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The Word of God - class

"in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God" - God uses words to speak things into existence - God creates through Jesus - Faith seeking understanding


*refers to the self-emptying of Christ in the incarnation*, as well as his conscious acceptance of obedience to the divine will that led him to death by crucifixion. Many theologians see in the term a reference to Jesus' choice not to exercise the prerogatives and powers that were by virtue of his divine nature.

Introduction to Christology TCTR 4.28 Forsyth on the person of Christ

- Argues that this approach lacks adequate historical foundation of justification and is theologically indefensible - Critical of those wishing to reclaim the "religion of Jesus" meaning the personal faith of Jesus in God, rather than the religion about Jesus, otherwise known as Christianity

3.3 irenaeus of lyons on the trinity

- God the father uncreated

the place of Jesus Christ in Christian theology

- Jesus Christ is the historical point of departure for Christianity - Jesus Christ reveals God - Jesus Christ is the bearer of salvation - Jesus Christ defines the shape of the redeemed life

2.32 Charles Hodge on the Inspiration of Scripture

- Old Princeton Theology: notable for its emphasis on biblical authority and inspiration

The goodness of human sexuality and work TCTR 6.22 Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola on Human Nature

- Pico della Mirandola insists that humanity is not assigned to any particular location or assigned any specific function within creation. It is the privilege and responsibility of humanity to determine its own place and function, through the proper exercise of its freedom and intelligence

Joachim of Fiore: the three ages

- age of the father - age of the son - age of the spirit

1.32 Gustavo Gutierrez on Theology as Critical reflection

- emphasis on practice rather than theory

1.13 John Calvin on the nature of faith

- emphasis placed upon the role of the Holy Spirit

Chalcedon TCTR 4.12 Nestorius on the term theotokos

-Controversy focuses on whether Mary, the mother of Jesus, may properly be referred to as theotokos (God-bearer). Nestorius is here depicted as confused about whether to use the term or not, hesitant as to what its use affirmed, yet fearful as to what its denial might imply - Nestorius was alarmed at the implications of using the term theotokos because it seemed to deny the humanity of Christ

Arius, Nicea, Constantinople - TCTR 1.5, 4.7


Attributes of God - TCTR 3.21, 3.27, 3.30, 3.24



A distorted belief in three different Gods--Father, Son, and Spirit--rather than one God who is unified and yet diversely three persons.

general revelation

A term used to declare that God reveals something about the divine nature through the created order. called general because it only give general or indirect information about God. General because it is available to all humankind

Introduction to Trinitarian Theology - CT II.13.299-310

APPROACHING THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY - statement about Jesus - statement about God - islamic critiques: some interpreters oof Islam believe that Christians worship 3 distinct Gods THE BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY - 3 major personifications of God: wisdom, word of God, Spirit of God HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOCTRINE - emergence of trinitarian vocabulary - emergence of trinitarian concepts TWO TRINITARIAN HERESIES - modalism - tritheism

TCTR 10.11 Augustine of Hippo on the Christian hope

Agustin explores the relationship between Flash and spirit. Augustine clearly distinguish the Christian view of death and immortality from The View he associated with Plato

2.6 origen on the three ways of reading scripture

Alexander origen uses the imagery of Body Soul and Spirit to distinguish three different ways in which scripture may be read

3.21 Thomas Aquinas on divine omnipotence

Aquinas argues that sin is a defect and is therefore inconsistent with the idea of GOd as a perfect being. God cannot sin because it is not in God's nature to be deficient

2.47 James I. Packer on the nature of revelation

Argues for the impossibility of such a personal self disclosure without an accompanying information or verbal element

Augustine of Hippo: the two cities

Augustine is aware of the fact that the word end has two meanings. The ends can mean either the ceasing to be of what was, or the perfecting of what was begun.

Attributes of God - CT III.9.175-190

CAN GOD SUFFER classic view - God doesn't suffer paradigm shift - rise to idea that God could suffer Jurgan Moltmann - idea of a suffering God

Sources of Theology: Experience - CT II.6.130-134

Four main approaches to the question of the relationship between experience and theology that you are likely to encounter within Christian theology: - Experience provides a foundational resource for Christian theology - Christian theology is able to relate to human experience and to the "ultimate questions" that arise from it - Christian theology provides a framework by which human experience may be interpreted -God is simply an objectification of human experience

Process theology

God acts through persuasion


God acts through secondary causes


God acts through the laws of nature

1.3 Tertullian on the relationship between philosophy and heresy

He argued that philosophy's use in theology could only lead to heresy within the church Basic thesis is that secular philosophies contain core ideas which ultimately are inconsistent with the Christian faith

Irenaeus of Lyons

Humans are created with certain capacities for growth toward maturity and perfection. This process requires contact with and experience of good and evil if truly informed decision

3.23 Julian of Norwich on God as our Mother

Julian's distinctive tendency to refer to both God and Jesus Christ in strongly maternal terms, paralleling her regular use of "mother" to refer to the church


Literally "of the same substance" was unused by Athanasius and others to argue that the Son derives his substance form the Father and hence shares the same substance as the Father ( eventually became accepted as orthodox teaching

1.27 Vladimir Loossky on apophatic approaches to theology

Lossky's exposition of the apophatic approach to theology highlights the mystery of God and the limitation placed upon any human attempt to represent or describe the divine nature

2.16 Martin Luther on Revelation in Christ

Luther insists that the knowledge of God through nature is limited and inadequate knowledge of God which must be supplemented and corrected in the light of Scripture - General knowledge of God is accessible to humanity as a whole, but a more specific knowledge exists within the Christian community alone

the original quest for the historical Jesus

Original quest was based upon the presupposition that there was a radical gulf between the historical figure of Jesus and the interpretation which the Christian church had placed upon him

Original Sin TCTR 6.9 Augustine on fallen human nature

Originally created without fault, human nature is now contaminated by sin, and can only be redeemed through grace

2.38 Emil Brunner on the personal nature of revelation

Place emphasis upon the personal disclosure of God to humanity with humanity being the conversation partner of God. Stresses the personal nature of divine revelation, which is an integral aspect of his notion of the divine human dialogue

How Can We Talk about God?: Revelation - class

Problems, Riddles, Puzzles Mystery - cannot be solved - God as mysterious Divine Revelation - God's communication of God's self to us *general revelation * special revelation


Purgatory is perhaps best understood as an intermediate stage in which those who have died in a state of grace are given an opportunity to purge themselves of the guilt of their sins before finally entering heaven

Sources of Theology: Scripture - CT II.6.104-122

SCRIPTURE Old testament - Hebrew Bible - First Testament - Tanakh New Testament - 4 gospels, expansion of Christianity, letters, revelations Other works: deutero-canoonical and apocryphal writings - The issue that remains of real theological significance today concerns the canon of Scripture. Does the fact that the church drew up the canon imply that the church has authority over Scripture? The relationship between the OT and NT - distinctively Christian attitude toward the OT, which can be summarized in 3 principles: * Theological principles and ideas *Ethical principles *Cultic practices: The canon of Scripture: historical and theological issues - Three theological approaches to the issue of the relationship between community and text church and Bible have emerged over the history of Christian thoughts *The church has authority over scripture, more of a catholic position *scripture has authority over the church, more of a protestant position *the church and Bible Belong Together THE WORD OF GOD - 3 things the phrase refers too * Jesus as the word of God made flesh * The gospel of Jesus Christ * refer to the whole Bible


The characteristic, usually associated with God, of being unaffected by earthly, temporal circumstances, particularly the experience of suffering and its effects.

hypostatic union

The doctrine of faith that *recognizes two natures (one human and one divine) in the one divine Person of Jesus Christ.*

TCTR 7.22 The first Vatican Council on papal Primacy in the church

The first Vatican Council met to consolidate the position and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church at a time of Crisis and uncertainty, largely brought about by political and social developments in Europe. The position of the Roman Catholic Church appeared increasingly insecure. Part of the achievement of Vatican one was the reactor Tatian of the authority of the church.

unconditional election

The view that election, understood as the predetermination of the destiny of human individuals, is based on God's sovereign, eternal decree rather than merely on divine foreknowledge of whether they will freely reject or accept salvation through Jesus Christ.

