Regional Quick Recall

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In 1801, Ceres [SEAR-eeze] became the first of these objects to be discovered. They can be categorized as near-earth, Trojan, or main-belt. What minor planets can most often be found orbiting between Mars and Jupiter?


This navigational instrument was the precursor to the sextant. Which tool allowed astronomers and sailors to calculate the position of the sun and stars, in relation to the horizon and meridian?

ASTROLABE [AS-truh-layb]

This phrase is based on a scale in which the mass of the most abundant isotope of carbon is placed at 12. It is used along with atomic number in nuclear notation. Identify the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.


The Chandler wobble is a deviation in this part of the Earth's behavior. Its tilt is measured at 23.5 degrees. Identify the imaginary straight line about which the Earth rotates.


This Mesoamerican people got their best-known name from a word that means "white land," apparently a reference to their origin in northern Mexico. They are also known as the Mexica, which became the name of the valley in which they lived and the name of the country. What people settled in Tenochtitlán [teh-nawch-tee-TLAHN], and ruled much of Mexico when the Spanish arrived?


This poem's speaker stops with his horse "Between the woods and frozen lake / The darkest evening of the year." The speaker pauses before concluding that he has "miles to go before" he sleeps. What is the title of this Robert Frost poem?


For excellent service at a restaurant, the standard tip is 20%. If your family has dinner at a restaurant and has a bill of $52, then how much should you tip if you had excellent service?


Given the function, F of X equals the absolute value of the quantity, X minus 4, close quantity, plus 12, what is the vertex of the function?

(4, 12)

In January 2014, an independent arbitrator reduced his 211-game ban to one full season. The sport's highest-paid player, he will lose 25 million dollars while sitting out 162 games for using performance-enhancing drugs. Name this third baseman for the New York Yankees known as A-Rod.


Originally, this animal ranged from Alaska to Florida, and was hunted by prehistoric and native peoples. It was central to the cultures of Great Plains tribes, where hunting frequently involved herding the animals over a cliff. Identify this creature, which was nearly hunted into extinction during the westward expansion of the nineteenth century.


This substance is soft, gooey, and can be found in the cavities of your ulna. When donated, it can benefit leukemia patients. Name the fatty substance inside bones where lots of white and red blood cells are found.


He lives in the West Country's fictional village of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh. He befriends Gub-Gub the pig, Polynesia the parrot, Too-Too the owl, and Chee-Chee the monkey. Name this Hugh Lofting physician who can talk to animals.


He graduated at the top of his class at West Point, and was the academy's superintendent after World War One. He eventually became the supreme Army commander in the Pacific Theater of World War Two. Who led the United Nations forces during the Korean War until his recall by President Truman, and is known for his promise to return to the Phillippines?


This author collaborated with William Strunk Jr. to create an English writing guide, The Elements of Style. His last children's book was The Trumpet of the Swan, about a voiceless bird that learned to play music. Identify the creator of Stuart Little and Charlotte's Web.


This American composer and bandleader first became known because of his orchestra's appearances at the Cotton Club. He was able to combine many of the genres of music into the definite American style of the three-minute song. Who was this composer of "Take the A Train" and "Mood Indigo"?


In 1984, she received a Newbery Honor for her tale of frontier life, The Sign of the Beaver. She earned Newbery Medals for her stories of Kit Tyler and Daniel Bar Jamin, respectively. Who wrote The Bronze Bow and The Witch of Blackbird Pond?


Like Mozart, this Romantic composer was a child prodigy and wrote his first piece of chamber music when he was ten years old. He was a prolific composer who wrote not only orchestral and choral music, but songs for piano and organ as well. Name this German composer whose best-known work is the "Wedding March" from A Midsummer Night's Dream.


This building by Frank Lloyd Wright contains strip windows to let in light. The concealed entrance leads the visitor from the ground floor to the main living area. What prairie style house is in Hyde Park in Chicago?


This dancer, actor, and director co-starred with Judy Garland in three films, and was known for performing his own stunts. He also danced with Jerry the cartoon mouse in Anchors Aweigh. Name this star of An American in Paris and Singin' in the Rain.


His masterpiece involved oil-based ink, a type-metal alloy, and a mold with punch-stamped matrices [MAY-trih-seez]. Around 1455, he printed the first complete Western book that still exists, a forty-two line version of the Bible. Name the first European to use moveable type.


This folk hero came into existence when the Big Bend Tunnel was driven through West Virginia's Allegheny Mountains. According to folk ballads, he died "with his hammer in his hand." Name this steel driving man, who crushed more rock than a machine.


When she dies, her will makes provisions that free her slave Jim. At the novel's opening, she forces her sister's ward, Huck, to attend church and school. Name this self-righteous woman from Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.


According to this law, whenever two objects interact, they exert forces upon each other. One force is the action, the other is the reaction. Identify which of Newton's laws states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


His service during the Mexican War led General Winfield Scott to call him "the very best soldier I ever saw in the field." Resigning from the U.S. Army when Virginia seceded, he would go on to command the Army of Northern Virginia. Who defeated the Union at the crucial Battle of Chancellorsville, but lost at Gettysburg?


He became the Kirov Ballet's soloist, but defected to the West at a Parisian airport in 1961. He rechoreographed Swan Lake to give the male dancer the lead, and premiered the title role in Martha Graham's Lucifer. Identify the Russian ballet dancer who frequently partnered with Dame Margot Fonteyn.


He was the first person to exhibit the stigmata [stig-MAH-tuh], and he founded a Catholic order. He is also the patron saint of the environment, Italy, and animals. Name this early Christian hero who founded the Order of Friars Minor, sometimes called the Franciscans.


His son was Sir Galahad, the purest knight and the only person to sit in Siege Perilous. According to Arthurian legend, he was the greatest knight of the Round Table. Which knight loved Arthur's wife, Queen Guinevere?


This man served as governor of Maryland until he became vice-president. He served as vice-president under Richard Nixon from 1969 until 1973 as part of Nixon's "Southern Strategy." Who was this man, who resigned from the vice-presidency due to criminal charges of bribery and tax evasion?


In 1977, he partnered with Steve Wozniak to found a company dedicated to the personal computer. He helped Pixar become the leader in motion picture animation, and expanded his computer company to include music players, cell phones, and tablets. Name the founder and former CEO of Apple.


He was a Democratic, Dixiecrat, and Republican senator. He opposed civil rights, but fathered a bi-racial child when he was twenty-two. Identify this South Carolina politician, best known for his filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.


He founded the first permanent European settlement on the mainland of the Americas in 1510. From that location, in modern day Panama, he set out west toward a body of water known as "The South Sea." Who in 1513, became the first European to reach the Pacific Ocean?


This artist said that he really needed religion in his life, but instead he would paint stars. In September 2013, a landscape he had painted in 1888 was discovered. Identify this artist of Sunset at Montmajour [mont-mah-ZHOOR].


A line has the equation Y minus 4, equals 3 times the quantity, X minus 5. A point on this line has an X coordinate of 7. What is the Y coordinate of this point?


If X minus 2 is a factor of X cubed plus 4X squared minus 8X minus 8, what is the remainder when the given polynomial is divided by X minus 2?


State your answer as a fraction. In a geometric sequence, the first term is 32 and the ratio is one-half. What is the 8th term of the sequence?


A recipe that has eight servings calls for one-fourth cup of sugar. If you need to make enough for 320 servings, how many cups of sugar will you need?

10 (CUPS)

What is the measure, in degrees, of a single exterior angle of any regular polygon that has 36 sides?


A ladder leans against a house, with the house making a right angle with the ground. If the ladder is 15 feet long and its base is on the ground 9 feet from the house, how many feet up the house does the ladder reach?

12 (FEET)

An ad-hoc committee is being formed from a committee of 10 people. If there will be three people on this separate committee formed from the 10 people, how many different combinations are possible?


What is the one hundred and first term of the arithmetic [ar-ith-MET-ik] sequence with first term 8 and common difference of 12?


At the grocery store, you can buy three ears of corn for $1.20. If you have $6, how many ears of corn could you buy?


If four people are in a room and everyone shakes every other person's hand, there will be six handshakes. If five people are in a room and everyone shakes every other person's hand, there will be ten handshakes. How many handshakes will there be if there are six people in the room?


In a geometric sequence, the third term is 5 and the fifth term is 45. What is the fourth term of the sequence?


Mary picked a peck of apples. If a peck is equivalent to 2 gallons, how many pints are in one peck?

16 (PINTS)

Given the following data set, what is the upper quartile of the data set: 7, 8, 10, 10, 12, 12, 15, 18, and 20?


A regular dodecagon [doh-DECK-uh-gon] has a side length of 14 units. In units, what is the perimeter of the dodecagon?

168 (UNITS)

Suppose you want to measure the height of a building. You notice that a six-foot person casts a shadow that is 8 feet long. If the building casts a shadow that is 8 yards long, then, in feet, how tall is the building?

18 (FEET)

Two numbers have a product of 40 and a least common multiple of 20. What is the greatest common factor of these two numbers?


A group of five students must choose two people to give a presentation. One person chosen will do the speaking, and the other person chosen will write on the board. How many different ways can these two people be chosen from the five students?


State the result when you convert the improper fraction 173 over 8 into a mixed number.

21 AND 5/8

A cone has a diameter that is twice the height of the cone. In terms of pi, if the diameter of the cone is 18 units, what is the volume of the cone, in cubic units?


Suppose that the operation star is defined by A star B equals A squared plus B squared. What is the value of negative 3 star negative 4?


Suppose that the amount of time it takes to ride your bike to your friend's house is inversely related to the speed at which the bike is traveling. If you are riding your bike at 10 miles per hour, it will take 30 minutes to ride to your friend's house. How many minutes will it take you to ride to your friend's house if you ride your bike at 12 miles per hour?


A cylinder has a diameter that is equal to its height. In terms of pi, if the height of the cylinder is 10 units, what is the volume of the cylinder, in cubic units?


In an arithmetic [ar-ith-MET-ick] sequence, the tenth term is 82 and the common difference is 6. What is the first term of the sequence?


The number 6 is considered a perfect number because the factors of 6, besides 6 itself, add up to 6. The factors of the next perfect number, besides the number itself, are 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14. What is the next perfect number larger than 6?


What is the result when X squared is added to X squared?


Suppose that the graph of a direct variation goes through the ordered pair (4, 12). What is the constant of proportionality for this direct variation?


What is the result when the square root of 18 is divided by the square root of 2?


In a data set, the inner quartile range is the difference of the upper quartile and lower quartile. Given the data set 80, 85, 90, 60, 40, 100, and 75, what is the inner quartile range of the data set?


What is the result when 6 factorial is divided by 4 factorial?


State your answer as a simplified radical. What is the product when 3 radical 5 is multiplied by 2 radical 15?

30 RADICAL 3 (Accept: 30 SQUARE ROOT OF 3)

If X minus 2 Y equals 8, and X plus 2 Y equals 4, what is the value of X squared minus 4 Y squared?


In a bag of marbles, the ratio of blue to red marbles is 5 to 8. If there are 52 marbles in the bag, how many of them are red?


On the Fahrenheit temperature scale, this is the freezing point of water, in degrees. What temperature is equivalent to 0 degrees Celsius?


Suppose the amount of time spent on your cell phone and your monthly bill were directly related. If you spend 20 hours on your phone in one month, the bill will be $50. How many hours will you have spent on your phone if the bill is $80?

32 (HOURS)

A square has a diagonal of length 8 units. What is the area of the square, in square units?


If the maximum element in a data set is 124 and the range of the data set is 89, what is the minimum element in the data set?


In order to add fractions, a common denominator is necessary. When adding the fractions three fifths and four sevenths, what would be the denominator of your answer?

35 (Accept: THIRTY-FIFTHS)

A sphere has a diameter of 6 units. What is the volume of the sphere, in cubic units and in terms of pi?


Suppose that line A is defined by the equation Y equals 4X plus 7. If line B is parallel to line A, then what is the slope of line B?


There are 30 students in a classroom. In a survey, 20 students said that they had seen the movie Hunger Games, while 12 said they had read the book. If 6 people had both read the book and seen the movie, then how many had neither seen the movie nor read the book?


In right triangle ABC, angle B measures 90 degrees. If side A has a length of 6 units and side B has a length of 10 units, then, as a simplified fraction, what is the value of the cosine of angle A?


A set of 10 data items has a mean of 45. If you were to add the 10 data items together, what would be the sum?


The area of the base of a cylinder is equal to 30 pi square units. If the height of the cylinder is 15 units, what is the volume of the cylinder, in cubic units and in terms of pi?


One batch of cookies calls for one teaspoon of vanilla. How many batches of cookies could be made if you had one cup of vanilla?


If a set of data has a standard deviation of 5 and every element in the data set is increased by 20, what will be the standard deviation of the new data set?


If the function F of X equals the absolute value of the quantity, X minus 8, close quantity, minus 10, then what is the value of F of negative 7?


The volume of a rectangular prism is 60 cubic units. If the length of the prism is 3 units and the width is 4 units, what is the height of the prism, in units?


Evaluate the expression X squared minus 4X plus 8, when X equals negative 5.


Two rectangles, ABCD and PQRS, are similar. If rectangle ABCD has a perimeter of 36 units and CD has a side of length 14 units, what is the perimeter, in units, of rectangle PQRS if RS has a length of 21 units?

54 (UNITS)

If there are 107 items in a list, in order, in what position would the data set's median be?


Multiple answer required. The greatest common factor of two numbers is 2, and the least common multiple is 30. One pair of numbers that meets these conditions is 2 and 30. What is the other pair of numbers that meets these conditions?

6 (AND) 10

A rectangle has a length of 12 units and a diagonal of 13 units. What is the area of the rectangle, in square units?


