Review Questions

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Scientists use mitochondrial DNA to track the migration of humans across the planet. After a group migrates away from their ancestral homeland, any mutations that occur are not mixed with those left in the ancestral population. Therefore, mitochondrial DNA samples taken from ____ would have the fewest unique mutations, representing the original and oldest DNA sequences.


Characteristics shared by primates include A. flat nails instead of claws. B. grasping hands with opposable thumbs. C. binocular vision and excellent depth perception. D. large brain size in comparison to body size. E. All answers are correct

All answers are correct

Evidence supporting the idea that mitochondria and chloroplasts in present-day cells originated as independent organisms includes A. similarities in DNA sequences between mitochondrial and bacterial genomes. B. similarities in size and shape between mitochondria and some prokaryotes. C. similarity between photosynthetic pigments in chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. D. similarity in the way mitochondria, chloroplasts, and prokaryotes reproduce. E. All answers are correct

All answers are correct

Evidence that algae are the closest relatives to plants is that they both A. have chloroplasts. B. contain chlorophyll a. C. have cellulose-rich cell walls. D. use starch as a nutrient reserve. E. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct

Advantages of bipedalism include A. movement through the treetops and clinging to vines. B. the ability to run faster. C. freeing of hands to carry objects and ability to use tools. D. increased brain size. E. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

Fossils may be .

All answers are correct.

Hominids include A. humans. B. orangutans. C. chimpanzees. D. gorillas. E. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

How have plants transformed the world? A. Food source for many animals, fungi, and even some prokaryotes and protists B. Habitat for breeding, rearing young, and escaping predators C. Photosynthesis provides oxygen for aerobic respiration to make ATP D. Fibers for clothing and paper E. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

What caused the diversification of animals? A. uninhabited habitats B. unutilized food sources C. genetic changes D. All answers are correct. E. few competitors

All answers are correct.

What force leads to the evolution of a new species?

All answers are correct.

What is needed to estimate species relatedness with a molecular clock?

All answers are correct.

What is the purpose of flowers? A. to attract pollinators B. to support gamete production C. to capture wind-blown pollen D. to protect reproductive structures E. All answers are correct.

All answers are correct.

What organic molecules likely existed before the first cell? A. nucleic acids B. lipids C. All answers are correct. D. proteins E. carbohydrates

All answers are correct.

Why are animals important? A. All answers are correct. B. provide food sources C. pollinate plants D. break down organic matter E. play role as predators

All answers are correct.

Why do scientists hypothesize that RNA was the first form of genetic material? A. All answers are correct. B. RNA can catalyze reactions. C. RNA can store genetic information. D. RNA can self-replicate. E. RNA can use genetic information to make proteins.

All answers are correct.

Which of the following is not a similarity supporting the endosymbiont theory? A. similarity in the DNA of mitochondria and prokaryotes B. similarity in the nucleus of prokaryotes and mitochondria C. similarity in the RNA of mitochondria and prokaryotes D. similarity in the ribosomes of mitochondria and prokaryotes E. All answers support the endosymbiont theory.

All answers support the endosymbiont theory.

Mitochondria evolved before chloroplasts based on which observation?

All eukaryotes have mitochondria, but not chloroplasts.

What advantage do angiosperms have over gymnosperms?

Angiosperms can produce flowers and fruits to aid in seed dispersal.

Animals are very diverse. Which of the following is NOT a feature of animals?

Animals are unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes

The sequence of eras beginning with the earliest era and proceeding forward to the most recent era in the geologic time scale is

Archean - Mesozoic - Cenozoic

Photosynthesis probably originated during the __________ eon and most likely used _____________ as an electron donor.

Archean, hydrogen sulfide

The most successful phylum in regards to diversity and numbers is


Scientists use mitochondrial DNA to track the migration of humans across the planet. After a group migrates away from their ancestral homeland, any mutations that occur are not mixed with those left in the ancestral population. Therefore, mitochondrial DNA samples taken from ____ would have the most unique mutations, representing the most recent population to migrate to a new area.