TCTR 7.6 Augustine of Hippo on the Mixed Nature of the Church

The view that the church is a "mixed body" consisting of both the righteous and unrighteous. For Augustine, God alone is the judge and arbiter of who is a true Christian, and God's judgment on this matter cannot be fully known in advance

Theology as an academic discipline - class

Theology as God talk - God talks to God - God talks to the cosmos - The cosmos talk to God - We talk about the above Theology as an ecclesial discipline - "faith seeking understanding" Theology as a set of academic discipline - Biblical studies and theology - historical theology - systematic theology - practical theology - spiritual theology - moral theology - philosophical theology

3.40 Elizabeth A. Johnson on male and female images of God

While the mystery of God ultimately transcends all human images it can nevertheless be spoken about equally well using male or female analogies


a term used to designate the work of the Holy Spirit in enabling the human authors oof the Bible to record what God desired to have written in the Scriptures

Alexandrian school conceives of deification as

a union with the substance of God

satisfaction theory of the atonement

an *understanding of the work of Christ based on the metaphor of God as a sovereign who, having been dishonored by sin, must receive satisfaction. Because through sin humans perpetrated the insult, only a human should provide such satisfaction, but the insult was so great that only God can do so. In that he is both God and man, Jesus Christ was able to provide the necessary satisfaction primarily through his obedient death.* originated with Anselm

A key figure in the later development of holiness teaching was Phoebe Worrall palmer, where Wesley had seen holiness as a gift, palmer tented to see it as

an obligation


any teaching rejected by the Christian community as contrary to Scripture and hence to orthodox doctrine. Heresy is generally reserved for any belief that claims to be Christian and scriptural bout has been rejected by the church as sub- christian or anti-scriptural

2.8 Augustine of Hippo On the literal and allegorical senses of scripture

argues that the spiritual sense has always been present in the Old Testament however it is only seen properly in the light of the New Testament

Paul's eschatology also shows a tension between the now and the not yet

at several points, Paul emphasizes that the coming of Christ inaugurated a new era or age the resurrection of Jesus as seen by Paul as an eschatological event which affirms that the new age really has been inaugurated Paul looks forward to the future coming of Jesus Christ in Judgment at the end of time major theme of Paul's eschatology is the coming of the Holy Spirit


attribute that denotes God's knowing all things. means that all events are present to the divine mind; that is, God has direct cognition of everything in creation

Francis Asbury held that believers should

be encouraged to expect "entire sanctification" at some point in their lives.


being made divine


deriving form the Latin verb essential which means "to be". essence is the fundamental nature of something apart from which the thing would not be what it is. Essence, then, is the core of what makes something what it is without being something else. Trinity is said to share the same essentia

Liberation theology

developed an approach to suffering based upon its emphasis upon the poor and the oppressed

Symbols of the Spirit

dove, fire, oil


in the early church *the teaching that Jesus was fully God but only appeared to be human* (from greek "to seem or appear") docetist theologians emphasized the qualitative differnce between God and humans and therefore downloaded the human elements of Jesus' life in favor of those that pointed ot his deity. the early chu h rejected docetism as an heretical interpretation of the biblical teaching about Jesus

communicatio idomatum

latin for *"communication of attributes."* According to this teaching, *Jesus' status as both fully God and fully human implies that whatever is true of Jesus' humanity is also true of his deity and vice versa* without mixing the qualities of the divine or human nature. For example, if Jesus suffers and if Jesus is God, then it can be concluded that in Jesus God suffers


literally "right praise" or "right belief". implies being characterized by consistency in belief and worship with the Christian father as witnessed in Scripture

process theology

locates the origins of suffering and evil within the world in a radical limitation upon the power of God

the architecture of theology

main divisions of modern theology: - biblical studies - systematic theology - philosophical theology - historical theology - practical or pastoral theology - spiritual or mystical theology - apologetics

NT Christological titles

messiah son of God son of Man Lord Savior God


refers to the divine act whereby God makes humans, who are sinful and therefore worthy of condemnation, acceptable before a God who is holy and righteous.

Pauline images of salvation

salvation, adoption, justification, redemption

TCTR 7.19 The Westminster Confession of faith on the church

sets out a reformed view which makes a distinction between the invisible and visible churches. Note how the individual particular churches are to be judged in terms of their Doctrine and sacraments, rather than the morals of their members.

TCTR 7.20 Rodger Williams on the separation of the church from the world

strongly advocated the separation of church and state. John Cotton maintains that even though church and state were two separate entities, the magistrates acted as the Protectors of the church. Williams rejected any such idea, holding that the church must be separate from the world. One secular ideas or authority gain a foothold within the church, he argues, its identity as a Christian Church is compromised.

original sin

the *state of alienation from God into which all humans are born.* historically, original sin was connected to the discussion about the manner in which Adam's sin affects all humans, such as through the transmission of Adam's fallen nature or through God's imputation of Adam's sin

the millennium

the Millennium, or restored Earthly Kingdom lasting for a. Of 1000 Years, intervening between the coming of Christ in the establishment of a totally new cosmic order.


the idea that scripture is completely free for error. it is generally agreed by all theologians who use the term that inerrancy at least refers too the trustworthy and authoritative nature off Scripture as God's Word

TCTR 10.12 Gregory the Great on purgatory

the key question Gregory poses is this: what is this age to come, in which there is a possibility of forgiveness? And what does this imply about the life to come?


the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian person and community in assisting believers to interpret, understand and obey the Scriptures. Illuumination is a matter of faith as well as intellectual assent - the spirits goal in illumination movies beyond mere intellectual assent to propositions of Scripture to the movement of the human will to trust Christ and obey him

what do terms such as "spirit" or "Holy Spirit" designate?

the presence and activity of GOd in the world and in human experience


the realm in which there is not beginning and no end. as a term relative to the concept of time, eternity is what lies beyond time and is not constrained any time. thus it is the characteristic or attribute associated with God alone, because God has no beginning point and no ending point


the teaching of an early group of jewish-christian sects that were committed to an ascetic or poor lifestyle ebonies rejected the pauline epistles, concentrated on the theme of doing good works according too the book of James, *saw the Christian life as strict obedience to a moral code and understood Jesus as one who was anointed by God at baptism because of his perfect o science to the mosaic law.* although ebionism was not officially condemned by the church, it never gained widespread acceptance

economic trinity

the trinity in relationship to the world, economic trinity refers to how God as a tripersonal being relates to the world, which in turn provides the biblical context for understanding how the persons of the Trinity relate to each other


widely used to refer to the transformation of the human situation through Christ


word meaning fellowship, communion, or intimate sharing

New Testament: Models for understanding the theological identity of the church

- The church as the people of God - The church as a community of salvation - The church as the body of Christ - The church as a servant people - The church as the community of the Spirit

1.5 The Nicene Creed

- The creed was intended to affirm the full divinity of Christ against the Arian understanding of his creaturely status, and includes four explicit condemnations of Arian views as well as three articles of faith

defining theology

- Theology is basically the systematic study of the fundamental ideas of the Christian Faith - The phrase "Christian theology" is more specifically understood to mean the systematic study of the ideas of the Christian faith including the following four issues: *The sources of theology (scripture, tradition, reason, and authority *The development of theology: the ways these ideas have emerged over time *The coherence of theology: the ways Christian ideas relate to each other *The applications of theology: the difference the ideas of christtian theology make to the way in which christians relate

1.24 Karl Barth on the Nature and Task of Theology

- Theology's "task" is service in Church to remind the people that the church is under the authority of the Gospel and the law

Introduction to Christology TCTR 4.21 Francois Turrentine on the threefold office of Christ

- Threefold: prophet, priest, king - Threefold framework allowed the multiple nature of sin and redemption to be explained, and also enabled some basic misunderstanding concerning the person of Christ to be addressed

3.7 Gregory of Nyssa on Human Analogies of the Trinity

- Trinity cannot be thought of as 3 separate Gods

1.1 Justin Martyr on Philosophy and Theology

- argues that Christ is the logos - Idea that god has scattered the seeds of the logos throughout the world before the coming of Christ, so that secular wisdom and truth can point, however imperfectly, to Christ

three general positions on the rediscovery of eschatology

- futurist - inaugurated - realized

hell criticisms

- hell's existence is seen as a contradiction of the Christian assertion of the final victory Of God over evil. - the notion of vindictive justice has seemed unchristian too many writers, especially in the light of many New Testament passages speaking of the compassion of God.

