Restorative Art - Muscles of Form and Expression test 2

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Describe the large muscle that covers the top of the head.

Occipitofrontalis: A very large muscle that covers the top and sides of the skull.

Name the 3 muscles superficial to the temporalis muscle.

1.) Anterior Auricular 2.) Posterior Auricular 3.) Superior Auricular

Name the 3 muscles of mastication.

1.) Masseter 2.) Pterygoideus Medialas 3.) Pterygoideus Lateralis

Name the 3 muscles of the cranium.

1.) Occipitofrontalis 2.) Auricular-Anterior, Posterior & Superior 3.) Temporalis

What are the 3 muscles of the QLS?

1.) Zygomaticus Minor 2.) Levator Labii Superioris 3.) Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi

QLS Muscles

1.) Zygomaticus Minor - most medial 2.) Levator Labii Superioris - middle/intermediate 3.) Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi - most lateral

Auricular *Anterior, Posterior, Superior* - A.P.S.

3 thin muscles in the region of the ear; -ANTERIOR, SUPERIOR, AND POSTERIOR- They have more effect on the movement of the scalp than of the ear. They have no influence on surface form.

Platysma (1)

A broad, flat and superficial muscle. This muscle softens the contours of the neck. It arises from the fascia covering the large muscles in the region of the collarbone, ribs and shoulder.

Digastric (2)

A double-bellied muscle that lies below the body of the Mandible. The anterior belly of the 2 muscles is responsible for one form of the chords of the neck.


A flattened ribbon shaped tendon.

Define the term aponeurosis.

A flattened ribbon shaped tendon.

Quadratus Labii Superioris (2)

A group of 3 muscles that act independently or in unison. Known as the QLS Muscles. The muscles are broad in origin, extending along the entire lower margin of the eye socket.


A term that refers to the end of a muscle that is attached to a movable part of a body or to the skin. For every muscle pulling in one direction, there is another muscle that returns the body part to its original position.

Sternocleidmastoid (2)

A thick muscle that passes obliquely across the side of the neck. This muscle arises at 2 points, the Sternum and the Clavicle; very close to the midline. A small triangular interval lies between these 2 points. This interval or space is important to embalmers. Contraction of this muscle moves the head sideways. Alternate action of this muscle rotates the head. And, when coordinated, it pulls the head forward.

Depressor Angulii Oris - Triangularis (2)

A three-sided muscle, hence the alternate name - Triangularis. Approaches the mouth from below, and when contracted, it depresses the angle of the mouth. It contributes to the fullness or prominence of the Angulus Oris Eminence.

Spincter muscles

An encircling muscle that surrounds a natural orifice. -our mouth and nose- we have 3 of them. Way to remember: SPHINcter = "Spin"


Biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow.

Pterygoideus Medialas (2) Pterygoideus Lateralis (2)

Both pair of these muscles are commonly known as just Pterygoids. They are deep muscles that permit side-to-side movement of the lower jaw. The muscles originate from the process of the Sphenoid Bone. They do not actually tear the food, they grind the food.

What muscle is important to a trumpet player?


What is the proper name for the Triangularus Muscle?

Depressor Anguli Oris

This muscle contributes to the fullness of the Angulus Oris Eminence.

Depressor Anguli Oris - Triangularis

Describe the muscle of fear and distaste.

Depressor Labii Inferioris -Quadratus- This muscle approaches the lower lip from below. Pulls the lower lip downward and a little to the side. Changes the form of the line of mouth closure.

What is another name for the Corrugators?

Frowning Muscle

Describe the Masseter Muscle.

Got its name from its action of chewing or mastication.

Procerus (1)

Is a long thin slip of muscular tissue. When this muscle contracts, the medial ends of the eyebrows are drawn down. It forms transverse wrinkles across the root of the nose. It extends vertically from the lower part of the nasal bone to the lower part of the forehead.

Occipitofrontalis (1)

It is a very large muscle that covers the top and sides of the skull. This muscle's function is to draw the scalp posteriorly and anteriorly and RAISES THE EYEBROWS.

Orbicularis Oris (1)

It is known as the puckering or whistling muscle. The Sphincter muscle that encircle the mouth. Contraction of this muscle closes and puckers the lips.

Mentalis (1)

It may raise and protrude the lower lip. Inserts into the "Skin of the chin".

Corrugator (2)

Known as the frowning muscle. It is small, narrow and pyramidal in shape. It is located at the medial end of the eyebrow. When the two corrugators contract, they produce vertical furrows between the eyebrows. -Think of corrugated paper or a sheet of corrugated tin.

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi (2)

Levator = Elevator Labii = Lips Superioris = Superior Alaeque = Wing Nasi = Nose This is the medial muscle of the QLS. Often called the Common Elevator. May be described as a long narrow slip running beside the nose. Alaeque Nasi is Latin for "Wing of the nose". Also called the "Elvis Muscle" or the "Sneering Muscle".

What muscle is named after a dog's tooth?

Levator Anguli Oris

What are the other names for the Common Elevator?

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi The Elvis Muscle Sneering Muscle "Wing of the Nose"

Which muscle may create a dimple on the chin?


Nasalis (1)

NOSE - This is the muscle of the lower part of the nose. It serves to elevate, dilate, depress and contract the nostrils. The muscle fibers run horizontal -across- the nose.

