regiment (recall times)

Ranger Ready Force-1 (RRF-1) - OPALERT (18/48HRS) Ranger Ready Force-2 (RRF-2) - OPPREP (72 HRS) Ranger Ready Force-3 (RRF-3) - COMPONENT/DEPLOYMENT (96 HRS)

Greeting of the day

Rangers lead the way, Sir/Ma'am; All the Way

Financial Readiness

Rangers must promptly pay all debts, no bad checks or falling behind on bills. Failure results in counseling and receive formal financial training and unit level retraining. 2nd offence is grounds for UCMJ or RFS


Recommended to maintain maximum coverage. Will be counseled if electing not to

Only authorized PT uniform between 0600-0900 on any military installation duty day in gyms and outside

Regimental PT uniform

Maternity PT Uniform

Regimental PT uniform until it becomes too small, when will wear civlian PTs IAW Blue Book

What does RFS stand for?

Release for Standards

When can sleeves be rolled?

Rolled during training, never above the elbow.

When will overt lights be worn and must meet what requirements?

Running outdoors with limited visibility. White is the only authorized color. Must provide 360 degree visibility. Comply with local installation requirements for number/positioning of road guards

Maternity uniform is:

Same as other guidelines. Medical provider can recommend different footgear, but must be in good taste.

3 categories of female hair

Short length, Medium length, Long Length. May not be eccentric or faddish.

N-Hour time

Specified time from higher HQ. It is not the time an individual is notified

Non-tactical moves

Squad level and above Rangers will move in formation in a controlled and disciplined manner

What are Rangers allowed to wear in addition to the field uniform at the individual level?

Sunglasses, gloves, whool scarves, neck gaiters, except in formation and when dictated otherwise by senior NCO


All controlled substances and illegal drugs are forbidden Violators initiated for separation from service IAW Army policy Periodic, unannounced testing conducted monthly IAW Army policy

Standards for cold weather gear

All snaps, buttons, and zippers must be secured

When should Rangers operate with Ranger buddies

All times, on or off duty, CONUS or overseas

Authorized boots

Any boot IAW AR 670-1 can be worn in any uniform

When can you and when can you not wear clothes with rips

Can't: no rips, holes, or frays while off duty Can: except when conducting yard work, auto repairs, hunting, etc.

Uniforms for rangers on relaxed grooming standards

Civilian athletic clothing; field uniform at training events, when deployed, and on missions, unless operational requirements dictate otherwise

Rangers on relaxed grooming standards will always maintain a____, ____, and _____ appearance

Clean, neat, professional

Who dictates daily PT uniform and deviations from it; when can civilian clothes be worn

CoC; when BC dictates it

A Ranger's appearance and conduct is a _____ enforced by _______

Command Responsibility; NCO

What does the GTCC cover when rangers are coming back from leave for a recall

Cost of flights (after approval from CoC); no incidentals or meals

EARPRO must be worn

During all training (weapons firing operations, rotary-wing operations) /combat operations.

EYEPRO must be worn

During all weapon firing exercises; rotary wing operations; vehicle movements; dismounted patrolling; combat operations; training events. Must be SOPE or APEL approved.

Field Blouse can be tucked in when:

During tactical excercises with combat equipment only; must be un-tucked after the tactical event

Considerations for RFS

Failure to meet discipline, morality, performance, physical conditioning, combat readiness, and safety standards; embarrassing acts including fighting, harassment, immature acts, criminal or egregious activity

While operating in the JOC, only authorized uniform is:

Field blouse uniform with boots AR 670-1

When can nonstandard boots be worn

Garrison activities, details, while engaged in combat operations, during field training, and while conducting PT

Lenses for EYEPRO

Grey, amber, vermillion, clear, or laser-protective green. No reflective or mirrored

Long hair length

Hair that extends beyond the lower edge of the collar. Will be neatly fastened above the lower edge of the collar. Bulk may not exceed 2" from the head, except the bun, which can be a max of 3.5" from scalp and no wider than the head

Family Care Plan

IAW AR 600-20, single parents and parents with custody and dual military couples must maintain FCP. If no FCP, ineligible for overseas assignments or considered for separation from service

Boots worn in JOC ___

IAW AR 670-1 including on flights to and from

Haircut standards

IAW AR 670-1, but no moustaches. Sideburns won't be styled to taper, flair, or point, and individual hairs will not be longer than 1/8". Sideburns will not extend beyond the bottom of the opening of the ear. Neat, well groomed, and tapered appearance

What may happen if a Ranger embarrasses the Regiment

considered for RFS, UCMJ, chapter, or other administrative action

Civilian clothing will not contain ___ and will be free of _____

derogatory or profane language, or lewd pictures or slogans holes, rips, or frays

Tactical gloves must be worn:

during all tactical weapons firing exercises, rotary wing operations; training events (unless dictated by the commander IAW METT-TC)

