Reproductive System Part 2

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After the sperm enters the oocyte, the oocyte completes ________ __.

Meiosis II

After 72 hours, ______ is formed from cleavage.


Amniotic fluid is derived from _____ _____ but then derived from kidneys but mostly is water.

Mother's blood

Does the process of implantation immediate?

No it takes about 5 days

Are cells growing in size during cleavage?

No, but they have production of more cells to increase surface area and volume ratio

Does early bird always get the word in sperm terms?

No; need other sperm for this process to happen

Viable 12-24 hours post ovulation.


In a cortical reaction, ____ ____ hardens and sperm detaches and are no longer able to attach to this structure.

zona pellucida

Develops from trophoblast.


In post-implantation, ______ develops from trophoblast, takes over stimulating corpus luteum.


What develops in post implantation?


What develops into the fetal part of the placenta?


Chorion develops ____ ____ that form part of the placenta.

Chorionic villi

Period of rapid mitotic divisions.


______ events form blastomere.


What prevents polyspermy?

Cortical reaction

______ ______ of sperm enter the oocyte. _____ ____ stays behind and ____ _____ are released into the oocyte.

Cytoplasmic contents; plasma membrane; internal contents

The initial cell in fertilization.


Trophoblast gives rise to ___ of the extraembryonic membranes.

1 (placenta)

An oocyte is viable __-__ hours post ovulation.


Morula is made up of how many cells?

16 or more cells

In 36 hours, the 1st cleavage creates __ _____ ____.

2 identical cells

When does extraembryonic membranes develop?

2-3 weeks after fertilization

A sperm is viable __-__ hours post ejaculation.


In the final step of fertilization, __ nuclei fuse forming the ______.

2; zygote

What is the maximum amount of time an oocyte can be fertilized?


How long does the gestation period last? (Days and months)

About 280 days and 9 1/2 months

Sperm releases acrosomoal enzymes that digest holes through the zona pellucida.

Acrosomal reaction

Membranes become thin in capacitate sperm so that enzymes can be released from _______.


Organelle around the head of sperm that contains hydrolytic enzyme.


When should you wait to take a pregnancy test?

After a missed period because there can be false negatives due to hCG not being high

Becomes part of embryonic urinary bladder.


Forms as outpocket from end of yolk sac


Transparent membranous sac that fills with amniotic fluid.


What two extraembryonic membranes develop from inner cell mass of blastocyst?

Amnion and yolk sac

What are the extraembryonic membranes?

Amnion, yolk sac, allantois, and chorion

Fertilization takes place in the ____.


When is hCG released?

At implantation

Why do we want membranes thick at first?

Because if not, sperm would be killed

What is another name for blastocyst?


Cluster of about 100 cells.


Amnion develops from inner cell mass of ______.


In 4-5 days, ______ is formed.


Two identical cells from first cleavage.


What is formed after initial cleavage events?


Part of the yolk sac can become restricted and develops into the ______ part of the embryo.


Dorsal surface of developing embryo.


What are the primary germ layers?

Ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm

What is the developing young in the embryonic period called?


When does cleavage happen?

Embryonic Development

Fertilization to week 8 of gestation.

Embryonic period

6-7 days implantation of blastocysts into ____ begins.


In a capacitate sperm, sperm motility is enhanced/degraded?


What released by oocytes destroy sperm receptors?


Thin membranes surrounding embryo.

Extraembryonic membranes

Fertilized egg travels from distal end of ______ tube to the _____. What kind of event is this?

Fallopian tube; uterus; cleavage event

T/F: Sperm cannot be destroyed by the acidic environment.


Sperm's chromosomes combine with chromosomes of secondary oocyte forming a zygote.


Week 9 to birth.

Fetal period

Developing young is called ____ in the fetal period.


What are the functions of amniotic fluid?

For cushioning/protection of the developing embryo, temperature regulation, allows for embryo to move around in uterus which is important for muscle development

Formation of 3 primary germ layers.


Length of time woman is pregnant (duration time).

Gestation period

In the first part of fertilization, sperm releases enzymes that digest junctions between _____ and _____.

Granulosa cells; surrounding oocyte

At implantation, _____ released from trophoblasts, stimulates corpus luteum to keep secreting estrogen and progesterone.

Human chorionic gonadotropin

What hormone is detected by home pregnancy tests?

Human chorionic gonadotropin

What is the young called after it is born?

Infant or newborn

Forms embryo and 3 of the 4 extra embryonic membranes.

Inner cell mass

Yolk sac develops from...

Inner cell mass of blastocyst

Internal cluster of 20-30 cells.

Inner mass cells

What are some fates of sperm?

Leak out of vagina, destroyed by acidic environment in vagina, blocked at the cervix due to thick mucus, phagocytes destroy them, reverse peristalsis

_____ part of the placenta are arteries and blood vessels in the endometrium.


Chorion develops into fetal part of the _______.


____ sperm binds & fuses to what during fertilization?

Plasma membrane of oocyte

Multiple sperm entering oocyte.


Events that occur during gestation period.


Events that occur from fertilization until infant is born.


Contraction of uterus in the opposite direction.

Reverse peristalsis

What guides sperm to oocyte & secretions in female reproductive tract capacitate sperm?

Reverse peristalsis

Viable 24-48 hours after ejaculation.


In cleavage, cells are not growing but have production of more cells to increase ____ _____ and to ____ ____.

Surface area; volume ratio

Groups of cells in blastocyst.


Single layer os large periphery that are flattened cells.


What aids in implatation and in placenta formation?


What protects the embryo from mother's immune system?


T/F: Pregnancy strips have antibodies on them.


Arteries and veins that connect embryo to placenta.

Umbilical cord

In the allantois membrane, blood vessels become part of _____ _____.

Umbilical cord

As cells divide, the ova moves towards to ______.


Can an oocyte be fertilized by a sperm that has been hanging out before ovulation has occurred?


Can phagocytes destroy sperm?


Can some sperm leak out of vagina?


Does amniotic fluid allow for the embryo to move around in the uterus?


Does cleavage enhance nutrient and oxygen uptake?


Does hCG start to double a couple of days after implantation?


Fluid-filled cavity forms and zona pellucida breaks down in a blastocyst.


Provides some nutrients to developing embryo prior to placenta taking over.

Yolk sac

The function of what extraembryonic membrane is not as prominent in humans and functions for a small amount of time?

Yolk sac

After sperm digest junctions between the granulosa cells and surrounding oocyte, what does sperm bind too?

Zona pellucida

Fusion of two nuclei form a ______.


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