religion III- the rise of islam

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arabic for "recitation", written in the form of poetry and should be read out load and memorized, 114 chapters, the Bible of Islam


arabic for "square building". large black stone in Mecca, believed to be located in the same place that Abraham worshiped God. connection between heaven and earth


arabic word for "God"


arabic word for "flight". the flight of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina. it marks 1 on the Islamic calendar.


arabic word for "submitter". a believer or follower of Islam, NOT a religion

what effect did Islam have on Christian North Africa?

it ended 600 plus years of Christianity.

what is the significance of the Hejira?

it marks year 1 on the Islamic calander.

what happened to Islam after Muhammad's death?

it split into two parties.

which tenet of Islam promoted Muslims to conquer other people?

jihad (holy war)

what is the difference between jihad and martyrdom? (write out)

martyrdom is dying for your faith, while jihad is killing others to convert and killing themselves in the process.

list 5 cornerstones of Muhammad's preaching

monotheism, immorality of the soul, the resurrection of the body, justice to the poor, and a sensual practice to the next life

what does the word mosque mean? what is the difference between a mosque, and a church or synagogue?

mosque- an Islamic place of worship Church- Christian place of worship synagogue- Jewish place of worship. the decor, furnishes, and the services that take place differ.

why is jihad sometimes referred to as the 6th pillar of Islam?

the calling of holy wars against nonbelievers has historically had a uniting effect on Arabs, this was impossible before the rise of Islam.


the first pillar and creed statement of Islam, their creed

how did Pope John Paul II analyze Islam? (important)

the god of Islam is a god who is outside the world and a god of majesty, not the god of Emanuel- Islam is not a religion of redemption, it is very distant from Christianity, but it deserves respect


the holy month of Islam believed to be the time when the Koran was given to Muhammad

what was the fate of the 500 or so Jews living in Medina when Muhammad arrived?

the men were killed, the women and children were enslaved

what is a theocracy?

the religious leader is the same as the civil leader

why would it be important to know about Islam in relation to Church history?

their history is linked to our history and people

what characterizes Islam regarding civil and religious authority?

they are a theocracy.

what do Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have in common?

they are all monotheistic. they all recognize the Jewish prophets and Christian writings. they all trace their faith back to Abraham.

how do Muslims reinterpret the Old and New Testament?

they borrow from the Old and New Testament- Jesus' teachings are misunderstood and misinterpreted

what does it mean that Islam refers to Jews and Christians as "People of the Book"?

they share with Muslims the great monotheistic tradition and a common religious history.

what significant contributions, through the Arabian culture, did Islam make to world knowledge?

they spread the use of Arabic numerals, they gave root words to much of our vocabulary, Muslim astronomers created maps for the explorers.

what impact did the Dome of the Rock have on Jewish people?

they were mad and frustrated. the Muslims wanted to take what the Jews had from them. Muslims came from Ishmael, while Jews came from Issac so the Muslims wanted what the Jews had and tried to take it from them.

why was it important that the Koran be read in Arabic, even though there are translations available?

to grasp the full nature and power of its revelation and simply because it is believed to be written in Arabic, so it should be read in Arabic

after 700 years, who finally defeated the last Muslim stronghold in Spain?

under the rule of Queen Isabella in 1492 in the reconquest

what is contradictory about a Muslim's teaching in marraige?

adultery is forbidden. no man can have more than 4 wives.

what is the text of the Shahada?

"There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet."

who do Muslims claim as their Father in Faith? how do they trace their roots back to him?

Abraham, through Ishmael and Hagar

what is the Muslim day of worship as compared to the Jewish and Christian days of worship? (write out)

Christianity- Sunday- Resurrection Jewish- Saturday- Sabbath Islam- Friday- flight from Mecca to Medina

in what European locations was the spread of Islam halted?

East- Emperor Leo III protected Constantinople West- Charles Martel stopped further spread at the Battle of Tours

who defeated the Muslim armies after they invaded Spain and crossed the Pyrenees mountains? (write out)

Frankish Chieftain Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours in France

what central mysteries of the Christian Faith are denied by Muslims? (write out)

Incarnation, Redemption, Atonement, Resurrection, and Trinity

how did Benedict XVI analyze Islam?

