Rebecca Chapters 1-6

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36 year old women who wore black, was Maxium's wife before she died, was an idol to all women.

Mrs. Van Hopper

Fat, Rich, English women, which has the narrator as her companion while traveling.


Housekeeper at the Manderley Mansion which loved Rebecca but, not as much the narrator because she thinks that she is taking Rebecca's spot.

He dazes off and begins to frighten the narrator (page 29 & 30)

How does Maxium change while at the cliff?


How many pounds does the Narrator make in one year?

She finds out that Mrs.Van Hopper is tired of Monte Carlo and is sailing back to New York but the narrator doesn't want to leave because of Maxium. She becomes very sad and the on,y way she gets to see Maxium is by going into his room a few hours before she had left.

In chapter 6 where does the narrator find out she's going with Mrs. Van Hooper? What are her emotions?

Dark, creepy, bare, frightening

In chapter One the first line in the novel is one of the most famous lines in literature. " Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again", what is the tone of the narrators description of the woods surrounding Manderley?

The way she described everything in such detail and passion, this may have helped her cope with the loss of Manderley

In what ways does the narrator's dream about Manderley help her deal with the "fear and suffering" that may "lay buried in the ruins"

Maxium De Winter

Owner of Manderley. Wife, also known as Rebecca, died in a sailing accident near Manderley.

Page 26

Passage stating that the servants provided better service to those who were socially superior. Explain


The narrators dog

Run errands Clean ashtrays Play with her

What are some of the duties as Mrs.Van Hoppers companion?

When the Maxium told the narrator to call him Maxium the narrator was very happy and said it was a "new level" in their friendship but, it was all destroyed when the narrator had seen that Rebecca didn't call him Maxium she called him Max.

What did the "New level of friendship" mean and how was it destroyed?

She is very insecure and always compares herself. She always talks about how she wants to be older and more mature but Maxium likes her for her.

What does the narrator always do that bothers Maxium so much he begins to have a sense of rudeness towards her?

Written to Max, the R slopes over all the other letters making them smaller abandoned not as bold.

What does the narrator learn about Rebecca from her signature in the little book of poetry?

She reads him sports magazines, politics, English news, but does not dare to read about pigeons because brings back memories from the past for her husband.

What does the narrator read to her husband?

Pictures Maxium as a mid evil man

What evidence in chapter 2 shows that the narrator has a big imagination?

The last sentence in chapter 1 (page 4) states, "For Manderely was ours no longer. Manderley was no more"

What evidence is there that Manderley no longer exists?

Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind.

What is a quote in the book that they mention about happiness?

Hotel- Dreaming of Manderley

What is the setting in chapter 1?

They are present, has a flash back in Monte Carlo: Mrs. Van Hopper Meets Maxium de Winters

What is the setting in chapter 2?

Monte Carlo (flashback): Her first time meeting Maxium

What is the setting in chapter 3?

Past- Monte Carlo

What is the setting in chapter 4?

Past- Monte Carlo (Beginning of a the relationship with Maxium)

What is the setting in chapter 5?

Goes from past to present. The past is in Monte Carlo as she tells how she and Maxium got engaged.

What is the setting in chapter 6

1st person

What person is the book "Rebecca" written in?

They are both alone in the world, but Maxium has a home and the narrator is homeless

What ways are Maxium and the narrator the same? How are they different?

Apologizing for being rude to Mrs. Van Hopper

Why did Maxium give the narrator a letter?

Joining forces with Mrs. Van Hopper

Why does Maxium tell the narrator that he thinks "you've made a big mistake?"

Because she says that Macium is only marrying her because "his empty house got on his nerves to much to an extent he nearly went off his head. He admitted as much before you came into the room, he can't just go there living alone...." Page 63 at the bottom

Why does Mrs. Van Hopper say the narrator is making a big mistake on by marrying Maxium?

The past is still too close to us. The things we have tried to forget and put behind us would stir again (page 5)

Why does the narrator believe "they" can never go back to Manderley

They do not treat her the same because she is very young and is only a traveling companion which is very easy compared to other servants jobs. Servants do all the work for those being served, the servants are those getting paid very little to do many things while those being served get paid for nothing.

Why does the narrator receive poor services from the servants and waiters? What is the relationship between the servants and those being served?

He had spelled her very unusual and complicated name correctly

Why is the narrator impressed with Mr. De Winters note?

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