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South was divided into 5 military districts

1) Schofield 2) Sickles 3) Pope 4) Ord 5) Sheridan

Terms of surrender

1) officers may keep their sidearms 2) all soldiers may go home 3) all soldiers may keep their horses

Share Cropper Cycle of Poverty

1) sharecropper is provided land and seeds and tools. In exchange he promises land owner half the crop 2) Share cropper buys food and clothing on credit from land owner store 3) Sharecropper plants and harvests crops 4) Share cropper gives land owner the crops to sell. They get half the earnings, minus the cost of his purchase for the year 5) land owner says he owes more than slave has earned 6) to pay debt share cropper must promise land owner a greater share of next years crops

What did Lincoln's 10 percent plan demand of the Confederate states in order to be readmitted to the union

10 percent of the voters in a confederate state had to swear to support the Constitution

What did Abraham Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction require?

10 percent of the voters in each Southern state to swear an oath of loyalty to the United States

Lincoln's Plan (Presidential Reconstruction)

10% Plan: a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10 % of its voters (the voter rolls for the election 1860)

what was not used to to limit blacks from voting in the south

15th amendment

Andrew Johnson

1865-1869 *Seventeenth President *Vice President who took over presidency after Lincoln's assassination *He initially followed Lincoln's policies but gradually became more conservative, giving amnesty to former Confederate officials and opposing legislation that dealt with former slaves

Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

50 percent of white males take a loyalty oath to be readmitted to the union

Thaddeus Stevens

A Radical Republican who believed in harsh punishments for the South. Leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress.

Grandfather Clause

A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867. If grandfather has voted then so can you

Total War

A conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort. They want victory


A formerly enslaved person

Congressional Reconstruction

A process led by the Radical Republicans 50 percent plan instead of ten South should be punished Harsh standards

Radical Reconstruction Plan

Reconstruction strategy that was based on severely punishing South for causing war

Whose election in 1876 ended reconstruction?

Rutherford B Hayes He agreed to end it if the Southern democrats would support him.

who was elected to the presidency in the disputed election of 1876

Rutherford B Hayes ( he ended Reconstruction)

who won the majority of the popular votes in the disputed election of 1876

Samuel J. Tilden

Down side of Share cropper Cycle of Property

Slaves end up loosing money It becomes a new form of slavery

North Didn't want

Slaves to come and steel their jobs

Problem with Three Fifths Compromise

South will get more political power because they count as population, which means more representatives

Black Codes/Jim Crow Laws

Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves

Goal of 5 military districts

punish the south and prevent the ruling class from counting in power

what group was forbidden to work in the restored south government

former confederate officers


freeing of slave

What strategy did Lincoln use to weaken the confederate states

freeing the slaves in the rebelling states

Slaves loose rights but

gain rights at the same time

How did the Freedmen's Bureau help former slaves?

get an education, find jobs, get food and clothes

14th Amendment

granted citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States," which included former slaves recently freed. Year passed: 1866

President Andrew Johnson Reconstruction Plan

he demanded the majority of the confederate people to swear to loyalty to the United States

What happened to reconstruction after lincoln died

it lost its ideal way and the southerners took their old social structures and put them back into place with African Americans at the bottom

Freedman's Bureau, 1865

it was set up to help the freedman

what was used to keep free blacks from voting

literacy tests

Did America stop being racist after the war?


Did lincoln sign and agree with the wade davis bill

no he thought it would be to hard on confederate states

Why did the Radical Republicans begin to loose power in Congress after 1876

northerners became tired of scandals and more interested in developing the nation's economy.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Congress can...

pass laws and sign amendments

Carpet baggers were...

people who went to a town to rebuild, but they would get given money to get supplies to rebuild. But they would not do the job after they got the money. South would sue the North (this was America not working with America)


process which they determine weather the president will leave office

Ku Klux Klan

A secret society created by white southerners in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their civil rights. To make sure the African Americans stay at the bottom, they did not want the blacks to come into power over any whites

Literacy Test

A test given to persons to prove they can read and write before being allowed to register to vote It is an impossible test to pass

Radical Republicans

After the Civil War, a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and thought that Lincoln was sometimes too compassionate towards the South.

Three Fifths Compromise:

Agreement that each slave counted as three-fifths of a person in determining representation in the House for representation and taxation purposes (negated by the 13th amendment)

Tenure of Office Act (1867)

Andrew Johnson veto allowed congress to pass this act. It said that a president could not dismiss appointed officials without the consent of congress

Andrew Johnson Presidential Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson; follows the 10% plan; changes--full pardons--except for top people i.e. Robert E. Lee; appoints governors; south gains power; rise of black codes

South Governments created the

Black Codes (1856-1866)

15th Amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude Year Passed: 1670

Which group sought to impeach Andrew Johnson


Tenure of Office Act (1867)

Denied the president the power to remove any executive officer who had been appointed by a past president without the advice and consent of the Senate; passed over Johnson's veto. He removed from office Edwin Stanton (secretary of war)

Lincoln struggled from


during the civil war period what document freed all the slaves in the rebelling states

Emancipation Proclamation

Lee surrenders

He surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse to Grant (the terms of surrender were very dangerous)

Why was Andrew Johnson impeached?

He violated the Tenure of Office Act Disagreed with the with the radical republicans plan for reconstruction

What caused the House of Representatives to impeach President Johnson?

His disagreement with congress over reconstruction

Who impeached Andrew Johnson

House of Representatives

Question of Reconstruction

How to treat the loosing side?