4 "images"

- image distinct from likeness - image as reason - image as relationality - image as role

2.18 John Calvin on the relationship between the old and new testaments

- insists on the continuity between the testaments, identical in terms of their substance

Augustine's basic ideas

- natural human freedom is affirmed: human beings do not do things as a matter of necessity but as a matter of freedom - Human free will has been weakened and incapacitated - but not eliminated or destroyed - through sin - In order for the free will to be restored and healed, it requires the operation of divine grace - Analogy of a pair of scales with two balance pans - Human free will has become biased toward evil

Augustine of Hippo

Creation and redemption were the work of one and the same God. It was therefore impossible to ascribe the existence of evil to creation, or this merely transferred blame to God. God created the world good, evil is a direct consequence of the misuse of human freedom

1.2 Clement of alexandria on philosophy and theology

Clement argues that God gave philosophy to the Greeks as a way of preparing them for the coming of Christ, in the same way as he gave the Jews the law of Moses

Council of Constantinople

Historical sequence: Stage 1: the recognition of the full divinity of Jesus Christ Stage 2: the recognition of the full divinity of the Spirit Stage 3: the definitive formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity, embedding and clarifying these central insights and determining their mutual relationship

-Creatures in the Image of God TCTR 6.3 Origen on the Image of God

Draws a distinction between the :"image: and "likeness" of God, arguing that the term "image" refers to the status of humanity and the term "likeness" oto the final perfection of the human race at the resurrection

3.24 William of Ockham on the two powers of God

Draws a distinction between two modes of divine actions. GOd must originally have been able to act in any manner, provided it did not involve contradiction

Philosophical Background - class

Early Church - plato *ontology: what is * platonic form/idea: eternal/ unchanging - logos * heraclitus * stoicism - demiurge


Greek for "substance" or "being." Trinitarian thought suggests that the Son derives his ousia from the Father, and yet what the Son is so the Father is exactly. In their formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity, the Cappadocian fathers declared that God was one ousia but three hypostaseis.

TCTR 10.9 Gregory of Nyssa on the resurrection body

Gregory here develops the idea that the concept of Resurrection can be understood in terms of restoration or repristination - in other words, the restoration of things to the state in which they were created

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.2 Irenaeus of Lyons on "recapitulation" in Christ

This term means something like going over the same ground again. Christ recapitulates the history of Adam. The salvation of humanity, which was lost in Adam, was therefore regained in Christ

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.33 Dorothee sole on suffering and redemption

To regard human suffering as the demonstration of divine strength or as a Chrstiian calling fails to provide adequate answers to two basic questions: What is the meaning of suffering and under what conditions can it make us more human

orthodoxy and heresy

Traditional Christian beliefs vs. rival beliefs that divert from orthodox teachings.

Models of the Trinity - class

Trinitarian heresies - modalism - tritheism Eastern and western emphases - eastern emphasis on 3 persons - western emphasis on one being models of the trinity - cappadocian fathers - Augustine of hippo - Karl Barth: god reveals himself - Karl rainier: economic is immanent and immanent is economic - Robert Jenson

what is faith

Two latin phrases are often used in the theological literature to express this difference between the content of faith and an act of faith Fides quae creditur (the faith which is believed) Refers to an objective set of beliefs (ex. Apostles creed) Fides qua creditur (the faith by which is believed) Refers to a subjective act of trust or assent, by which individual believers accept the basic ideas of the Christian faith

2.37 Karl Barth on Revelation as God's self-disclosure

Understand the relationship between revelation, the word of God, and Jesus Christ. Places emphasis on the necessity of divine revelation if human beings are to know anything of God

How Can We Talk about God?: Revelation - TCTR 2.16, 2.17, 2.37, 2.38, 2.47


Introduction to Christology CT 207-214


Models of the Trinity - TCTR 3.3, 3.7, 3.12, 3.23, 3.38


Philosophical Background - TCTR 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4


Salvation and Atonement CT 246-279


Sources of Theology: Tradition - TCTR 2.2, 2.5, 2.19


The Person of the Spirit CT 280-294


CT 272






Creatures in the Image of God CT 327-329


How Do We Talk about God?: Negative Theology, Positive Theology, Analogy - TCTR 1.10, 1.25, 1.27, 1.31, 1.33, 3.40, 3.41


Introduction to Christology Continued CT 214-236


Original Sin CT 329-332


Sources of Theology: Scripture - TCTR 2.6, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12, 2.15, 2.18, 2.32, 2.50


Theology as an academic discipline - CT II.5.83-103


Theology as an academic discipline - TCTR 1.13, 1.24, 1.32


Creation CT 190-202


Evil CT 202-206


The Resurrection and Ascension CT 236-245



(literally, "of similar substance") was used by the Semi-Arians to argue that the Son was of similar but not identical substance as God the Father.

communicatio operationum

*(communication of operations) suggests that any work or action of Christ's divine nature is at the same time the work of his human nature and vice versa.* In short, both of these terms are meant to safeguard the fact that Jesus is only one person rather than two, even though the one person is both Human and divine. Thus whatever Christ does is in fact the singular action of the one God-man

creatio ex nihilo

*Latin phrase for "creation out of nothing"* - Augustine is credited with developing the *argument that God created the world without any preexisting materials.* this was in contrast to impost greek philosophers, who understood the creative act as God's ordering of eternally existing materials into the present world or universe. The value of the doctrine of creation ex nihilism is that it maintains a clear distinction between God and the created order and also maintains the God alone has eternal status


*a transfer of benefit or harm from one individual to another*. In theology, imputation may be *used negatively to refer to the transfer of the sin and guilt of Adam to the rest of humankind. Positively, imputation refers to the righteousness of Christ being transferred to those who believe in him for salvation*

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.19 John Calvin on the grounds of redemption

- Affirms that the quality of the redeemed life exceeds that of the innocent life. Argues that God's bearing the penalty for sin was far more effective demonstration of the love of God for humanity than the mere rescinding of any penalty that was due

3 areas in which at least traces of a notion of "original sin" can be discerned in the Greek patristic traditions (accd to scholar J.N.D. Kelly)

- All humanity is understood to be involved, in some manner, in the disobedience of Adam -The fall of Adam is understood to affect the human moral nature. All human moral weaknesses, including lust and greed, can be put down to Adam's sin -Adam's sin is often represented as being transmitted, in some undefined manner, to his posterity

Introduction to Christology Continued TCTR 4.29 Dorothy L. Sayers on Christology and Dogma

- Analysis of the relationship between the divinity and humanity of Chrisit, Sayers argues for their mutual importance in relation to our knowledge of God. argues that claims to moral or cultural authority must be grounded in something intrinsic to the person of Christ. Otherwise, Christ is judged by moral and cultural principles instead of acting as their basis - It is not good enough to agree that Jesus had some useful ideas, unless we have good reasons for asserting that there is something distinctive about Jesus which requires us to take those ideas with compelling seriousness

TCTR 6.17 Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Grace

- Aquinas deals with various ways in which the word "grace" may be understood while affirming that in its proper sense, grace designates something supernatural implanted by God within the human soul - Relationships between words in their everyday senses and the same words in their more specifically religious senses - Aquinas understands grace in ontological, rather than relational, terms

