Research Methods Exam 2

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Dr. Gahan decides to create a questionnaire asking about people's attitudes toward immigration (a socially sensitive topic). He should be most concerned about which of the following?

Fence Sitting

Leading Question

Getting people to answer the way you want Hit vs Smashed

Julian creates a survey asking participants first to report how happy they are in their marriage and then second to report how happy they are in their life. His advisor, Dr. Fuentes, recommends that he creates a second version of the survey that reverses the order of the questions. Why is Julian's advisor recommending this?

He is concerned that Julian's results could be affected by question order

If a question has response options such as strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree and strongly disagree, this is known as

A likert scale

Which of the following is true of interrater reliability? A. It does not need to be calculated if the research assistants are well trained. B. It is measured with an ICC C. If interrater reliability is established, it means the observations are also valid. D. It is necessary to calculate only if you have four or more raters.


Which of the following phrases would NOT indicate that a researcher is making a causal claim? A. Seems to decrease B. Is at higher risk of C. Curbs D. Suggests a change


Why are convergent and discriminant validity often evaluated together?

Both involve collecting information from a lot of psychological measures of theoretical interest

Which of the following is an example of a forced-choice question? A. What was your favorite part of this class? B. Please rate how much you agree with this statement: This was my favorite class this semester 1-5 C. Which of the following is most true of you? a. I am a very serious student b. I try only as hard as I have to


Dr. Ramon makes the following claim: "Watching television leads people to spend less time communicating with their spouses, study says." Dr. LaSalle makes the claim: "Research shows that making more money correlates with spending less time talking with your spouse." Which type of claim is Dr. Ramon making?

Causal Claim

Dr. Kang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A, and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). Group B is given a list of words that are neutral in content (e.g., houseplant, desk). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B. Dr. Kang sends his study to a journal to be published. One of the peer reviewers questions the way he manipulated emotion, arguing that being exposed to emotional words does not make one emotional. The reviewer is questioning which of the following validity?

Construct Validity

According to its conceptual definition, a variable should be related to a particular behavior. If a researcher is able to demonstrate that his measure of the variable is related to the behavior, then he has established which validity?


Stefan wants to make a causal claim in his dissertation. Which of the following is necessary? A. He must make a frequency claim first B. He must measure all of his variables C. He must manipulate all of his variables D. He must conduct an experiment


Which of the following increases accurate responding? A. Acquiescence B. Fence sitting C. Nay saying response sets D. Reverse-worded questions


Which of the following indicates that an article's claims are based on research? A. The article compares two groups of individuals B. The author describes her creative solution to a scientific problem C. The article includes a direct quote from an expert in the field D. The article describes how a scientific study measured a variable


Construct Validity

How well the operational definition is represented

Dr. Kang, a cognitive psychologist, conducts an experiment examining the effect of emotion on memory. He provides lists of 15 words to two groups of participants at his university. He puts the names of all the participants in a hat. The first 20 names he assigns to Group A, and the last 20 he assigns to Group B. Group A is given a list of words that are very emotional in content (e.g., passion, murder). Group B is given a list of words that are neutral in content (e.g., houseplant, desk). He then measures how many words each group is able to remember after being distracted for 5 minutes by watching a video about the history of the university. He finds that Group A remembers 15% more words than Group B. If Dr. Kang decided against using random assignment, what validity would he be threatening?

Internal Validity

Temporal Precedence

One variable comes before the other

Dr. Ellison finds a relation between the amount of sleep and problem solving. Specifically, having a higher amount of sleep the night before an exam is associated with higher scores on two measures of problem solving. This is an example of which type of association?

Positive Association

For her research methods class, Serena plans to interview several teachers about their attitude toward teaching children who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is an example of what type of measurement?

Self Report Measurement

Who is responsible for deciding which validity is prioritized in a study?

The researcher

A correlation coefficient and a scatter plot both provide which of the following pieces of information?

The strength and direction of the relationship between two measurements

How are quota sampling and stratified random sampling similar?

They both identify subsets of populations they want to study. Quota: Non random Stratified: Random

Jenny reads the following headline on an online article "If you're sexist people will think your racist and vice versa". This study found that members of stigmatized groups are threatened by prejudice directed at other stigmatized groups. In this study, the articles headline is ____ because _____

Unjustified, because the researcher did not study all groups of individuals who are sexist or racist

Dr. Sheffield is a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating pathological gambling. Pathological gambling is defined as being unable to resist impulses to gamble. Bothered by not having a good measure that he can give to clients to determine whether they are suffering from this condition, he creates a new measure of pathological gambling. The measure has 15 questions, and it takes 20 minutes to complete. If Dr. Sheffield's measure does not actually measure pathological gambling, his measure is said to lack what?


If researchers measure every member of a population they have:


non-probability sampling

convenience sampling, quota sampling,Purposive sampling, snowball sampling

Another word for observer effects is:

expectancy effects

Random Sampling increases

external validity

Random Assignment increases

internal validity

Face Validity

it looks like what you want to measure

Dr. Cyril conducts a simple random sample of 500 men who became fathers for the first time in the last year. He finds that 23% of them report being unsure of their ability to be good fathers, plus or minus 4%. If Dr. Cyril increased his sample size to 1000, what would happen?

margin of error would go down

Three types of reliability

test-retest, interrater, internal

Criterion Validity

the extent to which a measure is related to an outcome

Content Validity

the measure contains all the parts that your theory says it should contain

A biased sample consists of too many ________ cases.



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