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SCP-050: Euclid

This SCP appears to be a statue of a monkey reading a book, approximately 1 foot tall. On the bottom of the statue are engraved words "To The Cleverest" in cursive script. The statue has so far proven resistant to all forms of damage. When left alone, it has shown itself to be both useful and antagonistic to its current owner. Although never seen to move, no matter the manner or amount of recordings, any room it is left in becomes very clean, to a polish whenever possible. Paperwork is filed, trash is emptied, and in general, clutter is removed. However, the SCP also has a tendency to leave traps for its owner. So far, all attempts to contain the SCP have proven fruitless. At present, whoever has possession of the SCP is to leave it in an office they use with regularly.

SCP-053: Euclid

This SCP appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence of groups of people. Any and all humans over the age of 3 who make eye contact with, physically touch, or remain around the SCP for longer than 10 minutes will rapidly become irrational, paranoid, and homicidal. Most, if not all, of these feelings will be directed at the SCP, and afflicted subjects will attempt to kill the SCP after first killing or driving off all humans visible to them. Those attempting to kill the SCP will suffer massive heart attacks or seizures and die seconds after doing any physical damage to the SCP. The SCP will regenerate almost instantaneously from any wound, regardless of severity. This SCP is to be contained in an area no less than 16ft x 16ft and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every 3 months. Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained at all times. Food should be provided 3 times daily, and 2 snacks are allowed if requested. No physical contact is to be made with the SCP without full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield. No eye contact is to be made for any reason.

SCP-011: Safe

This SCP is a Civil War memorial statue located in Woodstock, Vermont. The statue is the image of a young male soldier holding a musket at his side, and is carved out of granite quarried within the area. Occasionally, this SCP has been observed lifting its musket to the sky to fire at birds which attempt to land or defecate on it. Reports detail that its movements produce soft grinding sounds but do not cause it any structural failure. Oddly, the gunfire is very similar to that of a standard firearm, despite observations that the item only loads granite bullets and granite powder into the musket (which is also unharmed by the firing). In spite of its efforts, some fecal matter does manage to strike it, and it has reportedly become distressed when it has had a large amount of feces on it, on some rare occasions even firing at humans. This SCP and the area surrounding it are to be cleaned once every day. For safety purposes, cleaning should start at least 30 minutes after sundown. Cleaning should always be performed by at least 2 personnel, who are also advised to note anything unusual about the item or the debris cleaned up. In a situation where the item cannot be cleaned for more than 2 days, local residents must be contacted and instructed not to approach the item.

SCP-060: Keter

This SCP is a grove of 17 white oak trees. The grove is spread across approximately 8 acres in rural northeastern Minnesota. A house on the property was demolished during the construction of Satellite-Site 66-___ after being combed by Foundation personnel for info regarding the SCP. When burned, the SCP will produce an entity henceforth designated SCP-___-Alpha. Alpha appears to be an animate adult human skeleton standing approximately 2.3 metres tall and surrounded by bright white flames. Alpha initially burns at a temperature of approx 2730*F, and will attempt to cause as much damage as possible when active. Burning as little as 20g of the SCP will cause Alpha to appear. Only one instance of Alpha will appear at any time; it is theorized that it is a unique entity. Alpha is extremely dangerous, having proven to be hostile and relatively intelligent. It appears to be a single recurring entity, showing a growing familiarity with Satellite-Site 66-___'s layout over the course of several manifestations. When given the opportunity, it will throw itself bodily at flammable materials in an effort to cause damage, and assault personnel with a focus on grappling and stangulation. Additionally, it has proven capable of running at speeds of up to 50mph in short bursts and leaping approx 5 metres from a running start. If Alpha is introduced to a high enough volume of water or other flame-retardant material over a short amount of time, it will begin to weaken to the point that it will collapse into dust. Collapse will occur suddenly with little warning; Alpha will continue to pose a threat until its collapse. Volumes of approx 500 litres proving sufficient. Areas burned by Alpha will begin to yield sapling instances of the SCP over the following 4-6 weeks. Only one wave of sapling growth will follow any given containment breach. Said saplings are easily pulled and should be composted and supplied to the SCP's normal containment chambers. The grove which contains the SCP is currently contained in a series of specially-constructed greenhouses at Satellite-Site 66-___. Specimens are to be pruned regularly to keep at a manageable size. They are to be watered twice daily.

SCP-044: Safe

This SCP is a howitzer, secretly manufactured in the late stages of the Second World War by Krupp engineers, personally supervised by Albert Speer, German Minister of Armaments and War Production under Adolf Hitler. This SCP is unique not only because of its size (251 metric tonnes), but also because it fires unconventional artillery using an atypical delivery method. Rather than having a breech for loading shells, the rear of the barrel is configured into a massive air-compression chamber. Any object or pile of objects that fits may be loaded into the SCP's muzzle to be used as ammunition. Because of its size, the SCP must remain rail-mounted and requires 2 freight locomotives to move. Researchers believe that the SCP weakens molecular and atomic bonds in any material loaded into its muzzle. However, the method by which the SCP affects molecular bonds is not known. In fact, some mechanisms appear useless and seem to do nothing other than spin or make noise, even when the SCP is not supplied with power. When the SCP is fired, all matter within its barrel is ejected at a high rate of speed as a glowing red slug, proportional in size to the amount of mass loaded into the muzzle. Upon striking a solid object or the ground, the slug explodes with a yield proportional to the mass of the original ammunition, at no less than a ___% mass-to-energy conversion rate. The yield will also increase somewhat the longer the slug remains in the barrel. The greatest known yield was achieved when 'The Administrator's' (19,500 lb) personal diesel pickup truck was loaded in its entirety into the muzzle. A constant stream of hydrogen ions, unbound oxygen atoms, and other trace free radicals emanate from the muzzle of the SCP at all times. Because of this, the docking stations of the SCP are to be well-ventilated to keep dangerous gases and moisture from accumulating. Muzzle coverings are to be fitted at all times to keep birds and small animals from investigating.

SCP-088: Safe

This SCP is a humanoid with reptilian features which appear to have been mummified in a languid posture. However, the SCP is merely in a state of hibernation from which it may recover if it is again exposed to a more hospitable environment. Research has indicated that the SCP is approx 6000 years old and is capable of secreting a variety of hazardous biological compounds from its mouth and hands. This SCP was recovered with the mummified remains of 23 beings sharing a similar morphology. However, none of these beings were alive and examination suggests that they were originally human. This SCP is to remain sealed in its airtight case at all times. The case is constructed of transparent acrylic plastic to resist the corrosive properties of the secretions.