What is the muscle of reflection or thought?

Orbicularis Oculi

Describe the puckering or whistling muscle.

Orbicularis Oris: Encircles the mouth. Closes & puckers the lips.

Define origin and insertion of muscles.

Origin: end of a muscle attached to a fixed point. Insertion: end of a muscle attached to a moveable part of a body or to the skin.

Describe the 3 muscles of the neck.

Platysma: broad, flat & superficial. softens the contours of the neck. Sternocleidomastoid: embalmer most important muscle, SCM Digastricus: a double-bellied muscle that lies below the body of the Mandible. The anterior belly of the 2 muscles is responsible for one form of the chords of the neck.

Name the 2 muscles of the nose.

Procerus and Nasalis

Describe the muscles of the nose.

Procerus: when contracted, the medial ends of the eyebrows are drawn down. Forms transverse wrinkles across the root of the nose. Extends vertically from the lower part of the Nasal bone to the lower part of the forehead. Nasalis: muscle of the lower part of the nose. runs horizontally across the nose.

Define quadrilateral muscles and sphincter muscles.

Quadrilateral Muscles: The fibers are parallel and run directly from the origin to their insertion. -goes from point to point.- Sphincter Muscles: An encircling muscle that surrounds a natural orifice. -our eyes and mouth-

Levator Palpebrae Superioris (2)

Raises the upper eyelid. Originates deep in the eye socket. This muscle is long, thin, flat and triangular in shape. When it is impossible to close the upper eyelid, this muscle may be severed.


Refers to a DEPRESSION in a muscle.


Refers to the EYES.


Refers to the mouth.

Which muscle is responsible for a false smile?


What does SCM stand for?


What muscle is most important to embalmers?


All Etymology Terms

Study all Etymology terms since we don't know which ones he will put on this exam.

Describe the Zygomaticus Major.

The laughing or smiling muscle. It draws the angle of the mouth backward and upward. It helps to create the prominence of the Nasolabial Fold and contributes to the fullness of the Angulus Oris Eminence.

Name the muscle of mastication that is shaped like a fan.



The end of a muscle attached to a fixed point. On the face, the origin is usually on an immovable bone or cartilage.

Quadrilateral Muscles

The fibers are parallel and run directly from the origin to their insertion. Goes from point-to-point.

Zygomaticus Major (2)

The laughing or smiling muscle. It is lateral to the QLS group. It draws the angle of the mouth backward and upward. It helps to create the prominence of the Nasolabial fold, and contributes to the fullness of the Angulus Oris Eminence.

Levator Labii Superioris (2)

The middle or intermediate muscle of the QLS group. It is lateral to the LLSAN. This muscle raises the upper lip.

Name the QLS muscles in their proper order -viewing from left to right-.

Zygomaticus Minor - Levator Labii Superioris - Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi

Wrinkles / Funeral

They cross the direction of muscles at right angles. -Muscles with fibers that run vertically, will cause furrows that run horizontally. -Muscles with fibers that run horizontally, will cause furrows that run vertically.

Define how a wrinkle or furrow is affected by muscles.

They cross the direction of muscles at right angles. Muscles with fibers that run vertically will cause furrows that run horizontally. Muscles with fibers that run horizontally will cause furrows that run vertically.

What do the Petrygoids do?

They permit side-to-side movement of the lower jaw. They do NOT actually tear the food, they grind the food.

Zygomaticus Minor (2)

This is the most lateral muscle of the QLS. It inserts into the upper lip at the angle of the mouth. It raises the corners of the mouth and is used in smiling. *But it is NOT known as the smiling muscle.*

Orbicularis Oculli (2)

This is the muscle of reflection or thought. Orbicularis refers to Sphincter. Oculi refers to eye. This is a broad thin sphincter muscle surrounding the eye.

Depressor Labii Inferioris -Quadratus- (2)

This muscle approaches the lower lip from below and is associated with fear or distaste. When contracted it pulls the lower lip downward and a little to the side. It changes the form of the line of mouth closure. Causes the Angulus Oris sulcus to become oblique in form.

Temporalis (2)

This muscle brings the teeth together. A broad, radiating muscle shaped like a fan. It is the strongest of the chewing muscles. It is also a muscle of mastication.

Risorius (2)

This muscle creates a "false smile" or smirk. It is a narrow superficial muscle that runs across the cheek. Originates in the fascia over the masseter muscle, and is antagonistic to the Buccinator.

Buccinator (2)

This muscle is called the "trumpeters" muscle. A quadrilateral muscle in the soft area of the cheek. It is the principle muscle of the cheek and the lateral wall of the mouth. Contraction of this muscle compresses the cheek.

Levator Angulii Oris (2)

This muscle is the elevator of the angle of the mouth. It is located near the region of the canine tooth, and originates from the canine fossa. It is hidden behind the QLS group. It is often called the caninus muscle.

Masseter (2)

This muscle receives its name from its action of chewing or mastication. Located on the side of the face. When contracted it raises the lower jaw.

Double-Bellied Muscles

Two fleshy portions that are separated by a tendon or aponeurosis-flat ribbon shaped tendon-.

What is a double-bellied muscle?

Two fleshy portions that are separated by a tendon or aponeurosis.

Which muscle is lateral to the QLS group?

Zygomaticus Major

Which muscle is the smiling or laughing muscle?

Zygomaticus Major

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