The Resurrection and Ascension TCTR 4.24 Martin Kahler on the historical Jesus

- Argued that it is the "Christ who is preached" rather than the "historical Jesus" which is of decisive importance to Christian faith -Two objectives: *Criticize and reject the errors of the life of Jesus movement *Establish the validity of an alternative approach, this latter being by far the more important

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.1 Irenaeus of Lyons on the "ransom" theory of the atonement

- Argues that the death of Christ is to be regarded as a ransom, by which God justly liberated humanity from Satanic captivity - Develops an approach to the doctrine of the atonement which seeks to maintain justice while maintaining the existing tradition which spoke of humanity as being under Satan's dominion as a result of sin

TCTR 6.12 The Council of Carthage on Grace

- Condemned as heretical a series of eight teachings - Sought to put an end to the Pelagian controversy through the eight explicit condemnations here presented. It is essential to realize that each of the eight statements is condemned, not affirmed

Creatures in the image of God TCTR 6.41 Pope Benedict XVI on the Identity of Humanity

- Considers the implications of the notion of humanity being created in the image of God - Humanity alone bears God's image and breath

TCTR 6.13 The Second Council of Orange on Grace and Freedom

- Council made 25 rulings in which it condemned a series of positions which is regarded as failing to do justice to the priority of God's grace

Original Sin TCTR 6.13 Second council of orange on grace and freedom

- Council made 25 rulings, in which it condemned a series of positions which it regarded as failing to do justice to the priority of God's grace - Contained 7 rulings which condemned viewpoints regarded as unacceptable

TCTR 6.21 Gabriel Biel on merit and justification

- Developed an approach to the doctrine of justification which he believed avoided Pelagianism on the one hand while on the other hand doing justice to the need to involve the believer in the process of justification - Places considerable emphasis upon the divine generosity - We are asked to turn away from sin and toward God, once this is achieved, God supplements this with his git of grace - Biel argued that his emphasis on God's liberality meant that he had avoided falling into any kind of Pelagianism in this matter - Luther disagreed with him

TCTR 6.23 Martin Luther on justifying faith

- Develops the idea that faith unites the believer to Christ in much the same way as marriage unites a bride and bridegroom - Luther sees faith as far more than intellectual assent to propositions - Faith establishes a living personal relationship between Christ and the believer - Luther's concern here is to illuminate how faith is able to deliver such benefits to believers - Emphasizes the critical role of faith in establishing an intimate relationship between Christ and the believer

TCTR 6.24 Martin Luther on Sin and Grace

- Discussion of the relationship between sin and grace in the life of the believer - The basic argument is that sin and righteousness coexist in the existence of believers so that they are at one and the same time sinners and righteous people - Sinners are accepted on account of Christ's righteousness - Luther's analogy of the doctor accounts for the persistence of sin in believers and also for the gradual transformation of the believer and the future elimination of that sin - It is not necessary to be perfectly righteous to be a Christian

Evil TCTR 3.13 - 3.13 Augustine of Hippo on the Relationship between God and Evil

- Evil represents a free turning away from God rather than a positive entity in its own right -Denies a dualists answer to the problem of evil -Evil as absence of goodness

Original Sin TCTR 6.1 Irenaeus of Lyons on human progress

- Irenaeus addresses the question of why God did not create humanity in a state of total perfection - He claimed that it was because humanity was simply not able to receive this gift of perfection. Perfection is something that comes about through personal growth

Introduction to Christology TCTR 4.2 Irenaeus of Lyons on Gnosticism in Christology

- Irenaeus sets out a list of various Christological heresies which stem from Gnosotic influences - References the docetic view that Christ was a human being in appearance only - Offers readers both info concerning what the Gnoostic opponents of Christianity taught and responses to these teachings

4.7 Arius on the status of Christ

- Most fundamental Arian belief was that Jesus Christ was not divine in any meaningful sense of the term. He was "first among the creatures" that is, [reemintnet in rane, yet unquestionably a creature rather than divine. The father is regarded as existing before the son.

Evil TCTR 3.43 -3.43 David Bentley Hart on God and Evil

- Natural disasters raise important questions about God - Hart's response to natural disaster avoids many of the traditional religious responses to such disasters - such as seeing it as a divine judgment on human immortality or irreligiosity - Hart's response mingles a principals refusal to make simplistic judgments about a complex world and a firm conviction of the hoope o ultimate transformation, seen especially in the final section of this reading

TCTR 6.33 John Wesley on justification

- Need for a "living" faith and the role of experience in the Christian life through his conversion experience - A vigorous attack on the idea of forensic justification - Wesley regards the idea of the imputed righteousness of Christ as morally and theologically untenable because it suggests that God is deceived when he justifies individuals or pretends that we are in reality someone else (in this case, Christ) - Wesley argues for a move away from forensic ideas of justification to a more biblical understanding of justification simply as "pardon and forgiveness"

TCTR 3.8 Basil of Caesarea on the Work of the Holy Spirit

- Notes the work of the Spirit in relation to "being made like God" and "being made God" - Argues that the Holy Spirit does something that only God can do - If the Holy Spirit performs functions which are specific to God, it must follow that the Holy Spirit shares in the divine nature

TCTR 6.28 The council of Trent on justification

- Opposes Calvin's view on the nature of justification - Defends the idea that justification is the process of regeneration and renewal within human nature, which brings about a change in both the outer status and inner nature of the sinner - For Trent, justification includes the idea of regeneration

Evil TCTR 3.22 - 3.22 Bonaventure of Bagnoregio on the Origin of Evil

- Origin of sin in the human creature's tendency to focus on itself, rather than on God, its creator and sustainer - Since evil is an absence of goodness, evil itself cannot really be said to have a nature

Karl Barth

- Rejected prior notions of omnipotence in favor of a belief in the triumph of God's grace over unbelief, evil, and suffering. A confidence in the ultimate triumph of the grace oof God enables believers to maintain their morale and hope in the ace of a worlds which is seemingly dominated by evil - Evil is a mysterious power of "nothingness" which has its grounds in what God did not will in the act of creation

Original Sin TCTR 6.38 Valerie C. Saiving on Feminist approaches to sin

- Saiving suggest that the focus on pride characteristic of traditional Christian interpretations of sin reflects a specifically masculine experience that is inappropriate to the experience of most, if not all women - Saiving holds that contemporary theologian make the mistake of assuming that a "thinking man's theology is equally good for a thinking woman" - Argues that women experience sin in a different manner from men

2.19 The council of trent on scripture and tradition

- Scripture could not be regarded as the only source of revelation; tradition was a vital supplement, which protestants irresponsibly denied

TCTR 6.27 John Calvin on the Concept of Justification

- Sets out a "forensic" understanding of justification - Justification is defined in terms of the being of the Christian life, in which the believer enters into a right relationship with God - The Christian life is then about sanctification which concerns growth in holiness

Chalcedon TCTR 4.13 Cyril of Alexandria on the incarnation

- Sets out his understanding of the mechanics of the incarnation - Emphasizes the totality of the union between the divinity and humanity of Christ without in any way allowing that a change occurred in the divinity as a result - Rejects the idea of "union of good pleasure" for Cyril, a real union took place - Christ is one by synaphea

TCTR 3.10 Athanius of Alexandra on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity

- Sets out to defend the place of the Holy Spirit within the Trinity against the "binitarianism" proposed by his opponents - Argues that the Spirit could not be detached or disassociated from the Father or the Son - New Testament discloses a pattern of divine activity that makes it impossible to disentangle the activities of Father, Son, and Spirit - To deny the divinity of the Spirit ruptures the coherence and consistency of this way of thinking about God giving rise to internal contradictions within the Godhead

The goodness of human sexuality and work TCTR 6.14 Hildegard of Bingen on the Creation of Man and Woman

- She established a reputation as a theological and spiritual write of considerable originality, and developed a particular interest in the spirituality of creation - Passage offers a view of the relationship between male and female which is complementary; they are meant to assist each other and bring each other to their intended goals

Original Sin TCTR 6.37 Reinhold niebhur on original sin

- Strong defender of the reality of sin - Focussed on the issue of how sin can be inevitable yet still be the responsibility of the individual who sins