Many drugs are produced by placing human genes into bacteria. The bacteria then transcribe and translate these genes into functional human proteins that can then be purified and given as drugs. The fact that this process works is consistent with which hypothesis

Bacteria have evolved to mimic human cells

The scientist given credit for devising the two-word naming system of all living organisms is .

Carolus Linnaeus.

_ is/are a waxy coating that minimizes water loss from leaves of the plant.


Based on the endosymbiont theory, which of the following would you expect to find in a chloroplast?


What can be used as a molecular clock to estimate the time since organisms diverged from a common ancestor?


A gradual change from an ancestral type was referred to by Darwin as?

Descent with Modification

The term "gymnosperm" literally means

"naked ovule."

What are the observations of nature made by Darwin?

-Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited -More individuals of a population are born than survive to reproduce -Individuals compete with one another for limited resources that enable them to survive

The rate of background extinctions is

. 0.1 to 1.0 species per year per million species.

UV light is used to produce vitamin D. Yet, why do people whose ancestors lived in the tropics have darker-colored skin?

. Darker-colored skin provides protection against cancer-causing UV light.

In the section "Investigating Life: Discovering the 'Fishapod'", the observation that Tiktaalik had both gills and lungs suggests which of the following?

. It could absorb oxygen from both the air and water.

What is the advantage of producing a seed over a spore?

. Seeds are diploid, and can grow directly into a sporophyte.

The fossil record indicates that at one time marsupials were common to both Australia and South America, but today most South American marsupials have become extinct. The most probable explanation for marsupials being common to Australia yet not very common to South America today is that

. South American marsupials were displaced by placental mammals when a land bridge formed between North America and South America about seven million years ago.

The substance that strengthens and supports cell walls, allowing plants to grow tall and upright is

. lignin.

In the section "Investigating Life: Size Matters in Fishing Frenzy", the heritability of body size was 20% regulated by the environment (and 80% controlled by genes) in Atlantic silversides. What would happen to the figure if heritability was 80% regulated by the environment (and 20% regulated by genes)? A. The changes in average size would occur more rapidly. B. The changes in average size would occur more slowly. C. No changes in average size would occur. D. The fish would never get as large under the same environmental conditions. E. The fish would avoid predation.


Which of the following is a trait shared by mammals and reptiles that is not shared by the other groups of chordates? A. hair B. mammary glands C. an amnion D. legs E. lungs


In the section "Investigating Life: Size Matters in Fishing Frenzy", what hypothesis were the researchers testing?

.Harvesting larger fish would decrease the size of fish in future generations.

Use the Hardy-Weinberg equations: p + q = 1 and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. If the dominant allele frequency is 0.8, then what percent of the population will be homozygous dominant?


The first cells probably arose about

1.2 billion years ago.

The half life of 14C is 5,730 years. If you test a fossilized bone and find that it has 1/8th the 14C as a modern bone, you could conclude that it is approximately __ years old.

5,730 x 3 = 17,190

Carbon-14 is useful in determining the age of a fossil up to about

50,000 years ago

Which of the following is an amphibian?


Eukaryotes probably originated about

two billion years ago.

Fossil evidence places the origin of angiosperms in the early Cretaceous period, at least 130 million years ago. By 100 million years ago, all of today's major lineages of angiosperms had evolved. Angiosperms make up 95% of all modern plant species. Which of the following may help explain the rapid success of angiosperms?

use of flowers and fruits to protect and disperse both pollen and seeds

If a structure has no apparent function in one species, yet is homologous to a functional organ in another species, this structure is termed


Humans and chimps are both able to

walk upright and use tools.

The two types of vascular tissue in most plants are

xylem and phloem.

The parts of the plant that conduct water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves are the


A biological species is defined as a population whose members can interbreed, although the offspring may be infertile.


A dikaryotic stage is common in the life cycle of many plants, protozoans, and fungi


All protists are single-celled.


An internal membrane in chordates that protects the developing fetus is the notochord.