Emancipation Proclamation

Issued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free

Many southern states segregated freed blacks in public facilities by passing what law

Jim Crows Law/ Black Codes

Who killed Lincoln and where

John Wilkes Booth Ford Theatre (Comedy Show) Shot Lincoln from behind

In the United States, violence as a means of achieving goals has been generally associated with what organization

Ku Klux Klan

Black Codes/Jim Crow Laws

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War 1) Could not own property or guns 2) no voting rights 3) if no job they could be arrested or or forced to work for no pay

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Meant to help heal and restore the country after four years of civil war.

Freedman's Bureau, 1865 March 3

Modern welfare program Created schools for freed African AMerican slaves, gave them basic needs The schools were not the same as the white schools They began dependant on government Lincoln signs the bill, they were concerned for freed slaves

What happened when the slaves were freed from their plantations

Most slaves stayed on their plantation during the day and went back to their family at night. They worked on those plantations, it was their choice.

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Necessary requirements for the former Confederate States to be readmitted to the Union The Reconstruction Act of 1867 outlined the terms for readmission to representation of rebel states. The bill divided the former Confederate states, except for Tennessee, into five military districts.

What act did Andrew Johnson believe was unconstitutional when he disregarded it and fired secretary of War Edwin Stanton

Tenure of Office Act

what congressional law limited the power of the president to dismiss federal employees

Tenure of Office Act

During Reconstruction, who urged the confiscation of all plantations and the division of the land among the freedmen?

Thaddeus Stevens

who was a leader of the radical reconstructionists in the House of Representatives

Thaddeus Stevens

Confederate States are Known as

The lost cause (they won't change their minds just because they lost)

Goal of South

To get as close to slavery as possible, and for the slaves to support them

What union general was elected president in 1868

Ulysses S.Grant

General Sherman

Union general who captured Atlanta, Georgia, then marched through Georgia to the sea, burning and destroying everything on the way. Goal was to make citizens frightened so they could abandon the confederate cause. Wanted to destroy farms and food.

Lincoln's Presidential Reconstruction

Wants to restore the southern states

Plessy v. Ferguson

a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal in the states of Louisiana

Which of the following best describes the change in objective created by the Emancipation Proclamation?

a shift in the focus of the war to free the slaves

share cropper

a tenant farmer who gives a part of each crop as rent.

13th Amendment

abolished slavery Year passed: 1865

what was the main idea represented in the 14th amendment

all persons born in the United States could claim citizenship

what was the key idea represented in the Emancipation Proclamation

all slaves in the rebelling states were freed

who did not support the Emancipation of slaves

border states

What nickname was given to the dishonest northerners who tried to seize the control of Southern state governments after the civil war


what was the name given to the northerners who went south in search for a job after the civil war


What did the 14th Amendment to the Constitution enact?

citizenship to former slaves

which law prohibited the use of force to prevent people from voting

civil rights act

which group was not allowed to contribute to reconstruction efforts

confederate leaders

Under the Radical Republican Reconstruction plan, who should have the power to readmit the former Confederate states to the Union?


what nickname was given to the Northerners that opposed Lincoln's management of the civil war


who did not fight for the emancipation of slaves during the war


In the 1870s radical republicans began to lose power in congress because...

corruption in many Reconstruction government agencies

What group controlled Southern politics in the "Solid South"?

democratic party

after the civil war and reconstruction period many southerner voters became


On what issue did the moderate republicans and radical republicans agree on

democrats should not be allowed in Congress

) What was a requirement for readmission to the Union under President Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan?

repudiation of war debts


require an oath of allegiance wouldn't restore ownership to former slave

Who controls the south during Reconstruction

rich plantation owners

what rights did the Black Codes forbid to the new freedman

right to vote

Term that was applied to the white southerners who sided with the Radical Reconstructionists


What name was given to the southerners who supported and cooperated with Reconstruction after the civil war


what term best describes the practice of separating black children from white children in schools


What was the decision in Plessy v Ferguson

segregation was legal if there were separate but equal facilities

How did many poor Black Americans manage to earn a living in the South after the Civil War?


Before 1900, the United States made a major step toward equal rights when it eliminated which of the following?


How was Andrew Johnson able to escape conviction on impeachment charges

some senators did not believe he was guilty of crime

Main idea of Reconstruction Act of 1867

southern states had to ratify the 14th amendment

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

stated that no state can lawfully get out of the union but pledged there would be no war unless the south started it on reassuring the Southern states that the president would not try to strip them of their slaves and that he would try to find a way to help them secure slavery if it would make them happy.

Tennant Farming

system of farming in which a person rents land to farm from a planter

number 6

tenure act

who did not support the emancipation of slaves

the border states


the period after the Civil War in the United States when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union. 1865-1877

What was provided for by the 15th Amendment to the Constitution?

the right to vote can not be denied based on your race


there was nearly as many casualties of the civil war as in all of America's combined

What happened to blacks in the south during the reconstruction period

they began to loose their political power

How were the Western vigilantes and Ku Klux Klan members of the late 19th century similar?

they both took the law into their own hands

What is accurate about southern state governments during reconstruction

they were controlled by rich plantation owners

Struggle of Reconstruction

to bring the nation back together - what Lincoln wanted bring the family back together

What was the purpose of the Black Codes passed by the Southern states after the civil war

to limit the political power of the freedman

what right did freed slaves gain from the black codes

to marry legally

Goal of Radical Republicans after the war

to protect newly freed blacks

What was the original purpose of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution?

to protect the rights of blacks

What did the Reconstruction act of 1867 require of the former confederate states

to ratify the 14th amendment

literacy tests and poll taxes

were used to prevent African Americans from voting they were impossible test that were "supposedly applicable to white and blacks voters who couldn't prove a certain education

According to the 5th and 14th amendment, no person can be denied life, liberty, or property.....

without due process of law

Confederate $$

worthless after the war

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