SCP-007: Euclid

This SCP is located within a cavity in the abdomen of Subject. Subject is a Caucasian male, physically approximately 25 years of age (but claims to be 28) and 176cm in height. Most of Subject's abdomen (muscles, skin, and organs) is absent, though Subject does not appear to suffer because of this. Instead of normal flesh, a sphere composed of soil and water is present, though it does not actually come into contact with Subject's body at any point. The sphere appears to be a miniature near-duplicate of the Earth, approximately 60cm in diameter, although continental alignment is not consistent with that of any alignment known in Earth's history. Sphere has its own weather patterns and negligible gravitational pull, in addition to microscopic organisms somewhat resembling those of modern-day Earth inhabiting it. Two intelligent species have been observed, though contact and communication with either has yet to be made. Technology levels of observed species must be checked at least once a week, and are approximately equal to that of 15th-Century Earth. This SCP is to be contained in a sealed room measuring 10m on each side. Room is to be furnished comfortably as a living area, along with whatever items are requested by Subject, given that providing Subject with requested items would not compromise security. Subject is not to be allowed to leave the room, and is to be detained with force if necessary. Subject claims to be named _____, but no records of such a person can be found. Subject does not require food or water, and while he has been observed consuming both, what happens to such substances after being swallowed in unknown. Subject is intelligent (IQ 128) and amiable, and regards the planet in his abdomen as a minor curiousity about his body. Subject seems to experience no stress about his unusual condition. When questioned about planet's origins, Subject replied "I just woke up one day, and there it was. I don't have any idea how it got there." Subject has provided a Social Security number and driver's license number and requested that they be checked against known records. When checked, it was discovered that neither had yet been allocated.

SCP-083: Euclid

This SCP appears to be an uninhabited, 2-story row house in a general state of disrepair, with an interior of approx 366 square meters. The deed and property tax records for the address are missing. Until acquisition by the Foundation, the property was the reputed "office" for local narcotics dealers who gained entry to the structure through a front window. Those who entered through the door of the SCP (Group A) allegedly found themselves inside a fully-furnished and well-maintained home with functioning electricity and a fully-stocked kitchen whose appliances and decor appeared to be from the early 20th Century. Personnel who entered through the windows (Group B) described the interior as "dark and dilapidated", corresponding to the view through the windows. Personnel in Group A also reported that they couldn't see, hear, or find any members of Group B inside the house or of anyone else besides themselves. This SCP is to be kept under control video surveillance.

SCP-055: Keter

This SCP is a "self-keeping secret" or "anti-meme". Information about its physical appearance as well as its nature, behavior, and origins is self-classifying. Almost everything is unknown. Its physical appearance is unknown. It is not indescribable, or invisible: individals are perfectly capable of entering the container and observing it, taking mental or written notes, making sketches, taking photographs, and even making audio/video recordings. However, information about the SCP's physical appearance "leaks" out of a human mind soon after such an observation. Individuals tasked with describing the SCP afterwards find their minds wandering and lose interest in the task; despite its container being easily accessible, all personnel at Site 19 claim no knowledge of its existence when challenged. Object is kept within a 5 x 5 x 2.5 meter square room constructed of cement (50 centimeter thickness), with a Faraday cage surrounding the cement walls. Access is via a heavy containment door measuring 2 x 2.5 meters constructed on bearings to ensure door closes and locks automatically. All personnel must remain at least 50 meters from the geometric center of the room.

SCP-051: Safe

This SCP is a 10-inch anatomically correct model of a human female, carved out of ivory, with typically Asian features. Microscopic analysis shows that the head hair is human hair. The doll is jointed at the shoulders, hips, and knees. The 'stomach' area of the doll is fully removable as a 'cap' of ivory, exposing a detailed ribcage and organs, and a 1 inch ivory fetus connected to the main figure by a leather cord umbilicus. When brought into the presence of a pregnant human female, the SCP has various deleterious effects upon the pregnancy, generally resulting in miscarriage of the fetus. Reports include a gentle compulsion to handle the model, open its stomach cap and take out the fetus. This results in nausea and cramping within 5 minutes, vaginal bleeding that begins as spotting and may progress to hemorrhage within the next half-hour, and miscarriage within 2-24 hours in most recorded cases. Medical records indicate that the aborted fetuses bear moderate to severe defects. Pregnancies carried to term after exposure to the model have resulted in severely deformed live births, including __ deaths of the mothers and __ infants terminated after birth by the delivering physician. Witnesses to these live births showed signs of severe emotional trauma that was alleviated, by a Class A amnesiac. SCP-___-A is a fragment of text on rice paper that was discovered with the SCP. The surviving text is written with plant-derived ink test-dated to the 12th century, and the characters have been identified as a known early dialect of Japanese. Translation reveals the text is part of a prayer or spell against 'demons' that attack unborn babies. The incantation orders these forces or demons into the model, instead of a pregnant woman, and claims to trap them there. These SCPs were discovered in a box of early Japanese artifacts delivered anonymously to a museum in 1938. After 60 years and a number of incidents resulting from contact by female secretaries, researchers, and students, an Agent on staff in the museum's archives learned of its properties and obtained it for Foundation study. These SCPs are to be kept in a sealed containment facility. SCP-___-A is ept within a locked, climate-controlled document box with a viewing window, to prevent degradation of its material.

SCP-061: Safe

This SCP is an acoustic computer program being developed by SCP researchers with the intent of producing successful countermeasures to similar programs being developed by governments and individuals around the world. Inspired by research on [DATA EXPUNGED], SCP Command saw both the potential and harm in the ability to control the brain functions of other human beings. Laymen understand that music can elicit certain emotions and memories or various sounds can elicit fear and excitement by simply being heard. Governments around the world have been attempting to expand on that premise for decades; SCP Research is the first to elicit responses on higher mental activities. Parts of the brain affected by SCP-___ differ from those stimulated by [DATA EXPUNGED] or by subliminal messaging. Instead of acting on parts of the brain that are thought to be in control of the subconscious, acoustic frequencies produced by the SCP intercept conscious thoughts as they are produced and replace them. Instead of a suggestion, the human hearing center bisects the conscious thinking mind of the frontal lobe with the motor control cortical homunculus of the brain. A baseline rhythm "convinces" the rest of the brain that the conscious mind is "asleep" and effectively stops conscious thought from continuing to the rest of the brain. In return, the frontal lobe experiences a "pause" that resembles the psychological effects of anesthesia. Acoustic codes developed by the SCP are interpreted by motor centers in the brain as conscious instructions and the subject typically acts accordingly. Subjects will normally have a "blank" facial expression while under the influence of the SCP. They are not responsive to attempts at conversation and express no desires, such as hunger. Though all commands are followed without question, the effects of the auditory control cease once the subject is no longer able to hear the program. Most test subjects report being unable to remember the actions they performed while under control, but a few have experienced the effect of "watching helplessly" as their body acted against their will. The intent of such research is to discover ways to counteract the effects of auditory mind control; however, only 2 methods of countermeasures have proven successful as of yet. One; the subject's hearing is impaired so that the individual can no longer hear the program, either by covering the ear or deafening the subject. Two, the program itself sends a coded instruction to the hearing center of the brain, permanently shutting it down. Though the ear continues to hear, there has been no progress in finding proper code to "reboot" the hearing center of the brain. The source code for the SCP is to be kept on a standard archival-quality read-only data compact disk (CD-ROM); 4 copies of the CD-ROM with the source code are to be stored in separate maximum-security inanimate-object lockers. Except for purposes of approved experimentation, the SCP is not to be loaded, compiled, or run. It must never be loaded, compiled, or run on any device which has a connection to the Internet, either directly or via another device (or capable of wireless connectivity).