On Amanda's last math test, there were 80 questions. If Amanda answered 50 of the questions correctly, then what percent of the questions did she answer correctly?


Let F of X equal 3X plus 7, and let G of X equal 4X minus 8. What is the value of F of G of 2 ?


For a school lottery, each student must make a three-digit number selected from the digits zero through 9 inclusive. Assuming digits cannot be repeated, how many different three-digit numbers are possible?


In a 30, 60, 90 right triangle, the leg across from the 30-degree angle measures 40 units. What is the length, in units, of the hypotenuse of the triangle?

80 (UNITS)

The maximum legal weight that a semi-truck can haul is 40 tons. How many pounds is this?

80,000 (POUNDS)

Given the following quadratic equation, what would be the value of the discriminant: X squared minus 7X minus 8 equals 0?


What is the result when the quantity, 3X squared close quantity, is raised to the fourth power?


Every positive integer greater than one is considered prime or composite. What is the largest two-digit prime number?


The power of the human voice comprises the instrument for this musical style. It takes its name from Italian words used to describe older church music. In what kind of music do no instruments accompany the singer?


This phrase means that each dish on a menu is listed and priced separately. Give this French phrase translating "according to the menu."


The formula for this hormone is C-9-H-13-N-oh-3. Beta blockers are used to diminish its effects, keeping people calm during high-stress situations. What is the hormone that prepares a body for "fight or flight", and provides an energy rush?


This word can describe an exercise that helps you take in oxygen. Biologically, it's an adjective describing organisms that must live in the presence of oxygen. From the Greek for "air", give the word meaning "depending on oxygen."


This character enters a cave after an African magician claiming to be his uncle gives him a magic ring. When the magician shuts him in the cave, he summons genies by rubbing the ring and a magic lamp. Name this character from The Thousand and One Nights.


[BRIGH-uh-fights] in that they lack true stems, roots and leaves, these primitive aquatic plants make up half of a lichen. Name these simple organisms that are otherwise known as pond scum.


In Arabic, its name means "the red castle," a reference to its outer wall's sun-dried bricks. It included a palace, a citadel, and a royal city that served as the seat of government. What is this Moorish palace and fortress in Granada [gruh-NAH-duh], Spain?


What is the domain of the function F of X equals 3X plus 6?


The human body has approximately 300 million of these structures. From the Latin for "cavity," it's the site of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the lungs. What are these tiny, thin-walled sacs called?


This well-known Protestant hymn was written by Anglican minister John Newton, and was associated with the abolitionist movement in both England and the United States. Name this hymn that contains the lines, "How sweet the sound / that saved a wretch like me."


This one-celled protozoan gets its name from a Greek word meaning "change." A shapeless mass of protoplasm, it uses pseudopods [SOO-duh-podz] to move, as well as to surround and take in food. Identify this organism that reproduces via fission.

AMOEBA [uh-MEE-buh]

In this stage of mitosis, the sister chromatids separate and begin moving towards the cell poles. The cell also becomes elongated, with each pole containing a complete compilation of chromosomes. Name this stage of cell division.


Some pain medicines contain this alkaloid compound, which constricts swollen blood vessels. The Swiss water process can be used to remove it from coffee. Name this stimulant that is also found in tea and soft drinks.


Wild albino animals can be in danger, because they lack this natural protection. From the French for "disguise," it's one way animals keep themselves from being seen. Name this method of concealment animals in the wild use to blend in with their surrounding environment.


This layer of vegetation can be found between the understory and the emergent layer. Made up of vines, treetops and other plants, it helps preserve a forest's moisture. Name this layer, especially associated with a rainforest, that provides vegetative cover.


This Latin phrase encourages you to enjoy the present rather than worrying about the future. It was featured in the Robin Williams movie Good Will Hunting. Give these two words meaning "seize the day."


When capitalized, it refers to early Christians' burial chambers in and near Rome. Give the term for an underground cemetery with tunnels, rooms, and recesses for caskets.


This conquerer inherited the Frankish kingdom from his father, Pepin the Short. He greatly expanded it across western and central Europe, and in 800, was crowned Emperor by Pope Leo III. Give this Frankish king, the father of Europe, who left his empire to Louis the Pious in 814.


A notable poem calls it "Stormy, husky, brawling, / City of the Big Shoulders." It is also a "Player with Railroads," "Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat," and "Hog Butcher for the World." Identify this Midwestern city, the subject of a poem by Carl Sandburg.


This word, which means "she-goat" in Greek, can refer to an imaginary creature or an idle fantasy. It names a monster that terrorized ancient Greece until Bellerophon [buh-LAIR-uh-fahn] slew it. Which fire-breathing mythological monster was part lion, goat, and dragon?


This pigment can take on a number of structures, labeled a, b, c1, c2, d, and f. Mushrooms and other fungi don't contain any, so they are not plants. Name this fundamental pigment that allows photosynthesis to take place in green plants.


In a circle, this is the name given to any line segment in which both endpoints of the line segment are on the circle. What name is given to this line segment, of which a diameter is an example, but a radius is not?


This type of coal residue is used in blast furnaces to make iron. Smaller amounts can heat buildings and fuel boilers. Identify this resource, which shares its name with a popular soft drink.


In November 2014, a spacecraft named Rosetta is scheduled to orbit the nucleus of 67P, one of these heavenly bodies. Another of these bodies, ISON, broke up near the sun in December 2013. What are these "dirty snowballs" in a long orbit around our sun?


This dance shares its name with a tall Afro-Cuban drum. It originated in Cuban ballrooms, where participants took three steps forward before executing a side kick. Name this dance, which dancers perform in single file behind a leader.


This type of polygon has interior angle measures that are all less than 180 degrees. It also has the property that every line segment between two vertices remains inside, or on the boundary of, the polygon. Which type of the polygon is the opposite of a concave polygon?


As a verb, this word is a synonym of "prompt." As a noun, it refers to a piece of billiards equipment. In the theater, examples may include a door slam or the utterance of a specific word or phrase. Give the term for anything said or done in a play that precedes a specific line or action.


This writing system developed from the pictographic writing used in Sumeria. Its name comes from the Latin for "wedge-shaped." Identify the writing system of the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians.

CUNEIFORM [kyoo-NEE-uh-form]

This is the two-word phrase for what happens at the end of a theatrical performance. What alliterative term describes the time when actors take bows and acknowledge the audience's applause?


In dance, this term refers to the different levels of energy or intensity with which a movement is performed. Identify this term which, in music, means the volume at which a note is played.


This particle was discovered in 1897 by the English physicist J.J. Thomson. In a neutral atom, the number of this particle equals the number of protons. Identify this negatively charged subatomic particle.


This punctuation mark is valuable when you want to omit some words from a quotation. It can also indicate a pause in thought. Name the punctuation mark that looks like three evenly spaced dots.


Originally, this legal system was intended to be a give and take between natives and Spanish colonists. In exchange for protection and Christian conversion, locals were expected to provide goods or labor. Identify this forced labor system set in place by conquistadors in colonial Central and South America.


This musical work was composed by Aaron Copland at the request of the conductor of an Ohio symphony. It was composed as a response to America's entry into World War Two. What musical work is dedicated to the people of the world — not just the soldiers entering the war?


This French phrase describes an irresistibly attractive woman who usually leads men into dangerous situations. The spy Mata Hari is an example. Identify this synonym for "siren" that translates as "fatal woman."


State the following sentence's direct object: The llama ate the delicious grass on the sunny hillside.


This kind of transportation route is popular in long-distance air travel. What is the term for the shortest distance between two points on a sphere?


Of the four types of sentences, this is the only one that can be grammatically correct and consist of one word. What type of sentence is, "Go"?


This practice was used by many nations to fill the ranks of their navies and armies. The Chesapeake-Leopard affair of 1807, when three U.S. citizens were seized, nearly caused a war at that time. Which practice, which sometimes forced American citizens into service in the British Navy, was a cause of the War of 1812?


Somewhat ironically, this nine-letter word means "in readiness" in Latin. It is a synonym of "extemporaneous." Identify this adjective, beginning with I, that describes something done without previous preparation.


This physical quantity describes the effect of a net force acting on an object. Represented by a capital J, its SI unit is the Newton-second. Give the word, beginning with "I", that is defined as a change in momentum.


In Peer Gynt, Edvard Grieg tells this tale about Gynt's adventures in an underground kingdom. Found in the sixth scene of Act Two of Peer Gynt, in what song do trolls, gnomes and goblins creep up on the hero?


When used as a verb, this seven-letter word means "to make angry." Identify the word that also names a substance that produces a sweet odor when it is burned, usually at a religious service.


Parts of this communications network include newsgroups, FTP, archie, gopher, and email. Started by the U.S. Department of Defense, it began as Arpanet. Name the interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world via TCP/IP.


This thirteen-letter word can describe the pronouns who, what, and which. Identify the word that also categorizes any sentence ending with a question mark.


This country's bodies of water include Sligo [SLY-goh] Bay and the River Shannon. Galway, Waterford, Cork, and Limerick are some of its most notable cities. Which country is nicknamed the "Emerald Isle"?

IRELAND (Accept: EIRE [AIR-uh])

Deuterium and tritium are both examples of this term. Some of them are radioactive, and are used in radiometric dating. Identify the term for atoms of the same element, differing only in the number of neutrons.

ISOTOPE (Accept other forms of the word)

If you don't want to underline the name of a book or newspaper, you can use this printing style instead. What kind of printing slants letters to the right?

ITALICS (Accept word forms)

This root is Latin for "cast" or "throw." Identify this root found in the word "trajectory."

JECT (Accept stated or spelled)

This word means "struggle" or "strife" in Arabic. Muslims can fulfill it by the heart, tongue, hand, or sword, and it often involves waging internal warfare against the devil. Name this Islamic principle, which is often translated as "holy war."


A worker in this medieval station was fully educated in his craft, but had not been admitted to a guild. He could earn wages by working for a master, sometimes for three years. Identify this labor station between an apprentice and a master.


This law initially structured the Supreme Court with one Chief Justice and five Associate Justices. It also designed the lower federal court system, which had been previously authorized by Article Three of the Constitution. Identify this 1789 law, which established the boundaries of the judicial branch of the federal government.


Set on New Zealand's Codfish Island, this Sibert medal winner follows fourteen volunteers who attempt to save an endangered bird species. Identify this book about the "world's strangest parrot," by Sy Montgomery and Nic Bishop.


It is the Jewish equivalent of halal [huh-LAHL] in Islam. It can apply to the fitness of ritual bathing water, Torah scrolls, and the ritual ram's horn. Which term usually refers to Jewish dietary law, and to foods that are okay for Jews to eat?


This Brazilian partner dance is completed with a series of side steps and spins. It is sometimes referred to as the "forbidden dance" because of the dancers' provocative moves. What is this dance that usually features men wearing long trousers and women in flared skirts?


In the late 1970s, the Philips company introduced a type of home video disc that could be read by this device. 2010 marked the 50th anniversary of this device, which has revolutionized eye surgery and outdoor light shows. Name this formerly large, expensive device that can now be carried in one's pocket and used as a pointer for presentations.


Your mother probably sang one of these to you even before your birth. One of the most famous ones was written by Johannes Brahms. What is this type of song sung to calm infants as they are rocked to sleep?


[pree-muh-VAIR-uh]. He is draped with a red cloak, and has a sword hanging from a belt on his left side. Identify this messenger god of the Roman Pantheon, who lends his name both to a chemical element and a planet.


The thyroid controls this set of chemical processes. From the Greek for "change," it can be increased with physical activity. Converting food into protein, carbs and fat, what is this life-sustaining chemical activity in living organisms, often said to be "high" when a person can eat a lot and not gain weight?


Although it is named for the president who first announced it, it was largely written by John Quincy Adams. It was announced during a State of the Union address in 1802, and stated that further European colonization in the New World would be considered an act of aggression. What American foreign policy claimed North and South America as exclusively American spheres of influence, and was named after our fifth president?


In this move, the dancer slides his flattened front foot past his back foot, which is in a tiptoe position. It creates the illusion that the dancer is being pulled backward while he is trying to walk forward. Which dance move did Michael Jackson popularize?


If you observe someone looking at an artwork, you will be able to see how this principle of design works. What principle of design creates the path that the viewer's eyes will follow?


Multiple answers required. Give the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of the adjective much.


This term refers to a type of symbiosis. It can be obligate, meaning the two involved species cannot survive without each other, or facultative, where interactive species derive benefit without dependence. What term describes this relationship between two organisms, in which both species benefit?


Name, not nickname, required. Although he is white, he was raised by Delaware Indians. He befriends Chingachgook and his son Uncas, and often fights for Native American rights. Identify this character variously nicknamed Pathfinder, Deerslayer, and Leatherstocking, a James Fenimore Cooper creation.

NATTY BUMPPO (Accept first, last, or both)

Goat Island separates its two main sections, Horseshoe and American Falls. Tourists can visit the Cave of the Winds, which is located behind the cataract. What Canadian-American landform was once popular with honeymooners and stunt people?


This alkaloid was named for a French ambassador. Also used as an insecticide, in 1995, the FDA classified this substance as a drug that should be regulated. Name the substance found in tobacco that can also be found in gum and adhesive patches to help smokers quit the habit.


This group on the periodic table contains all nonmetals. The elements of this group are characterized by a full outer electron shell. Identify this group of relatively unreactive gases, which includes neon, helium, and radon.


Bending, stretching, swinging, and twisting are all examples. What kind of movements are body actions that do not cover space?


In this poem about a political figure, the speaker paces the deck of a ship, where his leader has "Fallen cold and dead." Identify this poem about Abraham Lincoln's assassination, written by Walt Whitman.


Given the equations, 3X plus Y equals 10, and 3X minus Y equals 10, how many times do these lines intersect?