Autotrophs must acquire carbon from organic molecules produced from other organisms


Chordates have notochords and postanal tails.


Chordates include only animals that are vertebrates.


Dinosaurs lived essentially during the Paleozoic era


Evolution answers the question of how life began.


Evolution occurs in individuals, not populations.


Mammals that lay eggs are marsupials.


Molecular evidence places fungi closer to plants than animals


Molecular evidence suggests that plants and green algae do not descend from a common ancestor


Most bacteria inside and on the human body cause disease.


Mules are a distinct species because they produce fertile offspring when mated


Natural populations usually fulfill the conditions needed for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


Placental mammals give birth to more fully developed offspring than marsupial mammals and therefore have a greater chance of survival. This helps to explain why placental mammals from North America displaced many native South American marsupial mammals when a land bridge formed between the two continents.


Scientists have fossils of the first life on Earth.


Sea cucumbers belong to the plant kingdom.


Since the conditions needed for the Hardy-Weinberg principle do not occur in real populations, this principle has no importance in population studies.


Skeletal organization relating to limbs used for movement in vertebrates would be an example of analogous structures


Some animals are autotrophs.


The "endosymbiont theory" states that eukaryotic cells work together to form a multicellular organism.


The early report that Stanley Miller had created "Life in a Test Tube" in his experiment to re-create chemical conditions on Earth before life arose was correct.


The larger the initial population size, the less likely it will become extinct during an environmental change.


The more heritable traits organisms share, the more taxonomic levels they share


The purpose of fruit is to provide nourishment for the growing plant after the seed germinates


Yeasts are multicellular fungi.


What advantage do ferns have over bryophytes?

Ferns have a vascular system, which allow them to grow taller

What advantage do gymnosperms have over ferns?

Gymnosperms produce pollen and do not require water to reproduce.

The scientific name of humans is Homo sapiens. What is the species of humans?


Many fern gametophytes are hermaphrodites, meaning they can produce both sperm and egg. Why is this necessary for a fern, but not for an angiosperm? .

If one spore colonizes a new habitat, reproduction can occur in later stages.

In the section "Investigating Life: Discovering the 'Fishapod'", what advantage might Tiktaalik have by moving from water to land?

It could both move to a dry habitat that was easier to live in, and avoid predation by other species.

In the section "Investigating Life: Discovering the 'Fishapod'", Tiktaalik either crawled or paddled in shallow tropical streams about 380 mya, during the late Devonian period. These shallow waters often became anaerobic. What selective advantage did Tiktaalik have under these conditions?

It could lift its head out of the water and breathe air through its lungs

How is the ability of phospholipids to spontaneously form membranes when placed in water important in the origin of life on Earth?

Membranes are used by cells to catalyze reactions.

At Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

None of the answers are correct.

Darwin made which observation while on his four-year voyage on the HMS Beagle?

Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited.

Earth once consisted of a single large landmass and one ocean. The landmass is named


_ transport sugars produced by photosynthesis to the non-green parts of the plant.


According to Darwin, natural selection usually?

Preserves favorable variations in a population -Rejects harmful variations in a population

Which of the following is true of prokaryotes?

Prokaryotes are single-celled

DNA sequence evidence suggests that plants, fungi, and animals arose from different lineages of unicellular protists. This suggests which of the following?

Protists evolved before the other three kingdoms.

What was likely the first informational molecule of life?


The number of differences between cytochrome c of humans and cytochrome c of other organisms is as follows: Rhesus monkey - 1 difference; pigeon - 12 differences; fruit fly - 24 differences. The order in which these species are most similar to humans is.

Rhesus monkey, pigeon, fruit fly.

Segmentation occurs in annelids, arthropods, and chordates. What can therefore be concluded about segmentation?

Segmentation occurs in all animals.

How did multicellular organisms evolve from unicellular organisms?

Single-celled organisms joined together only.

Bacteria cannot be classified using the biological definition of a species for which reason?

The DNA sequences of all bacteria are more than 97% identical.

Which is the best description of the mutual benefit to both species found in a lichen?

