Review Ch. #4

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Which of the following is TRUE about stalking?

It can occur online.

A death that occurs as a result of an intent to harm or kill is a(n)


Violence that occurs between two people in a current or former marriage or sexual or dating relationship is

intimate partner violence

The vast majority of stalkers are

known to their victims.

Which of the following is TRUE about primary aggression?

It is goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature.

Which of the following is TRUE about ethnoviolence and hate crimes?

Prejudice and discrimination are always at the base of hate crimes and ethnoviolence.

Which phase of the cycle of violence is called the "honeymoon period" because the batterer may act apologetic and promise to change?


What proportion of murder-suicides in the United States involve an intimate partner?

about three-fourths

Sexual penetration without the victim's consent constitutes


James lost his job and was unable to pay his rent. His frustration built to the point that he initiated a physical fight with a friend. James is displaying

reactive aggression.

A woman often remains a victim of domestic violence because

she fears retaliation against herself or her children

Social and cultural factors that increase the likelihood of violence include all of the following EXCEPT

social support.

Based on statistics about campus violence, female students who are victims of rape

usually know the perpetrator.

The willful, repeated, and malicious following, harassing, or threatening of another person is


The most common cause of traumatic brain injury is falling.


A rape in which the victim knows the attacker is

acquaintance rape

Differences in political beliefs do not appear to be a factor that contributes to violence.


The media are to blame for the perpetuation of violence in our society.


The presence of a gun in the home doubles the risk of a homicide occurring in that location.


Of the following, which factor is NOT a risk for gang involvement?

Academic achievement

Which phase of the cycle of violence includes physical acts intended to inflict pain?

Acute battering

Child abusers are easy to identify.


If you return home to find that your residence has been broken into, you should check every room to see what is missing before calling the police.


If your state doesn't mandate bike or motorcycle helmets, you don't need to bother wearing them to prevent injuries.


Sexual harassment is carried out only by people who are in positions of power.


The U.S. Public Health Service categorizes injuries resulting from violence as either intentional or accidental.


Women from higher socioeconomic groups are at greater risk of marital rape.


Which of the following is TRUE about domestic violence?

Homicide by a current or former intimate partner is the leading cause of death among pregnant women in the United States.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding homicides?

Homicides are the second leading cause of death for persons aged 15 to 24.

Which of the following is TRUE about acquaintance rape?

It is a crime of opportunity, not necessarily a prearranged date.

Which of the following is TRUE about reactive aggression?

It is most often an emotional reaction to frustrating life experiences.

Which of the following is TRUE about marital rape?

Many states may treat marital rape as a lesser crime.

Which of the following is TRUE about the cycle of violence?

This cycle explains why people stay in unhealthy or dangerous relationships.

An unintentional injury is one in which the injury happens due to circumstances, without a deliberate desire to inflict harm.


Emotional and psychological violence can cause as much harm as physical blows or injuries.


Hate crimes sometimes occur because the perpetrator is retaliating for a perceived insult, unfairness, or slight.


In most cases, the perpetrators of child abuse are members of the child's family.


Sexual jokes, suggestive comments, and sexual innuendo are forms of sexual harassment.


Rape that involves multiple attackers, strangers, weapons, or a physical beating is

aggravated rape

Research examining the relationship between substance abuse and violence indicates that

alcohol consumption is a major factor in domestic violence at all levels

Children who have experienced sexual abuse are at increased risk for

anxiety disorders, depression, and suicide.

A tendency toward anger may be

both physiological and related to family background.

Doing some type of activity, such as texting or eating, while driving can cause accidents and is known as

distracted driving.

The use of force to control and maintain power over another person in the home environment is

domestic violence

A situation that would be a predictor of domestic violence is

marital dissatisfaction.

Campus law enforcement officers now have

more staff and increased authority to prosecute offenders

Cultural beliefs that can be considered societal causes of violence include

objectifying women.

Breakdowns in the criminal justice system contribute to violence because

prisons are overcrowded and prisoners may be released early.

All of the following are common characteristics of child abusers EXCEPT

they have a healthy self-image.

Young people tend to join gangs for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

to impress friends who are not gang members.

The term terrorism is correctly applied to situations in which

violence is used to achieve political aims.

Violence against people or property that is rooted in political or social objectives and intended to intimidate is


Which of the following is a social contributor to sexual violence?

Blaming the victim

An act that causes harm or potential harm to a child is

child abuse

A common ploy used by rapists is to

pose as a police officer or other authority figure.

Substance abuse decreases the risk of both homicide and suicide.


Aggression is more likely to occur during times of stress.


Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is

impaired driving.

If a child is not provided with enough to eat and doesn't have proper clothes to wear, this is an example of


Domestic violence is very common in the United States.


Violence directed at others and based on prejudice and discrimination is


Jane is being harassed by a coworker. You should tell her to

tell her boss.

Violence can be defined as

the intentional use of physical force or power against oneself or another person or group.

Assault, homicide, and suicide are examples of

intentional injuries

A bias-motivated crime is

a hate crime.

Successful community strategies for preventing violence include all of the following EXCEPT

discouraging family planning programs.

A key defense against personal assault and rape is to

never become intoxicated at parties or social events

Which of the following would NOT be considered a hate crime?

Running a red light and hitting a pedestrian

There have been recent reports of date rape drugs being used at campus parties. What should female students do to protect themselves from being the victim of drug-facilitated crimes?

Tell a friend if they suspect something was slipped into food or drink and go to the ER immediately.

Which phase of the cycle of violence is typically characterized by anger, abusive language, and psychological aggression?

Tension building

What is a common reason that victims of elder abuse do not report it?

They are afraid that the abuser will retaliate by putting them in a nursing home.

A growing risk of violent incidents on college campuses has caused colleges to respond by

revising prevention and emergency response strategies.

If a friend confided that he or she was forced to have sex and did not consent, this is an example of

sexual assault.

Any form of unwanted sexual attention is

sexual harassment.

Your friend confides that her coworker is always making sexually explicit comments to her and telling lewd jokes. You explain to her that this is

sexual harassment.

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