Ballistic helmet will be worn ___

during tactical training, rotary-wing flights, airborne operations, operating/passenger in tactical vehicles and non-standard tactical vehicles, during live-fires, and other times as directed by CoC

Purpose of daily formations

facilitate accountability, reinforce discipline, instill attention to detail, and enhance NCO professionalism

Civilian clothing will ___ and present a __, ___, and ____

fit properly, neat, clean, and generally conservative appearance

Authorized PT combinations

full sweats; sweatshirt, tshirt, shorts; tshirt and shorts

Ear buds can be worn ____

in the gym, never when conducting PT outdoors

Authorized ear pro

issued electronic hearing protection, communications ear buds, and issued soft ear protection

Steps prior to RFS

leadership, retraining, or UCMJ Must have effective counseling and retraining prior to being considered for RFS

Items worn on field uniform

name tape, US Army name tape, subdued IR flag, leader call sign patch on left shoulder

Location of rank and name tape on field blouse

name tape: sewn or velcroed parallel to ground and alighned with inside/outside edge of breast pockets rank: sewn or velcroed so top of rank aligns with inside tops of breast pockets

PT uniforms will be

neat, clean, loose fitting, free of holes, not faded

Uniform items will ____

not be worn with civilian clothing except as provided in AR 670-1

Pt shirt must be ____ at all times

Tucked in

RFS Standards come from what sources?

USASOC 600-2, Regimental Admin SOP, Ranger Standards Blue Book

PT uniform can't be worn in _____

any establishments (e.g. PX, gas stations)

When will greeting of the day be used

anytime a ranger greets a superior officer, including if either is in civilian attire (no salute will be rendered in this case)

When conducting business outside the regimental/battalion area, rangers on relaxed grooming standards will wear _____

appropriate civilian attire (slick, smooth, roughs)

Civilian trousers will _______

be worn around the waist and undershorts will never be visible

Authorized PT glove colors

black, sage, or green

Charter Requirements

"Rangers will serve a minimum of one assignment of 12 months or greater in a unit outside of the Ranger Regiment to be eligibile to serve as a Ranger Company 1SG or above"

BAC for drunk on duty


Socks standards

1" above anklebone at least, no logos or markings, must be visible in athletic shoes

ASU requirements

1. All authorized badges and decorations will be worn 2. Beret 3. Highly shined jump boots (not double soled/heeled) 4. Ranger tab as the first badge on left breast pocket flap

Deployed PT Uniform

1. Army approved t-shirt (sand or tan-499) 2. Black sterile shorts with 3-5" inseam 3. Black sterile hoodless sweatshirt 4. Black sterile sweatpants 5. Tan micro-fleece 6. Athletic shoes 7. White or black socks

PT Uniform consists of:

1. Black t-shirt with BN scroll 2. Black sterile shorts with 3-5" inseam 3. Black hoodless sweatshirt with DUI 4. Black sterile sweatpants 5. Black micro-fleece cap 6. Athletic shoes 7. White or black socks (1" above ankle)

Deployment headgear

1. Boonie Cap 2. Patrol Cap Name and rank only

Requirements for cadence

1. Clean 2. Not derogatory to any gender, unit, or lifestyles 3. Won't encourage war atrocities

Eyeglasses restrictions

1. Conservating prescription eyewear in authoirzed in all uniforms (no faddish, etc) 2. Sunglasses can be worn in all garrison uniforms except inside or in formation (medical requirements can dictate otherwise) 3. Only APEL o SOPE approved sunglasses can have visible logos 5. 550 chord can't be used as a retain for eyeglasses unless field expedient method 6. Sunglasses can't worn on top of the head

Two variations in the multicam pattern field uniform are:

1. Field blouse with velcro/sewn US Army, Name tape, rank, field trousers, head gear 2. Combat shirt and combat trousers when operating in kit (not allowed in JOC or garrison

Field uniform consists of:

1. Field blouse/combat shirt 2. Sand or tan 499 t-shirt 3. field/combat trousers 4. tan/multicam mission belt with V-link 5. patrol cap/helmet 6. any authorized boots

Civilian Clothing Uniforms will be worn

1. For official duty. 2. For travel 3. During functions when military uniform is not required Worn as directed by CoC

Microfleece can be worn in the field when:

1. Inclement weather is near 2. Coyote brown cap is only authorized cap

ID tags will have what information on them?

