Regents SS Practice Questions

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86. In the excerpt above, the reference to "the sanctions of a more erroneous religious belief" most probably refers to

Christian abolitionist rejection of slavery on moral grounds

20. The method of apportioning the number of representatives each state would receive in the House of Representatives and the Senate most directly relates to

Conflict between large and small states during the Constitutional Convention

What does the above image reflect about the decade of the 1920s?

Consumer products were increasingly affordable,w and highly desired by the public as a sign of status.

11. The Kentucky Resolution of 1798 and 1799 serves as evidence of which of the following developments in the United States during this time period?

Continuing arguments over states' rights in relation to federal law

23. Which of the following evidence would best support Gordon's argument?

Data showing the greater wealth of political leaders compared to the general population

6. All of the following increased federal government power during World War I EXCEPT the

Dawes Plan

27. The cartoon read

Debates over the wisdom of asserting American control over foreign possessions

44. Which document most directly addressed the concerns expressed by Abigail Adams in this passage?

Declaration of Sentiments

The situation faced by the young women in the passage above is most directly comparable to which of the following?

Detroit autoworkers in the 1930s

Which of the following best expresses the message of the advertisement?

Ford cars are for the whole family

Which of the following political ideas best reflects the perspective of Calvin Coolidge in the passage above?

Government should be limited.

57. Which claim is supported by both Documents 1 and 2?

Harriet Beecher Stowe was an influential abolitionist

1. Revel's poem suggests what about his identity?

He was a Negro who was captured into slavery

14. Defenders of corporate actions, such as the ones described in the passage above, would

Herbert Spencer and the ideas of social Darwinism

The sentiment expressed by Beveridge best exemplified?


8. Which of the following was a direct effect of the white population changes depicted in the graph?

Increased environmental pressure on the land

2. What is the most likely reason Revel would have been needed in Virginia in 1680?

Increased need for labor for cash crops such as tobacco

24. Marshall's opinion in Marbury v. Madison would most directly lead to

Increased power of the judicial branch because of judicial review

17. The position of Indians as described in the excerpt most directly challenges which of the following statements?

Indians were incorporated into the new government structure, and all potential conflicts with

45. Based on the letter, what problem is being discussed?

Inequality between men and women

32. The trend indicated in the chart had what effect on the abolition movement?

It led to the abandonment of gradualism and the embrace of active anti-slavery tactic

36. Which of the following best describes the artist's point of view as expressed through the image?

Jackson was a war hero and defender of the common man against the elite

Concerns like those expressed by Riis in the passage above led most directly to which of the following?

Laws regulating the working conditions of women

22. The Antifederalists' opinions on aristocracy resulted in their desire for

Limited power for the federal government

87. Which of the following best explains why South Carolina chose to secede from the Union in 1860?

Lincoln's election on a Free-Soil platform led Southern politicians to conclude that secession was necessary

27. Jackson's reasons for vetoing the charter of the Bank of the United States most directly challenged which of the following ideas from McCulloch v. Maryland?

Loose construction of the Constitution

43. The cartoon would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following?

Loyalist opposition during the revolutionary war

42. Which of the following groups would have most likely challenged the views of the cartoonist?


28. Lewis and Clark's map most directly fueled which of the following nineteenth century ideas?

Manifest Destiny

76. Which of the following most directly undermines Calhoun's assertions?

Many slaves engaged in forms of resistance to slavery

63. Which key event influenced the writing of the document above?

Mass casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg

38. Which Supreme Court decision marked a turning point in the interpretation of both clauses?

McCulloch v. Maryland

84. Which of the following was an immediate consequence of the secession of South Carolina?

Other Southern states seceded from the Union, forming the Confederacy

Which of the following rationales does Beveridge employ in his argument?

Powerful nations have a moral duty to govern less developed nations

65. Which key event influenced the writing of this document?

President Lincoln's suspension of the writ of habeas corpus at the start of the Civil War

49. Based on the speech, what course of action is Washington recommending?

Remaining neutral in foreign affairs

10. Which of the following events most directly caused the creation of the Sedition Act?

Republican criticism of the undeclared naval war between France and the United States

80. Efforts by Republicans such as Schurz to establish a base for their party in the South after the Civil War ultimately failed because

Republicans grew weary of pressing their Reconstruction agenda in a hostile environment

Which of the following presidents would be most likely to share Coolidge's sentiments?

Ronald Reagan

56. Which foreign policy is most closely related to the Monroe Doctrine?

Roosevelt Corollary

21. Following the American Revolution, many Founding Fathers believed which of the following?

Slavery would gradually disappear in the United States

75. Which of the following groups would have been most likely to support Calhoun's views expressed in the excerpt?

Southern landowners

The United States became politically engaged with the Philippines after what military conditions

Spanish-American War

85. The sentiments above are most consistent with which of the following ideologies?

States' Rights

54. A historian would find Document 1 most useful for

Studying President Jefferson's motivations for making the Louisiana Purchase

62. A historian would find this document most useful for

Studying the economic and social differences between the North and South at the start of the Civil War

15. The position of Abraham Lincoln in the above passage emerged most directly in response to which of the following mid-nineteenth century trends?