2.15 Martin Luther On the fourfold sense of scripture

- the literal sense - the allegorical sense - the moral sense - the anagogic sense

christological models: classical and contemporary

- the substantial presence of God in Christ - Christ as mediator between God and humanity - the revelational presence of God in Christ - Christ as symbolic presence of God -Christ as the bearer of the Holy Spirit - Christ as the example of godly life - christ as hero

creation - primarily - secondarily

- the term "creation" primarily refers to a type of divine activity - secondarily refers to the result/effect of that type of divine activity

3.12 Augustine of Hippo on the trinity

- threefold understanding of Trinity

How Do We Talk about God?: Negative Theology, Positive Theology, Analogy - class

- we can't fully comprehend God Human Language and Christian Theology - words - apophatic theology (negative theology: emphasizes God is unlike anything else) - cataphatic theology (positive theology: God's revealing himself and therefore we can give positive attributes to him * John Calvin: because humans are finite, God has to accommodate God's self to our limited abilities - analogy * Thomas Aquinas argues that God is the source of all being * Karl Barth suspicious of doing theology based on an analog you being (you can't demand communication of God)

two central questions

- who is Jesus Christ - what did Jesus Christ achieve

Original Sin TCTR 6.10 Pelagius on human responsibility

-Argues that divine commands are unconditionally binding upon Christians -God knows the abilities of humanity and the commands reflect the ability with which God endowed humanity at creation -No defect in human nature that prevents from achieving what God commands people to do -God made humanity and is therefore fully apprised of human capacities

four main approaches to interpreting the death of Christ seen within the history of Christian theology

-Approaches that build on the OT cultic worship, especially sacrifice, as a way of enabling people to enter into the presence of God -Approaches which interpret the death and resurrection of Christ as victory over sin -Approaches to the atonement that see Chriist's death as "satisfaction"

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.14 Peter Abelard on the love of christ in redemption

-Argued that one of the chief consequences of the death of Chrsit was its demonstration of the love of God for humanity. It is through our response of love to Christ that we are joiend to him and benefit from his passion

The Resurrection and Ascension TCTR 4.26 Albert Schweitzer on the failure of the "quest of the Historical Jesus"

-Argues that the "Jesus of history" movement has failed - Jesus remains a partly unknown, distant, and strange figure, whose basic features cannot be reconstructed on the basis of the methods and approaches offered by the nineteenth century

Introduction to Christology TCTR 4.8 Athanasius of Alexandria on the two natures of christ

-Athanasius argues for the divinity of CHrist on soteriological grounds while affirming the full humanity of Christ -Only God can save, only the creator can redeem creation -We must accept that Jeus is God incarnate

The Resurrection and Ascension TCTR 4.30 Paul Tillich on the dispensability of the historical Jesus

-Christianity is about universal existential possibilities, -Believes that the historical existence of Jesus is not of decisive importance to faith Existentialist -Argues that Christianity proclaims and enables a new form of human existence to come into being

Creatures in the image of God TCTR 6.40 Mary Hayter on Human Sexuality and the Image of God

-Considers the way in which the biblical doctrine of humanity being created in the "image of God" relates to issues of sexuality and gender. In particular, she deals with the issues of the correct relationship between men and women, in the light of the doctrine of creation -Insists that gender distinction is limited to the created order and cannot be read back into the Godhead.

Original Sin TCTR 6.8 Augustine on predestination

-Divine judgements which determines who will be allowed to be saved in this manner is beyond human understanding -Defines predestination as God withholding or making available, accd. to the divine will, the means by which salvation is possible -Predestination concerns salvation -Suggest salvation depends upon certain means of grace and that it involves making those means of grace available only to the elect

Original Sin TCTR 6.12 Council of carthage on grace

-Explicitly condemned pelican controversy as heretical a series of eight teaching

Introduction to Christology Continued TCTR 4.33 Rosemary Radford Ruether on the maleness of Christ

-Explores question of whether a male savior can save woman -Ruther considers two alternative traditions androgynous Christologies and spirit Christologies -The maleness of Christ is used by trationaional Christian groups to defend the idea that Christ can only be represent by males

3 main contexts of "son of man" in OT

-Form of address to the prophet Ezekiel -To refer to a future eschatological figure, whose coming signals the end of history and the coming of divine judgement -To emphasize the contrast between the lowliness and frailty of human nature and the elevated status or permanence of God and the angels

Alvin Plantinga

-Free will is morally important -If human beings were forced to do nothing but good, that would represent a denial of human free will -God must bring into being the best possible world that he is able to provide -It must therefore follow that God must create a world with free will -This means that God is not responsible if human beings choose to do evil, since God is operating under self-imposed constraints that mean God will not compel human beings to do good

concept of sin

-Gregory of nazianzus and gregory of nyssa both taught that infants are born without sin, an idea which stands in contrast with Augustine's doctrine of the universal sinfulness of fallen humanity - JND Kelly identified three areas in which at least traces of a notion of "original sin" can be discerned in the Greek patristic tradition * All humanity is understood to be involved in some manner, in the disobedience of Adam *The fall of Adam is understood to affect the human moral nature *Adam's sin is often represented as being transmitted, in some undefined manner, to his posterity

Original Sin TCTR 6.11 Pelagius on human freedom

-Humanity can exist without sin -Ascribes the will to perform good works to human nature

The goodness of human sexuality and work TCTR 6.39 The Second Vatican Council on Human Nature

-Humanity here is portrayed as the height of God;s good creation. The Constitution speaks of a "split" within human nature, as a result of sin, leaving to a weakening of the human will; at the same time, it affirms that the law of God is written on human hearts in the conscience

image of God

-Jewish interpretation tended to avoid any suggestion that this established a direct correlation with God, perhaps reflecting a fear of some form of anthropomorphism ensuing -Christian theologians saw no difficulty in interpreting this passage as proposing a direct link between the creator and humanity at the height of the creation -During the early patristic period, a distinction was drawn between the two phrases "image of God" and "likeness of God"

Chalcedon TCTR 4.15 The Chalcedonian definition of the Christian Faith

-Laid down and understanding of the relationship between the humanity and divinity of eus Christ which became normative for the Christian churches -Christ must be accepted to be truly divine and truly human, without specifying precisely how this is to be understood

CT 354-380 The Church


CT 426-447


Chalcedon TCTR 4.34 Morna D. Hooker on Chalcedon and the New Testament

-Offers an accessible informed reflection on what she terms "the great gulf between the thought-world" of the NT and that of Chalcedon -Offers 3 reasons which help to explain why the language of CHalcedon is so different from that of the NT -Notes biblical emphasis on the actions of God, which becomes an emphasis on the identity of Christ as a result of the church;s shift over time from a Jewish to a Greek context

Introduction to Christology Continued TCTR 4.36 Janet Martin Soskice on Christ's significance for women

-Raises question about approach of eliminating or downplaying the cultural particularities of Jesus in order to secure his universal appeal and relevance -She argues that it can too easily end up with a "featureless and disembodied Christ" -The significance of Jesus of nazareth is located primarily yin his humanity, not his maleness

3.27 Benedict Spinoza on the impassibility of God

-Said philosophy was like geometry. It was possible to lay down a few fundamental idioms and then proceed to develop an entire philosophical, ethical, or theological system on their bais

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.13 Anselm of Canterbury on the atonement

-Sets out his understanding of the reason why God became human. The most important point to note is its emphasis that, on account of sin, humanity has an obligation to offer God an infinite satisfaction, which only God can meet. Therefore a God-man would have both the ability and obligation to pay this satisfaction and thus obtain forgiveness of sins -God created humanity in a state of original righteousness, with the objective of bringing humanity to a state of eternal blessedness -That state of eternal blessedness is contingent upon human obedience to God