ONCE (Accept equivalent answers)

In mythology, she was the first woman, and a creation of Hephaestus [hih-FES-tus]. Epimetheus [ep-uh-MEE-thee-us] married her, but not before she had unleashed evil into the world. Name this woman, who left only hope in her namesake box.


This term names a long, narrow strip of territory that projects from a state. States with this feature include Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, and West Virginia. Identify this geographic term, which sounds like part of a cooking container.


This ballet move's name means "whirl" or "top" in French. Give the term for a body spin executed on the toes or the balls of the feet.


In Latin, this word means, "I shall be pleasing." It describes a medicine that is used as a control in experimental testing. Give the term for an ineffective medicine or treatment designed to fool the recipient.

PLACEBO [pluh-SEE-bow]

This organ is found in most mammals, but never in males. It is a flat organ that allows blood, nutrients and waste to flow between mother and fetus. Name the vascular structure in the uterus of most mammals during pregnancy.


This state of matter is believed to make up 99 percent of the universe. It is a highly ionized gas, consisting of almost equal numbers of positive ions and free electrons. What is this fourth state of matter, distinct from solids, liquids, and normal gases?


This word means "first combatant," and originally referred to the actor who played the first part in a Greek drama. Give the term for the main character, or hero, in a literary work.


This particle has a mass of about 1,836 times that of an electron. In a neutral atom, the number of this particle equals the number of electrons. Identify this positively charged subatomic particle found in the nucleus.


This is a compact, star-like celestial body with a power output greater than our entire galaxy. At a distance of billions of light-years from Earth, they are thought to be produced by giant black holes. Identify these quasi-stellar radio sources, which many astronomers believe represent an early stage in the evolution of galaxies.


This kind of biome is sometimes called a selva. It contains broad-leaved and evergreen trees that make up undergrowth, intermediate, and canopy levels. What kind of precipitation-rich biome predominates in the Amazon River basin?


The design of this church is considered one of the greatest accomplishments of Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí [GOW (as in "how)-dee]. It is still under construction, with only eight of the planned eighteen spires completed. Identify this church, whose name translates to "holy family."


This Vatican landmark is in the style of a Greek cross. It is the burial site of its namesake, the first pope. What church, designed by Michelangelo, is seen by many as the center of the Catholic faith?


It represented the god Khepri [KEP-ree], who rolled the morning sun across the sky. Give the term for the dung beetle that the ancient Egyptians considered sacred.


This type of singing may have begun as a way for jazz musicians to practice improvised solos before performing them instrumentally. It involves the use of nonsense words and phrases, such as zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Name this type of singing associated with Cab Calloway and Louis Armstrong.


It tells of the H. L. Hunley, which sank the USS Housatonic, before it itself sank in Charleston Harbor. It profiles the craft's construction, as well as twenty-first century archaeologists' attempts to exhume it from the water. Name this Sibert Medal winner by Sally M. Walker.


During Rome's monarchy, this political entity consisted entirely of patricians. Eventually, it became the consuls' advisory board, then a judicial body that tried cases. Identify ancient Rome's primary governing council.


Today, this instrument is blown at religious services for Yom Kippur [YAWM kee-POOR] and Rosh Hashanah [huh-SHAH-nuh]. In biblical times, it announced religious occasions and communicated battle signals. Identify this instrument, made from a curved ram's horn.


Marco Polo traveled this route on his journey from Venice to Cathay. It linked the civilizations of ancient Rome and China. Identify this trade route, named for a luxurious textile that traders carried along its length.


Classify the following sentence according to structure: Most children like to play in the afternoon.


The integumentary system is another term for this organ. In vertebrates, it consists of the epidermis and dermis. The body's largest organ, what is this membranous tissue forming the external covering of an animal?


Hooke's law says that these objects will always go back to their original state, so long as the elastic limit is not exceeded. They are mechanical devices made of a coil or strip of steel, storing potential energy when compressed, stretched, or bent. What spiral-shaped bodies resemble a Slinky?


This architectural wonder is recognized as the premier building of Sir Christopher Wren. Name this Anglican cathedral in London, England.


In theater, this job involves organizing rehearsals and keeping track of scene and lighting changes. A person in this position also "calls" a show by telling sound, lighting, and scenic operators when to do their jobs. Name this theatrical role, which is also the title of the narrator of Thorton Wilders' play Our Town.


This legal principle is part of the "case or controversy" requirement of Article Three of the Constitution. What legal principle requires a plaintiff to have suffered an injury, caused by a defendant, that can be addressed by a court?


It is a key task of skin, the most functionally versatile organ of the human body. Its most important role is the down-regulation of body core temperature under extreme heat or stress. Identify the bodily process in which glands excrete colorless saline that evaporates to cool the skin.


Its heroine, Miss Moses LoBeau, had washed up in Tupelo Landing, North Carolina, eleven years earlier. She teams up with her best friend, Dale Earnhardt Johnson the Third, to uncover the truth behind a murder. What is this Newbery Honor Book by Sheila Turnage?


Multiple answer required. These two rivers flow through eastern Turkey and Iraq, and converge near the Persian Gulf. Name the two rivers to which the name Mesopotamia refers.


In order to play one of these chords, you must play three notes simultaneously. One of these chords is built on a root tone. What musical term is applied to this chord, that also contains a major or minor third and a perfect fifth?


[reh-JEP AIR-doe-ahn], with capital at Ankara.


Solve the absolute value inequality for X: 8 minus the absolute value of X is less than 3.


This legendary character shares his name with a movie pig who wants to be a sheepdog. His footprints created Minnesota's ten thousand lakes, and he used the Great Lakes as his watering holes. Name the massive blue ox who was Paul Bunyan's companion.


This conflict arose when participants disagreed with the colonial government's policy towards native tribes. Its leader planned an expedition against the tribes, but instead sought to oust Governor William Berkeley. Which 1676 uprising saw the capture and burning of Jamestown before its namesake died?


This device is made up of one or more electrical cells. Some of these devices are disposable, while others are rechargeable. What name is given to an energy storage device that releases electricity on demand?


This dance is known for its flowing costume, and the bells or chimes which are often worn by its performers. It is a solo, improvised dance that originated in North Africa and the Middle East. What kind of dance focuses on movements of the hips and abdominal muscles?


Subtitled A Tale of the Christ, it was the best-selling novel until the publication of Gone with the Wind. In it, Judah seeks revenge on Messala, who accused his family of harming the Roman governor. What is this Lew Wallace novel?


Foxglove is an example of this type of plant. Usually growing a rosette in the first season, and producing flowers and fruits in the second, what term describes these plants that live for two years?


This city is the setting of Cynthia Levinson's 2013 YALSA Nonfiction Honor Book. For a week in 1963, four thousand African-American children and teens voluntarily went to jail there during the Children's March. Which Alabama city did these children, featured in We've Got a Job, successfully desegregate?


This trickster character created the tar baby, which stuck to his rival's feet. He once caught Old Man Tarrypin, and often pals around with slow-witted Brer Bear. Who is this sly creation of Joel Chandler Harris?


This procedure yields a mother and a daughter cell. Yeast, sponges, hydras, flatworms, and corals all reproduce by this asexual process. Give the name of this reproductive process.


From freezing water to boiling water, there is a range of 100 degrees on the Celsius temperature scale. What is the range, in degrees, on the Fahrenheit temperature scale from freezing water to boiling water?


This battle resulted from a disagreement over who would succeed Edward the Confessor as king of England. The Bayeux [bay-YOO] Tapestry depicts its conclusion, when Harold the Second was killed by an arrow through the eye. Identify this October 14, 1066, battle, in which William the Conqueror gave the Normans control of England.


Taking place on October 8, 1862, it forced the Confederate Army back into Tennessee. Featuring the generals Braxton Bragg and Don Carlos Buell, it was the final battle of the Confederate Heartland Offensive. Name this American Civil War battle, the largest fought in Kentucky.


[goo-ber-nuh-TORR-ee-uhl] stint when President Obama named her Secretary of Health and Human Services. Name this politician, who came under fire for Obamacare's rocky website rollout.


The Roadster is an electric car from a company named for this inventor. He has a unit of magnetic flux density named after him, was obsessed with raising pigeons, and was a pioneer in electricity. Name this inventor whose claim to fame is his powerful "coil."


The Latin root mill- appears in millennium and, ironically, million. What does it mean in English?


He served in the House of Representatives from Vermont, and made it his life's goal to end slavery. A Radical Republican, he played a major role in the drafting of the Fourteenth Amendment. Who introduced the resolution of impeachment against Andrew Johnson?


In this story, Jabez Stone sells his soul to Mr. Scratch in exchange for ten years of earthly prosperity. When the decade is up, Jabez hires the title American orator to argue his case in front of a jury of villains. Name this satirical short story by Stephen Vincent Benét.


This document led to the widespread enlistment of black soldiers in the Union Army. It was issued during a surge in public opinion after the Union victory at Antietam [an-TEE-tum]. Which 1863 document freed all slaves in Confederate-held territories?


Its heroine is a tomboyish twelve-year-old who would rather observe animals than learn to needlepoint or cook. When her grandfather and she encounter a new species of plant, they attempt to have their discovery officially recognized. What is this Newbery Honor Book by Jacqueline Kelly?


This author's activism informed her novels The Salt Eaters and If Blessing Comes. She collected her short stories in The Sea Birds Are Still Alive and Gorilla, My Love. Who wrote the story "Raymond's Run"?


He was the champion griddle skater of the southern United States. He lived up the Eel River in rural West Virginia. Identify this tall tale woodsman, a cousin of Paul Bunyan.


Word of this treaty reached America too late to prevent the Battle of New Orleans. It was signed in 1814 in the Flemish city for which it is named. Identify this treaty, which ended the War of 1812.

(TREATY OF) GHENT [g as in get]

This two-word phrase refers to a detailed analysis of a person or a group. Researchers collect data about participants, frequently using accounts of the subjects themselves. With emphasis placed on exploration and description, what is this collection and presentation of information called?


It is a rocky promontory at the southern tip of a South African province. Warm currents from the Indian Ocean meet cold Antarctic currents to create its stormy weather. Which site did Bartholomeu Dias deem the "Cape of Storms," until John the Second of Portugal rechristened it with a more optimistic name?


This protective covering gets its name from the Greek for "gold," due to its golden shimmer. It's another name for the pupa, or cocoon, of a butterfly. What is the name of this stage in a caterpillar's life?


This six-letter prefix can precede navigate, locution, and -ference. Give the Latin prefix meaning "around."

CIRCUM- (Accept stated or spelled)

This member of the woodwind family features a single reed, and is popular both in jazz and orchestral ensembles. In Peter and the Wolf, it represents the cat. What instrument is associated with Jimmy Dorsey and Benny Goodman?


This musical term is really a generic term for a style of music. Most musicologists place this musical period between the years of 1750 and 1820. Identify this musical period where strict rules were applied by such composers as Haydn and Mozart.


This book won YALSA Nonfiction, Sibert, and Newbery Honors. It tells of a teenage girl who refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus nine months before Rosa Parks made the same stand. Name this book, subtitled Twice Toward Justice, by Phillip Hoose.


This dance style is closely related to tap and Irish step dance. The dancer keeps her torso and arms motionless and her face expressionless as her feet beat out complex rhythms. Identify this type of dance, named for the thick-soled wooden shoes its performers wear.


In any biological community, there are limited resources, and this term refers to the struggle to obtain them. When two niches overlap, this rivalry will ensue. Divided into intraspecific and interspecific types, what do we call this battle for resources between organisms?


Identify the following sentence's indefinite pronoun: I myself believed her when she said anything is possible.


At over a foot long, this blood vessel's name comes from the Greek for "to lift." All of the body's major arteries--except for the pulmonary--branch out from this one, which carries blood away from the heart. Identify this great artery, which rises from the left ventricle.


Multiple-word answer, please. This site saw the last efforts of General Robert E. Lee to break through the forces of Philip Sheridan and George Armstrong Custer. At what site did Lee surrender to U.S. Grant, effectively ending the Civil War?


Its name means "water bearing" in Latin. Give the term for a porous rock deposit that contains water for wells and springs.


She was the daughter of a Lydian cloth dyer, and was herself an expert weaver. She created a tapestry that depicted the gods' amorous relationships, and bested the goddess Athena in a weaving contest. Name this woman, whom Athena transformed into a spider.


From the Greek for "joint foot", this phylum makes up more than 80% of all animal species. Insects, arachnids, and crustaceans are among the millions of creepy crawlers within what group of organisms?

ARTHROPODS [AR-thruh-podz] (Accept: ARTHROPODA [ar-THROP-uh-duh])

This two-word phrase was coined in the 1950s. In a Turing test, a person has to determine which of two mystery subjects is a human, and which is a computer exhibiting this ability. Said to be a computer designer's goal, what phrase describes the idea that a computer could think like a human, and is abbreviated A-I?


This sixteen-letter word refers to an innate, acquired, or induced inability to develop a normal immune response. It's what the "I" in HIV stands for. Identify the state in which the immune system is compromised or entirely absent.


This six-letter word describe hoofed mammals that have slender legs, a flat coat, and a narrow mane along the back of the neck. What adjective, from the Latin for "horse," describes animals belonging to a specific family, which includes horses, donkeys and zebra?


This term refers to either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator. On these two times each year, the length of day and night are about equal. What are these vernal and autumnal events called?


According to legend, Archimedes [ark-uh-MEE-deez] yelled this word when he discovered his namesake principle. It is also the state motto of California. Name this six-letter word meaning, "I have found it."

EUREKA [yoo-REE-kuh]

This area's lower boundary is called the thermopause, and its theoretical top boundary extends halfway to the moon. It is the last layer of the atmosphere before reaching interplanetary space. What region is found just above Earth's thermosphere?


