Reading Comprehension

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Given the information in the passage, it is most likely that Papi and the author would both agree to which statement regarding the homing ability of pigeons?


According to the author, the work of the pre-World War I painters described in the passage contains an example of each of the following EXCEPT: Correct answer is not something that the author claims these artists included in their work

Proper Nouns

Ask whether the author had a positive, negative, or neutral evaluation of it or why it was included in the passage, check the context of the person, place, or thing


Which one of the following statements describes an example of the function accorded to personal names under Levi-Strauss's view?

Logic Reasoning

Which one of the following, if true, would most weaken Papi's theory regarding homing pigeons' homing ability?

Quoted Text

Often accompanied by a line reference and ask what the author meant by it in the passage, check the context of the quoted term or phrase


The author attributes each of the following to the Federalists EXCEPT: Look for an answer choice with which the author would clearly disagree or that falls completely outside the scope of the passage

Logic Function

The author presents the example of Delacroix in order to illustrate which one of the following claims? Asks why the author mentions an example through proper noun research clue

Logic Function

The author refers to "the system of many short-range species such as honeybees" (line 9-11) most probably in order to


The passages were most likely taken from which one of the following pairs of sources?


To raise "important questions" about the taxability of commerce in virtual items. To evaluate the two main hypotheses. The author's reason for writing the passage (verbs like to refute, to outline, to evaluate, to critique)


Virtual goods are auctioned/sold online. The question of how they home. The particular aspect of the Topic that the author is focusing on


Which one of the following experiments would best test the "possibility" referred to in line 6? Asks you to identify an experiment that would test the hypothesis.


According to the passage, some critics have criticized Gilliam's films on the ground that The author identifies which one of the following as a commonly held but false preconception? Almost always contain research clues and ask you to look for a detail


Based on passage B, which one of the following is a characteristic of some "games that are intentionally commodified" (line 54)?


Based on the passage, the author would be most likely to agree with which one of the following statements about unified field theory? The passage suggests which one of the following about the behavior of migratory water fowl? It can be inferred that the author would be most likely to agree that Correct answer is based on or follows from the passage without necessarily being stated in the passage Use the research clue to answer the question or evaluate the choices using the Scope, Purpose, and Main Idea summaries for open-ended Inference questions


Based on the passage, with which one of the following statements about Mill's view would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?


Keywords that signal that the author finds a detail noteworthy or has a positive or negative opinion about it, or any subjective or evaluative language on the author's part (especially, crucial, unfortunately, disappointing, I suggest, it seems likely)


The passage focuses on an event, a breakthrough development, or a problem that has arisen; when a solution to the problem is proposed, the author most often agrees with the solution (which represents the Main Idea)


The passage discusses something about a notable person; the aspect of the person's life emphasized by the author reflects the Scope


The passage outlines two opposing positions (neither of which is the author's) on some aspect of the Topic; the author may side with one of the positions, may remain neutral, or critique both) *Rare on the LSAT


Information in the passage supports which one of the following statements regarding the "first alternative" (line 16) for explaining the ability of pigeons to "home"?


Keywords indicating that the author thinks two details or ideas are incompatible or illustrate conflicting points (but, yet, despite, on the other hand)

Line References

Research around the referenced detail; look for Keywords indicating why the referenced text has been included or how it's used

Content Clues

Terms, concepts, or ideas highlighted in the passage but not directly included as direct quotes in the question stem, almost always refer to something that the author emphasized or stated an opinion on

Logic Function

The author presents the example of Delacroix in order to illustrate which one of the following claims? Asks why the author mentions an example


The passage focuses on a thinker's theory or perspective on some part of the Topic; typically they disagree and critique the opponent's perspective or defend their own


An economist noticed that players in these games collect virtual goods. Homing pigeons. The overall subject of the passage


Which one of the following most accurately expresses how the use of the phrase "skinning animals" in passage A (line 24) rested to the use of the phrase "fish pulled from the ocean" in passage B (line 49)?

Paragraph References

Consult the passage to see the paragraph's scope and function

Logic Function

The author is the passage mentions declining inner-city populations in the first paragraph most likely in order to The author's discussion of Rimbaud's travels in the Mediterranean (lines 23-28) functions primarily to Always include a research clue and point to a portion of the passage-a detail, a reference, or a paragraph-and asks why the author included it or how it functions within the passage Wrong answer choices may accurately reflect what the passage said about the detail or reference but do not explain why the author included it

Author's Attitude

The author's stance regarding monetarist economic theories can most accurately be described as one of An inference question about the author's attitude, look for opinion keywords that indicate the author's view Variant of an inference question where correct answer follows from the passage without being directly stated in it

Comparative Reading

Two shorter passages (A and B) share a common Topic and sometimes a common Scope but almost always differ in terms of Purpose and Main Idea could be in the form of confronting a problem, presenting a debate or by making different recommendations based on the same underlying facts

Main Idea

When virtual items are sold for "real world" currency, or when they are commodified within a game, they should be taxable. Pigeons probably home using a map sense, but it is not yet known what kind they use. The author's conclusion or overall takeaway; if you combine the author's purpose and scope, you will have a good sense of the main idea *sometimes overlaps with purpose


Which one of the following most accurately states the main idea of the passage? The primary purpose of the passage is to The main idea, purpose, or accurate outline of the passage will serve as the correct answer (main point, primary purpose, or organization of the passage)

Logic Reasoning

Which one of the following pairs of proposals is most closely analogous to the pair of studies discussed in the passage? Which one of the following would, if true, most strengthen the claim made by the author in the last sentence of the passage (lines 51-55)? Mirror the task of a question type typically found in the Logical Reasoning section (Strengthen/Weaken, Parallel Reasoning, Method of Argument, and Principle)


With regard to their respective attitudes toward commerce in virtual items, passage A differs from passage B in that passage A is more

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