SCP-005: Safe

In appearance, this SCP resembles an ornate key, displaying the characteristics of a typical mass produced key used in the 1920s. The key was discovered when a civilian used it to infiltrate a high security facility. This SCP seems to have the unique ability to open any and all forms of lock, be they mechanical or digital, with relative ease. This SCP poses no immediate risk in any direct sense. Even so, its unique functions require special measures be taken to restrict access and manipulation of the object. Approval of at least 1 Level 4 personnel is required for the removal of the object from its containment area.

SCP-043: Safe

This SCP appears to be a vinyl copy of "The White Album" by the Beatles; however, upon closer inspection, the record has no grooves. In spite of this, the record will play from start to finish regardless of the starting position of the needle. When the 29th track is reached, instead of playing "Revolution 9", the disc stops spinning and faint breathing can be heard. Occasionally the entity responsible for the breathing will speak in a male voice. The entity will respond to questions and shows a profound encylopedic knowledge of the music industry, musical theory, and obscure trivia about many bands and artists. However, the entity refuses to answer questions regarding The Beatles or its own personal details. This SCP requires no special containment, although it is recommended that the SCP not be used for purposes other than testing. A turntable is to be maintained in the same room for testing.

SCP-063: Safe

This SCP appears to be an average, pale blue toothbrush. Stenciled along the side of the object are the words "The World's Best TothBrush [sic]". The SCP displays the ability to effortlessly cleave through any and all dead or inorganic matter, the focal point of this ability being the bristles. However, matter touched by the bristles is not separated, such as by way of a knife, but completely expunged from existence, leaving no trace whatsoever. This mode of operation is reminiscent of SCP-2207, suggesting the 2 anomalies share a connection or were created by the same entity. Additionally, subjects who have used the SCP have claimed that the experience left their teeth feeling remarkably clean. This SCP is to be kept at all times with Dr. ____'s personal bathroom, located within the personnel quarters upon Site 19. Object is to be used as designated at least once in a 24 hour period or the object will begin to emit an unknown specialized radiation that results in objects and material within a 2ft radius being slowly warped and eventually disintegrating into a fine dust.

SCP-048: No class

This SCP has long been considered the "cursed SCP number" by SCP staff: any items given this designation tend to be destroyed, decommissioned, stolen, or otherwise lost to the Foundation, usually through no fault of any person. In addition, personnel assigned to this SCP in its various incarnations have had a 50% higher rate of turnover due to death, dismemberment, and disciplinary action. The designation of this SCP is to be retired from the SCP catalog. No future SCPs are to be assigned this number.

SCP-057: Safe

This SCP is a subterranean chamber with an approximate cylindrical height of 3 meters and diameter of 18 meters. Artifact is comprised of impenetrable slate-colored stone. Inside the chamber are dozens of parallelpiped monoliths extending from floor to ceiling that slide in various directions while the SCP is active. An entrance to the chamber is located on the north-east side. When a human enters, the door shuts and the walls inside the chamber move in such a way as to require the subject's constant attention to maintain a safe course through the artifact. The monoliths slowly open and close until the subject either surrenders or exhausts themselves, at which time the SCP crushes them and reverts to its original, inactive state after a period of approximately 20 seconds. Only a living, breathing human being is able to initiate this process upon entering the SCP. Site-__ has been constructed to facilitate the SCP as relocation is not feasible. It is highly improbable that any outside knowledge of the artifact exists based on the circumstances of its discovery and thus security is of minimal concern.

SCP-024: Euclid

This SCP is an abandoned sound stage that was once owned by _______. However, this SCP itself had been abandoned since 19__, and it is unknown whether its special properties manifested before or after its abandonment. It is located in the heart of __________, ________, and was initally discovered when a group of teenage youths broke into the abandoned compound. The testimony of the lone "winner" when she turned herself in to the police was enough to have Foundation assets mobilize to contain the SCP. Upon entering this SCP, visitors are immediately greeted by an anonymous announcer, who communicates via intercom and is able to hear and comprehend the voices of people within it. The announcer will inform the "contestants" that they are about to take part in a game show in which the winners will win fabulous prizes, but will also warn that the game will be extremely hazardous, and that the losers will never leave. It is at this point the announcer presents the choice of whether to stay or leave. Contestants who accept will continue to participate in the game while those who decline are immediately expelled from the SCP. Contestants that win the game or decline to participate may never enter the SCP again, as entry is denied by an impenetrable, invisible barrier. It is then that the contestants are led to the actual game. The style, composition, and appearance of the game always changes in every individual play-through, but the game is always centered around a long, elaborate obstacle course that the contestants must navigate through. The rules also vary. Some play-throughts may only allow a single winner, while others encourage the creation of teams to win the game. More often than not, the obstacles seen in these games range from incredibly benign to extremely hazardous and life-threatening. As the contestants attempt to negotiate the course, the announcer will continuously update their status and actively participate in the game, often giving advice, conversing with contestants, and adding new rules. As the game progresses, the obstacles become significantly more dangerous and difficult to overcome, and it is not surprising to have the entire pool of contestants succumb to the rigors of the obstacle course. If such an event happens, the announcer will express sadness at the lack of a winner and the SCP will shut down, resetting only when a new batch of contestants enter. Any attempts to "break the rules", such as assaulting other contestants and deliberately bypassing obstacles, are met by extreme violence. The announcer will call out the offending contestant, who will be quickly and forcefully ejected from the course by "studio guardians". These studio guardians will immediately materialize within the SCP when called upon by the announcer and disappear when not needed. The contestant will never be seen again. When a winner is declared, he/she will receive a random grand prize. Any contestants that have survived the course but failed to win are immediately declared losers by the announcer. The lights will switch off, and the winner will immediately appear outside of the SCP with his/her prize while the losers completely disappear. However, the most mysterious aspect of the SCP is that after every game, a VHS tape or DVD will appear in the mailbox outside of the SCP's main entrance. This recording is a complete record of the entire game that was previously played, even though winners have claimed that they had never seen any cameras or recording devices. Also, more strangely, a live studio audience can be seen in the background cheering on the contestants. Due to its nature, the SCP cannot be moved to a secure location so security measures must be placed on-site. To conceal its location, 5 identical-looking replicas have been erected around the SCP. A tight security perimeter must be maintained around the compound at all times, with separate security teams guarding it and its replicas. None of the security teams, except for team leaders, will be informed of the location of the SCP. It must be secured with magnetically sealed blast doors and reinforced, armored walls to prevent unauthorized entry. Under no circumstances can any security or research personnel enter the SCP. Only D-Class personnel are allowed entry and strictly for research purposes. All researchers are to observe and experiment with the SCP from the remote observation lab. Any personnel attempting to leave the remote observation lab or enter the SCP without prior approval from a Level 4 researcher must be immediately apprehended. SHOULD CONTAINMENT BE BREACHED, OR SCP'S TRUE NATURE COMPROMISED, THEN THE ENTIRE COMPOUND MUST BE DESTROYED VIA SPECIALIZED DEMOLITION CHARGES PLANTED THROUGHOUT THE COMPOUND.