From the Latin for "to dwell," this area is made up of physical factors such as soil, moisture, range of temperature and availability of food. What is the term for the natural environment of an organism?


This commander's father, Hamilcar, antagonized Sicily during the First Punic War. Following in his dad's footsteps, he led an army of elephants through Iberia and over the Alps to terrorize Italy. Give the name of this Carthaginian general, Rome's worst enemy, defeated in the Second Punic War.


This five-letter word names a phrase whose meaning is different from the literal meaning of its words. What kind of phrases are "kick the bucket" and "pulling my leg"?


In Spanish, this verb form ends in -ar, -er, or -ir. Give the verb form that, in English, begins with the word "to."


These substances usually lack free electrons. Examples include glass and porcelain. What do we call substances that prevent the passage of electricity, heat, or sound?


In this type of printmaking, the artist fills the incised lines with ink. The print that results is the opposite of a relief print. What form of printmaking is used to make stamps?

INTAGLIO [in-TAL-yoh, in-TAG-lee-oh]

Usually, this part of speech is grammatically unrelated to the rest of a sentence. It is a word or phrase that expresses strong emotion. Give the part of speech of the words "Ouch!" and "Hey!"


Susan Campbell Bartoletti profiled this group in her YALSA Nonfiction Honor Book. It began in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866, when six young men pulled pillowcases over their heads and rode through the streets. Identify this white supremacist hate organization, which Bartoletti calls an "American terrorist group."


The great fire that consumed this city began in 1666 in a baker's house. In honor of the city's destruction, Sir Christopher Wren designed a large columnar memorial. Identify this city that was rebuilt based on its old lines, and not on Wren's designs.


This empire developed when the gold trading middlemen of Kangaba [kuhn-GAH-buh] revolted. It reached the height of its power in the fourteenth century under Mansa Mūsā [MOO-suh]. What West African empire included the trading center of Timbuktu?


This five-letter root can follow klepto- to describe an irresistible impulse to steal. By itself, it names "excessive enthusiasm or excitement." Give this word, which comes from the Greek for "madness."


Manipulator is the term for a person who controls this kind of puppet. The Sound of Music's Lonely Goatherd, Howdy Doody, and Pinocchio are all examples. What kind of puppet is attached to strings that control its jointed limbs?


By definition, a vacuum is devoid of this substance. It has four observable states, and is loosely defined as "anything that has mass and takes up space." Give the word for the substance that makes up all observable physical objects.


In art, it can be a material used to create something, such as paints, pastels, or clay. Scientifically, it's a substance through which waves travel. What is the name for a substance that makes possible the transfer of energy through waves?


From the 1600s to the 1800s, this term named "a romantic dramatic composition with music interspersed." It eventually changed to mean, "a show that emphasized plot over characterization and ignored cause and effect." Identify this word, which is now associated with extreme emotion.


This event occurs in the children's book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." In most toads, it takes three to eight weeks. In what process of transformation do animals undergo fantastic changes as they mature?


It is a rhythm of unaccented and accented syllables that are organized into feet. Trochaic tetrameter [tro-KAY-ik te-TRAM-i-ter] and iambic pentameter are examples of what poetic concept?


The camera company Olympus started out in 1920 as a manufacturer of this kind of instrument. The first compound version of this tool is credited to Zacharias Janssen, a Dutch spectacle maker. Scientists now use the scanning tunneling electron type of what science tool, used for seeing tiny objects, such as DNA molecules?


This type of electromagnetic radiation is used in radar and as a carrier wave in radio broadcasting. On the spectrum, it is found between radio waves and infrared radiation. Name this type of electromagnetic radiation, often used in cooking and reheating foods.


Spelling required. The meteorologists deemed the arctic weather outrageous. Spell the word in the preceding sentence that is a synonym of "shocking."


There are 1,000 meters in a kilometer. In that case, how many square meters are in a square kilometer?


For a game, a spinner with 8 equal sections, numbered one through eight, is spun. If a number smaller than seven is spun, then a single six-sided die is rolled. To win the game, the face on the die must match the number spun. What is the probability of winning this game?


The shoulder of this constellation contains Betelgeuse [BEE-tul-jooze], the first star other than the Sun to be directly photographed. Canis Major, said to represent this hunter's dog, is at the heel of this constellation. Also the site of two nebulae, name the constellation best known for its belt.


This aristocratic dance from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was followed by the livelier galliard [GAL-yerd]. It was performed in 2/2 or 4/4 time, and is believed to have originated in Spain or France. Which dance featured couples in procession rising onto the balls of their feet and swaying from side to side?


This ruler ordered the construction of most of the Acropolis's buildings. He led Athens in the Peloponnesian [pel-uh-puh-NEE-zhuhn] Wars, and helped it rise in prominence to become Greece's cultural and political center. Name this orator and statesman who ruled during the "Golden Age" of Athens.


This punctuation mark occurs at the end of an indirect question. It also appears in some acronyms and most abbreviations. Give the punctuation mark that ends a declarative sentence.


This type of subsoil or bedrock lies under twenty percent of the Earth's surface. It is found in Alaska, Canada, Russia, and anywhere with subzero temperatures for two or more years. Give the term for the perpetually frozen ground found in the tundra.


In theater, this term names the arch that separates the audience from a certain type of stage. Which word also names that "picture frame" stage, which is bordered by the audience on only one side?


Advertisers called this now-defunct highway the "Main Street of America." It connected Chicago to Los Angeles via St. Louis, Amarillo, Flagstaff, and other cities. On which historical road could you "get your kicks"?


This element of music may express emotion in a composition. It is determined by the quality of the musical instruments' sound. What quality of sound enables listeners to distinguish one instrument from another?


An angular cut through the base of a cone gives us this geometric curve. If not for friction, projectiles would always follow this arch-shaped path. What is the term for this type of curve?


It once housed a giant gold and ivory statue of a Greek goddess that Phidias [FID-ee-us] had sculpted. Its elaborate friezes and simple columns make it the culmination of the Doric architectural order. Give the name of the ancient Greek temple on the Acropolis.


Unlike sterilization, this heating process does not kill all microorganisms in food. Instead, it reduces the number of pathogens likely to cause disease. Which process, named for a French scientist, prevents the spoiling of food and beverages, especially milk?

PASTEURIZATION (Accept word forms)

This metropolitan area is home to several attractions, including Alcatraz and the Golden Gate. The Gold Rush spurred rapid growth, but a 1906 earthquake and a subsequent fire destroyed much of the city. Give this city, the fourth most populous in California, with a corresponding bay area.


This title refers to a special power that each member of the Beaumont family receives on his or her thirteenth birthday. When Mibs's dad is injured in an accident, she hopes her power will help heal him. Give the title of this Newbery Honor Book by Ingrid Law.


Technically, this eleven-letter term only includes Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Some experts include Iceland and Finland on the basis of linguistic and cultural similarities. What term refers to the Northern European Nordic countries?


This ancient city's tyrant kings included Hieron the First, Dion, and Dionysius the Second. It was ancient Greece's chief Sicilian city before falling to Rome in 211 B.C. Which Italian city shares its name with a New York city between Albany and Buffalo?


This Roman hero was one of the central figures of the Trojan War. Like his Greek counterpart, he tricked the Cyclops, resisted Circe's [SIR-seez] magic, and returned home to Penelope. Give the seven-letter alternate name for Odysseus.


Identify all the prepositional phrases in the following sentence: We snuggled under the quilt from my grandmother as we sat on the couch.


This word, which lends its name to a literary genre [ZHAHN-ruh], means "no place." Thomas More originally used this word to describe an imaginary island. Give the six-letter term for any ideal place.

UTOPIA [yoo-TOE-pee-uh]

This resident of Zuckerman's farm is the runt of his litter. Templeton the rat and the title arachnid [uh-RACK-nid] conspire to save him from slaughter. Identify this E. B. White character, whom Charlotte calls "some pig."


This river rises on the Tibetan Plateau, and empties into the East China Sea. It encounters the Grand Canal and the Three Gorges Dam, and runs parallel to the Mekong. Identify the world's third longest, and Asia's longest, river.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae [sack-uh-roe-MY-seeze sair-ih-VIS-ee-eye] is a strain of this fungus, vital to the fermentation process. Used in baking and beer making, it is a single-celled organism that converts sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. What are these fungi vital to proper bread making?


This disease is the subject of Jim Murphy's nonfiction work An American Plague. An outbreak in eighteenth-century Philadelphia inspired Laurie Halse Anderson's historical novel Fever 1793. Give the two-word name of this viral, mosquito-borne illness.


In this poem, the speaker and the title figure "passed the school, where children strove / At recess, in the ring." She remembers the event centuries after "I first surmised the horses' heads / Were toward eternity." In which Emily Dickinson poem does the title character kindly stop for her?


If C is less than 10, then what can you state about the expression 8C minus 12?


This novel's title entity is also called a tesseract. It transports Calvin O'Keefe, Charles Wallace Murry, and Meg Murry to another dimension in search of the Murrys' scientist father. Name this novel, which earned the Newbery Medal for Madeleine L'Engle.


Many musicologists consider him America's classical composer. His works focused on the American frontier. Who is this composer of Rodeo and Billy the Kid?


Element number 102 was named for this man. After reading his own mistakenly published obituary in 1888, he established a trust to fund a series of awards and prizes. Who patented dynamite in 1867?


He is known for narrative poems like "The Barrel-Organ." His most celebrated work tells of the criminal who loved Bess, the landlord's daughter. Identify the English poet of "The Highwayman."


This flat musical instrument was the instrument of choice for Jean Ritchie. Usually played across the musician's lap, this three- or four-stringed instrument may be plucked, picked, or played with small hammers. What instrument was, in 1962, given the nickname Appalachian because of its use in those eastern mountains?


This free African-American was born near modern-day Baltimore and taught himself science and astronomy. In letters exchanged with Thomas Jefferson, he argued against slavery and for racial equality. Identify this man who, in 1791, helped Andrew Ellicott survey the land that became the District of Columbia.


He served as the first governor of the Utah territory, but was replaced after the Utah War. Following Joseph Smith's death, he became the second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Who led the Mormon relocation from the Midwest to Utah, and founded Salt Lake City in 1847?


This colonial general was wounded during the Battle of Savannah and later died from his wounds. Originally born in Poland, he fought for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth before lending aid and expertise to the Colonial Army. Who was this man, known as "the father of the American cavalry", who lends his name to a southern Kentucky county with county seat at Somerset?


Plasmodesmata [plaz-moe-des-MAH-tuh] are holes found in this structure. Made of specialized sugars called cellulose, this cell layer helps plants keep their shape. Identify the outermost layer of plant cells, which provides a protective framework helping a plant cell to survive.


He delivered his most famous speech upon surrendering to General Nelson Miles in 1877. He had led his Nez Perce [nezz PURSE] tribe over 1,700 miles to avoid being sent to an Idaho reservation. Which Native American leader concluded his speech with, "I will fight no more forever"?


A decorator might use this tool to select colors to paint a room. Red, yellow, and blue hues are primary colors placed on this artist's tool. What circular tool illustrates the colors from warm to cool?


He described a thief and felon who repented and died rich in his novel Moll Flanders. In another work, he profiles a seagoing merchant who is shipwrecked off the coast of Trinidad. Which English author created Man Friday and Robinson Crusoe?


This religious leader earned the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, 2007 Gandhi Peace Prize, and 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom. He gained world recognition in the 1980s for his opposition to South African apartheid [uh-PAR-tide]. Which retired Anglican cleric became the first black Archbishop of Cape Town?


Resigning as commander in the New Mexico territory, he was placed under the command of P.G.T. Beauregard at the outbreak of the Civil War. He was blamed for the Confederate loss at the Battle of Gettysburg, and heavily criticized Robert E. Lee following the end of the war. Which Confederate general warned Lee of the probable failure of Pickett's Charge?


His 1912 play inspired the 1956 Broadway musical My Fair Lady. Both shows focus on Henry Higgins' attempts to transform Eliza Dolittle from a Cockney flower seller into a proper-speaking lady. Give the author of Pygmalion [pig-MALE-ee-un].


He fought at the battles of Antietam [an-TEE-tum] and Fredericksburg before assuming his highest command. His greatest victory was tarnished by his failure to pursue the retreating Confederate Army. What commander of the Army of the Potomac was the victor at Gettysburg?


This artist dabbled in abstract painting in the 1930s and '40s, but is more famous for her representational art. The swirls and colors of her abstract pieces are reminiscent of her flowers. What American artist is famous for paintings like Cow's Skull: Red White and Blue and other scenes of the Southwest?


His last voyage was to the Caribbean, where he was captured and killed by cannibals in 1528. His namesake bridge connects Brooklyn with Staten Island at the Narrows. Name the Italian explorer who became the first European to sight Narragansett [nair-uh-GAN-set] and New York Bays.


This influential dancer enjoyed success both on stage and on the silver screen. In 1992 he won a Tony for his depiction of Jelly Roll Morton in Jelly's Last Jam. Name this tap dancer, singer, and actor who starred opposite Mikhail Baryshnikov in White Nights.


According to the National Inventors Hall of Fame, his "radio was first to demonstrate workable wireless radio communication." In 1897, he founded his wireless telegraph and signal company in London. Name this Italian who won the Nobel Prize in physics for his work in wireless telegraphy.


He fictionalized his years in the South Seas in the novels Typee and Omoo. He created an apathetic worker in Bartleby the Scrivener, who always proclaimed, "I would prefer not to." Who created Starbuck, Ishmael, and Captain Ahab in the whaling novel Moby Dick?


While governor, he led Kentucky's militia forces at the Battle of the Thames [TEMZ] in 1813. In the Revolutionary War, he was one of the heroes at the Battle of Kings Mountain. Lending his name to a central Kentucky county, who was Kentucky's first governor?