Chalcedon TCTR 4.14 Pope Leo the Great on the two natures of Christ

-Sets out the prevailing Christolocial consensus within the Latin Church -Primarily a letter of critique of the views of Eutyches, especially his rejection of other true humanity of Christ -For Leo, the formula totus in suis, totus in nostris sumps up the correct position on this matter -Conciliatory approach and its clear intention to ascertain what was absolutely essential to the orthoodox Chrstological positions and what was open to negotiation or discussion

problem of evil in a four step argument

1. God is good 2. A good God would not permit suffering or evil 3. Yet suffering and evil are observed in the world 4. Therefore a good God does not exist - The fourth statement could be interpreted a simplifying either that theory is not God or that God is not good

Sources of Theology: Tradition - CT II.6.122-127

3 broad approaches to tradition in Christian theology - single source theory of tradition * Theology is based upon Scripture, and "tradition" refers to a "traditional way of interpreting Scripture" - dual source theory of tradition * Tradition is based upon two quite distinct sources, Scripture and unwritten tradition - total rejection of tradition *Every individual had the right to interpret Scripture as he or she pleases, subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit

Sources of Theology: Reason - CT II.6.127-130

3 models - theology is a rational discipline - theology is the republication of the insights of reason - theology is redundant: reason reigns supreme Enlightenment rationalism - rest upon the belief that unaided human reason can deliver everything that humanity needs to know

irresistible grace

A doctrine found in most Calvinistic theologies that teaches that the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of those whom God has chosen such that they cannot, or at least will not, resist the saving grace God imparts.


A second- and third- century heresy that held that because the Son and the Spirit proceed from the Father, they are not equal to the Father and are thus not fully divine.

Introduction to Trinitarian Theology - class

A triune God - confession about the identify of Jesus of Nazareth - confession about the identity of the God of Israel Roots of Trinitarian theology - experience of the early church - scripture - development of ideas and terminology: *tertullian and greek thinkers * onesness and threeness - the economy of salvation

2.17 John Calvin on the Natural knowledge of God

A true and full knowledge of God is only available through scripture. Calvin insists that a natural knowledge of God is possible and this prepares the way for the full knowledge of God


An early Christological heresy, which treated Jesus Christ as a purely human figure, although recognizing that he was endowed with particular charismatic gifts which distinguished him from other humans.

The Resurrection and Ascension TCTR 4.31 Wolfhart Pannenberg on the indispensability of the historical Jesus

Argues for the indispensability of engagement with the historical Jesus

Creation TCTR 3.5 - 3.5 Origen on creation from preexistent matter

Argues that *God created the world from preexisting matter*, following the Platonic tradition on this point. This matter is understood to be formless, so that the act of creation consists in fashioning this material into its proper form

TCTR7.4 Cyril of Jerusalem on the Catholicity of the Church

Argues that the church may be referred to as "catholic" on account of the universality of its teaching and relevance, and also to distinguish it from the sectarian gatherings of heretics. Four different understandings of the word "catholic": found throughout the world in its entirety, preaches the gospel in its entirety, directed toward the human race in its entirety, makes available a universal cure for the ills of the human race in its entirety

1.25 Ludwig Wittgenstein on analogy

Argues that the meaning of words is established by their use in real life The use of terms in this way allows their "family resemblances" to be established

1.4 Augustine of Hippo on Philosophy and Theology

Argues that there is no reason why Christians should not extract all that is good in philosophy, and put it to the service of preaching the gospel


Basic issue at stake is weather the Spirit may be said to proceed from the Father alone, or from the father and the son - Greek said father alone - Cappadocians considered it to be unthinkable that the holy spirit should proceed from the father and the some because it would compromise the principle of the father as the sole origin and source of all divinity - Augustine believed that the spirit s to be seen as the relation of love and fellowship between the father and son

commitment and neutrality in theology

Can christian theology be taught or appreciated by someone who is not a christian?

3.41 Anne Carr on Feminism and the maleness of God

Carr adopts a balanced and judicious perspective in setting out the various aspects of the question, and introduces and assesses some seminal contribution to its discussion

Attributes of God - class

DIVINE ATTRIBUTES - unity: oneness - simplicity: God does not have parts - aseity: from self - independence: God doesn't;'t require anything for sustenance - necessity: has to exist - eternality: not characterized by time - immensity: cannot be measured - immutability: God does not change - impassibility: cannot be acted upon or altered by external realities IS THERE ANYTHING GOD CAN'T DO? - aquinas: God is capable of doing anything that can be done - decartes: if God is God, then God can do anything he can, God can make 1+1=3

Introduction to Christology TCTR 4.1 Ignatius of antioch on docetism

Deals with an early form of the Docetist heresy, which declared that Christ did not suffer in reality but suffered only in appearance and was thus not truly human

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.32 James I Packer on Penal substitution

Defend belief that the cross had the character of penal substitution, and that it was in virtue of this fact that it brought salvation to mankind

1.31 Sallie Mcfague on metaphor in theology

Develops the idea that christian ways of speaking about God are primarily metaphorical in character, drawing attention to other differences between God and humanity as well as the similarities

3.30 Jurgen Moltmann on the suffering of God

Distinguishes himself from the patripassianism and theopaschitism approach Both the father and the son suffer - but they experience that suffering in different manners. The son suffers the pain and death of the cross; the father gives up and suffers the loss of the Son Love implies suffering

1.33 Brian A. Gerrish on accommodation in calvin's theology

Divine revelation is "adapted" to the abilities and cultural situation of its addresses


The trinitarian heresy that does not view Father, Son and Spirit as three particular "persons in relation" but merely as three modes or manifestations of the one divine person of God.

Sources of Theology: Reason - TCTR 1.9 Thomas Aquinas on proofs for the existence of God

Existence of God can be proved in five ways - change - the nature of an efficient case - the nature of possibility and necessity - the graduation that occurs in things - based on the governance off things

special revelation

God's divine self-revelation evidenced specifically in salvation history and culminating in the incarnation as understood through Scripture. Only special revaluation can disclose completely your sinful predicament, as well as Gods promise of salvation and its fulfillment in Christ.


God's plan for and protection of all creation

The christian tradition has generally understood the work of the Holy Spirit to focus on four broad areas:

God's presence in the world, God's self-disclosure through revelation, the appropriation of salvation, and energization of the Christian life.

1.10 Thomas Aquinas on the principle of analogy

Impossible to predict anything unequivocally of God and creatures Words are used of God and creatures according to an analogy that is a certain proportion, between them All words used metaphorically in relation to God apply primarily to creatures and secondarily to God

Schofield divided the history of Salvation into 7 periods Each of which represents a distinct Covenant between God and God's people. these are:

Innocence Conscience human government Promise Law the church the millennium

2.2 Irenaeus of lyons on the role of tradition

Insisted that the living Christian community possessed a tradition of interpreting Scripture which was denied to heretics. By their historical succession form the apostles, the bishops ensure that their congregations remain faithful to their teaching and interpretations

How Can We Talk about God?: Revelation - CT II.7.135-151

Knowledge of God - Natural and Revealed THE IDEA OF REVELATION -four modes: revelation as doctrine revelation as presence revelation as experience revelation as history NATURAL THEOLOGY: ITS SCOPE AND LIMITS - manner and extent which God may be known through the natural order - Thomas Aquinas: no created thing can be said to come into existence spontaneously - John Calvin: knowledge of God through nature and revelation - Barth Bruner: noted for early hostility toward idea of natural theology APPROACHES TO DISCERNING GOD IN NATURE - human reason - ordering of the world - beauty of the world NATURAL SCIENCES AND CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY - 3 approaches: warfare, isolation, enrichment

Creatures in the image of God TCTR 6.4 Lactantius on political aspects of the image of God

Lactantius develops the political and ethical aspects of the doctrine of creation. As all human beings are made by the same God, bear his image, and were created from the same original human being


Latin term meaning "and from the Son" became significant because of its addition to the description of the Holy Sprit in the Niceno Constantinopolitan creed and by the western churches in the sixth century. the addition of Filioque suggested that the Holy Spirit proceeds form goth the father "and the son"

2.5 Tertullian on tradition and apostolic succession

Lays considerable emphasis upon the role of tradition and apolstolic succession in the defining of Christian theology. Orthodzy depends upon remaining historically continuous with and theological dependent upon the apostles. The heretics, in contrast, cannot demonstrate any such continuity

TCTR 7.12 Martin Luther on the Marks of the Church

Lays down seven distinguishing marks of a true Christin church, including the preaching and hearing of the Word of God; the true Christian sacraments of baptism and the sacrament of the altar, the office of the keys and Ministry, proper public worship, and the bearing of the cross. The first of these is clearly the most important and is here explored in some detail. Luther's key theme in this passage is that wherever the word of God is truly preached, Christian Church exists.