The autotroph provides water and minerals and the heterotroph prevents dehydration.

Which of the following are characteristics of reptiles?

They are ectotherms with lungs

With few exceptions, which of the following is not a characteristic of plants?

They are heterotrophs

Which of the following characteristics do all animals share?

They are multi-cellular eukaryotes.

Clays often have positively-charged surfaces. How may this have been important in the formation of organic macromolecules?

They can form templates by binding organic building blocks

Why do different mutations accumulate in two species once they diverge?

They can no longer mate and exchange mutated genes.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the phylum Chordata?

They have a notochord.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of animals?

They have cell walls.

In the section "Investigating Life: Discovering the 'Fishapod'", the forelimbs of Tiktaalik have bones, but are fringed with fins instead of toes (Fig. 20.57). Which of the following is the best explanation for this observation?

This is a transitional fossil, and the species has not yet lost its fins.

Which of the following is NOT a way plants affect life on Earth?

Top of food webs

"Missing" transitional forms may not be present in the fossil record because of poor preservation of biological material and simply because scientists have not discovered all there is to discover.


A complete digestive tract has both a mouth and an anus and the food passes in one direction from the mouth to the anus.


According to the evolutionary tree, humans are descended from other groups of modern apes.


Among evolutionary biologists the idea of sympatric speciation is controversial


An evolutionary tree depicts species' relationships based on descent from shared ancestors


An open circulatory system keeps blood in specialized vessels as the blood flows throughout the body.


Antibiotics usually are not dangerous to use in treating bacterial infections because most antibiotics exploit structures and functions in bacteria that are not present in host cells


Artificial selection is responsible for many breeds of dogs and cats.


Because archaea were first found in environments that lacked oxygen or were very hot, acidic, or salty, they were nicknamed "extremophiles."


Birds are endothermic, feathered reptiles.


Chimpanzee genes and human genes are 99% identical.


Diatoms and brown algae contain yellowish photosynthetic pigments.


Earth's history spans about 4.6 billion years.


Heterotrophs must acquire carbon from organic molecules produced from other organisms.


In an evolutionary sense, "fitness" refers to an organism's contribution to the next generation's gene pool.


In bryophytes, the sporophyte is conspicuous or dominant


Many prokaryotes play vital roles in global nutrient cycles.


Molecular evidence places fungi closer to animals than plants


Mycologists classify fungi into phyla based on their sexual structures.


Natural selection is one type of mechanism for evolution; evolution is the outcome.


Natural selection is random because no individuals are eliminated from reproducing due to different environments.


Protists can be autotrophs.


Protists can be heterotrophs.


Scientists can fill in gaps in defining species by DNA sequence analysis.


Sexual selection is a type of natural selection resulting from variation in the ability to obtain mates.


Skeletal organization relating to limbs used for movement in vertebrates would be an example of homologous structures.


Slime molds may exist as either single amoeboid cells or large masses of cells that behave as one multicellular organism.


Stomata allow plants to exchange gases with the atmosphere.


The abundant presence of ammonite fossils in a large area indicates that the area was once part of an ocean.


The chance that a mutation will occur is independent of whether a new phenotype will benefit a population.


The endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, and other membranous organelles of cells might have formed by numerous infoldings of the cell's outer membrane


The first four-legged vertebrates were reptiles.


The fossil record is often incomplete, simply because scientists will never be able to discover some of the fossils that are buried deep in the earth.


The only living member of the genus Homo is Homo habilis.


The techniques used to study molecular evolution are based on the comparison of nucleotide and amino acid sequences among species


The tendency to concentrate sensory organs and brain at the head end of an animal is called


Water molds are unlike fungi in that water molds have cell walls containing cellulose, whereas fungi have cell walls containing chitin.


When ocean levels dropped about 70 million years ago, marsupial mammals moved into North America and displaced many of the placental mammal species.


UV light is used to produce vitamin D. How did people living at higher latitudes benefit from lighter-colored skin?

With less total UV light, lighter-colored skin protects vitamin D from degradation.