SCP-030: Safe

This SCP appears as a hairless, genderless, grey-toned human 28 inches in height and weighing 12.70 kilograms. Its solid blue eyes lack discernible irises or pupils, and resemble small cut sapphires. This SCP possesses an androgynous voice with a pronounced English accent not currently identifiable as specific to any modern region. It is able to converse, read and write in Ancient Greek, Latin, Italian, English, Spanish and Portuguese as well as 2 additional languages that have not yet been identified despite the SCP's insistence that they should be "common knowledge". This SCP has also demonstrated knowledge of physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics and horticulture roughly equivalent to that of a 17th-century CE academic. In addition, it has demonstrated knowledge on these topics along research lines that do not appear in the historical record. These alternative or entirely unknown approaches to research in the natural sciences are one source of this SCP's utility in consultation. This SCP remains active while a 15-lumen source of light or greater is within 5 feet. In the absence of light, this SCP becomes inert, apparently losing consciousness and showing no outward signs of life. Within 5-10 seconds of being re-exposed to light, the SCP becomes active once more, appearing to come out of a light slumber no matter how long the period of inactivity has been. Biopsy analysis of this SCP remains inconclusive. While clay native to the English counties of Kent, Surrey, and Greater London make up the majority of its structure, traces of mandrake, lye, mercury, and human blood have been found in each sample taken. The SCP has expressed that a full exploratory surgery to determine its workings would potentially end its existence. Samples removed from the SCP do not regenerate, and sampling is currently discontinued to preserve its integrity. Although the SCP can be damaged, it does not appear to feel pain, and will simply re-mold any portion of its anatomy that experiences deformation. Notably, it cannot be molded directly by human hands, though any number of tools may be used to alter its surface. It does not respirate, eat, or produce waste, although it does infrequently request a bath. This SCP refers to itself as "Ariel" and regularly requests that staff do the same. Questions regarding how it was created and by whom are routinely answered with the seemingly rote statement: "I have been asked to forget that bit of information. Terribly sorry." The SCP delivers this response in the same tone and cadence each time any question regarding its origins or creator are presented. Given its composition and location of origin, a link to the Alchemists of Alagadda are suspected. The SCP was discovered 6/12/____ during a mandatory archaeological survey within London's Mortlake District pending construction of a car park. It was buried approximately 9 feet below street level, contained in a small stone sarcophagus. The sarcophagus bore no markings and was assumed to be that of a deceased infant as additional graves were discovered in the survey area. The sarcophagus lid was shattered during the excavation, exposing the SCP to daylight. Upon being struck by the sun's rays, it roused from its inert state to one mild activity within a few seconds stating, "Good afternoon" to the assembled construction team. A member of the Foundation's Greater London recon force was summoned within hours and took the specimen into custody without resistance. This SCP is to be held at Site-17 within a modified humanoid containment cell. Minor adaptations to accommodate its stature, such as an appropriately-scaled workspace and chair, are to be included. Lighting within the cell may be altered upon request of the SCP to a maximum of 2000 lumens via a simple dimmer switch. Should the need to render the SCP inert arise, staff may extinguish the lighting from the exterior switch and draw blackout curtains as necessary. Standard night-vision equipment is available for observation of the SCP in its inert state. The SCP may request materials for personal research every 90 days. All previously requested materials are to be collected and destroyed prior to delivery of new materials. All materials are to be evaluated and screened by both research and security staff. The SCP is to be denied access to any modern scientific journals or texts, and fiction is to be restricted to works produced no later than 1623 CE to preserve the integrity of its innate knowledge.

SCP-004: Euclid

This SCP consists of an old wooden barn door (part 1) and a set of 12 rusted steel keys (Part 2 through 13). The door itself is the entrance to an abandoned factory in [DATA EXPUNGED]. When handling items Part 2 through 13, proper procedure is vital. The items are not permitted to be moved off-site unless accompanied by 2 Level 4 security personnel. Under no circumstances should any other component of this SCP by taken through Part 1. The effects of doing so are as yet unknown, and the current cost of experimentation makes further research impractical. Should any of the objects contained within Part 1 breach containment, or the facility be breached, the keys must be brought inside and the door closed prior to activation of Site 62's on-site warhead. Unauthorized removal of keys from the testing area is grounds for termination. Level 1 clearance is required for basic access to this SCP; Level 4 Clearance is required for use of the keys. This SCP seems to propagate spatiotemporal anomalies. Personnel leaving the facility report losing time. Those who have been in the site for weeks insist that they had only been in the facility for several days, and records of work completed and supplies consumed support their claims. Other temporal anomalies involve the keys... Spatial anomalies include the impossibly large dimensions of the area opened by Part 7. Similarly, the 2003 blackout incident suggests that there exists an alternate plane of existence within the same space that Site-62 occupies. Testing on this SCP reveals that 10 of the keys open the door on a dimension where the laws of physics and topology are significantly different than those of our home dimension. Test subjects meeting these hostile conditions are torn apart, their body parts deposited in various locations, only 3 of which have been verified to be on Earth. Material deposited at 2 of these points appears immediately; material deposited at the third appears exactly __ years into the future. The other 7 locations are currently unknown. All Class D personnel using Part 12 return in a catatonic state, unable to speak. Some may have enough energy left to try to claw out their eyes. Of the 16 subjects, only 4 have survived. Only one has regained speech, following long-term psychotherapy. He was able to tell the psychiatrist that he saw a massive green creature, so large that much of its body extended beyond his field of view. He reported innate fear and sudden recognition, "as if it were something buried deep in his primal fears", and forced implantation of "incomprehensible" memories. Subject displays acute anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Part 14 is a large, unvarnished wooden box. The box may be unlocked by the "safe" key, Part 7, as well as 5 of the "unsafe" keys. Upon unlocking Part 14 with Part 7, the box opens automatically on hinges. The volume of the space inside is precisely 5 times greater than the outer dimensions imply. Items placed within while the lid remains open do not affect the weight or any other properties of the box. When the lid is closed and locked, however, all items vanish irretrievably. Personnel locked inside the box are also irretrievable, although losing personnel in this fashion appears to affect significantly the dreams experienced by [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-076: Keter

