Science Study Guide- Animals

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What kind of development do they use?

External development. *The young develop in fluid filled eggs *Eggs have a hard, brittle shell *In order for the young to develop correctly, the eggs must be incubated *A parent bird accomplishes this by sitting on the egg

What are the three main orders in the class Reptilia?

Turtles and Tortoises, Alligators and Crocodiles, Lizard and Snakes

What are the three sub-phyla of chordates?

Tunicates, lancelets, (invertebrates.), and vertebrates.

What are ectotherms?

(cold-blooded) Vertebrates in which their internal temperature changes according to the environment. They use outer heat.

What are endotherms?

(warm-blooded) Vertebrates in which the internal body temperature stays the same regardless of the organism's surrounding environment. They use inner heat.

What are some cons to external fertilization?

A lot of gametes are needed to ensure fertilization, it is seasonal due to the delicate nature of gametes (mating season), and not a lot survive. *A LOT OF GAMETES ARE REQUIRED BECAUSE NOT A LOT OF EGGS ARE FERTILIZED, AND EVEN THE ONES THAT ARE FERTILIZED HAVE A RELATIVELY BIG PROBABILITY OF DYING*

What is the placenta?

A sac-like organ that attaches to the uterus. It brings nourishment to the developing embryo.

what are some examples of organisms who undergo complete metamorphosis?

Bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, ants, houseflies, wasps, and black flies.

What part are mammals in?


What are vertebrates?

Chordates in which the notochord becomes replaced by bone to form a backbone.

What are the two types of feathers?

Contour feathers and Down Feathers.

What two groups are chordates divided in to?

Ectotherms and endotherms.

What is the complete metamorphosis cycle?

Egg, larva, pupa, adult.

What is the incomplete metamorphosis cycle?

Egg, nymph, nymph, adult.

Describe Placental Mammal's development.

Development of the young takes place in the uterus. Nourishment is provided by the placenta. The umbilical cord attaches the embryo to the placenta, transporting food and oxygen to the embryo, and removing wastes from the embryo.

What are some examples of ectotherms?

Dinosaurs, (reptiles in general), amphibians, and fish.

What are some examples of monotremes?

Duck-billed platypus and spiny anteater

What are the five traits of animals?

Eukaryotes, Heterotrophs, can move at some point, lack cell walls, and most use sexual reproduction, however, some have the ability to undergo both sexual and asexual.

What are some traits of mammals?

Endothermic vertebrates They have fur or hair covering their body Mothers feed their young milk with mammary glands All mammals use internal fertilization

What is external fertilization?

Fertilization in which the gametes outside the parents' bodies.

What is internal fertilization?

Fertilization in which the sperm travels inside the female to unite with the egg. (Fertilization inside the female's body)

What are the four main groups of amphibians?

Frogs, toad,s salamanders, and newts.

What are some examples of organisms who undergo incomplete metamorphosis?

Grasshoppers, dragonflies, damselflies, crickets, cockroaches, lice, and harlequin bugs.

What are some examples of Jawless Fish?

Hagfish and lampreys.

What kind of fertilization do birds use?

Internal fertilization.

What are some pros to external fertilization?

It requires little effort for gametes to meet, female doesn't need to look after the offspring after fertilization, there is no required structure for gametes to meet, and it is quicker than internal fertilization.

What are the three classes of fish?

Jawless fish, Cartilaginous fish, and Bony fish.

What are some examples of Marsupials?

Kangaroos, Wallaby, Koala, and Opossum.

What are some examples of endotherms?

Mammals and birds.

What are the three sub-classes mammals are divided into, and how are they divided?

Monortems, Placentals, Marsupials. They are divided according to where their young develop.

What are some traits of Cartilaginous Fish?

Paired fins, jaws, and skeletons made out of cartilage.

What are some traits of Bony Fish?

Paired fins, scales, jaws, and skeletons made out of bones.

What are some cons to internal fertilization?

Parents (usually mom) have to care for young throughout gestation/hatch, specialized structures are rquired for gamete meeting, and complex mating is also an issue; takes time to find a mate.

What are some examples of Cartilaginous fish?

Sharks, rays, and skates.

Kingdom animalia is split up into three groups. What are they?

Simple invertebrates, Complex vertebrates, and chordates.

What are some traits of jawless fish?

Skeleton made out of cartilage, no scales, no paired fins, round mouth, and no jaw bone.

What is metamorphosis?

The development an insect undergoes from egg to adult. (Change in form.)

What are some traits of birds?

The only living organisms with feathers. Scales that cover their legs Endotherms

What are three things organisms in the phylum chordata have?

They have a notochord, (flexible, rod-like structure on the back of the animal.), a hollow nerve chord, (tubular bundle of nerves that lies above the notochord), and gill slits. (Seen in adult fish in the embryos of many vertebrates.)

Where do monotremes' young develop?

They lay their egg with tough leathery shells.

What does the fact that birds have scales on their legs suggest about their evolution?

They might have evolved with reptiles.

What are some traits of Reptiles? (specifically adaptations to live on land)

Tough waterproof, scaly skin that prevents a reptile from drying out and provided protection. Four legs with claws that help with climbing and digging. All utilize internal fertilization. External development with fluid filled eggs with a waterproof, leathery covering. Lungs for respiration.

What are some traits of amphibians?

Young amphibians use gills for respiration because they live in water at the beginning of their lives. Adults, (who live on land) use lungs and their skin for respiration. Amphibians also have thin, scale-less (naked) moist skin. They also have four legs. Amphibians also lack claws.

Describe Marsupials development.

Young begin development internally, then are born immature. The young then complete externally in the mother's pouch while feeding from the mammary glands in the pouch.

What are some pros to internal fertilization?

more nutrient investment for egg, sexually selected traits, provided wet environment for sperm and eggs, more controlled environment, fewer gametes to ensure fertilization.

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