This man served as the inspiration for the battle flag of Oliver Hazard Perry. During the War of 1812, he commanded the USS Chesapeake until he died during a battle with the HMS Shannon. Who was this naval officer, whose last words were reportedly, "Don't give up the ship?"


He attended college at what is now Transylvania University, then received a military education at West Point. He was named secretary of war under Franklin Pierce, and twice represented Mississippi in the U.S. Senate. Who was the president of the Confederate States of America?


This two-time presidential candidate delivered the address at the 1988 Democratic National Convention. In this famous speech, he challenged young Americans to find "common ground" and keep hope alive." Identify this D. C. shadow senator, Baptist minister, and founder of the Rainbow Coalition.


This organist, violinist, and harpsichordist was also one of the most prolific composers of the Baroque period. His compositions include a collection of keyboard pieces designed for students. Identify this creator of Goldberg Variations and The Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.


This man served as a representative and senator from Kentucky before becoming a general in the Confederate Army. He also ran unsuccessfully for president in 1860 as the candidate for the southern faction of Democrats, leading to a split vote and a Republican victory. Identify this Kentuckian, who served as Vice-President under James Buchanan before serving as Secretary of War for the Confederate States of America.


If you've ever seen Jurassic Park or the first three Harry Potter films, you've heard this American composer's work. His music is known for its stirring themes and reliance on the brass section. What composer created the "Imperial March" for Darth Vader?


A pioneer of the non-standard use of musical instruments, this American composer's works call for pianos prepared with everything from bamboo strips and cardboard to nuts and bolts. Name this composer, whose easiest piece of music to play consists of four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence.


This English chemist pioneered research into red-green color blindness, some say after being told his brown coat was actually bright scarlet. He also stated in 1803, "Thou knowest no man can split an atom." Identify this scientist who correctly stated that all matter was made of atoms.


This colonial doctor served as president of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress prior to the Revolution. He was killed during the fighting at Bunker Hill, having foregone a commission as officer to fight as a private soldier instead. Identify this man, who also fought at Lexington and Concord, and who organized the rides of William Dawes and Paul Revere.


In 2012, this actor discussed Future Problem Solving as a guest on David Letterman. He showed his sports allegiance when he raised his arms to form the letter "Y" during a 2013 college basketball game. Who is this Union, Kentucky native, who plays Peeta Mallark in the Hunger Games movies?


She created the larger-than-life characters Sheila the Great, Sally J. Freedman, and Fudge. She tackles bullying in Blubber and racism in Iggie's House. Who wrote Freckle Juice and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing?


He was the third son of Henry the Second and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He led the Third Crusade against Saladin, and was held captive in Austria on his way home. Name this king of England and duke of Normandy, whose nickname described his courage.


Before being elected vice president, he gained a reputation for aggressive politics as a representative and senator from Texas. During his presidency, he sought to establish the Great Society and declared the War on Poverty, while escalating American involvement in Vietnam. Who became president following the assassination of John F. Kennedy?


This actress was the subject of several silkscreen prints by Andy Warhol. His diptych features 50 images of her: half in bright cheerful colors, and half in distorted black and white images. Name this actress who appeared in the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.


His best-known innovation began with Harvard students entering pictures and information into a template he created. He was Time's Person of the Year in 2010, and Jesse Eisenberg portrayed him in the movie The Social Network. Identify the founder and CEO of Facebook.


Considered by many to be the mother of modern dance, she trained at the Denishawn School and collaborated with Louis Horst on Frontier. Greek mythology inspired her ballets Clytemnestra, Cave of the Heart, and Night Journey. Name this dancer, best known for choreographing Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring.


He is the subject of Katori [kuh-TOOR-ee] Hall's 2009 drama The Mountaintop. That play, which is set entirely in a Memphis hotel room, depicts the night before his 1968 assassination. Name this preeminent civil rights leader, the author of the "I Have a Dream" speech.


In 2011, he became the chairman of the House Budget Committee, where he proposed fiscal plans that he deemed "Paths to Prosperity." In October 2012, he faced Joe Biden in a televised debate at Danville's Centre College. Which Republican congressman was Mitt Romney's running mate in the 2012 presidential election?


His contacts with the Portuguese royal family led to his appointment over more experienced captains such as Bartolomeu Dias. His expedition in 1500 intended to go to India, but sailed far enough west to land upon the coast of South America. What explorer discovered and claimed Brazil for Portugal?


She memorialized a Great Awakening preacher in "An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of the Celebrated Divine...George Whitefield." She addressed British and American leaders in "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty" and "His Excellency General Washington." Name the writer of Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, the first published African-American poet.


This firearm accessory might have been decorated with scrimshaw, and was usually carried over the shoulder. The use of loose gunpowder for early firearms necessitated this object as secure means to transport the gunpowder. What device, used by colonists and early soldiers to transport and keep gunpowder dry, was often taken from cows, ox or buffalo?


This predator is the only insect that can move its head from side to side without moving other body parts. It can use its arms like razor blades, and is capable of killing prey three times its size. What is this predatory insect that appears to have its limbs in a religious posture?


What is the result when the fraction 1 over X is added to the fraction 1 over Y?


This composer first partnered with Lorenz Hart, but we know him better as half of the musical duo that created The Sound of Music, South Pacific, and Oklahoma! Name this composer, best known for his partnership with Oscar Hammerstein the Second.


Real name, please. He took his pseudonym, which means "two fathoms," from his days as a riverboat captain. He created such characters as Injun Joe, Becky Thatcher, and Jim. Give the birth name of author Mark Twain.


This American composer has had nearly all of his compositions recorded. He won two Pulitzers, one for an opera in 1958 and the second in 1963 for a piano concerto. Identify this composer of Adagio for Strings.


This Nobel Prize in Literature winner wrote his plays in both English and French. He led the theater of the absurd with works like Malloy and Malone Dies. Identify the creator of Vladimir and Estragon in Waiting for Godot [guh-DOE].


She began her political career as a city council member, and then mayor, of Wasilla. In 2006, she became the youngest, as well as the only, female governor of Alaska. Who was John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election?


Identify the kind of error present in the following sentence: A book with profound thoughts and vivid emotions.


In Act III, he appears with the dead in the cemetery because he has hanged himself in his attic. He is the choirmaster--and town drunk--of Grover's Corners, New Hampshire. Name this supporting character from Thornton Wilder's Our Town.


In 1578, he navigated the Strait of Magellan aboard the first English ship to sail in the Pacific Ocean. Elizabeth the First sanctioned him to explore, but allowed him to seize Spanish ships with no consequences. Identify this explorer, who sailed aboard the Golden Hind in his circumnavigation of the world.


She delivered a speech "On Women's Right to Vote" after she illegally cast a vote in the 1872 presidential election. With Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she co-founded the National Woman Suffrage Association. Whose portrait was featured on a dollar coin minted from 1979 to 1981?


She won the Margaret A. Edwards Award for her fantasy series about Will Stanton, the last of the Old Ones. Its five novels include Over Sea, Under Stone; Greenwitch; and Silver on the Tree. Name the author of The Dark is Rising and The Grey King.


It is set in the fictional Missouri town of Dawson's Landing. The plot revolves around Roxy, who switches her enslaved son, Chambers, with her master's son, Tom Driscoll. Give the title of this Mark Twain novel.


This story begins, "One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all." Della sacrifices her hair to buy Jim a watch fob, but Jim sells his pocket watch to purchase hair combs for her. What is this ironic Christmas story by O. Henry?


This novel is set on Dartmoor in Devonshire [DEV-uhn-shur], England. Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes must protect Sir Henry, whose next of kin was supposedly killed by a supernatural animal. Name this Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book about a ghostly dog.


Planes flying east use this weather phenomenon to gain speed and save fuel. There is a polar type, as well as a subtropical type. Identify these fast-moving air currents that are found in the troposphere and stratosphere.


Its stories include "Toomai of the Elephants," "The White Seal," and "Kaa's Hunting." Its first and ninth sections, "Mowgli's Brothers" and "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," are better known. What is this short story collection by Rudyard Kipling?


Its moral is "little friends may prove to be great friends." The king of beasts refrains from eating a small pest, who later gnaws through the netting that has trapped the large cat. Give the title of this Aesop fable.


In this story, Mike visits his grandmother at the Lawnrest nursing home. She mistakes him for his deceased grandfather, who also wore the same kind of facial hair. Give the name of this Robert Cormier [koor-mee-AYR] short story.


This ballet and its music are enormously popular, but the composer was not satisfied with the music. Tchaikovsky only reluctantly agreed to write the score to this Christmas classic. Identify this work, whose characters include Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy.


Its four sections include The Queen of Air and Darkness and The Sword in the Stone. It chronicles Arthur's boyhood, the creation of the Round Table, and the fall of Camelot. Name this fantasy novel by T. H. White.


In this operetta, Ruth accidentally apprentices Frederic to a group of outlaws. Mabel agrees to wait for his release, which won't occur until he is in his eighties. Which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta includes the song "I am the very model of a modern major-general"?


This work's characters, Tom Canty and Edward Tudor, are born in London on the same day. After trading clothes, they discover their physical resemblance and decide to switch lives. What critique of moral injustices was written by Mark Twain?


In this novel, a pastor, his wife, and their four sons are shipwrecked in the East Indies. Fritz, Ernest, Jack, and Franz adopt a monkey named Nip and a jackal named Fangs, all while learning self-sufficiency. What is this book by Johann Wyss [VICE] subtitled Adventures of a Father and Mother and Four Sons in a Desert Island?


In this dance, the dancer rotates her hips, legs, and torso while standing on the balls of her feet. Her arms are bent at the elbows, but remain fairly stationary. What 1960s dance craze was popularized by a Chubby Checker song?


In this novel set at Epiphany Middle School, Mrs. Olinski throws Julian, Nadia, Ethan, and Noah together. The four form the winning sixth-grade Academic Bowl team, but no one can figure out why they were chosen. What is this Newbery Medal winner by E. L. Konigsburg?


After serving in the Mexican War, he became a professor at the Virginia Military Institute. He was accidentally shot and killed by his own men following the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville. What general, considered Robert E. Lee's right-hand man, earned his nickname at the First Battle of Bull Run?


The only known moving picture ever taken of Mark Twain is in a silent film produced by this man's studio in 1909. He obtained 1,093 patents, the most the U.S. Patent Office has ever issued to one person. Name the inventor the press dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park," after the site of his New Jersey workshop.


This treaty was set in motion when Popes Sixtus the Fourth and Alexander the Sixth issued several papal bulls. The final treaty divided the new world with a meridian line halfway between the Cape Verde [VAIR-day] Islands and Hispaniola [his-pahn-YOH-lah]. Identify the treaty that divided the New World between Spain and Portugal.


This ship was constructed in 1797, and in 2013 was in active service with a berth at the Charlestown Navy Yard. She served as a flagship of the US Navy until the 1840s, and saw significant fighting during the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812. What is this ship, whose fight with the HMS Guerriere [gair-YAIR] gave rise to its nickname "Old Ironsides"?


This author received the 1994 Margaret A. Edwards Award because his novels authentically portrayed the African-American experience. Motown and Didi follows the title characters' lives in Harlem, while Fallen Angels is set during the Vietnam War. Who wrote Scorpion and Hoops?


In his first speech to the House of Commons, he called for "Victory at all costs--Victory in spite of all terrors." Before the Blitz, he encouraged British citizens to "so bear ourselves that if the British Empire...lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'" Identify this British prime minister during World War Two.


Multiple answer required. Solve the quadratic equation: X squared equals 4X.


Multiple answers required. Solve the following quadratic equation by factoring. X squared minus 13X minus 30 equals 0.


Given the quadratic function F of X equals X squared minus 4X plus 8, what is the X coordinate of the vertex of the function?


Solve the following equation for X: zero point five X plus two point three equals one point two X plus zero point two.


Multiple answer required. Solve the equation for X: 5 plus the absolute value of X is equal to 12.


Solve the following equation for X: 3X plus 2 times the quantity, 5X minus 4 close quantity, equals 2 times the quantity, 5X plus 8 close quantity.


If X plus Y equals 10, and X minus Y equals 20, then what is the Y coordinate of the solution to this system?

(Y EQUALS) - 5

Given the quadratic function, F of X equals, 3X squared minus 12X plus 7, what is the Y intercept of the function?

(Y EQUALS) 7 (Accept: (0, 7))

What is the result when 1,284 is divided by negative 4?


A rectangular prism has a length of 2 units, a width of 5 units, and a height of 10 units. What is the surface area of this rectangular prism, in square units?


What is the result when the fraction 1 over X is multiplied by the fraction 1 over Y ?


During gym class, you know that if you run around a track four times that you have run a mile. How many feet have you run if you only run around the track once?

1,320 (FEET)

Using order of operations, what is the result when you evaluate this expression: negative 4 plus the quantity, 5 minus negative 8, close quantity, squared?


This came about following the failure of northern states to grant universal male suffrage in the elections of 1867. Following the election of 1868, the Republican-controlled Congress made its passing a top priority. Ratified in 1870, what amendment to the Constitution grants universal voting rights to all men regardless of race?


The prime factorization of number A is 2 cubed times 5 cubed. What is the number A?


A hexahedron is a polyhedron with six rectangular faces. How many edges are on a hexahedron?


Given the following data, what member of the data set is the mode: 10, 12, 15, 12, 12, 10, 15, 15, 12, and 10?


One pattern in mathematics is that when you multiply powers of 10 together, you can add the number of zeros together in the numbers you are multiplying. This will determine how many zeros will be in your answer. How many zeros would be in the answer when you cube the number 10,000?


