Religion 101 JMU Final

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The word lama in Tibetan Buddhism means which of the following?


In Buddhism, sangha refers to ___________.

the Buddhist community

According to the Buddha's first sermon, each of the following is one of the Four Noble Truths except which?

the Middle Way

Hinduism is the ____ largest religion in the world


Muhammad was born around the year _______.

570 CE

What Old Testament figure is Jesus Christ compared to in Romans 5?


Which of the following is not one of the Six Articles of Faith in Islam?

Belief in the Kaaba

Cicero, the first century BCE writer and politician, was skeptical about the existence of the gods, and also ______________.

Defended traditional religion on social and political grounds

What two rites (sometimes called sacraments) are practiced by almost all Christian groups?

Eucharist and Baptism

According to Orsi, the idea that religion=belief is very ancient.


Buddhism does not teach a cycle of rebirth and death (i.e. samsara).


In the excerpts from the Bhagavad Gita you read this week, only meditation and ascetic discipline are described as paths to liberation.


Sacrifice is a sequence of activities often characterized by formality and traditionalism.


Scholars of religion widely agree on the definition of the word "religion."


The Shia and Sunni Muslims disagree on whether there is only one God.


The last two principles of Maimonides "Thirteen Principles" are about sabbath keeping.


The shahada (profession of faith) is one of the Six Articles of Faith in Islam.


In surah 76 of the Quran, why do "the righteous" feed "the poor, and the orphan, and the captive?"

For the sake or love of God

W.D. Fard

Founder of the Nation of Islam

What is the name of the elephant-headed god of thresholds who is a popular Hindu deities


In traditional Christianity, Jesus is Messiah and also ________.

God Incarnate

Which of the following is not a High Holy day in Judaism?


In general, what is the posture of Rabbinic Judaism toward violence?

In Rabbinic Judaism, violence was usually mitigated and frowned upon but not outright banned

The majority of Hindu people live in what country?


For which religion is Adam considered the "first prophet?"


According to your professor, which of the following is a major advantages of thinking of religions in terms of "family resemblance?"

It allows for the use of numerous ideas and theories about religion.

What form of Buddhism can claim the most adherents in the modern world?



Majority branch of Islam in which there have been four schools of jurisprudence and that accepts four rightly guided caliphs

What are the four Gospels of the Christian New Testament?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

All of the following are main groups, or denominations of Judaism except


Which of the following is the main source for information about the life of Muhammad?


Eid al-Fitr is a festival of fast breaking that comes at the end of _______.


Which of the following is not one of the three major branches of Christianity?


Prothero, the author of Religion Matters (our textbook), prefers what analogy for thinking about the integrity of the concept of religions?

Religions share a family resemblance.

All of the following are major Sunni legal school except ______.


Which came last (latest in time), the Mishnah, Talmud, or Torah?


Which of the following events is most important for understanding Judaism and also the formation of the Tanakh?

The Babylonian Exile

The Bhagavad Gita is part of what larger, Hindu epic?

The Mahabharata

The second temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by whom?

The Roman Empire

Your professor described all of the following as important developments in Christianity of the fourth century (300s) except ______.

The beginning of official persecution of Christians by the Roman State

Ramadan is a month of fasting in commemoration of _____.

The beginning of the prophet Muhammad's reception of revelation

Yom Kippur is the Jewish holy day of _______.

The day of atonement.

Sitting shiva is a seven day ritual associated with what major event?

The death of a family member

The first year of the Islamic calendar begins with what event?

When Muhammad and his followers move from Mecca to Medina (the hijra).

According to the Nicene Creed, the "Son of God" is ________.


What is the definition of "perennialism?"

belief that there is one religion underlying what appears to be many religions—that all religions are, in essence, one

Rabbinic Judaism is important in defining Judaism after what?

he destruction of the second temple in the first century

In Ware's "The Orthodox Way," God's "mystery" is partly function of God's "nearness" and ______.


The Arabic word shirk refers to what sin?

"Associating" something or someone with God


Christian idea that God became human in Jesus Christ

The Hebrew word mitzvah is best translated as _____.


According to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, God is one essence (or substance) and three _____.



Cousin of Muhammad considered the first legitimate successor in Shiite Islam

Henotheism is the belief in

Only one god

According to guest lecturer Rebecca Bultman, purity in Judaism is not fundamentally an issue of what?


According to guest lecturer Fr. Michael Tishel, Eastern Orthodox Christians would strongly emphasize the _____ of God.



Mystical tradition in Islam


Mystical tradition in Judaism

Dukkha (First Noble Truth)

The truth of suffering

Nirodha (Third Noble Truth)

The truth of the cessation of suffering

Samudāya (Second Noble Truth)

The truth of the origin of suffering

Magga (Fourth Noble Truth)

The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering

The Tanakh is an acronym of which Hebrew words?

Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim


Town where the first major Christian Council took place

According to Goenka in his "Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation," the cause of suffering lies within, in our reaction to pleasant or unpleasant sensations.


According to Religion Matters (our textbook), though there are issues with generalization, the study of religion (and virtually all study) requires generalization.


According to Ware in "The Orthodox Way," one must actually begin the journey of the Christian Faith to understand what it is.


According to surah 19 of the Quran, it is not for God to have a child.


Euhemerism is the theory that all stories of divine beings are confused history.


In the excerpt from the Upanishad you read this week, Shevetaku's father, Uddalaka, uses the fruit of a banyan tree and salt in water as illustrations.


One theory of religion in antiquity was that it should serve moral and pedagogical ends?


Shunyata, emptiness, is the central teaching of Mahayana Buddhist philosophy.


Some modern theorists of religion have tried to argue that, at base, all religions are attempts to render comprehensible what is otherwise confusing or disturbing.


The Upanishads elaborate on the Vedas and are philosophical dialogues between teachers and pupils teaching wisdom as a path to spiritual liberation.


The first year of the traditional Islamic calendar is the Hijra.


The greatest number of Muslims alive today live in Asia.


The largest branch of Christianity today is Catholic.


There is a scholarly consensus that Jesus was a historical figure (i.e. he really existed).


Your professor defined Fundamentalism, in its wider contemporary use, as a vague designation for a movement in any religion that is anti-modern.


According to the Definition of Chalcedon, Jesus Christ is "truly God" and what?

Truly man

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