Religion Test 1

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What caused the "Macabbean Revolt," and who was involved?

167 BCE: Desecration of Jerusalem Temple by Antioichus IV ephiphanes. The Greek gods put there sparked a rebellion amongst rural Jews led by Mattathias( a Jewish priest)

When and what was the "Babylonian Exile," and how did it end?

587-539 BCE, Jews being deported of Babylon or fleein to Egypt. Ended with King Cyrus conquering Babylon and letting the Jews do whatever they wanted.

When and by whom was the First Temple of Jerusalem built?

970 BCE King Solomon

520 BC

Rebuilding of the second temple under Zerubbabel

1250 BC

Reign of Pharoah Ramses II

Which empire controlled Israel at the time of Jesus?

Roman Empirem occupying Jerusalem in 63 BC

63 BC

Roman's take over most of the Middle East

When was the "First Jewish Revolt/War" against Rome, and what was the outcome?

Roman's took Jewish land and then the second temple was destroyed by the Roman's

970 BC

King Solomon builds the first temple of Jerusalem

Who first received God's promise that his descendants would be a great nation and inherit the "Promised Land"?


323 BC

Alexander dies and Persia is divided into 4


All Jews and Jewish Christians are expelled from Rome by order of emperor Claudius

721 BC

Assyrians defeat the northern kingdom, deportation of israelites

587 BC

Babylonian exile

When and where was Jesus born? How long was his public ministry? When and where did he die?

Birth: (4BC- 1 BC) in Bethlehem Public ministry (27-29 CE), death (30-36 AD) in Jerusalem


Council of Jamnia- Jewish rabbis meet to consolidate Judaism

Who first received God's promise that his descendants would be a great nation and inherit the "Promised Land"?

Descendants of Abraham

167 BC

Desecration of Jewish temple because of Antiochus IV Ephiphanes and Greek statues were placed in there sparking the Maccabean rebellion

When and by whom were the city and temple of Jerusalem utterly destroyed a second time?

Destroyed by Roman's in 70 AD because of a Jewish revolt in 66 AD

922 BC

Divided monarchy North: corrupt kings South: descendants of David

In chronological order, what were the six empires that controlled the land of Canaan/Israel/Palestine in ancient times?

Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman

What is the "Exodus," and what event does the "Passover" commemorate?

Exodus is the departure of Israelites from Egypt, Passover commemorates the angel of death killing the eldest children and the liberation of Jewish people from slavery

Where and through whom did God give the Torah to the people of Israel?

Gave it on Mount Sinai to Moses

1800 BC

God promises to give holy land to the descendants of Abraham

Which empire began the "Hellenization" of the land of Israel?

Hellenism is the spread of Ancient Greek culture spread by Alexander the Great's Greek Empire in the late 300's BCE.

4 BC

Herod dies and splits his land up amongst his three sons

When and by whom was the Second Temple of Jerusalem renovated and greatly expanded?

Herod, 37-7 BCE


Jerusalem is captured by General Titus and the temple is destroyed again by Roman's

Which empire destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel (and its capital Samaria), and when?

The Assyrians destroyed the Northern Kingdom in 722 B.C.

Which empire destroyed the Southern Kingdom of Judah (and its capital Jerusalem), and when?

The Babylonians destroyed the whole city and the Temple of Jerusalem in 587 BCE. This led to the Babylonian Exile which happened from 587-539 BCE.

When and by whom was the First Temple of Jerusalem destroyed?

The First Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE by Nebuchadnezzar II.


The arrest, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus happens

When and by whom was the city of Jerusalem conquered by the Israelites and made the capital of Israel?

The city of Jerusalem conquered by the Israelites and made in Capitol of Israel around 1000 B.C by King David.

When and by whom was the Second Temple of Jerusalem desecrated (Greek statues placed inside)?

The desecration of Jerusalem Temple was by Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 167, i.e. statues of Greek gods put there, sparking a revolt by pious rural Jews led by Mattathias (an old priest) and carried on after his death by his sons.

When and by whom was the Second Temple of Jerusalem rebuilt after the Babylonian Exile?

The rebuilding of the Second Temple in Jerusalem occurred between 520-515 by Zerubbabel, but was not as nice as the first Temple!

ca 110

The restoration of Jewish independence under the Maccabean/ Hasmonean Dynasty, between the weakening of the Greek empire and the rise of the Roman Empire.

1000 BC

conquest of the Jesuit city of Jerusalem by the army of King DAVID; Jerusalem becomes the capital of all Israel; God says David's descendants would rule forever

ca 313

second Jewish revolt, led by Bar Kochba, put down by Emperor Hadrian; Jerusalem completely destroyed and all news are banned from Judea; Jerusalem rebuilt as Roman City called Aelia Capitolina; Israel renamed "Palestine.

Between which two empires was Israel politically independent at the time of King David?

weakening of Egyptian empire and strengthening of Assyrian Empire.

Between which two empires was Israel politically independent at the time of the Macabbees?

weakening of the Greek empire and strengthening of the Roman Empire

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