Which of the following is most likely to be preserved as a fossil?

a bone or shell

A circulatory system that keeps blood confined within vessels after leaving the heart is

a closed circulatory system.

A lichen is made up of which two types of organisms?

a fungus and a plant

Postzygotic isolation barriers prevent

a hybrid embryo from developing into a fertile adult.

Prokaryotes lack which of the following?

a nucleus

Chloroplasts arose by endosymbiosis of ______.

a photosynthetic bacterium

A prokaryote that occupies a habitat consisting of a low pH is a(an)


Which of the following does NOT lead to natural selection?


Mitochondria in algae are thought to have arisen from which source?

aerobic bacteria

A jellylike substance produced by red algae and used as a culture medium for microorganisms is


Which protists produce much of the Earth's oxygen?


Populations of ______ evolve.

all living organisms

Which of the following will NOT lead to evolution?

allele which aids in obtaining food and nutrients

Tortoises colonizing the different Galapagos islands and evolving into different species is an example of ____ speciation.


Evolution of a new species occurs

allopatrically and sympatrically

What did Stanley Miller's simulation of Earth's early conditions produce?

amino acids

Even semi-aquatic reptiles, like crocodiles and alligators, can spend much of their life on dry land. Which of the following adaptations enables reptiles to live and reproduce on dry land?

amniotic eggs only

Which of the following were the first vertebrates to appear on land?


Which of the following were the first vertebrates to truly thrive on land?


The first four-legged vertebrates were


Mitochondria arose by endosymbiosis of ______.

an aerobic bacterium

A circulatory system in which the heart pumps blood to tissues throughout the body cavity is

an open circulatory system.

Which of the following is least likely to be preserved as a fossil?

an organ like an eye or lung

Which of the following is NOT evidence that supports evolutionary theory?

analogous structures

If similarities between two structures in different organisms reflect independent evolution, these structures are


Flowers and fruits are unique to


Which of the following was the most recent to evolve?


Which of the following is an example of macroevolution?

antibiotic resistance in S. aureus

If many human genes differ in about 10% of their bases from another species' same genes and substitutions occur at an estimated rate of 2% per one million years then .

approximately 10 million years have passed since the two species diverged

All protists

are eukaryotes.

Fungi and animals are similar because they both

are heterotrophs.

Farmers and horticulturalists bred broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage from the wild mustard plant through _____.

artificial selection

Evolution cannot occur in

asexual organisms.

About 80% of all land plants, including grasses, shrubs, and trees, form mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae are which of the following?

associations between fungi and plant roots

A fossil is defined as any evidence of an organism from .

at least 10,000 years ago.

Cyanobacteria are phototrophic. Which of the following would they also be considered?


The three most common shapes of bacteria are

bacillus, spirillum, and coccus

The first life on Earth was probably most similar to modern-day


Which of the following is NOT a reptile?


The type of body symmetry in which only one plane divides the body into mirror images is

bilateral symmetry.

In animals, a sphere of embryonic cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity is called a


The domain (domains) that contain prokaryotes is (are)

both Archaea and Bacteria

Which adaptations in fishes enabled vertebrates to thrive on land?

both lungs and limbs

The function of vertebrae is

both protect the nerve cord and provide attachment points for muscles.

Marsupials are mammals that

carry their young in a pouch.

The rigid barrier that surrounds most prokaryotes is the

cell wall.

The closest living relatives to humans on the evolutionary tree are


What part of plant cells contains chlorophyll a and carries out photosynthesis?


Unlike plant cells, fungal cells lack which of the following?


A fluid-filled body cavity that forms completely within the mesoderm of animals is a


Polyploidy is .

common in plant species.

The four phyla of the gymnosperms are

conifers, cycads, ginkgos, and gnetophytes.

A horizontal branch in an evolutionary tree indicates

convergent evolution.

The observation that most aquatic animals, like fish, penguins, and whales, all have streamlined bodies and fins or flippers for steering are a result of

convergent evolution.