This SCP consists of two components: a stone cube and a humanoid entity contained within. The stone cube is a 3m cube made of black speckled metamorphic stone. All surfaces outside and within the cube are covered in deeply engraved patterns corresponding to no known civilizations. Radioisotope analysis indicates that the object is approx 10,000 years old. A door is located on one side, sealed with a lock 0.5m in width, surrounded by 20 smaller locks in a circular pattern. None of the keys have been found. Interior temperature is approx 93 Kelvin, and cannot be altered. Directly in the center of the room is a 2.13m tall stone coffin, held in place and sealed shut by several chains of unknown make and substance, which are attached to the inner corners of the cube. The entity resembles a lean Semitic human male in his late twenties. Hair is black, and eyes are gray, skin tone olive. Subject is 1.96m in height and 81.65kg in weight. Numerous tattoos depicting arcane and occult iconography are present all over the body and ranges from subtle to openly ostentatious. Subject when encased within the cube is technically dead. However, occasionally the entity will awaken. Subject will then attempt to leave the cube. If successful, subject will enter a trance state and seek out the nearest human being, ignoring all other living things in the process. Upon coming into contact with living humans, the SCP will enter a rage state in which it attempts to engage and kill all humans encountered. Only the subject's death has been shown to be effective in ending these rampages. Terminating the entity is often problematice due to its physical abilities. Subject has superhuman strength and speed, and although not invulnerable, has shown a remarkable ability to ignore pain and shock. Containment Area 25b is to be located 200m below sea level, tunneled out of solid bedrock in a seismologically stable area. Sole access to the containment facility is to be through a vertical elevator shaft separated every 50 meters with a reinforced blast door. Elevator shaft shall be flooded with seawater when not in use.

SCP-036: Safe

This SCP includes the location, Site-22A (a small airport in the Mosul region of northern Iraq) and Site-22B (the destination of passengers boarding at Site-22A). The key components of this SCP are: The "Arrival Flight" - A passenger plane (that varies in make and model from year to year) that arrives shortly before dawn on September 23. It appears on radar about 30-40 kilometers away from Site-22A. When it lands, "pilgrims" exit the plane and enter the terminal. No crew have ever left the plane. Observations have only revealed a masked pilot and co-pilot. This plane leaves quickly after pilgrims exit and does not wait for clearance for take off, nor does it identify itself upon approach for landing. The "Pilgrims" - People of the Yazidi faith that exit the "Arrival" plane, who are said to be undergoing the "kiras guhorin". Each year they are examined and identified as various people of the Yazidi faith that have died during the previous year. This is done through birth certificates, photo IDs, specific knowledge questions and when possible, finger printing. Most have been known to be friendly and amicable though most are reluctant to give details about the kiras guhorin. In the past, all have shown to be unable to recognize family and friends or been able to remember any information beyond what short term memory would normally allow. In the late afternoon of 8/23, most pilgrims begin to emphasize how important it is that their pilgrimage must begin. At that time, they file onto the "Pilgrimage flight" plane and depart, never to be seen again. The "Pilgrimage Flight" - A passenger plane provided by SCP personnel for the transport of "the pilgrims," it is manned by a crew of trained Yazidi holy men. The crew are typically never able to elaborate upon details of the pilgrimage or what the kiras guhorin actually is. SCP equipment on board function optimally but recorded data will only slightly increase our understanding of the pilgrimage each year. Though the flight is gone for 7 days, the crew and recorded data are only able to account for a few hours. Days are missing from time recording equipment and cameras, though nothing abnormal is ever observed. The plane disappears from radar and visual contact is lost about 50-60 km away from Site-22A until it returns about sunrise on October 1. Site-22B - The destination of the "Pilgrimage plane," it is a small airport consisting of a runway and single building located at coordinated [EXPUNGED]. It has only been observed by "Pilgrimage crew" and cameras on the plane. It does not appear on satellite images and attempts to reach it on foot have failed, once with disastrous results. Cameras have trouble focusing on the area, as the heat from the ground usually causes a mirage-like visual effect on all objects more than a few dozen meters from the plane. A fly over with an SCP reconnaissance plane several weeks before the pilgrimage revealed undeveloped land and what looked like an ancient stone statue. In the 1990s, SCP Mobile Task Force Sigma-4 attempted to reach Site-22B during the time of the pilgrimage. Upon the approach, communication was lost and the Task Force was never heard from again. Once every year, a mobile task force is dispatched from Containment Command-02 in [EXPUNGED] to Site-22A to defend the runway and airport located there. The civilian facility is to be cleared of all non-SCP personnel by 0400 hours of September 23 and none are allowed to return until sunrise the next day.

SCP-016: Keter

This SCP is a blood-borne pathogen recovered from a mine worker in _____ who injured himself while working in a deep coal seam. Said wound became contaminated with coal dust from the mine, possibly infecting the worker with dormant spores. Over the next several days, the SCP proceeded to infect the remaining employees at the mining camp, as well as the CDC crisis team dispatched to deal with the epidemic. Foundation personnel then took over the investigation and terminated all affected personnel. Patient Zero was brought into captivity, and the mine shaft was collapsed by explosive device. This SCP has an incubation period ranging from 24 hours to 2 years, depending on the presence and number of other human hosts in the area. First symptoms resemble the common cold, and include itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, and bodily aches. Phase two begins in 48 hours, and consists of a controlled form of hemorrhagic fever, as the organism causes a small amount of blood to become aspirated in the lungs, creating an aerosol effect. During phase 3, the host "crashes and bleeds out," bleeding profusely from every bodily orifice. Blood pressure skyrockets during the final stage: hosts have been observed in projectile vomiting blood to distances over 5 meters. Should the host survive this near-total exsanguination, the pathogen will become dormant once more, returning to incubation phase. What distinguishes this SCP from other strains of hemorrhagic fever such as Ebola and Marburg is its unusual response to high stress. Should the subject undergo a high-stress situation, the organism will change its survival tactic from rapid reproduction to the rewriting of the hosts' DNA and stimulation of rapid cell division. Major physiological changes occur within the first 24 hours, with complete bodily reconstruction occurring within 2 weeks. Most hosts do not survive the process due to the heavy demands made on the body. An interesting side effect of the transformation is an increased aggressive urge. It is believed that this may be an attempt to maximize the spread of the virus in a manner similiar to rabies. On another note, subjects who undergo bodily transformation no longer appear to exhibit the SCP's hemorrhagic properties; however, subjects infected by transformed hosts will still undergo the normal infection process. This SCP is to remain within the confines of a 5x5x5 meter room at all times, maintained at a temperature not to exceed 0*C. The SCP itself is to remain in the petri dish in the containment cube at all times unless directed otherwise by Level 4 or O5 personnel. Full documentation of experimentation with this SCP must be submitted before and after samples and duplicates of it may be taken. If an outbreak does occur despite following the aforementioned procedures, directive base personnel are to implement a Code Sigma lockdown and containment plan. Infected personnel are to be terminated on site by security forces wearing standard Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) anti-biological and anti-chemical equipment. Should the infection not be contained after 48 hours, the on-site nuclear device is to be detonated. Remaining personnel are not to be evacuated under any circumstances. This SCP has been shown to survive for up to 6 hours on hard surfaces, and up to several minutes in air. High intensity ultraviolet light and high concentrations of ortho-phthalaldehyde solution have been demonstrated to be effective in disinfecting non-organic surfaces.

