Reproduction in Plants

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Stigma, Style, pollen, ovary, ovules, gamete, sepals, anther, filament, carpel, stamen

1) ______ - sticky part, catches the pollen 2) _____ - passageway for the ______ and supports the stigma 3) _____ - home for the ovules 4) ______ - where fertilisation takes place, contains the female ______ 5) ______ - protect the flower before it opens 6) ______ - Produces pollen / contains pollen grains, the male gametes 7)________ - supports the anther 8) The ______ is all the female parts of the plant 9) The ______ is all the male parts of the plant

Cuttings, Cuttings, Stem, Moist, Identical

Asexual reproduction in plants - ARTIFICIALLY: Gardeners take ________ from parent plants. ________ are taken from the ____ of the parent plant, and each one has a new bud on. They are kept in _____ conditions until ready to plant, and when fully grown, the plant will be genetically _________ to the parent plant. These plants can be produced quickly and easily

Runners, Fast, Ground, Runners, New, No, Mitosis

Asexual reproduction in plants - NATURALLY: The Parent plant sends out _______, which are ____-growing stems that grow out sideways, just above the ______ The _______ take root at various points ( a short distance away & ___ plants start to grow The new plants are CLONES of the parent plant,so there's __ genetic variation between them. This process is a result of _______

Tube, Stigma, Style, Ovary, Nucleus, Ovule, Zygote, Mitosis, Embryo, Seed, Fruit

Fertilisation: After pollination, the pollen grain grows a ____ from the ______, down the _____ (digesting though tissue), and into the _____. The pollen _______ from the male gamete then moves down the tube. Here it grows around to the opening in an _____. The tip of the tube dissolves, allowing the nucleus from the pollen to join with a female gamete in the ovule to make a ______. This divides by ________ to form an _______ Each Fertilised female gamete (ovule) forms a ____, and the ovary develops into a _____ around it

Flower, Contact, Flower, Contact, Sticky, Large, Brightly, Reward

INSECT POLLINATED PLANTS POSITION OF STAMENS: Enclosed within the ______ so the insect must make _______ POSITION OF STIGMA: Enclosed within the ______ so the insect must make _______ TYPE OF STIGMA: ______ so pollen grains attach from insects SIZE OF PETALS: _____ to attract insects COLOUR OF PETALS: ________ coloured to attract insects NECTARIES: Present - nectar is a '______' for insects POLLEN GRAINS: Larger, Sticky grains to stick to insects

Petals, Filament, Anther, Stigma, Style, Ovary, Ovule, Carpel, Sepal(s)

Label the parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Green part at the bottom of the flower -

Male, Female, Anthers, Meiosis, Anthers, Stigma, Self, Cross, Insects

Pollination: Pollen grains are the ____ gametes and the ovules are the ______ gametes. Pollen grains are produced in the _______ of the stamens. The gametes are formed by _______ During pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the _______ to the ______. If this occurs within the same flower it is called ____-pollination, and if the pollen grains are transferred to another flower it is called _____-pollination, which relies on the pollen being transferred by _______ or wind

Seed, Fruit, Radicle, Plumule, Cotyledon, germinates, testa, fruit, parent

Seed & Fruit formation: Each Fertilised female gamete (ovule) forms a ____, and the ovary develops into a _____ around it. Each seed contains an embryo plant, which has: - A root ( the _______) and a shoot (the ______) - The __________ acts as the food store while the seed __________ - Seed coat, also known as the _____ The ovary wall becomes the _____ and the rest of the plant dies away around it Seeds are adapted to disperse as far away from the ______ plant as possible, to avoid competition for water minerals and light. They may be dispersed by animals, wind or water

Enzymes, Food, Respiration, Growth, Enzyme

Seed Germination - Conditions: Seeds need the right conditions to start germinating: 1) WATER - to activate the _______ that break down the ____ reserves in the seed 2) OXYGEN - for ___________, which provides energy for ______ 3) A suitable TEMPERATURE for maximum ______ efficiency.

Food, Glucose, Soil, Light, Green, Photosynthesis

Seed Germination: 1) During germination, the seeds own ____ store is used up. It gets _______ for respiration from this supply. 2) this allows the radicle and pumule to grow. The Radicle grows into the ____ and absorbs water and mineral ions. The pumule grows towards the _____ 3) Once the plant has grown enough to produce _____ leaves, it can get its own energy from ______________, meaning germination is over.

Exposed, Catch, Catch, Small, Not, Green

WIND POLLINATED PLANTS POSITION OF STAMENS: _______ so that wind can easily blow pollen away POSITION OF STIGMA: Exposed to ____ the pollen blowing in the wind TYPE OF STIGMA: Feathery, to _____ the pollen grains blowing in the wind SIZE OF PETALS: _____ COLOUR OF PETALS: ___ brightly coloured - usually brown or _____ NECTARIES: Absent POLLEN GRAINS: Smaller, smooth inflated grains to carry in the wind

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