Territorial growth of the United States

89. The cartoon most likely refers to which of the following policies of Andrew Jackson?

The "war" against the Bank of the United States

21. The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly challenge which prevailing idea regarding the founding of the United States?

The American Revolution ushered in an age of equality by leading to the creation of a thoroughly democratic form of government

35. Within the context of Jackson's presidency, the many-headed monster most likely represents

The Bank of the United States

15. The siege at Yorktown best illustrates which of the following statements about the American Revolution?

The British were at a disadvantage because they relied on supplies from across the Atlantic Ocean.

The consumer economy of the 1920s most directly shows the influence of which of the following?

The Industrial Revolution and a spirit of entrepreneurship.

53. The Louisiana Purchase led to a turning point in history because

The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States and accelerated its westward expansion

6. What British law most directly affected the trade depicted on the map?

The Navigation Acts

67. Based on this analysis, which of the following best describes the political and economic developments of the North and the South in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries?

The North and the South further separated because of rapid industrialization in the North and heavy dependence on agriculture in the South.

61. Which generalization is supported by the information in the chart?

The North had greater economic strength than the South

25. Marshall's opinion in McCulloch v. Maryland serves as evidence of

The Supreme Court's belief in loose construction of the Constitution

7. Which of the following statements about the Treaty of Versailles is true?

The United States Senate rejected it because it required increased American involvement in European affairs.

52. Based on Document 1, why would the acquisition of New Orleans be significant to the United States?

The United States needed the Port of New Orleans to transport produce

13. The number and position of nations' soldiers on the map most directly challenges which of the following statements?

The alliance between France and America was not important during the American Revolution

28. The event depicted in the cartoon represents which of the following?

The beginning of a period of imperialistic activities by the United States

60. According to the author, the Dred Scott decision was a turning point in American politics because

The decision further divided the North and the South in the debate over slavery

16. The phrase "all other Persons" demonstrates which of the following aspects of the Constitutional Convention?

The deliberate attempt to downplay or minimize the role of slavery in the young nations

90. Andrew Jackson saw himself as a champion of which of the following continuities in United States history?

The democratization of American life

69. Which of the following was a direct effect of the invention of the cotton gin?

The development of the Lowell factory system in New England

39. The Supremacy Clause was most directly challenged by

The doctrine of nullification

19. Someone arguing that the Constitution was influenced by John Locke could support his or her argument with which of the following pieces of evidence from the excerpt?

The election method for the House of Representatives

18. Someone arguing that the Constitution was influenced by Thomas Hobbes could support his or her argument with which of the following pieces of evidence from the excerpt?

The election method for the Senate

11. Which of the following developments was similar to the Dawes Severalty Act in that they both had the same goal for the future of American Indians?

The establishment of Indian Boarding Schools

79. The attitudes of White Southerners described by Schurz contributed to which of the following developments in the last quarter of the nineteenth century?

The establishment of sharecropping throughout the South

9. The main trends shown in the graph were most directly associated with which of the following processes occurring in New England at the time?

The gradual expansion of British colonists' landholdings

The advertisement most directly reflects which of the following?

The growing prosperity and leisure of Americans in the 1950s

19. Which of the following best re

The importation of slaves is a legitimate enterprise

24. Which of the following re

The inhabitants of America's newly acquired colonial holdings might not initially be able to handle self-government and would require some degree of long-term American control

30. Which of the following most directly led to the increase shown in the chart?

The invention of the cotton gin in 1793

3. What do the demographics described in Revel's poem reflect about the overall composition of Virginia's population?

The majority of forced laborers in Virginia at the time consisted of slaves of African descent

Riis's work as an investigator of the lives of the poor can most directly be associated with which of the following?

The muckrakers

4. The above map illustrates which of the following trends in the development of colonial societies?

The northern and southern colonies were divergent in their economic development

72. The pattern of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted most directly from which of the following factors?

The orientation of the British colonies toward producing commodities for export to Europe

83. The trends described by Taylor most directly illustrate which of the following major historical developments in the Atlantic world?

The phenomenon known as the Columbian Exchange

82. The patterns described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?

The population decline in Native American societies

78. Schurz's analysis most directly illustrated the debates about which of the following issues in the South?

The process of readmitting Confederate states

In the 1950s the widespread availability of the automobile most directly helped make possible which of the following?

The rapid growth of suburbs

26. South Carolina's Ordinance of Nullification most directly challenged which of the following ideas from McCulloch v. Maryland?

The supremacy of federal law

66. Which statement best describes the author's purpose in writing the document excerpted above?

To argue that President Lincoln did not have the authority to suspend the writ of habeas corpus

64. According to President Lincoln, what is the great task remaining for the living?

To support a new birth of freedom across the United States

20. During the 1780s, which of the following was the most widespread crop cultivated by slaves in North America?


5. The statement above is most in harmony with the sentiments in which of the following speeches?

Washington's Farewell Address

88. Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspective of the cartoon?