SCP-008: Euclid

This SCP is a complex prion, samples of which are stored in each of the known G2 sites. Research into it is highly classified and primarily aimed at preventing research which may lead to the synthesis of it in the distant future. It is 100% infectious, and 100% lethal. It transmitted through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids. It is not airborne or waterborne. Symptoms manifest no more than 3 hours after exposure, and include: Flu-like symptoms with high fever, plus severe dementia in later stages; coma onset approximately 20 hours after first symptoms appear and 12 hours after noticeable dementia. Coma onset will be considered onset of death. A period of sporadic cellular necrosis occurs which comes to resemble gangrene. Surviving tissue assumes its original function and is highly resilient. Red blood cells greatly increase oxygen storage capacity, resulting in slower blood flow and increased muscle endurance and strength. Nervous and muscular systems are unaffected by total organ failure for several hours. Metabolism may decrease to extremely low levels, allowing subject to surive for over 10 years without nutrition. High blood viscosity results in negligible blood flow from gunshot, puncture, and slashing injuries. Conditioned behavior, motor controls, and instinctive behavioral mechanisms are damaged, and cognitive abilities are severely retarded and erratic. Animals experience excessive brain necrosis and are inactive. Subject can adapt to its damaged nervous system but is limited to basic physical activities, including standing up, balancing on two legs, walking, biting, grabbing, and crawling. Subject will energetically move towards sights, sounds, and smells it associates with living humans. Subject will attempt to ingest living humans if physical contact is made. Neutralizing fully-infected subjects requires significant cranial trauma. Samples of this SCP have been deemed Class V extreme biological hazards, and all related protocols apply. Incineration and irradiation measures will be deployed in the event of political or military action which may result in the facility being dismantled; a power failure; or zero communications from operatives or outside channels during any given 8-hour period. The quarantine period for operatives leaving the facility is 4 months. If a breach has occurred, incineration and irradiation measures shall be deployed. It should be the policy of all G2 sites to not prepare an evacuation procedure. There is strong evidence to suggest this SCP did not form naturally on Earth, since variants of similar cmplexity would have displaced much of the ecosystem. In 1959, a short collaborative effort with the USSR to locate G2 sites and eliminate this SCP was negotiated following their discovery. SCP-500 has been found to be able to completely cure this SCP even in the advanced stages.

SCP-041: Safe

This SCP is a male human suffering from irreversible damage to his central nervous system, which is believed to have been caused by an infection of a rare strain of bacterial meningitis. Although antibiotics were successful in clearing the infection, the membranes surrounding his brain and spinal cord had reacted to the infection by severing many neurons connecting the CNS to the rest of the body. The SCP must rely on a respirator to sustain his breathing, a biventricular pacemaker to keep his heart beating, and a naso-gastric tube to provide nutrition. Visually, the SCP appears to be in a persistent vegetative state. However, observers in the presence of the SCP begin to realize that their thoughts, along with everyone else's in about a 10-meter radius from the SCP, are broadcast in a semi-audible fashion. Aside from being the source, the SCP is also capable of broadcasting his own thoughts to those present. Anyone forming an idea using words will have those thoughts unwillingly transmitted to others in this range as "mind-audible speech", which cannot be recorded by any known equipment. Mind-audible speech may be "heard" using whatever voice a subject chooses to think with. Visual thoughts and images are broadcast as well, but are not received as readily. Images are most effectively transmitted when both the sender and receiver have their eyes closed, the sender concentrates on a single object without environment or background, and the receiver's mind is clear of conscious thoughts. Communication between subjects using visual images, particularly those not rooted in memory but in imagination, is usually difficult. Although able to transmit his thoughts to others, the SCP is not very "talkative". Attempts to persuade him to divulge any information about his abilities have been so far fruitless. He is typically silent and normally will not respond to any direct attempts at communication. However, he appears to have a sense of humor, as he interjects occasional comments into conversations of others. The SCP is to be hospitalized at Bio-Research Area 12. Though not Keter class, should the SCP abilities ever propagate beyond a reasonably containable area, the risk of SCP sensitive information being broadcast to the public remains too great a risk and warrants Area-Level isolation away from the general populace. It is beneficial to the mental health of the SCP to have a "sitter" in the room who watches television and concentrates on its programming. This allows the SCP to effectively "watch" television through the mind of someone else. The optimal sitter is a class-D personnel with below-average intelligence whose mind does not wander. Though not mind control, the SCP has used its abilities to coerce sitters into watching programming that they don't themselves enjoy. The SCP's tastes vary between gore/slasher films and children's programming.

SCP-006: Safe

This SCP is a very small spring located 60 km west of Astrakhan. Foundation Command was aware of its existence since the 19th century, but were unable to secure it until 1991 due to political reasons. On the spot of the spring, a chemical factory has been constructed as a disguise, with the majority of laborers under Foundation and/or Russian control. The liquid emitted from the spring has been chemically identified as simple mineral water in 1902, but has the unusual properties of "health". Ingesting the liquid produces the following properties in humans: the ability to regenerate DNA damaged by sufficient duplication, heightened excitement of cellular duplication, vastly improved abilities in the repair of damaged tissue, and a frightening increase in the effectiveness of the human immune system. Whereas the nature of this SCP does not warrant any extensive containment, a certain level of secrecy is necessary regarding the object's existence and properties. All personnel interacting with this SCP in any physical way are required to wear modified class VI BNC suits. Before personnel are allowed to perform procedures, they must be briefed with Material _______B or _______C. _______A Briefing is the correct one and is restricted to only those with O5 clearance. To assure personnel are wearing suits properly, they are to be submerged into a pool of water. Any air bubbles spotted signify a leak in the suit. Procedures with this SCP are to be carried out under extreme surveillance. In case of contact with it, the commander in charge will announce Procedure ___-Xi-12, which the personnel have been briefed to believe to mean high toxicity is present and they must evacuate. Any procedure in which liquid is acquired from this SCP must be approved by 3 O5 Level personnel. The liquid is to be transferred in a Quad-Sealant Container and under armed guard. IF AT ANY TIME PERSONNEL COME INTO CONTACT WITH THIS SCP OR LIQUID FROM IT, THEY ARE TO BE CONFINED AND TERMINATED AFTER SUFFICIENT STUDIES ARE DONE. Due to the nature of it, the most effective termination method is incineration.

SCP-074: Euclid

This SCP is an anomalous organism which uses various quantum properties at a macroscopic scale, and in other ways modifies the standard laws of physics within its immediate vicinity. The specific nature of these modifications appears to be linked to the extent to which humans in the vicinity are aware of the precise details of the physical laws which the SCP modifies (research to determine whether the SCP has a given property or capability results in the SCP developing or manifesting that property). The SCP has repetedly manifested the ability to spontaneously materialize at locations as much as 3 meters outside its primary containment. Foundation entomologists have tentatively identified the SCP as belonging to the order Isopoda, commonly known as a "woodlouse". It is female and parthenogenetic; periodically, the globular organ at the tip of its ovipositor luminesces, and emits what was originally thought to be a form of non-ionizing radiation, but which has since been identified as "coherent wavepackets" of the probability of one of its self-fertilized eggs. Instances of the offspring preferentially reify and incubate within the flesh of humans with knowledge of physics. This SCP is contained at Site 81. The SCP is an active infohazard. No research in evaluating its anomalous properties is to be conducted. The SCP is contained within a 6m x 6m x 3m reinforced glass chamber, filtered to block all ultraviolet light, and situated within a windowless room lit by monochromatic safelights. The containment chamber is to be surrounded with scaffolds bearing sheets of live cultured human skin held parallel to the surfaces of the containment chamber, and arranged overlapping each other such that lateral coverage is at least 95%. Skin sheets must be a minimum of 3 millimeters thick, and warmed to 37*Celsius. The SCP is to be fed 75 grams of fresh shredded apple leaves, bark, and fruit, hydroponically grown to ensure lack of pollutants and foreign organisms, once a day.