Salvation and Atonement TCTR 5.37 Rosemary Radford Ruether on suffering and redemption

Leading feminist theologuic explores how the traditional understanding of Christ's suffering brought together th enotion of deserved suffein gift guilt and the promise of becomiming a Christlike agent of redemption fo on;es vicitimizers through innocent suffeiing

Providence TCTR 3.26 - 3.26 John Calvin on the Providence of God

Placed considerable *emphasis on the sovereignty of God over the created order* and saw this as the basis of a doctrine of providence. Calvin presents the notion of providence as an aspect of the doctrine of creation. God is to be seen as our governor and preserver, who sustains all things, inanimate and live, *Nothing acts independently of God*, in that God's governance lies behind physical events in the world of nature. Calvin aims to distinguish the notion of God's overall governance of the world from various forms of fatalism. If God is in control, Calvin argues, there is no need to fear anything within the created realm.

2.50 N.T. Wright on the authority of Biblical narratives

Reflects on how the Christian story, as related to scripture, can be said to have "authority" for the church and for Christian believers

TCTR 3.16 John of Damascus on the Holy Spirit

Set out a comprehensive assertion of the divinity of the Spirit, emphasizing both the Spirit's identity and the Spirit's divine function Insists on unity of father, son, and spirit, while affirming their distinctive roles within the economy of salvation

3.38 Paul Jewett on Non Inclusive language and the trinity

Shows how in the final decade of the twentieth century, an awareness of gender-specific language concerning God ceased to be a specific distinctive of feministt theology and became a question for mainstream Christian theology

Complex associations of the Christian notion of the Holy Spirit

Spirit as wind: suggests power, movement, and uncontrollability Spirit as breath: idea associated with live Spirit as charism: refers to the filling of an individual with the Spirit of God

TCTR 7.3 Cyprian of Carthage on the unity of the church

Stresses the indivisibility of the Catholic church and its essential role in obtaining salvation. Salvation is not possible outside of the church, Cyprian declares that it is not possible to have God as a father unless you also have the church as your mother

Creation TCTR 3.4 - 3.4 Tertullian on creation from preexistent matter

Tertullian deals with Hermongense's idea that God created the world out of pre-existing matter. Tertullian argues that a distinction may be drawn between the terms "God" and "Lord." *God has always been "God"; he only became "Lord" when there was something to be Lord over* - in other words, once the creation had been brought into being

Chalcedon CT 224

The Council of Chalcedon Affirms the core themes of the diction of the incarnation Jesus is truly God and truly human being of one substance with God in relation to his divinity, and of one substance with us in relation to his humanity

Models of the Trinity - CT III.13.311-326

The Trinity: 6 classics and contemporary approaches - Cappadocia fathers: priority assigned to the father - Augustine of Hippo: humanity created in the image of the trinity - Karl Barth: father revealed in the son - Karl rainier - John macquarrie: If God has not revealed himself as triune, we should have been compelled to think of him in some such way - Robert Jenson: doctrine of trinity identifies and names the Christian God

perseverance of the saints

The mandate in Scripture to remain steadfast in the love of God and to patiently endure hardship, particularly in the face of persecution.

immanent trinity

The term used to explore and, to an inadequate degree, explain the internal workings and relationships among the three persons of the Trinity.


The theory that *asserts that God adopted Jesus of Nazareth as his Son. In other words, Jesus was born human but became God's Son at a particular point in his life*. This theory fails to reflect scriptural texts that point to Jesus' eternal relationship with the Father.

Arius, Nicea, Constantinople - CT I.1.15-18

The two natures of Jesus Christ: The Arian Controversy - schools of thought * Alexandrian school tended to emphasize the divinity of Christ and to interpret that divinity in terms of "the word becoming incarnate." * Antiochene school placed a corresponding emphasis on the humanity of Chris, and attached special importance to his moral example - debates *Arius argued that those scriptural titles for Christ that appeared to appoint to his being of equal status with God were merely courtesy titles, Christ was regarded as a creature, although nevertheless as preeminent among other creatures THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY - doctrine of the church: donatist controversy * centered on question of the holiness of the church - doctrine of grace: pelagic controversy * Pelagius held belief that humans are able to take initiative in their own salvation

ransom theory of the atonement

The view that *through human sin people rightfully belong to, or come under, the authority of Satan and that to remedy this situation God offered his Son as a ransom in exchange for humankind.* But *because Jesus could not be kept in hell, he rose on the third day, thereby causing Satan to lose those he held captive*

limited atonement

The view that Jesus' death secured salvation for only a limited number of persons (the elect), in contrast to the idea that the work of the cross is intended for all humankind

TCTR 7.21 Fde schleiermacher on the church as a fellowship of believers

explores the relationship between those who are regenerative and the Community of Faith. Sidesteps the question of how the church should relate to the state.


characteristic of being incapable of failing to accomplish a predetermined purpose. in protestant theology infallibility is usually associated with Scripture. the Bible will not fail in its ultimate purpose of revealing God and the ay of salvation to humans

the question of prolegomena

debate over where theology should start

the theology of the relationship between christianity and secular culture

debates over where christians should see themselves located in culture. Inside or outside?

TCTR 7.18 Richard hooker on the purity of the church

defends an Augustinian view of the visible Church, which he distinguished from the mystical or invisible Church. The passage can be regarded as a theological defense of the existence and establishment of the Church of England at this time, as a result of the Elizabethton settlement of religion of 1559. hooker insists that perfect Holiness of life is not a mark or defining characteristic of the church, which is defined instead by its doctrines and sacraments

TCTR 7.17 John Calvin on the marks of the church

defines the essential features or marks of the true church as the preaching of the word of God and the proper administration of the sacraments. Thus definition became widely accepted within the mainstream Reformation. Calvin argues that a degree of failure or diversity on other matters may be permitted, providing that these two essential features are present. Calvin stresses that the foundations of a true Christian Church are ultimately theological, rather than historical.

Augustine's three analogies to illuminate the nature of original sin

disease, power, guilt -Sin as analogous to some form of hereditary disease which is passed down from one generation to another. Jesus as the divine physician. -Conceived sin as a power which holds humanity captive. Christ is the liberator of humanity -Considers sin in essentially judicial or forensic terms - guilt - which is passed down from one generation to another. Christ thus comes to bring forgiveness and pardon


early greek religious movement of broad proportions that was particularly influential in the second century church. Gnostics believed that devotees had gained a special kind of spiritual enlightenment, through why they had attained a secret or higher level of knowledge not accessible to the uninitiated. Gnostics also tended to emphasize the spiritual realm oover the material, often claiming that the material realm is evil and hence to be escaped


first used by Eastern theologians in the early centuries of church history to refer to the three persons of the Trinity. The cappadocian father (bail in particular) argued that God is three hypostaseis in one ousia (essence or substance)


from Hebrew and greek "to be set apart" from common use "to be made holy." The nature of sanctification is twofold in that Christians have been made holy through Christa and are called to continue to grow into and strive for holiness by cooperating with the indwelling Holy Spirit until they enjoy complete conformity to Christ

TCTR 10.26 Katherine Tanner on eternal life

her 2001 book Jesus, Humanity in the Trinity set out a creative synthesis of Christian beliefs, rooted in Tradition, yet oriented toward the future. Tanner's discussion of the concept of eternal life is a particular interest, and has been included in the present collection on account of its Lucidity and clear sense of constructive engagement within the Christian theological tradition. she points out how the Covenant a relationship established between God and Israel, and subsequently the church, transcends the limits of Earthly existence, temporal reality, and death. she also establishes an important connection between eternal life and Jesus Christ, particularly through her interpretation of the concept of the Incarnation.