Whig opponents of Andrew Jackson

The ideas expressed above were influenced by which of the following?

Widespread prosperity in the 1920s

50. This speech is an example of

a precedent established by Washington

47. Critics feared that this decision would result in

a stronger federal government that would limit state power

5. The Atlantic trade in the early 18th century most directly contributed to

an increase in the southern agrarian economic cash crop system

18. The governmental action allowed for in the excerpt is similar to government actions taken

during the "Red Scare" following World War I

46. Which constitutional provision was used by Chief Justice Marshall to reach this conclusion?

elastic clause

48. The precedent set in this case was later used by Congress to

establish New Deal programs during the Great Depression

25. In the period following the events depicted in the cartoon, the United States

expanded its economic and military presence in the Caribbean, Latin America, and Asia

70. The excerpt suggests that Europeans used the lifestyle of American Indian tribes to justify

expansion into native lands

40. The cartoon was intended to

express colonial resentment of British imperial attempts to reassert control over its colonial

74. The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 best explains the

growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and coastal elites

12. The business model described by George Rice could best be described as

horizontal integration

81. The export of New World crops to the Old World transformed European society mostly by

improving diets and thereby stimulating population growth

77. In the 1840s and 1850s, the views expressed by Calhoun most directly contributed to

increased sectional divisions between the North and the South

71. The map most directly depicts the

inland expansion of the colonial population

50. The event referenced in the documents represented a turning point in history because

it expanded the powers of the federal government.

16. The legislative act, excerpted above, enjoyed widespread public support, despite opposition from Democratic-Republican leaders, because, in part,

large numbers of Americans had become intensely critical of the revolutionary French government during the Quasi-War with France; restricting the ability of French immigrants to participate in American politics seemed reasonable

Like other consumer products such as radios and home electric appliances, automobiles were often offered to consumers through

payment plans, which allowed consumers to spread full payment over time.

17. Leaders of the Democratic-Republican Party responded to legislative acts, such as the one excerpted, by

putting forth the theory of state nullified

23. The circumstances depicted in the cartoon suggest that the cartoon was published in the immediate aftermath of

the Spanish-American War

26. The 1899 cartoon shown above makes the point that

the United States misread the reaction of the Filipino people when it acquired the Philippines following the Spanish-American War

34. Which of the following represents a later example of the development highlighted in the painting?

the creation of the Transcontinental Railroad

10. An important impetus for the passage of the Dawes Severalty Act was

the depiction of mistreatment of American Indians in Helen Hunt Jackson's book, A century of Dishonor

51. According to these documents, a key difference in Hamilton and Jefferson's beliefs centered around

the division of power between federal and state governments

41. The ideas expressed in the cartoon most directly led to

the emergence of an independence movement that rested on arguments over the rights of British subjects and the rights of the individual

33. The painting most directly reflects

the idea of Manifest Destiny

37. The ideas about government expressed in the Elastic Clause are most consistent with which of the following?

the opinions of Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist Party in the 1787- 1800 period

68. The cotton gin's impact on society is analogous to the impact of all of the following innovations EXCEPT

the telegraph

55. Which statement best expresses the purpose of President Monroe's speech?

to warn European powers not to interfere with independence movements in their former colonies in the Western Hemisphere

9. A primary goal of the Dawes Severalty Act (1887) was to

turn American Indians into property-owning, pro

13. Attempts to rein in the power of corporations, such as the Standard Oil Company, in the 1890s and 1900s

were often hindered by Supreme Court decisions that upheld the rights of business to operate without excessive government regulation

12. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions propose the Doctrines of Nullification and Interposition, stating that

All of the above

The statement above was most likely prompted by which of the following world events?

Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia

31. The trend indicated in the chart would most directly lead to

Increasing sectional or regional differences

In the passage above Coolidge is reacting against which of the following?

The governmental policies of the Progressive Era

Which of the following would be most likely to support the perspective expressed by Riis in the passage above?

A Progressive

The American embrace of the automobile in the twentieth century most directly reflects which continuity in U.S. history?

A desire for more personal freedom

22. Which of the following was a reference to slavery in the Constitution?

A prohibition for 20 years of any law banning the importation of slaves

58. According to Document 2, what was a major effect of the publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States

59. According to the author, which of these was the most direct result of the Dred Scott decision?

Abraham Lincoln's election to the Presidency in 1860

8. Which of the following statements is most accurate?

After World War I, debates intense

29. Lewis and Clark's expedition demonstrated which of the following dangers, faced by thousands of future migrants?

All of the above

7. Which of the following was a significant cause of the Native American population changes depicted in the graph?

All of the above

14. The relationship depicted on the map between France and America would most directly lead to

An awkward position for America during the French Revolution and the XYZ Affair

The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 had which of the following effects?

An increase in conflicts between British settlers and American Indians

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