Scientific Name and Common Names

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Mistichthys luzonensis

"Sinarapan" / "Tabyos" (smallest commercial fish in the world) ENDEMIC (Lake Buhi)

Pteria penguin

"mabe" pearl oyster; It is the fastest growing pearl oyster species (also called as "wasay-wasay") that can be used for pearl aquaculture and it produces PINK pearls.

Total # of protected areas under NIPAS Act


Reported species of groupers in the Philippines


Total # of MPAs in the Philippines


Total # of RAMSAR sites in the Philippines


Eudrilus euginae

African Nightcrawler / Red Worm (special interest to the vermiculturist)

Cherax quadricarinatus

An introduced crayfish from Australia being mass cultured presently in Iloilo, Philippines

Lates calcarifer

Asian Seabass "apahap" / "bulgan" / "Barramundi"

Monopterus albus

Asian swamp eel /Rice Paddy Eel "kiwet" (breathing organ: mouth)

Thunnus thynnus

Atlantic bluefin tuna (largest tuna in the world)


Bangus fingerling

Hippocampus barbouri

Barbour's seahorse

Aristichthys nobilis

Bighead carp "maya-maya"

Hermetia illucens

Black Soldier Fly can be used as live food or cooked feed ingredient for fish, poultry, or livestock

Sarotherodon melanotheron

Blackchin Tilapia "molmol"/ "tilapyang gloria"

Mytilus edulis

Blue Mussel

Epinephelus fuscoguttatus

Brown-marbled grouper / Tiger grouper

2 regions not farming seaweed


Mytella charruana

Charru Mussel "Bahong" started to infest in Manila Bay in 2014

Mytella charruana

Charru mussel

Pelodiscus sinensis

Chinese softshell turtle INVASIVE

Chitala ornata

Clown Knifefish "arowana" (breathing organ: swimbladder)

Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni

Colossal Squid (largest squid in the world; up to 14 m and 500 kg)

Pangasius hypopthalmus

Cream Dory (breathing organ: swimbladder)

Anguilla spp.

Freshwater eel "kasili" / "igat"

Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Freshwater prawn "ulang" / "pahi" PL for stocking

Crossaster papposus

Giant Pacific Sunstar (largest Sea Star in the World)

Caranx ignobilis

Giant trevalley "maliputo" - Taal Lake "talakitok" - Malayan Bay INDIGENOUS

Osphronemus gouramy

Gourami (breathing organ = labyrinth organ)

Ctenopharyngodon idella

Grass Carp

Perna viridis

Green-lipped / Asian Green Mussel

Mugil cephalus

Grey mullet catadromous "porong" / "banak"

Cromileptes altivelis

Humpback grouper


Lighting device, lamp or torch of the lower half of a tin can each contains a wick made of Jute sack or old clothes immersed in lubricating or fuel oil. This device is tied to he end of a light pole and moved like a pendulum to scarce or drive fish towards the pantukos.

Syclla serrata

Mangrove crab "alimango"

Lutjanus argentimaculatus

Mangrove snapper "maya-maya" / "mangagat" / "managat" / "gingaw"

Arius manillensis

Manila sea catfish "kanduli" ENDEMIC (Luzon)

Azolla pinnata

Mosquito Fern / Azolla

Gambusia affinis

Mosquito Fish "milyon" / "kataba"

Tosanoides aphrodite

New species of neon-colored fish discovered off Brazil last June 2017 named after the Goddess of Beauty

Mola mola

Ocean Sunfish (heaviest bony fish in the world)

Syclla olivacea

Orange Mudcrab "pulang alimango"

Siganus guttatus

Orange spotted spinefoot

Epinephelus coioides

Orange-spotted grouper / Green grouper

Pholas orientalis

Oriental Angel Wings "Diwal" (protandric hermaphrodite)


Pandaka pygmaea Philippine goby (smallest fish in the Philippines)

Modiolus philippinarum

Philippine Horse Mussel

Cestraeus plicatilis

President's Fish "Ludong" / "Banak" ENDEMIC (Cagayan Valley)

Syclla tranquebarica

Purple Mudcrab "lawodnon"

Piaractus brachypomus

Red Pacu exotic in the Philippines mainly for aquarium purposes but can also be eaten

Trachinotus blochi

Snubnose pompano

Idiosepius notoides

Southern pygmy squid (smallest squid in the world)

First municipal marine sanctuary in the Philippines (1974)

Sumilon Island Marine Sanctuary

Mesopristes cancellatus

Tapiroid grunter Pigek / Bulidao / Batingting


The fry or young of species of fish belonging to the family Clupeidae (sardines and herring). They are also known locally as lupoy and manansi.

Hippocampus comes

Tigertail seahorse

Siganus vermiculatus

Vermiculated spinefoot

Salvinia molesta

Water Fern (invasive)

Eichhornia crassipes

Water Hyacinth (invasive)

Pistia stratiotes

Water Lettuce / Duck Weed (invasive)

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

Weather Loach / Dojo (breathing organ: intestine)

Siganus canaliculatus

White spotted rabbitfish "danggit"

Modiolus metcalfei

Yellow banded horse mussel

Gracillariopsis balinae

algae that can filter excess nutrients in a recirculating water system with grouper & abalone & can sequester heavy metals like cadmium, lead & zinc from the water

Kawag kawag

bangus fry

Pinctada margaritifera

black-lipped pearl oyster; A saltwater pearl oyster species also called as "tipay bato" that can be used for pearl aquaculture in the Philippines. It produces BLACK pearl

Modiolus metcalfei

brown mussel

Acanthaster planci

crown of thorns starfish (voraciously feeds on coral polyps and can grow up to 45 cm across; 12-19 arms; more than 30 COT = outbreak)

Haliotis asinina

donkey's ear abalone sobra-sobra / lapas / kiel / kapinan

Paedocypris progenetica

dwarf minnow

Sardinella tawilis

freshwater sardine "tawilis" ENDEMIC (Taal Lake)


fry stage of siganid

Tridacna gigas

giant clam "taklobo" (largest bivalve mollusc in the world)




immature kanduli


juvenile grouper


local name for leopard coral grouper, Plectropomus leopardus

Anadontia edentula

mangrove clam "imbao"

Langaw-langaw / Kuto-kuto / Alien

mangrove crablets early juvenile stage of mangrove crabs with carapace width (CW) less than 5 cm


post-larval stage of spiny lobster; short-lived and lasting for 2-3 weeks; collected by coastal fishers and used in grow-out aquaculture

Therapon plumbeus

silver perch "ayungin" INDIGENOUS (Laguna de Bay)

Pinctada maxima

silver-lipped pearl oyster; A saltwater pearl oyster species also called as "tipay" that can be used for pearl aquaculture in the Philippines. It produces the famous and expensive South sea pearl

Crassostrea iredalei

slipper oyster "talabang tsinelas"

Lutrogale perspicillata

smooth coated otter (2nd otter species in PH spotted in Tawi-Tawi on May 2020)

Rhincodon typus

whale shark (largest fish in the world)


young mullet

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