SCP-021: Safe

This SCP takes the form of a large and elaborate tattoo of a serpentine dragon in the oriental style, covering approximately 0.8 square meters of skin. This tattoo is fully animate within the confines of its host's skin and behaves largely as a normal animal would, albeit in only two dimensions. The tattoo's movement causes constant pain to its host, comparable and similar in character to simultaneous tattooing and tattoo removal on a large scale. The organism tends to spend most of its time on and near the torso. This SCP displays no intelligence beyond a basic pattern of feeding and locomotion, although actually measuring the intelligence of a two-dimensional life-form has proven impossible thus far. The SCP appears to feed exlusively on pigments in the host's skin. This can include melanin, in which case the subject appears to be suffering from vitiligo. However, the organism shows a marked preference for other tattoos and will seek out and devour these before resorting to natural pigments. It should be noted that the feeding process itself, beyond the sensation of movement, is painless; normal tattoo ink simply vanishes as it's eaten. The organism maintains a constant size, and no excretions have been observed. The organism is capable of clearing over 0.6 square meters of skin per hour. One may "feed" it by quickly tattooing fruits or small animals on the host. This SCP can be transferred between hosts by various forms of physical contact, with differing rates of success. In case of successful transfer, the organism simply "swims" from one person to the other. Sexual intercourse appears to be the most reliable method of transfer, with a 93% rate of transmission. However, due to the severe pain involved, this is less than ideal. Contact between two open wounds is generally preferable. Transfer is more complicated in deceased subjects, though not unreasonably so; the organism suffers no ill effects from the death of its host and continues to consume pigments. Transmission between species is unknown; previous tests suggest it to be either impossible or exceedingly rare. This SCP does confer some benefits. The tattoo has been proven to accelerate the release and re-uptake of epinephrine and decrease lactic acid buildup, providing boosts of strength, confidence, and pain tolerance in stressful situations and reducing the usual after-effects of weakness and fatigue. The symbiotic relationship is usually limited by how long the host can tolerate such pain in everyday life. This has culminated in suicide in a number of subjects. In rare cases, hosts have also fallen victim to fatal skin infections. Origins are a mystery. This SCP is an obligate parasite of the human body. Containment, therefore, is no more difficult than containing an adult human; most cells will suffice. Item is currently housed in detention cell 217-A on subject D-139. Only class D personnel are eligible for hosting this SCP. As long as a given subject survives as a host for the SCP, he is exempt from normal monthly terminations of class D personnel.

SCP-080: Euclid

It is unknown if this SCP has a physical mass or "body", as all attempts to interact with it physically have failed and have been met with adverse effects. Researchers and personnel have described seeing the SCP as various shadows and humanoid effigies, with the only common attribute being two smoking "eyes". It has come to the attention of researches that the SCP induces uncontrollable drowsiness upon anyone entering its chamber. After approx 30 min, any person observing it will be forced into REM sleep and may suffer irreversible psychological damage. If at any time the SCP finds a way to "hide" itself, it will disappear entirely. If any light enters the containment room with a greater luminance than that produced by a standard children's nightlight, the SCP will instantly vanish. This SCP is to be contained in a 4m x 4m room with a smaller antechamber located on the south wall to provide researchers with access. On the north wall, an observation room is to be connected, overlooking the main room through a window with thick black-out curtains that release only when the door is closed.

SCP-073: Euclid

This SCP appears to be a heavily-tanned male of Arabic or Middle Eastern descent in his early thirties, 6'1" tall and 165 lbs, with black hair and blue eyes. Arms, legs, spinal cord, and shoulder blades of the subject appear to have been replaced with artificial versions of unknown make and metal. Subject only takes notice of this when its pointed out, and states that it has no knowledge of how, why, or when these replacements took place, stating it had them as long as it could remember. There is a symbol engraved into the forehead of the subject, which appears to be of Sumerian origin. The subject appears distressed when the symbol is mentioned at all, refusing to speak on it. Subject does need to eat and drink on a regular basis, but is strictly carnivorous. The SCP, who refers to itself as "Cain", is generally polite and genial to all who speak to it, though it has been described as being cold and somewhat mechanical in its speech. It is very helpful, and enjoys aiding personnel in their daily actions, whatever they may be. It has highly detailed knowledge of ancient to recent events in history, and most commonly spoken languages in the world, including ones that have since died out. Subject has professed to having a photographic memory, remembering word-for-word all text in an 800 page dictionary that was flicked through in a minute and a half. It has scored above average in all intelligence tests given to it. The SCP's presence is inimical to any and all life grown in soil, causing death to any such life within a 20m radius. Any land the SCP has walked on becomes barren as all anaerobic bacteria dies, rendering the soil incapable of supporting life until new bacteria are introduced. Anything that is derived from soil-grown life, such as wood and paper, immediately rots and disintegrates upon the touch of the SCP. Violence directed towards the SCP reflects any damage inflicted on the SCP directly back onto the attacker, although the SCP visibily remains unharmed. This SCP is to be kept in a 2-room cell with all non-organic furniture and items, and a bathroom. Subject is allowed to freely wander the facility and eat in the main canteen. A tracking device has been attached to the SCP's person and is not to be removed.

SCP-014: Safe

This SCP is a Caucasian male, appearing to be approximately 30 years of age, with black hair, brown eyes, and a somewhat round face. Records indicate his name to be Robert Chetford, confined in 1915 to the Norwich Asylum in Connecticut for delusional insanity, claiming that he had been cursed to live forever, and was slowly turning into concrete in consequence. The asylum closed in 1937, and the patients were transferred to various other facilities. This SCP came to Foundation attention in 19__, from rumors of a patient who seemed to be entirely immobile and showed no signs of aging. Further investigation determined that acquisition was warranted. This SCP is to all outward appearances a normal man, but he does not appear to age, and shows no signs of possessing a metabolism. He does not eat, drink, perspire, or in any other way demonstrate life functions. He breathes only to speak, and apart from his eyes and vocal apparatus, is to all appearances utterly immobile. He has never shown any evidence of pressure ulcers despite his position not having varied for several decades; neither do his muscles appear atrophied. He can converse normally, but shows little knowledge of or interest in events since his confinement. This SCP is to be kept in Site-__, in a chair with arms, preferably facing a window. Music should be supplied on a regular basis, preferably constantly. This music should not include pieces originating after 1937. A security camera should be present within its room.