Notice the following pattern when you square numbers that only contain the digit one. When you square 11, the result is 121, and when you square 111, the result is 12,321. What is the result when you square 1,111?


This musical's protagonist is Evan Goldman, a Jewish preteen who moves from New York City to Indiana. It features the songs "A Little More Homework," "Brand New You," and "The Lamest Place in the World." Identify this Jason Robert Brown musical about bar mitzvahs and growing up.


A circle has a chord that is 24 units long. A line segment from the center of the circle to the midpoint of this chord has a length of 5 units. What is the length, in units, of the radius of this circle?

13 (UNITS)

The prime factorization of number A is 2 times 3 times 7 times 13, and the prime factorization of number B is 2 times 5 times 7 times 11. What is the greatest common factor of the two numbers, A and B?


What is the circumference, in units and in terms of pi, of a circle that has an area of 49 pi square units?


In an isosceles right triangle, one leg of the triangle measures 15 units. What is the length of the other leg, in units?

15 (UNITS)

A cone has a volume of 25 pi cubic units. In terms of pi, if the height of the cone is 5 units, what is the area of the base of the cone, in square units?


Rectangle ABCD is similar to Rectangle EFGH. If AB has a length of 10 units and EF has a length of 16 units, then find the length of FG, in units, if BC has a length of 25 units.

40 (UNITS)

State your answer as a simplified radical. What is the sum when the square root of 8 is added to the square root of 18?

5 RADICAL 2 (Accept: 5 SQUARE ROOT OF 2)

If 3X minus 2, is one factor of 15X squared plus 2X minus 8, then what is another factor of this polynomial?

5 X PLUS 4

What is the greatest monomial factor of this algebraic expression? 10X cubed Y squared, plus 5X squared Y cubed, plus 20 XY.

5 X Y

Using exponent rules, what is the simplified form of 2 raised to the X power multiplied by 2 raised to the Y power?


In a right triangle, one leg measures 10 units and the hypotenuse is 12 units. As a simplified radical, what is the length, in units?


A clothing store purchases a leather jacket for $50, and sells the jacket for triple the purchase price. What is the percent markup on this jacket?


The surface area of a sphere is given by the equation Y = 4 times pi R squared. If a sphere has a radius of 3 units, what is the surface area of the sphere, in square units?


Consider the following real-world statement, and state an inequality that represents the situation. A nutritionist gives a recommendation that a 10-pound newborn baby should receive at least 500 and no more than 700 calories per day. State a combined inequality using C for daily calorie intake that represents this situation.


Suppose that angles A and B are alternate interior angles of two parallel lines with a transversal. If angle A is 67 degrees, then what is the measure of angle B, in degrees?


This dance's sixteenth-century version featured a line of couples traveling the length of a ballroom by walking three steps and hopping on the fourth. In the eighteenth century, it was a slow, stately dance in two-four time in which four couples performed intricate turns with interlaced arms. Identify this courtly dance, whose name is French for "German."


The Westinghouse Corporation used this type of electric current in illuminating the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. The voltage of this type of current can be raised or lowered by a transformer. Name the type of current where flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.


[ay ell]


In astronomy, this measurement of a light's wave signifies its brightness, relative to other light waves of the same wavelength. Give the term that refers to the maximum amount of vertical displacement from the zero-point of a wave.


This musical term can refer to a piece of music that is less solemn than an adagio. However, it is most often used to call for a speed between adagio and allegro [uh-LEH-groh]. What term for moderately slow is the Italian word for "walking"?

ANDANTE [ahn-DAHN-tay, ahn-DAHN-tee]

She befriends Grace Farrell, who introduces her to her future adoptive father. She cares for Sandy, avoids Miss Hannigan, and brings joy to Daddy Warbucks. Who is this musical heroine, a lovable, red-headed orphan?


Frequently featured in folk music, this instrument has only three strings. Originally strung with gut, its strings are now usually made of nylon. What is this Russian instrument with a triangular body?

BALALAIKA [bah-lah-LYE-kuh]

Continually renewed from within the tree, this structure helps keep out moisture in the rain, and prevents moisture loss when the air is dry. It insulates the tree against cold and heat, and wards off insect enemies. Name the tough outer covering of trees, shrubs and other woody plants.


In music, this term refers to the technique of playing a stringed instrument's chord by laying one's finger across all the strings on a fret. What term, pronounced a different way, refers to a hip-high handrail that dancers use to keep their balance while practicing?

BARRE [BAR or bah-RAY]

The Romans used this ancient art technique in their coins. It also appears in Michelangelo's Madonna of the Stairs. What type of sculpture protrudes only slightly from the background?


This term can refer to one of the ways that computers deal with numbers. It can also refer to a star system with two closely orbiting suns. What is this term that refers to a number system composed only of zero and one?


Classify the following polynomial by its number of terms: 5X squared minus 2X cubed.


This theatrical term may describe drawing a floor plan on a stage to determine the placement of props and scenery. Which term usually refers to the planning of actors' movements onstage?

BLOCKING (Accept other forms of the word)

If your friend is about to sail to England, you might use this phrase to wish him a pleasant trip. Which French phrase translates as "good journey" in English?


This historical document is the finest existing example of the Hiberno-Saxon style. It originated on the Scottish island of Iona, but Viking raids brought it to Ireland in the ninth century. Name this illustrated gospel book, the most famous illuminated manuscript.


Musicians play members of this musical family by buzzing their lips into the mouthpiece. What musical family includes the sousaphone and tuba?


The night before this book opens, its protagonist, Sasha Zaichik [ZIGH-chick], saw his father arrested. Sasha has always wanted to join the Soviet Young Pioneers, but experiences second thoughts. Give the title of this Newbery Honor Book by Eugene Yelchin.


George M. Cohan asked us to give his regards to this location, nicknamed the "Great White Way." Identify this New York City street, the center of commercial theater in the United States.


This work's hero is a ten-year-old orphan on the run from foster homes in Depression-era Flint, Michigan. He searches for Herman E. Calloway, a band leader whom he believes to be his father. Name this winner of the Newbery Medal for Christopher Paul Curtis.


This eating disorder's name comes from Greek for "great hunger." It is characterized by episodic binge eating, followed by feelings of guilt and depression. Identify this disorder associated with the phrase "binge and purge."


Its aim was to ensure that states were bound together following the Civil War without the use of military force. Brought about by the disputed presidential election between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden, it declared Hayes the winner. Regarded as the most successful of the post-war proposals, what agreement effectively ended Reconstruction?


Due to this apparent force, there's no danger from cyclones at the equator. This phenomenon is caused by the Earth's rotation. Named for a French engineer, what term refers to the tendency for bodies on or above the Earth to drift sideways?


Solar flares erupt from this region of the sun. It can only be seen during eclipses, when the main radiation of the sun's surface is blocked by the passage of the moon. What is this mysterious atmosphere surrounding the sun, millions of degrees hotter than the surface?


Fourteen-year-olds Debbie and Hector narrate this coming-of-age novel. It explores the crossroads of adolescence through haikus, question-and-answer formats, and prose. Identify this winner of the Newbery Medal written by Lynne Rae Perkins.


This six-letter word could describe a role played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in a trilogy of movies. It is someone, or something, that is part human and part robot. Identify the word created by Manfred Clynes in 1960 by combining the words "cybernetic" and "organism."


Spelling required. The persimmon and cranberry salad was delicious. Spell the word in the preceding sentence that is a synonym of "tasty."


This man, who ruled from 522 to 486 B.C., was one of the Achaemenid [uh-KEE-muh-nid] dynasty's greatest rulers. He divided his kingdom into provinces governed by satraps [SAY-traps], and oversaw the construction of palaces at Susa and Persepolis. Who ruled the Persian Empire when the Greeks defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon?


This southwestern part of the Great Basin lies near the Mojave Desert. It holds the world record for a shaded area's temperature, at 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Identify the hottest, driest, lowest part of North America.


This literary term can describe "an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue." In literature, it is usually enclosed by quotation marks. Give the term for the conversation between characters in a literary work.


Hindus and Sikhs [SEEKS] celebrate this holiday in late October or early November. On the new moon night, Hindus invoke the presence of Lakshmi [LUHKSH-mee], the goddess of wealth. Give the name of this "festival of lights."

DIWALI [dih-WAH-lee] (Accept: DIVALI)

This small animal can be seen in many of Goya's paintings. It is the subject of one of his Black Paintings, in which the animal is almost drowned. Identify this animal also known as a canine.


In genetics, this type of allele is represented by capital letters. It will produce the same phenotype regardless of whether its paired allele is identical or different. What word was coined by Gregor Mendel for a form of gene that masks a recessive form?


This question requires a two-word answer. For a 1953 paper, Odile Crick drew this shape. It was her husband, along with his colleague, that discovered that DNA took on this structural shape. Name this spiraling, staircase-like shape.


Given the quadratic function F of X equals 4X minus 7X squared, in what direction does the parabola open?


This theatrical term originated because Elizabethan stages were sloped to allow water to drain toward the audience. Name the area of a stage closest to the audience.


In this kind of rehearsal, the costumes, lights, props, scenery, and sound are all implemented just as they will be in a real show. Give the term for the final theatrical rehearsal before a play opens.


This musical instrument found in all cultures is also a means of communication. In that kind of use, it is sometimes called the "talking telegraph." Identify this member of the percussion family that can beat out the rhythm of a piece of music.


This element of music has specific symbols with specific meanings. Musical style may play an important role in how the musician executes this element. Identify the element that is defined as the "louds" and "softs" of music.


This poetic character constantly stood on his head and finished the goose, with the bones and the beak. He balanced an eel on the end of his nose, and turned a back-somersault in at the door. Name this Lewis Carroll creation, whose son constantly reminds him of his age.


Give the following sentence's simple predicate nominative: Before the final match, they were the favorites to win the tournament.


Give the participial phrase in the following sentence: The dog fetching the stick hopes you will throw it again.


This music is most often played while dancers complete the intricate steps of the dance of the same name. It is often associated with people of Romani, or "gypsy," descent. Guitars play this music for the usually solo dancers. What is this folk music that originated in the Andalusia region of Spain?


This two-word theatrical phrase refers to the missing element of a box set. It is said to be "broken" when an actor addresses the audience directly. Which imaginary barrier separates actors from the audience?


This dance involves pretending to ride an invisible horse. The dancer does leg-shuffling gallops while either holding invisible reins or spinning a lasso. Identify this dance, which accompanies a K-pop hit of the same name by Korean rapper Psy [SI].


Two first and last name answers required. They worked together on more than 20 Broadway musicals and movies. One was a composer, and the other a lyricist, and both are remembered for their musical comedies. Identify the fully recognized names of these brothers of the Jazz Age, who collaborated on Of Thee I Sing and Porgy and Bess?


Generic term, please. A person suffering from mysophobia might have a fear of these microbes. Weird Al Yankovic sang about them, saying "They're all over me, They're inside of me, Can't get 'em off of me." The spread of what general pathogenic agents can be lessened by washing hands often?


The length of this period is largely a matter of the animal species' size. For dogs and cats, it's only about sixty days, but it takes over 600 days for an elephant's young to develop. Identify the period of development for a fetus before the mother gives birth.


The North viewed its 272 words as controversial because they favored the Declaration of Independence over the binding nature of the Constitution. Massachusetts' representative Edward Everett, not Abraham Lincoln, was tasked with delivering the funeral oration. Delivered on November 19th, 1863, what speech at the dedication of what would become the Soldiers' National Cemetery was given by Abraham Lincoln?


This object is a light bulb enclosed in a wire cage, and mounted on a stand. It is left onstage when the rest of a theater's lights have been turned off to prevent people from falling into the orchestra pit. Give the "eerie" name for this theatrical staple.


The focal point of this Vermeer painting is a small piece of jewelry. It is worn by a young woman whose hair is bound by a blue scarf. Identify this Vermeer painting, whose creation was dramatized in a 2003 movie of the same name.


These masses, which can cover hundreds of square miles, can be categorized as continental or alpine. They are formed over many years from packed snow, in areas where snow accumulates faster than it melts. What slow-moving masses of ice are often tourist attractions in national parks?


In Yiddish, this word means "slippery area." It can describe a computer error, or a sudden interruption in voltage in an electrical circuit. Give the six-letter term for any "defunct or malfunction in a machine or plan."


Full answer, not initials, required. In 2003, engineering's Draper Prize went to the co-inventors of this system that uses twenty-four satellites to precisely map locations on Earth. What do the letters GPS stand for?


The recent increase in Gentoo penguin numbers may be due to decreased sea ice coverage, caused by this phenomenon. In describing its effects, the Earth is often compared to a greenhouse. Identify the two-word phrase for the increase in the Earth's average temperature.


This event resulted in a bill that barred Roman Catholics from the English throne, and set Anne as successor to the current monarchs. It permanently established Parliament as England's ruling power after James the Second fled the country. In which event did Mary the Second and William of Orange become joint monarchs of England?


This work profiles Barbary the mud slinger, Mogg the cow savior, and Nelly the eel seller. It also tells of Alice, the singing shepherdess, and Hugo, a noble boy who proves his manhood by hunting a wild boar. Identify this Newbery-winning book, set in thirteenth-century England, and written by Laura Amy Schlitz.


At the Newfoundland coast, it becomes the western endpoint of the North Atlantic current. It originates at the tip of Florida, and flows northeast up the Atlantic coast. Identify this unusually warm ocean current.


Ancient Greeks named torches for this goddess, who assisted in the search for Persephone [per-SEF-uh-nee] after her abduction. Some artwork depicts her as having three bodies standing back-to-back, so she can look in all directions at a crossroads. Who is this Greek goddess of magic and spells?

HECATE [HECK-uh-tee]

Two answers required. One root precedes "sphere," while the other root can precede "colon." Give the Latin and Greek roots meaning "half."