Sources of Theology: Experience - class

human experience and theology experience and theology - experience provides a foundational resource of Christian theology - F.D.E Schleiermacher and the feeling of absolute dependence (humans will come to the realization that they are NOT maintaining their own existence and this sensation brings about a kind of awe

TCTR 7.24 the barman confessions on the identity of the church

insists upon the distinctiveness of the church in relation to the state. insisted that the church found its identity and purpose only in relation to Jesus Christ.

penal substitution theory of the atonement

the *view that speaks of sin as the breaking of God's law, for which the penalty is death.* Hence *on the cross Christ suffered the death penalty in the sinner's place and so appeased the wrath of God.* This theory was first proposed in the Reformation and later became the most widely held view among Protestants, especially evangelicals, in Britain and the US

apophatic theology

negative theology, because it assumes that all that Human language can do is assert what God is not - for example, that God is infinite (not finite), immutable (not changing) - assumes that positive description of God is impossible, for by definition God, as an uncreated being does not fit into normal categories of human language - apophatic theology suggets that Go is known positively through spiritual experience rather than through rational expression

TCTR 10.3 Tertullian on hell and heaven

offers both an explanation and a defense of the Christian view of judgment and immortality in the face of criticisms made against it by some Pagan writers. The argument here is that Pagan philosophers have no right to criticize Christian ideas of having an Hao, and that these are already anticipated in Pagan Greek writings. Tertullian implies that these Pagan writings may have plagiarized Old Testament sources, a common view among Christian writers of this early period.


one of the central concepts of the Scriptures, grace speaks of God's loving actions toward creation and toward humankind in particular. Grace is the generous overflow of the love of God the Father toward the Son, Jesus Christ. This love is most clearly demonstrated to humans through God's selfless giving of Jesus to enable people to enter into a loving relationship with God as the Holy Spirit enables them

particular redemption

only the elect will be saved

Antiochene school interprets the believer's relationship with God more in terms of

participation in that which is divine

Sources of Theology: Reason - class

reason and revelation - early church * uncritical acceptance, complete rejection, critical appropriation - Middle Ages and renaissance * philosophy and christian theology - reformation * emphasis on scripture * general distrust of scholasticism - enlightenment and modern period * reason and revelation * enlightenment principles


refers both to the process by which God discloses the divine nature and the mystery of the divine will and purpose to human being, and to the corpus of truth disclosed.

total depravity (under "depravity")

refers to *the extent and comprehensiveness of the effects of sin on all humans such that all are unable to do anything to obtain salvation.* total depravity, therefore, does not mean that humans are thoroughly sinful but rather that *humans are totally incapable of saving themselves.* the term suggests as well that the effects of the fall extend to every dimentsion of human existence, so that we dare not trust any ability (such as reason) that we remain capable of exercising in our fallen state


refers to God's ability to do whatever is consistent with God's own character and being in effecting the divine plan for creation. God's omnipotence is primarily demonstrated in GOd's overturning evil for good


refers to God's being present everywhere in creation at the same time. there is nowhere in the universe that lies beyond the cognition (and care) of God


refers to God's self-existence, derived form the latin a se which means from oneself. In other words, God is not dependent upon anything else for existence but has eternally existed without any external or prior cause

grace - efficacious

refers to the special application of grace to a person who comes by faith to Christ for salvation, it is the special act of God that brings about the true salvation of a person

TCTR 7.23 Henry Barclay Swete on the apostolicity of the church

reflected and awareness of the need to offer a definition of the distinctive position of the Church of England which went beyond the simple fact of its establishment as the English National Church. Henry explores what it means to assert that the church is Apostolic.

In a period in which the threat of divine punishment was taken with considerable seriousness, the idea of deliverance from condemnation on account of sin was

regarded as of central importance to the gospel

TCTR 10.1 Irenaeus of Lyons on the final restoration of creation

sets out belief in a restored Earthly realm, which will be set up at the second coming of Christ and will last for a thousand years (the Millennium) . this idea of a worldly Millennium is, for irenaeus, confirmed by a number of considerations, especially Christ promised to drink wine again with his disciples.


sets out to explore why the little slice of human history called "Jesus of Nazareth" might hold the key to the nature of God and of human destiny

the New Testament is saturated with the belief that

something new has happened in the history of humanity in and through the life and death of Jesus Christ, and above all through his resurrection from the dead.


speaks of God making himself known tot humans in words and ways suitable for the finite human mind to comprehend. The most significant example in which God accommodates to human kind is found in the coming of Jesus Christ - deity taking human form.

grace - common

speaks of God's extension of favor to all people through providential care, regardless of whether or not they acknowledge and love God

TCTR 10.4 Tertullian on the millennium

the Millennium here refers to an Earthly reign of God, lasting for a thousand years, in which evil is eliminated from the earth. After enjoying the pleasures of this Earthly Paradise Believers are then finally race that happened. Tertullian uses the word Resurrection to refer both to the entry into this kingdom and subsequently entry into heaven.


the attribute of God that refers to being wholly and distinctly separate from creation (although always actively involved in and with it as well). declaration means that God is "above" the world and come to creation from "beyond"


the characteristic of not experiencing change or development. certain understandings of God posit the divine reality as incapable of experiencing change in any way


the idea that God is present in, close to and involved with creation. God is constantly involved with creation without actually becoming exhausted by creation or ceasing to be divine in any way


the teaching of the fourth century bishop of Laodiea Apollinarius, who remarked that *in his incarnation Christ took on a human body and soul but not a human mind or spirit.* Apollinarius argued that to have a human spirit is to have a free will. But where there is free will, there is also sin. Therefore, Apollinarius concluded, *Christ operated solely on the basis of a divine mind* or noous. The church officially rejected Apollinariainism at the second ecumenical council at Constantinople

Circumincession (Perichoresis)

the theological concept, also referred to as perichoresis, affirming that the divine *essence is shared by each of the three persons of the *Trinity in a manner that avoids blurring the distinctions among them. By extension, this idea suggests that any essential characteristic that belongs to one of the three is shared by the others. Circumincession also affirms that the action of one of the persons of the Trinity is also fully the action of the other two persons.

Chalcedonian formula

the theological conclusion of the ecumenical council held in Chalcedon, which *attempted to delineate the relationship between Christ's humanity and his deity*. The church accepted the Chalcedonian formula at the orthodox statement about the person of Christ. This *formula confesses "one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, made known in tow natures without confusion, without change, without division, without separartion, the different of the natures being by no means removed because off the union"*

moral influence theory of the atonement

the view *attributed to Peter Abelard* that *above all the cross is the grand display of God's love.* In response to the love of God thus displayed, we, in turn, love God and live for God rather than continuing in sin


the view held by Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, that *although Jesus Christ was one person (God and man united), his two natures (one human and one divine) existed side by side and hence were separable.* One consequence of this view was that Jesus' suffering for humankind was seen as an act of Jesus I'm his humanity but not in his deity

Sources of Theology: Scripture - class

the word of God sources for theology - scripture - tradition - reason - experience scripture - authority of * author * scripture and church - canon of * official measure of what we use to measure our beliefs - inspiration of - illumination - inerrancy - interpretations of * hermeneutics: study of how to interpret the Bible

Sources of Theology: Tradition - class

tradition - rule of faith - major means of handing over * confessional documents * liturgical resources - theories of tradition * single source: one tradition christians use to interpret scripture * dual source theory of tradition - Irenaeus of Lyons

Arius, Nicea, Constantinople - class

who is Jesus - someone who is divine and worthy of worship Arius - Jesus is the first creature Council of Nicea - Jesus is the "only begotten" of God - the Son is homoousious with the Father creed of nicea - son generated by the father shares same essence as the father homoousios - same essence homousious - similar essence

The holiness of the believer is grounded in the

work of Christ and effected through the work of the Holy Spirit

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