Restorative Art Glossary

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(palpebrae) two movable flaps of skin which cover and uncover each eyeball


(supercilium) also the superficial hairs covering the superciliary arches


(vertex) the topmost part of the head


(wrinkle) a crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations

dental prognathism

(buck teeth) oblique insertion of the teeth

eye socket

(orbit) the bony region containing the eyeball; the orbital cavity


a depression; a concavity


a prominence or projection of a bone

inverted triangle

a three sided figure whose base is superior to its apex; when used to describe a frontal-view geometric headshape, a head which is wide at the forehead and narrow at the jaw

inner canthus

eminence at the inner corner of the closed eyelids

occipitofrontalis muscle

epicranius; draws the scalp posteriorly and anteriorly and raises the eyebrow


exhibiting a depressed or hollow surface

acquired facial markings

facial markings that develop during ones lifetime, primarily as a result of repetitious use of certain muscles


having the component parts closely compacted together; relatively opaque


lack of symmetry, balance, or proportion

buccal depressions

natural, shallow concavities of the cheeks which extend obliquely downward from the medial or lateral margins of the cheekbones

palatine bone

one of the bones forming the posterior part of the hard palate and lateral nasal wall between the interior pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla


slope; deviation from the horizontal or vertical; oblique


the outer rim of the ear


two sides

cords of the neck

vertical prominence of the neck; an acquired facial marking

alveolar process

a bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the maxilla and the superior surface of the mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth

concave nasal profile

a depressed profile form which may dip concavely from root to tip


a frontal head form in which the head is generally egg-shaped, with the cranium slightly wider than the jaws; most common geometric head form


a hollow or concave region; the lowering of a part


a hollow place or area


a material or technique employed to secure tissues or restorative materials in a fixed position; an armature

levator labii superioris

a muscle of facial expression which elevates and extends the upper lip


a nasal classification which is medium broad and medium low bridged; common to individuals of Asian descent


a nasal classification which is short and broad and has the minimum of projection; common to individuals of African descent


a nasal index common to individuals of Western European descent having long, narrow, and high bridge


a raised support; the arched portion of the nose which is supported by the nasal bones; a structure or span connecting two parts of a mutilated bone


a raised surface or part


a relatively deep indentation, usually between two projections


a single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone above the root of the nose


a state of being twisted or pushed out of natural shape or position

mandibular suture

a stitch used to hold the mouth closed; placed behind the lips, one part is passed through around the inferior jaw at the median plane, while the other part extends through the nasal septum or the superior frenulum


a structure which exhibits a curved or bow-like outline

alveolar prognathism

an abnormal protrusion of the alveolar processes


an apparently solid structure having a square base and four triangular sides which meet at a central point


an elongated depression in a relatively level plane or surface


an elongated prominence adjoining a surface


an opening

foramen magnum

an opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes from the brain


angulus; a sharp turn formed by the meeting of two borders or surfaces


before or in front of; an anatomical term of position and direction which denotes the front or forward part


beneath; lower in plane or position; the undersurface of an organ or indicating a structure below another structure; toward the feet


broken bone

optic facial sulci

crows feet; the furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye; acquired facial markings

naso-orbital fossa

depression superior to the medial portion of the superior palpebrae

anatomical guides

descriptive references for locating anatomical structures by means of the anatomical structures which are known

bilateral differences

dissimilarities existing in the two sides or halves of an object



occipital bone

lowest part of the back and base of the cranium, forming a cradle for the brain

facial proportions

mathematical relationships of the facial features to one another and/or to the head and face

masseter muscles

muscles of mastication which close the mandible


surfaces having very little curvature


the act of throwing forward; a part extending beyond the level of its surroundings

anatomical position

the body is erect, feet together, palms facing forward, and thumbs pointed away from the body


the border, edge, or margin of a thing, usually of a circular or curving form, as the rim of the eye socket


the boundaries or edges

restorative art

the care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color

facial markings

the character lines of the face and neck; wrinkles, grooves, cords, and dimples


the concave shell of the ear; the deepest depression of the ear

nasolabial fold

the eminence of the cheek and adjacent to the mouth; extending from the superior part of the posterior margin of the wing of the nose to the side of the mouth; a natural facial marking


the entrance or outlet of any body cavity; an opening

anterior nares

the external nostril openings


the eyelashes


the fatty inferior one-third of the ear

columna nasi

the fleshy termination of the nasal septum at the base of the nose; located between the nostrils; the most inferior part of the mass of the nose

cribriform plate

the horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone separating the cranial cavity from the nasal cavity

body of the mandible

the horizontal portion of the lower jaw


the horseshoe-shaped bone forming the inferior jaw


the inner rim of the ear

line of closure

the line that forms between two structures, such as the lips or the eyelids when in a closed position, which marks their place of contact with each other


the loss of moisture from body tissues which may occur antemortem or postmortem

oral cavity

the mouth; the orifice containing the teeth and tongue

crus of the helix

the origin of the helix which is flattened in the concha


the outline of hair growth on the head or face; the lowest centrally located part of the hair of cranium

head shape

the outline of the exterior margins of the head


the outline or surface form


the principle muscle of the cheek which compresses the cheeks and forms the lateral wall of the mouth

protruding lobe

the rounded, anterior projection of the tip of the nose


the side view of the human head

facial profiles

the silhouettes of the face from the side view

buccal cavity

the space between the lips and the gums and teeth; the vestibule of the oral cavity


the study of the structures and surface markings of the face and features

bucco-facial sulcus

the vertical furrow of the cheek; an acquired facial marking


the vertical groove located medially on the superior lip; a natural facial marking

interciliary sulci

the vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows; acquired facial markings


the vertical portion of the mandible


the withdrawal of a part from its normal position

major restoration

those requiring a long period of time, are extensive, require advanced technical skill and expressed written consent to perform

natural facial markings

those that are present at birth, hereditary


to bluntly adjoin another structure, for example, the line of eye closure


to cut off a limb; to dismember


top; the anterior protruding ridge of the nose from the root to the tip of the lobe


toward the rear or caudal end; toward the back; dorsal


toward the side

parietal bones

two bones that form the roof and part of the sides of the skull

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