Islam is spreading because of influence garnered through the material wealth generated by their lands, combined with a spirituality that resonates with people

what happened to Jerusalem when Muslims gained control?

Jerusalem was sacked in 638. the temple mount was cleared and a mosque was built on the side of the Jewish temple.

how does Islam recognize Jesus and Mary? (write out)

Jesus- holy prophet Mary- mother of a great prophet

Islam's expansion came at whose expense?

Judaism and Christianity

identify and explain the 3 holiest cities in Islam (write out)

Mecca- place of the rock--Kaaba--direction of prayer Medina- place of refuge for Muhammad where he ran to refuge from Mecca--city of the prophet Jerusalem- place where Muhammad was supposed to have a vision and out of the body experience where he stood in the presence of God-- Dome of the Rock Jerusalem is also the Holy site for the 3 religions.

identify the major differences between Christian and Muslim art (write out)

Muslims refer to Christian art as idolatry. Muslim art reflects any human images or images of God. Christianity celebrates a depiction of God and humans- man is made in the image of God.

identify the 2 parties of Islam and explain the main traits of each

Sunni- want to elect the most capable of followers, democratic, faithful and dedicated Shiites- want their leaders to stay within the same line of Muhammad, radical, strict


a peninsula in Western Asia


a place of prostration. their place of worship

what was constructed on the site of the previous Jewish temples in AD 684?

a large impressive mosque called "The Dome of the Rock"

how did Islam spread throughout the ancient world/why did the spread of Islamic territory and the faith go hand in hand?

begins in 634 AD and unstoppable for the next 100 years believers were obligated by the religion to seek converts and wage a holy war to destroy unbelievers. Charles Martel stopped Muslim forces at the Battle of Tours in France.


democratic and dedicated, want to elect the most capable of followers

in what direction did Muslims originally pray? why has this changed?

facing Jerusalem, changed to Mecca because Muhammad conquered Mecca and kept the Kaaba a holy place

what were Muhammad's early relations with the Jews?

he demanded to be recognized as a prophet and the Jews refused.

who is Muhammad? what is significant about him?

he is a self proclaimed prophet of God. he wrote the Koran as it was dictated to him. last and most important of the prophets. through him, Jewish, Christian, and pagan traditions were melded together to make a new Arabic tradition, Islam.

according to Muslims what did Muhammad for for the world?

he is the last prophet who brought to the world the perfect religion.

what was Muhammad's conflict?

he suffered spiritual anxiety and he questioned his identity as a prophet because he did not know if he truly experienced visions or whether he was delusional


holy war

define jihad and explain the significance to Muslims of the jihad that Muhammad led against Mecca.

holy war, Muslims interpret the holy war as their exodus story.

what is the origin of Islam and what are the basic beliefs?

originate from the Arabian Peninsula and from the deserts of the Bedouin tribes. they were searching for a religion that would give certainty about this life and the next. through Muhammad, certain aspects of the pagan religion form Islam.


pilgrimage to Mecca


place of refuge for Muhammad where he ran to refuge from Mecca-- city of the prophet


place of the rock-- Kaaba-- direction of prayer


radical and more strict, want their leaders to stay within the line of Muhammad, believe to be chosen by God

what was the purpose behind the Crusades?

since Muslims had seized the Holy lands, Christians felt obligated to recover what had been taken


submission to God's will, arabic word for "submission"


tax placed upon Jews and Christians to freely practice their faith

what was the first jihad?

the Battle of Badr in 624 AD

how does the Church view other religions?

the Church respects everything in other religions that is good and true. it promotes freedom of religion as a human right.

identify the 5 pillars of Islam and explain each breifly

the Shahada- their creed prayer- 5 times a day, facing Mecca the Hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca- at least one Ramadan- the holy month- strict fasting from all earthly pleasures Zakat-alms for purification, for the poor

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