In a food chain, this type of animal is a primary consumer. It can be classified as a grazer or browser, and has specialized teeth and stomachs for grinding down and digesting plants. What type of animal eats grass, fruits, and vegetables?


He carried the caduceus [kuh-DOO-see-us], a winged staff with two snakes entwined around it. The son of Zeus and Maia [MY-uh], he gave Odysseus the magical herb moly. What Greek god is the patron of travelers, herdsmen, and thieves, and is the messenger to the gods?


It includes Kowloon [COW-LOON] Peninsula, the New Territories, and more than 230 islands. It was a British crown colony, but gained some autonomy in 1997. Identify this special administrative region of China.


Identify the following sentence's noun phrase: Our host told us how she made dinner.


This term specifically referred to members of the Reformed or Calvinist communities in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century France. Which term adapted itself to refer to any French Protestant?

HUGUENOT(S) [HEW-guh-nots]

This term is the opposite of litotes [LYE-tuh-teez]. An example is, "She must have been ten feet tall." What is the literary term for extreme exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally?

HYPERBOLE [hi-PER-buh-lee]

This poem's title creature has "jaws that bite," "claws that catch," and "eyes of flame." It begins, "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves / Did gyre and gimble in the wabe." Give the title of this nonsense poem from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass.


Its characters include Mr. and Mrs. Potiphar, Pharaoh, and the title character's eleven brothers. Based on a story from Genesis, it features the songs "Close Every Door" and "Any Dream Will Do." What is this musical, a collaboration of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber?


This planet has a distinctive feature that is over 200,000 square miles in size. It is one of the solar system's giant gas planets. Identify this Jovian planet, the largest in our solar system.


The title figure in this work was a stubborn nineteen-year-old who joined an armed conflict despite the King of France's warnings. He distinguished himself by making pacts with Native Americans, convincing France to send the Americans aid, and leading men at Yorktown. Identify this biography of a French marquis [mar-KEY], a Sibert Honor book by Russell Freedman.


Obviously, the word leg names a part of the body. But it is also a Latin root that appears in words like "legal" and "legislation." Give its English meaning.

LAW (Accept other forms of the word)

This musical follows an escaped prisoner who cares for Cosette and avoids a certain Inspector. That prisoner is Jean Valjean [zhahn val-ZHAHN] and the inspector is Javert [zhah-VAIR]. Which musical shares its title with a Victor Hugo novel set during the French Revolution?

LES MISERABLES [lay miz-uh-RAHB] (Accept: LES MIS [LAY MIZ])

Also called a Drummond light or calcium light, it was the first theatrical spotlight, and consisted of a block of calcium oxide heated in burning hydrogen and oxygen. It provided a more natural ambience [ahn-BYAHNS] than footlights, and illuminated the most desirable part of the stage. Which piece of technology's name now means "the center of public attention"?


Pablo Picasso used this element of art in his abstract work to move the viewer's eyes from one object to another. It has length and direction, and may show emotion through its position in the artwork. What element of art may indicate action, or outline the edges of forms or shapes in the artwork?


This element was once an ingredient in Seven-Up. Its carbonate form is used as a treatment for bipolar disorder. What element has the atomic number 3, and symbol Li [ell eye]?


This yellowish-brown sedimentary deposit is made of calcium carbonate and silt-sized grains. It is highly porous and primarily deposited by the wind. Name this kind of soil found in the Rhine and Mississippi Valleys, as well as Asia.


Historians estimate that 15 percent of newly captured slaves died during this portion of their captivity. It describes a section of the triangular trade system, in which goods were circulated from Europe to Africa to the New World. What two-word phrase refers to the part of the triangular trade in which African slaves were brought to the New World under inhumane conditions?


This type of entertainment was popular in America between the 1840s and early 1900s. It included comedy skits, dancing, and music, and its performers usually wore blackface. What is this type of show that lost favor during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s?


This style of architecture spans the period between World War One and the 1970s. Identify this contemporary architectural style that included such architects as Mies van der Rohe [meez van der ROE-uh] and Le Corbusier [luh kawr-byoo-ZYAY].


Composers sometimes use this technique to add dramatic effects to their music. When the composer uses it, the music will change from one key to another without stopping. What term can also refer to a change in frequency in electronics?

MODULATION (Accept word forms)

In classical physics, laws of conservation cover mass, energy, and this other quantity. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle says a particle's position cannot be known at the same time as this property. A difference in what quantity, defined as mass times velocity, makes a lightweight car easier to stop than a heavier truck?


The only surviving examples of this order of mammals are all native to Australia and New Guinea. Consisting of the platypus and the echidna [uh-KID-nuh], it's the only group of mammals that lay eggs. Name this order of animal.


He narrates a story in which he claims that Fortunato [for-choo-NOT-oh] has wronged him. He gets revenge by walling his enemy into an underground crypt. Who is this narrator of Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" [uh-mon-tee-YAH-doh]?

MONTRESOR [mahn-TREE-zuhr]

This type of seasonal folk play usually involves Saint George and the resurrection of at least one character. It is performed by masked acting troupes who sometimes travel from door to door. What is this type of Christmas play popular in England?


Used as a verb, this four-letter word means "to think or meditate in silence." As a noun, it can refer to someone, usually a woman, who inspires an artist's work. What four-letter word also names any of the nine sister goddesses who presided over the arts in Greek mythology?


Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution gives Congress the ability to regulate this process. Until the 1960s, a quota system determined how many immigrants from each respective foreign country could undergo this transition. Identify this term, which describes the process by which foreigners become citizens.

NATURALIZATION (Accept word forms)

Let F of X equal negative X squared plus 5X. What is the value of F of negative 3?


Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature; that is a temperature of zero on the Kelvin scale. The formula C equals K minus 273 converts Kelvin temperatures to Celsius temperatures. Using this formula, what is the lowest possible temperature, in degrees, on the Celsius temperature scale?


According to a lieder by Brahms, this beautiful bird's song calls the listener to love. What is this bird, known for its beautiful voice, that Brahms tells to fly away and shower kisses on his mate?


The statue of Athena in the Parthenon held a small statue of this goddess in her outstretched palm. Appropriately, her Roman counterpart is Victoria. Identify the Greek goddess of victory.


In December 2013, this country threatened a surprise attack in a fax to its southern neighbor. Earlier that month, its leader had ordered the execution of his uncle, Jang Song-taek [jahng sawng TECK]. Name this nation, which Kim Jong Un has ruled since 2011, a nation often visited by Dennis Rodman.


This territory encompassed land north of Kentucky to the Canadian border, and west to modern-day Minnesota. Originally set aside for Native American use, it became all or part of six states, including Ohio. What territory created in 1787 was so named for its geographic location in early U.S. history?


He nominally ruled with his brother, Ivan the Fifth, before Ivan's death in 1696. He embroiled Russia in the Northern War, and spent months studying Western arsenals, shipyards, schools, and museums. Which tsar is credited with westernizing Russia, as well as founding a city that later became known as Petrograd?


This natural resource was at the center of the Exxon Valdez and the Deepwater Horizon spills. It made John D. Rockefeller incredibly wealthy, and today, is found in places such as Alaska, Texas, and Saudi Arabia. What is this fossil fuel, often distilled into kerosene, jet fuel, and gasoline?


In this ballet, the stage becomes a puppet theater. The Charlatan casts a spell with his magic flute and the puppets come to life. Identify this ballet about the ill-fated love of the titular puppet for the ballerina in the story, by Stravinsky.


This tissue in vascular plants gets its name from the Greek for "bark." It consists of sieve tubes, fibers, parenchyma [puh-RENG-kuh-muh], and sclereids [SKLER-ee-idz]. What is this food-conducting tissue called?


This ancient Mediterranean kingdom encompassed modern-day Israel, Syria, and Lebanon. Its people were traders and merchants who lived in such cities as Sidon [SIGH-dun] and Tyre. Which civilization was known for its purple dyes, and developed the writing system that eventually became the Roman alphabet?


In Biosphere 2, the LI-COR 6400 measures the effectiveness of this energy process. Melvin Calvin won a Nobel Prize for using carbon-14 to map the chemical reactions of this process. Identify this green plant process that combines C-oh-2, H-2-oh, and light energy to create oxygen and glucose.


This attack came after heavy fighting at Little Round Top, Cemetery Hill, and Devil's Den. It resulted in a crushing defeat for the Confederates, who began withdrawing from Pennsylvania. What ill-fated attack on Cemetery Ridge ended the Confederate Army's efforts at the Battle of Gettysburg?


This geographic feature is ten miles west of Colorado Springs in the Rocky Mountains' Front Range. Its namesake, a U.S. Army lieutenant, discovered it in 1806, but did not climb it. Which landform became part of a gold rush slogan, with miners crying its name, followed by "or bust"?


Her four best friends are Annika, Tommy, a horse, and a monkey. She is a captain's daughter with supernatural strength and red hair that she always wears in pigtails. Identify this quirky Astrid Lindgren character.

PIPPI LONGSTOCKING (Accept either name, or both)

This type of musical notation is unique to string instruments. It sounds similar to staccato, and involves playing a note by plucking the strings. What is this method of playing a stringed instrument that is abbreviated P-I-Z-Z?


This colony was later merged into the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It counted Myles Standish amongst its early members, and was helped by two Native Americans, Massasoit and Squanto. Identify this colony located in modern-day Massachusetts and founded in 1620.


The March of Dimes was established by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938 to put an end to this disease. Through vaccination, the disease is preventable. Identify this acute, infectious viral disease, from which FDR actually suffered.


The root of this term for a type of religious belief is also found in words that mean "many marriages" and "many syllables." This belief exists in many religions, but not in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. What is the term for the belief in more than one god?


This term refers to a community of animals, plants, or humans. What term, which begins with the letter P, refers to a group of organisms of one species that interbreed, and live in the same place at the same time?


This river's tributaries include the Shenandoah and Anacostia. It forms Maryland's borders with West Virginia and Virginia, and empties into the Chesapeake Bay. Name this river, which runs through Washington, D.C.


This word means "rotten pot" in French. It can refer to any mixture of music, literary extracts, or unrelated items, and the game show Jeopardy! often has a category with this name. Which term most commonly names a pleasant-smelling mixture of spices and dried rose petals?


One way of classifying this type of animal is by trophic level. Those at the top of a food chain may be additionally labeled as an "apex" type. Identify the word used to describe an organism that preys on other organisms for food.


This stage of meiosis is itself divided into five phases. Just before it begins, chromosomes duplicate to form two long, thin strands called chromatids. Identify the first stage of meiosis.


This principle of design is used to show distance and balance. It is especially important when showing differences in size. What principle enables the artist to show the relationship between the parts of the painting?


According to, vegetarian options in this food group include processed soy products, nuts and seeds. To improve nutrient intake and health benefits, at least 8 ounces of cooked seafood should be included in a weekly diet. Identify this food group that also includes beans, peas, poultry and meat.


This two-word phrase describes a type of property that is classified as residential or commercial. Most people use a realtor to buy this type of commodity, but that's not required by law. Which type of property consists of land and the buildings upon it?


Offspring of heterozygous parents have a 50-50 chance of getting this type of allele. If this type of allele doesn't pair up with a matching type, the dominant trait takes precedence. What type of gene can be masked by the dominant allele?


This process can occur in planarians, geckos, and starfish. Some animals have this ability, and can replace a lost limb. In what process can animals regrow body parts, or even become two new organisms when cut in two?

REGENERATION (Accept word forms)

This music has its roots in African music, although it originated in Jamaica. Its sounds come predominantly from bass and drums. What is this music associated with Peter Tosh, Rastafarianism and Bob Marley?


Listen to the following sentence: The film that won the Academy Award was this season's blockbuster. What kind of clause is "that won the Academy Award"?


In 1856, this party ran John C. Fremont for president under the slogan, "Free soil, free men, and Fremont!" It was formed in the mid-nineteenth century as a largely northern, industrial party that opposed the spread of slavery. What is this political party, whose presidential candidates have included Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Mitt Romney?


This two-word phrase is actually a marketing term developed by Apple. Devices and monitors with roughly 300 or more pixels per inch are branded with this term. So named because a person is unable to discern individual pixels at a normal viewing distance, what is this eye-catching pixel density found on MacBooks and iPads?


This element of music creates order in a musical piece. It usually occurs in a specific pattern in a specific time. What is the musical term for the beat of the musical composition?


Suppose that G of X is a transformation of the function F of X equals X squared. If G of X equals, the quantity, X minus 7, close quantity, squared, in what direction did the vertex of G of X move, compared to the vertex of F of X?


The Pythagorean theorem states that A squared plus B squared equals C squared for only this type of triangle. What type of triangle has two legs that are perpendicular to each other?


This work's title character encounters dwarves playing nine-pins in the Catskill Mountains. He falls asleep after drinking their liquor, and awakens to find that George Washington's portrait has replaced King George the Third's in the local tavern. Name this Washington Irving character who falls asleep for twenty years.


This long, complicated molecule is made out of linked amino acids. These amino acids — adenine [AD-uh-neen], guanine [GWAH-neen], cytosine [SIGH-tuh-seen], and uracil [YOOR-uh-sil] — take on a shape resembling a spiral staircase. Identify this molecule involved in protein synthesis and transmission of genetic information.


This novel is the prequel to Let the Circle Be Unbroken and The Road to Memphis. Cassie Logan and her family try to retain their land as night riders terrorize African-Americans in the deep South. Give the title of this Newbery-winning novel by Mildred D. Taylor.


This play begins with, "Two households, both alike in dignity, / In fair Verona, where we lay our scene." Benvolio, Tybalt [TIB-ult], and Mercutio [mer-KYOO-shee-oh] become entangled in the age-old feud between the Montagues and Capulets. Identify this tragedy of two star-crossed lovers, written by William Shakespeare.