A bony or cartilaginous structure that surrounds and protects the brain of chordates is a(an


The impact of a large meteorite with Earth would have most likely caused mass extinctions by

creating large clouds of dust that blocked out sunlight and destroying plant life.

Chloroplasts in algae probably arose from which source?


In the ecosystems of the world, fungi act primarily as


In the section "Investigating Life: Size Matters in Fishing Frenzy", historically fishermen kept larger fish and left smaller juvenile fish. Over time the average size of the fish would

decrease by natural selection.

Relative dating uses ______ to estimate how old a fossil is.

depth within rock layers

A gradual change from an ancestral type was referred to by Darwin as

descent with modification.

Silica walls are characteristic of


The fusion of two haploid hyphae whereby the nuclei remain separate in the cell creates a ______ cell.


Ancestors of giraffes with shorter necks could not reach branches high up in trees for food. This led to ____ for giraffes with longer necks.

directional selection

The three types of natural selection are

directional selection, disruptive selection, and stabilizing selection

The mode of natural selection in which one extreme phenotype is fittest and the environment selects against the others is

directional selection.

Ancestors of the Galapagos finches had two different types of seeds to eat on some islands. Some seeds were very small, and required small beaks to handle. Other seeds were very large and required large strong beaks to crack. This led to ____ among the Galapagos finches.

disruptive selection

The mode of natural selection in which two or more extreme phenotypes are fitter than the intermediate phenotype is

disruptive selection.

An invertebrate is an animal that

does not have a backbone.

The embryonic germ layer of tissue in animals that develops into the skin and nervous system is the


The embryonic germ layer of tissue in animals that develops into the digestive tract and organs derived from the digestive tract is the


An animal whose body temperature tends to fluctuate with the external environment is a(an)


Species such as mice have a better chance of surviving sudden environmental change than elephants because

elephants reproduce much more slowly than mice.

Amphibians, birds, and mammals look the most similar as _____.


The structure of the angiosperm that supplies nutrients to the germinating seedling is the


Dormant thick-walled structures that allow some bacteria to survive harsh conditions are


An animal that maintains its body temperature by using heat generated from its own metabolism is a(an)


A protist is defined as

eukaryotic organisms that are not plants, fungi, nor animals.

Genetic change in a population through multiple generations defines which of the following?


How did the first life on Earth lead to the diversity of organisms on Earth today?


A small angle for a branch point in an evolutionary tree indicates


Which of the following is not a member of the gymnosperms?


From which group did animals likely arise 570 million years ago?


Some protozoa move using false feet called


Which of the following does not have a true coelom?


The few ancestors of the Galapagos finches who colonized the islands is an example of

founder effect

Clues from geology and paleontology suggest that simple cells or their precursors arose about

four billion years ago.

The cones of gymnosperms play the same role as ______ in angiosperms.


Gymnosperms and angiosperms evolved ______ allowing them to live and reproduce in drier habitats than bryophytes and seedless vascular plants.

fruit and flowers

The type of reproductive isolation in which two populations are separated due to the sperm cells of one not being able to recognize the egg cells of the other is

gametic isolation.

In angiosperms, pollen must complete mitosis to produce gametes. Therefore pollen are which of the following?


The entire collection of genes and their alleles is a population's

gene pool

Which group of plants have phloem and xylem, seeds, flowers, and fruit and in many cases require animals for reproduction?

ginkgo, cycads, conifers, and gnetophytes

The main storage carbohydrate in fungi is


Scientists have a complete fossil record showing the evolution of horses over millions of years, with the legs becoming longer and the teeth larger, as ancestors of the modern horse adapted from living in forest to grasslands. This is an example of


The idea that evolution proceeds in small, incremental changes over many generations is


Bryophytes lack vascular tissue and lignin and therefore cannot

grow tall.

Seedless vascular plants can ______ without water, but cannot ______ without water.

grow; reproduce

The type of reproductive isolation in which the two populations are separated by the habitat each utilizes is

habitat isolation.