1. Last Name, First Name, MI 2. DOD ID number 3. Blood type 4. Religious preference Must have long and short chain, worn around neck under tshirt, no 550 cord can have medical medallion and must have medical tag if required

Primary categories for routine inspections

1. Morning parade 2. PCIs 3. Squad/section dismounted drill 4. Dissemination of information

Tactical gloves restrictions

1. No holes 2. Issued through CIF, RIF or RFI 3. Must be flame retardent or fire resistant 4. no fingerless gloves 5. No spandex or similar materials

Duty uniform consists of:

1. OCP, OEF Camouflage pattern, uniform in compliance with MIL-C-44296 2. Beret 3. Sand or Tan-499 t-shirt 4. Sand or tan-499 belt (mission belt not authorized) 5. Desert or coyote brown boots 6. Non-subdued flag 7. Pin on/sewn on badges 8. ranger standards book 9. Boots IAW AR 670-1 Effective 1 October 2019, only authorized uniform is OCP, tan 499 shirt, tan 499 belt, coyote brown boots

The regimental field uniform is the:

1. RIF Issued Crye uniform or 2. PCU Level-9

CONUS Patrol Cap

1. Rank (sewn only) 2. Nametape 3. Ranger Tab

Civilian clothing uniforms and their equivalents:

1. Slicks - Service Uniform/business 2. Smooths - Duty Uniform/business casual 3. Roughs - Field uniform/casual (tactical)

Foot march uniforms

1. Tactical: field uniform, rucksack, RLCS, and weapon OR with plate carrier, RLCS, and weapon 2. Conditioning: field or PT uniform with rucksack. Headgear is not required (METT-TC)

Suspenders can be worn in the field under which conditions: 1

1. Under the uniform field top or 2. Outside of field uniform if wearing combat equipment

IR reflective patch must be worn on left shoulder when:

1. Wearing combat equipment, unless wearing an IR reflective call-sign

CONUS Garrison authorized cold weather gear

Army Issued OCP ECWCS

Field uniform can't be worn outside of ______

BN/regimental area to conduc personal business on/off post. Can be worn in POV or when getting gas. CoC can change this during training or deployment

Requirements while on block leave

Battalion must be able to assemble within 96 hours of notification

Boot lacing

Bloused and laced IAW AR 670-1; excess bootlaces wrapped around top of boot May skip 1 eyelet when wearing field uniform Zippers, ID tags, or other items may not be affixed to boot

Unauthorized jewelry

Body piercings (except females) Ornamental caps, crowns, or dental jewelry

Minimum skill badges in duty uniform

EIB/CIF/EFMB/CMB/CAB and parachutist badge

Medical readiness of Rangers

Every Ranger will maintain currency in MEDPROS and Soldier Readiness Programs IAW USASOC and Army regulations at all times Command responsibility enforced by NCOs Subject to UCMJ or RFS if failure to maintain compliance

Personal / Family readiness

Expected to be in order at all times, detracts from training and overall unit readiness if not

leave periods for RHQ and RSTB

IAW CoC Guidance, block leave is impractical

Off limit establishments and areas

IAW local installation policy and subordinate commanders will maintain a list and ensure all Rangers are aware

When can extreme cold weather boots be worn

In field uniform and during PT to break in

Female hair during physical training

May be worn in a pony tail. Hair may be worn in a braid or twist. Pony tails can be worn when conduct PT in utility uniforms, except when helmet is worn

Alcohol-related incidents

May result in RFS regardless of rank

Medium length desc

More than 1" from the scalp, does not extend past the lower edge of the collar. Does not need to be secured. Layered hairstyles are authorized, but length shouldn't vary by >1" from the front to back. Bulk won't exceed 2"

Policy on minimalist shoes

Must enclose alll toes, with white or black socks. Vibram Five Fingers are not allowed

Unauthorized patches include:

NKA, Custom made patches; baseball caps, blood types

Contact lenses

Tinted and colored contact lenses are unauthorized unless medically prescribed; can't change the contour of the iris. May be restricted by commander for mission or safety

When will Rangers call attention/at ease

When a company CDR or higher enters a room (attention) When a 1SG or higher enters a room (at ease) Silently come to designated position if alone in room

When will duty uniform be worn by all rangers

When conducting official business during the duty day outside of unit area on/off post IAW local installation policies


provides Rangers and leaders with a one-source document that clearly defines the standards of apearance, conduct, and military courtesy

Facial Shaving

rangers will shave prior to the start of the duty day while deployed, in garrison, TDY, and training Rangers under long term medical care follow same standard unless profile or physically unable

All battalions must establish plans for recovering rangers during ___

revelry and providing safe transportation alternatives to drinking and driving whenever alcohol is served

Rangers travelling to/from TDY will travel in ____

roughs, smooths, or slicks. Always in a collared shirt

Field uniform footwear during PT

running shoes or boots for combat focused PT at home station


solid conservative color or black with only Regimental/Battalion logos

What is called when a BC or CSM enters a Ranger Dining Facility

the Head Count or first Ranger to see them will command "at ease"

Rangers on relaxed grooming standards will be required to shave if __________

they are unable to grow sufficient facial hair

Leave Periods for line battalions

two weeks before and two weeks after a deployment or component cycle

Knee pads with the field uniform are ___


External speakers during PT are _____

unauthorized, detract from the professionalism of formation

Body mutilitation is ______


Reflective PT belt must be worn:

when conducting PT outdoors, not required indoors

Rangers who enter RASP and are in violation fo tattoo policies _____

will be counseled and given the opportunity to have them removed through Army medical channels.

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