This period of Picasso's art was less somber than his earlier period. In this period, his works were influenced by Parisian styles. Identify this period in Picasso's work with the name of the flower of love.


Jews prepare delicacies like bread and honey on this holiday's first night, and eat them on its second. It is called both the "Day of Remembrance" and the "Day of Judgment." Name this autumn holiday that marks the start of the Jewish New Year.


Early pioneers locating to the northern Great Plains referred to this tribe as the Snake Indians. With several branches, its members are closely related to the Paiute [PIE-yoot] and Ute tribes. Members of what tribe included Tina Manning Trudell, Chief Pocatello, and Sacagawea?

SHOSHONE [show-SHOW-nee]

This Roman deity was often identified with Faunus, the god of animals. He was originally the god of the countryside, but later became responsible for woodland pastures, parks, villas, and gardens as well. Identify this god, whose name is derived from the Latin word for "forests."

SILVANUS [sil-VEY-nus]

This type of tax is intended to reduce consumption by raising a good's final price. Products frequently subject to this sort of tax include unhealthy foods, tobacco, and alcohol. What is this tax, named for the vices it is intended to discourage?


Listen to this sentence: Mr. Spock steered the Enterprise toward the Golden Gate Bridge. How many words should be capitalized in the preceding sentence?


The root "d-o-r-m", as in dormant and dormitory, comes from the Latin. What is its English meaning?

SLEEP (Accept word forms)

This city's proximity to the unstable Caucasus region sparked fears of terrorist activity in early 2014. World leaders planning to visit there have criticized Russia for its social policies. What city won the right to host the 2014 Winter Olympics?




The first person to hold this position in the United States was Kentucky native Benjamin H. Bristow, who was appointed in 1870. The person who holds this office files "friend of the court" briefs to help the Supreme Court reach decisions in cases in which the United States has an interest. Which position, held by Donald Verilli in 2013, argues for the United States in front of the Supreme Court?


It came after the Tang [TAHNG] dyansty but before the Mongol Yuan [YOO-uhn] dynasty. Give this Chinese dynasty in power between 960 and 1279.


This Thrace-born leader served in the Roman army, then became a bandit before he was captured and sold as a slave. He led other slaves in the Gladiatorial War, which ended when Crassus and Pompey slaughtered them. Name this subject of a 1960 movie, in which all the other slaves claimed to be him.


Originally, this six-letter word referred to a young noble who served a knight in the hope of achieving his own knighthood. Eventually, it was applied to justices of the peace and local judges. What word, in England, names any country gentleman?


This city was founded by Pedro Aviles and named for the Catholic saint upon whose feast day it was discovered. It was the capital of Florida from 1565 until it was replaced by Tallahassee in 1824. What city is the longest continuously occupied European city in the New World?


One way an author creates this feeling in the audience is by using a cliffhanger. Events are often described as "building" this. What term refers to the intense feeling of anxiety and excitement that a reader feels when waiting for the outcome of certain events?


This six-letter term describes the arrangement of words in a sentence. Identify this six-letter word defined as, "the study of how words combine to form phrases, clauses, and sentences."


The tenets of this Eastern religion were compiled by the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu [LAOW-tsuh]. It emphasizes the Three Treasures of compassion, moderation, and humility. What is this religion, whose name means "the way" or "the path"?


The first of these fiscal policy measures passed Congress in 1789, and sought to repay debts incurred by the colonies during the Revolution. Another greatly magnified the effects of the Great Depression, and was named for its co-sponsors, Reed Smoot and Willis Hawley. What term describes a tax upon imports or exports?


This property is a measure of the kinetic energy of the molecules that make up a substance. It is also the degree of hot or cold of any substance. Identify this property usually measured in Celsius, Kelvin, or Fahrenheit.


It was proposed in April of 1863, and was designed to bring about a quick end to the Civil War. It laid out the requirements for re-entering the Union, and stipulated cooperation in ending slavery. A creation of Abraham Lincoln, what was this policy that required citizens to swear an oath of allegiance to the Union?


In computing, this term refers to a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to two to the 40th power bytes. It follows in series after kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte. What is the word used to denote approximately one trillion bytes?


This area is not to be confused with "home range." It is the area occupied by a single animal, mating pair, or group, and is vigorously defended from other animals, especially those of the same species. What term refers to this region animals mark as their home turf?


First and last name answer required. He gave speeches about the "Duties of American Citizenship" and "Citizenship in a Republic." He also spoke about "The Man with the Muck-Rake," thereby naming a type of investigative journalism. Who was this American president?


[lee-uh-NIGH-duss] and 300 Spartans held out for three days against the Persians at what pass?

THERMOPYLAE [ther-MOP-uh-lee]

An example of this behavior can be seen in sweet pea plants, whose growing tendrils actually feel the object, and coil around it as it is growing. What do we call this directional response of a plant to physical contact with a solid object?


How many prepositions are in the following sentence? We walked from our house to the school without seeing anyone we knew?


This organic material is classified into four groups: epithelial [ep-uh-THEE-lee-ul], connective, nerve, and muscle. It is created when similar kinds of cells combine. What kind of material, when combined, forms organs?


This crop was first cultivated for commercial use in the New World by John Rolfe at Jamestown. Europeans first encountered it during the expeditions of Christopher Columbus. Identify this crop, also known as "brown gold," which became a cash crop of Virginia, the Carolinas, and Kentucky.


This kind of map uses contour lines whose relative spacing indicates the relative slopes of surfaces. Identify this type of map, which shows the elevation, location, and relief of natural and man-made features.


Every night, hummingbirds enter into a hibernation-like state of physical inactivity. During this process, metabolism slows, and body temperature lowers. What is the sleeplike state also entered into by chipmunks in the winter?


These winds appear on the world's first weather map, created by Edmund Halley in 1686. The northeast and southeast types meet at the equator in a region called the Doldrums. What are these pleasant-weather winds, so named because they facilitate maritime commerce?


This three-word event occurred during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. It was the result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, and the culmination of decades of forced relocation. What three-word phrase describes the journey of southeastern Native Americans to Oklahoma?


"Kick," "clean," and "write" are most often used as this kind of action verb. What kind of action verb needs a direct object to complete its meaning?


"S" waves in an earthquake are examples of this type of wave. Particle displacement is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. Identify this type of wave, in which particles do not move along with the wave, but simply oscillate up and down.


In the 1700s this instrument, now called natural, had no valves. Identify this highest pitched brass instrument often associated with Latin musicians, and with Miles Davis and Louis Armstrong.


In the open ocean, one of these catastrophic events can sometimes travel as fast as a jet plane. Misleadingly called a tidal wave, it is correctly called by a Japanese word. What kind of massive wave commonly occurs after an undersea earthquake?


The name for this variety of food comes from the Latin for "bump" or "swelling." Examples include the taro, cassava, potato, and yam. What is the proper term for a swollen, fleshy, underground stem of a plant, bearing buds from which new plant shoots arise?


When these flowers were introduced from Turkey, they created a namesake "craze" in seventeenth-century Europe. Ordinary families mortgaged their businesses and homes for single bulbs, but the 1637 crash left an entire country destitute. Identify these flowers, which wreaked havoc on the Dutch economy.


The website tracks keywords on this social site. If you decide to use it, keep in mind you only have 140 characters to get your message across. Name the social website that uses a little blue bird for its logo.


A board is two and two thirds feet long. If the board is cut into four lengthwise sections, what would be the length of each section, in feet?


This word comes from the Japanese for "great prince." What is the word, beginning with T, for a wealthy, powerful businessperson?


Spelling required. The psychoanalyst craved vengeance against the financier. Spell the word from the previous sentence that means "the desire for revenge."


Upon this navigator's return, the spices in his ships were sold, garnering Portugal a huge profit from his first voyage. He later led the fourth Portuguese fleet to Goa, where he was appointed the first Governor of the subcontinent. Name the European explorer who first reached India by sea.


These people's name comes from a word for "servant" in medieval Latin. Lords promised to protect them, ensure justice in court for them, and provide their fiefs. What medieval class was granted land use in exchange for loyalty and military service to a lord?


This trademarked brand of fastener was invented by George de Mestral. Generically, it's called a hook and loop fastener. What invention's origin was observing how burrs stick to clothes?


Some doctors treat arthritis patients with this secretion. These fluids are classified into two major groups, neurotoxic and hemotoxic. Identify the poisonous secretion of an animal, such as a snake or scorpion, usually transmitted by a bite or sting.


Their name came from the Old Norse for "pirate." They left their homes in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway to seek land and plunder throughout Europe. Name this group of people that included Erik the Red and Leif Ericson.


This colony became a royal colony in 1624, after its charter was revoked. It was named in honor of Elizabeth the First. Identify this colony, first settled by Europeans in 1607 at Jamestown, now a state with its capital at Richmond.


This type of radiation occupies slightly less than one octave of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has wavelengths from 380 nanometers to 710 nanometers. Identify the term for the part of the spectrum that can be seen with the naked eye.


When this kind of landform collapses or explodes, a caldera [kal-DER-uh] forms. One may be pyroclastic, a cinder cone, or a shield. Give the name for a vent in the Earth's crust that spews lava and ash.


Members of this family include Brigitta [brig-EE-tuh], Liesl [LEE-suhl], and Gretl. They perform a puppet show about the Lonely Goatherd, and sing "So Long, Farewell" when their governess sends them to bed. Give the surname of the central family in The Sound of Music.


In a nonsense poem, this kind of animal asks oysters to walk with him on a beach. He weeps for them, but eats them with bread and pepper. What kind of animal talks with a carpenter in a Lewis Carroll poem?


This eight-letter term may either be expressed and presented in writing, or implied from circumstances. If it is not honored, it allows a consumer to seek a legal remedy to his issue. Give this term, which refers to a guarantee a consumer receives from a manufacturer that a product will be reasonably reliable.


This city and many of its buildings were designed by French architect Pierre L'Enfant [LAHN-fahnt]. Originally, Maryland and Virginia contributed land for its construction, but later, Virginia revoked its acreage. Name the capital city of the United States.


Name, please, not formula. This compound has the rare property of being more dense as a liquid than it is as a solid. It is essential to most plant and animal life, and makes up seventy percent of the Earth's surface. Name this liquid with chemical formula H-two-Oh.


For baby blue whales, this process takes place when they are about seven months old and fifty feet long. Many mammals are able to eat solid food well before ceasing to suckle. Name the process where babies learn to do without mother's milk.

WEANING (Accept word forms)

This functional art form is important in the textile industry. In it, two sets of yarn are interlaced to create designs. What art process creates artworks on a loom?

WEAVING (Accept word forms)

In British terminology, this musical note is called a semibreve [SEM-ee-BREHV]. Unlike all other written musical notes, it has no stem. What note has a length of four beats in four-four time?


It is named for the anti-slavery, Pennsylvania congressman who introduced it in 1846. It attempted to curtail the spread of slavery into the American West, but repeatedly failed to pass both houses of Congress. What was this failed proposal, that sought to forbid slavery in territory acquired from Mexico?


This term refers to something that occurs because your brain works like a spring when it comes to addiction. Once your brain becomes accustomed to the effects of a drug, discontinuing use of that drug can cause physical and emotional distress. What term refers to the symptoms that occur when an addicted user stops using drugs abruptly, as in quitting "cold turkey"?


This animal features prominently in the tale of a bored shepherd boy who convinces villagers that danger is near. When the animal really does appear, no one will come to the shepherd's aid because they think he is lying again. Identify this animal, which is also central to "Little Red Riding Hood."


In this historical novel, a farm accident cripples eleven-year-old Nathaniel. His father adopts John, a boy from the Orphan Trail, to perform the chores that Nathaniel can no longer do. Identify this Scott O'Dell Award-winning book, written by Alexandria Lafaye.


This YALSA finalist combined the work of anthropologists, archaeologists, and other scientists. Through excavations and reconstructions, its subtitle is Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland. Name this nonfiction work by Sally M. Walker.


This type of electromagnetic radiation has an extremely short wavelength. In nature, it is produced by the high temperature inside the sun and other stars. What is this type of electromagnetic radiation used in medicine to locate breaks in bones?


This eighth-generation video game console is marketed as an all-in-one entertainment system. It uses voice recognition technology to accept commands, and can also be controlled with gestures. Name the Microsoft-made console that combines games, media, and Internet.


This tissue found in plants consists primarily of tracheids and vessels. It conducts water and minerals from the roots, provides support, and forms the wood of trees and shrubs. Name this hard tissue of vascular plants.


State your result as a polynomial in descending order. What is the result when these two polynomials are subtracted: The quantity, X cubed plus 2X squared minus 7X, close quantity, minus the quantity, 5X squared plus 4X minus 5, close quantity?


Solve the inequality for X: 3X plus 5 is less than X minus 7.


Solve the inequality for X: 4X is greater than or equal to 8X minus 12.


The equation of a line in standard form is 4X plus 5Y equals 20. What is the equation in slope intercept form?


This landform encompasses the northern portions of Belize and Guatemala, as well as three Mexican states. It is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, and to the east by the Caribbean Sea. Which Mexican peninsula contains Chichén Itzá [CHEE-chen EET-sah], Cozumel, and Cancun?


Events A and B are mutually exclusive. What is the probability that both A and B occur at the same time?


This navigator launched several voyages from Nanjing from 1405 to 1433. He sailed as far as Java, Sri Lanka, Mecca, and Mombasa, collecting tribute and establishing diplomatic relations along the way. Give this Chinese explorer who traveled the Indian Ocean.


Divisions of this branch of science include cetology [see-TOL-uh-jee], conchology [kong-KOL-uh-jee], and cynology. It includes the study of structure, physiology, development, and classification of organisms. What is the branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life?


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