A prokaryote that occupies a habitat that is extremely salty is a(an)


After a haploid spore germinates, it then completes mitosis, forming hyphae. The resulting hyphae are


In alternation of generations, a diploid sporophyte goes through meiosis to form ____ spores.


In alternation of generations, a haploid gametophyte goes through mitosis to form a ____ gamete.


A vertebrate is an animal that

has a backbone.

Fungi and plants are similar because they both

have cell walls.

An example of polyploidy is found in a plant

having an abnormal number of two or more individual chromosomes.

What are the three major body regions of many arthropods?

head, thorax, and abdomen

Individuals whose red blood cells are the correct shape and are able to resist malaria have a better chance of reaching reproductive age. This is known as

heterozygote advantage.

A gene that when mutated leads to organisms with structures in abnormal places is termed


The three groups in the primate lineage are A. monkeys, gibbons, and orangutans. B. gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees. C. prosimians, simians, and hominoids. D. chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans. E. hominines, hominids, and hominoids.

hominines, hominids, and hominoids.

The wings of a bat and a bird are examples of

homologous structures.

If similarities between two structures in different organisms reflect common ancestry, these structures are


It is believed that the two main reasons for mass extinctions in Earth's history have been

human intervention and shifting of Earth's continents.

Hominines include A. humans. B. humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas. C. gibbons and orangutans. D. chimpanzees and gorillas. E. All answers are correct.


Which of the following is not a type of prezygotic reproductive isolation?

hybrid infertility

The type of reproductive isolation in which offspring are infertile because their chromosomes cannot align correctly during meiosis because of a different number of chromosomes being inherited from the two parents is

hybrid infertility.

Closely related plant species that attract different pollinators resulting in reproductive isolation is an example of

hybrid inviability

The individual microscopic filaments that make up most of a multicellular fungus are


Centimeter-thin layers of earth that are rich in iridium give evidence to support the

impact theory.

If an isotope's half-life is 100 years, then

in 100 years only half of the atoms in a sample of that isotope will remain.

Where in a diatom would you find its yellowish photosynthetic pigment?

in chloroplasts

Potassium-40 is useful in determining the age of a fossil

in samples aged between 50,000 and 100,000 years of age.

Darwin concluded from his observations of nature and readings that

individuals compete with one another for limited resources and only the fittest reproduce

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will not occur in a population in which

individuals immigrate or emigrate.

Sexually dimorphic features do not include


The process by which species cease to exist

is extinction.

The process by which new species originate

is speciation.


is the study of evolutionary relationships among species.

An organism's phenotype is

its observable properties.

What is the most inclusive level of the hierarchical classification scheme?


Which group of plants lack true leaves and roots?

liverworts, hornworts, and mosses

The types of living organisms on Earth have changed over time - new species have originated and existing species have disappeared. This is an example of


Three species of tigers have become extinct due to overharvesting or habitat destruction. This is an example of

mass extinction

The embryonic germ layer of tissue in animals that develops into the muscles and reproductive system is the


The relatively short-term changes in allele frequencies within a species or population is


What feature do all protists share?

mode of locomotion

Which group of plants have phloem and xylem but lack seeds, flowers, and fruit?

monocots and eudicots

Mammals that lay eggs are


In flowering plants, the gametophyte is ______ the sporophyte.

much smaller than

Associations of fungi and plant roots are called


"Survival of the fittest" refers to

natural selection.

An animal with only one opening to take in food and eject waste has a

ncomplete digestive tract

The region of a prokaryotic cell where the bacterial chromosome (DNA) is located in the


The bottleneck effect

occurs when many members of a population die, resulting in a great loss of genetic diversity.

The founder effect A. occurs when large groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves.

occurs when small groups of individuals leave their home population and establish new settlements, mating only among themselves.

The first animals evolved ______; the first chordates evolved ______.

on land; in water

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p + q = 1, p and q represent the frequency of alleles in a population of diploid organisms if

only two alleles exist for that gene

Birds use specific songs, coloring, and mating dances to attract mates of their species. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


Evolution occurs

over generations.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a mammal?


