Revature Quiz 1, and HTML/CSS questions
What is true about Id and Class?
They are global attributes, they apply to all elements
What is the difference between link and import?
They are similar, one loads side-by-side with the HTML file and the other loads within a stylesheet
What is true about Alt and Title?
They perfom different actions, one as additional content and the other as a fallback content
What is true about HTML4 and HTML5?
They use different doctype directives, but most HTML elements will work for both
An external stylesheet can import an internal stylesheet?
The Header element should be only used exactly once in an HTML page?
You can access the internet without a browser?
They perfom different actions, one as additional content and the other as a fallback content
What is true about Div and Span?
How do you define the font of an element?
You should ask the user to download custom fonts
What is the maximum number of stylesheets a browser can support?
You should have as many as you need, each stylesheet affecting 1 layer
How do you define the color of an element?
You should only use HSL, it supports all web safe color
What are the required tags of any HTML page?
body, doctype, head, html
Which tags should go within the Body element?
div, header, span, strong
What are some characteristics of HTML?
domain-specific language, webpage file format, case-insentive markup
What is the history of HTML?
HTML1..4 >> XHTML1..2 >> HTML5
What does HTTP stands for?
HyperText Transfer Protocol
What does HTML stand for?
Hypertext Markup Language
What is true of an Inline-Block element?
It is a block element, it can be resized
What is true of an HTML attribute?
It is composed of a key-value pair as part of a tag
What is true of an HTML element?
It is composed of attribute, content, name
What is true of a Block element?
Its content will stretch the entire device width
What is true of an Inline element?
Its size can be dynamically changed based on content
What are some characteristics of CSS
Libraries, page formatting, typography, accessibility
What is an internal stylesheet?
A file that contains a set of CSS rules embedded in an HTML file
What is an external stylesheet?
A file that contains a set of CSS rules linked to an HTML file
What is a CDN?
A network that can send video, audio and media content periodically
What is a CSS selector?
A tool to filter HTML elements by attributes
What is a User Agent?
A tool to let you know which browser is accessing your website
Which browsers do support HTML5?
All Modern Browsers
Where do you place an import statement?
At the top of a stylesheet
What does CSS stand for?
Cascading Style Sheets
Any element from HTML1 can be supported in HTML5?
Any element from HTML1 is supported in HTML5?
The Main element should be used multiple times in an HTML page?
Using the (+) operator, all siblings will be targeted?
Using the (space) operator, some descendants may not be targeted?
Using the (~) operator, some siblings may not be targeted?
What is an Adpative Web Design?
The ability to adapt to iPhone and Android device resolution
What is a CSS Normalize?
The ability to enhance all browsers to similar default styling
What is a Responsive Web Design?
The ability to render your webpage at native viewport resolution
What is true about Local Storage?
The data is available across all tabs until the user switches domain
What is true about Session Storage?
The data is available to exactly 1 tab until the user switches domain
What is progressive enhancement?
The process by which a user enjoys a website extra features with better connection
What is graceful degradation?
The process by which older browsers render only some portion of a website
Which tags should go in the HEAD element?
link, meta, title, style
What is true about the CSS Box Model?
margin >> border >> padding >> content