Research Finals

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Research Half Life

5 years

Hawthorne effect

A change in a subject's behavior caused simply by the awareness of being studied

Pilot study

A study conducted in small scale

Research design

An overall plan and outcome for the study


Appears in the middle

Double barrel

Ask respondent how satisfied arethey

2 Purposes of Nursing Research

Basic Applied

Researcher Motivation and Interest

Basis when conducting study is

Projective technique

Believe to be more accurate in gathering psychological data. Stimuli projective


Bracketing Applied Husserlian Philosophical Framework


Bracketing not applied Heideggerian Philosophical Framework

Scientific Research approach

Broader in scope Obtains data for generalization Applies knowledge to other people and setting

QDAS - Qualitative Data Analysis

Can be edit, retrieve and restore the data


Characteristics or property that can take different values and attributes Characteristic that vary Two or more mutually exclusive values or properties

Qualitative research

Concerned with subjective meaning of experiences to individuals Natural setting with a small number of research participants


Consist of exchanging information about each others goal and objectives


Copy what previous author writes


Data can be rank order and place into category (Academic Ranking)


Data that consist real number (Temperature)

Empirical Data

Data that is gathered through the senses


Describe qualitative data Most frequent data in Array Appear frequently

Descriptive statistic

Describe sample in present findings


Examines human experience Description are provided by people involve Live experiences

IBR Review

Exempt Expedited Full

Full Review

Expected for a research study that involves mode than minimal risk to participant. Study includes vulnerable member of population. (pregnant, infant, child)

One variable study

Exploratory in nature Univariate or single variable study Frequently beginning step in research project

Basic Research

Generating new knowledge Knowledge for Knowledge sake Develop tests and refines theories Uses laboratory animals as subject Immediate application of result is rare

Threats to External Validity

Hawthorne Experimenter Rosenthal Reactive effect


Held each other enhance their capacity in performing their task


Highest or most precise level of data. A true or natural zero can be identified.


If something is doable or not

3 Basic types of variables

Independent Intervening Dependent

Correlation studies

Independent and dependent variable are not identifiable

Example of Bivariate

Independent variable - cause Dependent variable - effect


Intervention is evaluated for its effectiveness

Rosenthal effect

Interviewer characteristic influences subject behavior

Scientific Method

Is only one source of nursing knowledge. Considered most reliable

Informed Consent

It is necessary in research and provide full disclosure.

Rogers Innovation Diffusion Model

Knowledge Persuasion Precision Implementation Confirmation

Data fabrication

Make up data for purposes of deception.

Multivariate study

More than two variable Interaction of variables

Level of measurement

Nominal Ordinal Ration Interval

Impact Factor (IF)

Number use to evaluate influence of a particular journal


Nurse become aware of a research base nursing intervention


Nurse decide wether or not adopt new intervention


Nurse form a positive or negative attitude towards intervention


Nurses puts into practice

Nursing Research Studies

Nursing Practice Nursing Education Nursing Administration Nurses Themselves

Clinical Nursing Research

Nursing research that involves clients or studies that have the potential to affect the care of clients.

Quantitative research

Objectivity Tight controls Generalization of findings Typically designed to collect numerical data


Objects or event are named and categorize

Halo effect

Observer influence by one characteristic and judging other characteristic


Order of birth and academic rank

Hawthorne effect

Participants response influence by knowing they are observed

Six common qualitative approaches

Phenomenology Ethnography Grounded theory Narrative inquiry Case study Action Research

RA 10532

Philippine National Health Research System Act of 2013


Presume cause Input Intervention/Treatment Can stand alone Manipulated


Presume effect Output Outcome/Result Cannot stand alone Not manipulated

Exempt Review

Procedure do not link subject response to their identity. Disclosure of data could not reasonably place subject risk of harm.

Expedited Review

Protocol might cause minimal risk to a participant who may identify one self

H index

Ranking generated from number of articles which author cited

Conflict of interest

Received payments from company that sponsors your research. A situation in which an action by a company or individual results in an unfair benefit.


Refine existing theories or generate new theory

Exploratory Research

Research conducted to gather more information about a problem or to make a tentative hypothesis more specific

Two variable study

Research in nursing frequently concerned with two variable Bivariate Study


Research subject id protected from harm

Respect for person

Research subject should have autonomy and self determination


Research subject should receive fair treatment

Lineancy effect

Research tend to rate positively

Experimenter effect

Researcher characteristic influence subject behavior

Scientific Research

Researcher uses systematic, orderly, and objective methods

Threats to Internal Validity

Selection bias History Maturation Testing Instrumentation change

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Significant difference in Levels of students performance (Level 1 vs Level 3)

Problem solving approach

Specific in scope Seeks a solution to a problem in specific setting Uses knowledge for people in specific setting

Refereed Journal

Subject expert chosen by editorial staff evaluate manuscript

Semantic Differential

Subject indicate their position or attitude about a concept

Nursing Research

Systemic objective process of analyzing phenomena

Nuremberg Code (1947)

Ten guidelines for the ethical treatment of human subjects in research


Test existing theories


The average of a set of numbers

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

The core UN document on human rights; although it lacks the force of international law, it sets forth international norms regarding behavior by governments toward their own citizens and foreigners alike


Theory and practice of interpretation and understanding and justified

Mutually exclusive

Two events that cannot occur at the same time

Applied research

Uses new knowledge to near future Majority of nursing research

Delphi technique

Uses several rounds of question

Empirically Testable

Variables that can be measured by researcher Data gathered through sense organs Ethical values are not appropriate Avoid words like cause and effect


Vulnerable group of Data fabrication

In research literature

We need to look carefully and provide proper citation in order not to lead in plagarism

Pearsons product

We use this if we want to identify relationship of 2 variable

Data falsification

Willful distortion of results of study or data

Declaration of Helsinki (1964)

Written by the World Medical Association to provide guidelines for physicians conducting clinical trials

Comparative Research

a methodology by which two or more entities, which are similar in many dimensions but differ on one in question, are compared to learn about the dimension that differs between them

Inferential statistic

branch of statistic use to make inferences about population

Intervening variable

facilitating variable, moderator, control variable, strengthen or weaken IV on DV


publicly recommend or support

True experimental research

random assignment to different groups which receive different levels of a manipulated variable. greatest internal validity

Belmont Report (1979)

summarizes the basic ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research. (Respect for persons, beneficence and justice)


the existence or forming of a connection between two or more things so that one thing happening.

Correlational Research

the study of the naturally occurring relationships among variables

Nonrefereed Journal

uses editorial staff members or consultants who are not necessarily content expert to review manuscripts

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