Saying something happened using I
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I te mutunga o te kai, i waiata rātou.
At the end of the meal they sang.
I haere ahau ki te taone.
I went to town.
I ngā rā whakataa, i noho tōku whānau ki te kainga.
My family stayed home in the weekend.
I whiu poro ia.
She threw the ball.
I korero te tama ki te kōtiro.
The boy spoke to the girl.
Inatahirā, i tae atu te roopu kapahaka ki Kirikiriroa.
The performance group arrived in Hamilton the other day.
I kai hākari te manuwhiri i te marae.
The visitors ate the feast at the marae.
I mātakitaki ngā wāhine i te pouaka whakaata.
the ladies watched television.