The primary component making up the cell walls of bacteria is


How did the first life on Earth obtain energy?

photosynthesis in the absence of oxygen

DNA that is separate and apart from the chromosome in a prokaryote is a(n)


Plants and algae most recently shared a common ancestor 480 million years ago, and plants colonized land shortly after that. In sexual reproduction, an alga releases gametes into the water and fertilization occurs. What reproductive adaptation did plants evolve on dry land?


A sterile mule is produced by mating a horse and a donkey. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


According to Darwin, natural selection usually .

preserves favorable variations and rejects harmful variations in a population.

If a sheep and goat are mated, their offspring dies as an embryo. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


Biologists divide mechanisms of reproductive isolation into

prezygotic and postzygotic.

Humans and chimps are both

primates and hominids

The first life on Earth was


The idea that evolution proceeds with long periods of stasis with relatively brief bursts of fast evolutionary change is

punctuated equilibrium.

The type of body symmetry in which any plane passing through the body from the mouth to the opposite end divides the body into mirror images is

radial symmetry.

Absolute dating uses ______ to estimate how old a fossil is.

radioactive isotopes

Fossil and DNA evidence indicate that birds are members of a clade in which group?


Bats, birds, and dragonflies can all fly. Which of the following groups of animals have some members capable of flight?

reptiles, arthropods, and mammals

Birds are classified as


The structure that assembles proteins in the prokaryote is the


The parts of the plant that absorb water and minerals are the


Every species has a unique two-word name called the

scientific name.

The fruits of plants primarily function in

seed dispersal

A plant embryo (young sporophyte) packaged with a food supply in a tough outer coat is a


Carriers of cystic fibrosis have some protection against intestinal infections such as cholera. However, people with two copies of the cystic fibrosis allele develop a life-threatening disease. The mutant allele is very common in people of northern European descent because of .

sexual selection

Yeasts are

single-celled heterotrophs.

Where did the first life on Earth evolve?

somewhere else in the universe

What is the least inclusive level of the hierarchical classification scheme?


Animals are very diverse. Which of the following is NOT an animal?


Microscopic reproductive cells produced by most fungi are


Babies that are at a low birth weight are more likely to have health problems, while women will have difficulty delivering babies with high birth weight. Together this leads to ______ for babies of average birth weight.

stabilizing selection

The mode of natural selection in which extreme phenotypes are less fit than the optimal intermediate phenotype is

stabilizing selection.

Plants and algae most recently shared a common ancestor 480 million years ago, and plants colonized land shortly after that. Light, water, minerals, and dissolved gases surround the whole body of a submerged green alga, and the buoyancy of water provides physical support. What part did plants evolve to absorb water and minerals on dry land?


The parts of the plant that allow for gas exchange are the


In dry weather, plants reduce water loss by closing their


Which of the following is an example of convergent evolution?

streamlined body shape in marine predators

Some flowers bloom in the spring while others bloom in the summer. This is an example of ____ reproductive isolation.


Which of the following is NOT a vestigial structure in humans?

tail bone

The type of reproductive isolation in which two populations live in the same habitat but remain isolated from one another due to one being active during the daytime only and the other being active only during the night is

temporal isolation.

The abundant remains of ammonites in Oklahoma indicate

that Oklahoma was in the past covered by a shallow ocean.

A sterile mule is produced by mating a horse and a donkey. From this observation you could conclude

that horses and donkeys are different species

If an environment changes rapidly, organisms with ____ will be more likely to survive and reproduce.

the ability to adapt their genotype

1Which of the following enabled Homo sapiens to develop complex cultures unlike other members of the Homo genus?

the ability to walk upright

In plants,

the diploid zygote develops into the sporophyte.

Which theory explains the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria?

the endosymbiont theory

Evolution must include a change in

the gene pool of a population.

The "Cambrian explosion" refers to

the origination of all major phyla of animals.

A prokaryote that occupies a habitat that is characterized by extreme heat (above 50 degrees Celsius) is a(an) .


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