SCP-017: Keter

This SCP is a humanoid figure approximately 80 centimeters in height, anatomically similar to a small child, but with no discernible identifying features. This SCP seems composed of a shadowy, smoke-like shroud. No attempt to find any object beneath the shroud has been successful, but the possibility has not been ruled out. It's reaction to shadows cast upon it is immediate and swift. The SCP leaps at the object casting the shadow and completely encloses it in its shroud, whereupon it returns to its normal size, leaving no trace of the object behind. This SCP is contained in an acrylic glass cage, 100cm x 50cm x 50cm, centrally suspended in a concrete room measuring 6m x 6m x 4m. Attached to the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room are high-intensity arc lamp spotlights pointed directly at the acrylic cage, to ensure that the SCP is constantly exposed to light from every angle. Personnel assigned to the SCP's control room are to monitor the functionality of the spotlights and the emergency generator system and call for maintenance immediately upon knowledge of a burnt-out lamp or an issue with the generator. The only circumstance under which personnel are allowed entrance is to replace lamps. Personnel entering the room are required to wear the designated full-body reflective suits, and must be cautioned not to step in front of functional spotlights.

SCP-069: Safe

This SCP is a presumed humanoid entity of variable appearance and gender. Through an unknown ability, whenever the SCP is left alone with a recently deceased human body, the body will disappear and the SCP will take on the appearance, mannerisms, and knowledge of the recently dead individual. Through extensive experimentation, it has been shown that the SCP is completely indistinguishable from the individual it impersonates, matching the original individual's fingerprints and DNA with nearly perfect precision. The SCP retains no knowledge of its abilities or former impersonations. It responds normally to injury and pain, but if killed, will rapidly decay into dust regardless of any preservation attempts. It will then re-emerge at the site of the most recent human death. There is no known maximum range to this effect, and so far has been observed in jumps of up to 675 kilometers. This SCP will gain an overriding urge to "get their life in order" including resolving any outstanding financial or personal obligations, visiting extended family, updating their will and testament, and other acts of closure. When questioned, the SCP professes no driving motivation other than a desire to straighten out their lives in the event of unforseen injury or death. This SCP is currently impersonating former Foundation Agent __________, and is housed at Humanoid Containment Site-06-3. It is currently on suicide watch.

SCP-066: Euclid-impetus

This SCP is an amorphous mass of braided yarn and ribbon weighing approx 1 kilogram. Strands of the SCP may be taken individually and manipulated; when this is done, a note on the diatonic scale (C-D-E-F-G-A-B) is produced by the object. When a set of 6 or more notes are produced, the SCP will produce an effect of varying nature and duration. The SCP will not respond to manipulation while any effect produced by it is in progress. Prior to Incident ___-2, results have included: The SCP transformed into a friendly kitten, a chocolate cupcake, and played a song about not using sharp objects without parental supervision. This SCP is to be kept in a tungsten carbide box in Site 21's high-value item storage facility. Once every month, this box must be manually inspected for damage to the interior.

SCP-028: Safe

This SCP is located in an abandoned storage yard outside a copper mine in northern Michigan. This SCP has no detectable physical presence of any kind, but its Effect occurs in a 7 foot cube around what is commonly held as the "center" of the SCP. All forms of scanning and testing in the area have shown no abnormal readings. Adding or removing objects, or attempting to remove dirt from under the SCP has no effect in altering the size or shape of the area of effect, nor the onset or quality of the Effect. Subjects "entering" the SCP are, within 3-6 seconds, struck by total and complete knowledge of a subject. This knowledge is thus far completely random in both size and usefulness, and sometimes goes unnoticed for extended periods of time. More "profound" knowledge generally has a stronger effect, with some cases [EXPUNGED]. This Effect can be experienced multiple times by exiting and re-entering the SCP, but can result in increasingly strong migraines and dizziness after 2 exposures. The SCP came to the Foundation's attention after research into news reports of a local miner who submitted a design for a cold-fusion reactor to the US patent office. Mr. _____ reported that it "just came to me, like a bolt outta the blue!" News and subjects were suppressed and contained after discovery of the SCP, and the reactor designs implemented in the containment of SCP-1995. No special means are needed to contain at this time, as the SCP has not shown any change in size, position or shape during the entire period of its containment, but access must be restricted. Currently, the SCP is contained on site (Site _) as it is not transportable by any known means. This SCP is sealed in a 6 x 6 x 3 meter 20 x 20 x 10 foot concrete room with a single door, with 2 armed personnel stationed outside. Only authorized personnel are to be allowed exposure, and extreme care must be taken at all times. Although this SCP is harmless, the effect can be very damaging to the unprepared.

SCP-058: Keter

This SCP resembles a bovine heart, with 4 arthropod-like legs used primarily for movement, and 4 tentacles of adjustable length, covered with razor sharp spines. It has a single sharp 'stinger' on its rear, where the hole for the superior vena cava would be in a typical organ. The SCP's tentacles can be "whipped" to a distance of 10.5ft at speeds in excess of 200mph. It is extremely hostile and will use every opportunity afforded to it to inflict damage on its surroundings. The SCP has been shown to be highly resilient to trauma, and should be approached with caution. It is highly mobile and capable of rapid movement on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It has been recorded reaching a speed of approximately 55mph in short bursts, covering distances up to 656ft, and has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 55mph in less than 2 seconds. This SCP 'speaks' in a human voice, though no method of producing sound has been observed in its physiology. It speaks with vocal tone and accent of an elderly British male with a slight lisp and deep voice. This SCP talks constantly, regardless of conditions: even when attacking, its voice and pace of speech are unchanged. The speech lacks any detectable correlation to events, persons, or exterior locations involved with the SCP. This SCP is to be kept in isolation in a 5m x 5m x 5m containment chamber at all times. Walls are to be constructed of 10ft of reinforced heat-resistant steel, backed with a further 33ft of reinforced concrete. The SCP is to be fed a live cow every 3 days. Maintenance is to be conducted every 60 minutes while the SCP is dormant and every 15 minutes when the SCP is active. The SCP is to be audio recorded at all times. No personnel are to listen to the SCP for more than 30 minutes at a time.

SCP-072: Safe

Instaces of this SCP were first discovered in an apartment building in Michigan, after 2 local media reports on the SCP's effects caused a local panic which drew the attention of a Foundation Agent. The SCP is a shadowy and translucent projection which resembles a 0.9-meter-long hand, the 'fingers' of which taper to a sharp point. Detailed recording of the SCP is difficult, as it does not manifest at light levels about 5 lux. Instances of the SCP have only been observed to manifest when a human enters REM sleep while located in a bed 'infected' by the SCP and leaves a foot or feet exposed to open air. If these conditions are satisfied, the SCP will emerge from the foot of the bed and appear to use its pointer finger to 'tap' on the subject's foot until they awaken. Subjects have reported that they were unable to move, showing symptoms similar to sleep paralysis. This continues as long as the SCP is visible. The SCP will then use its pointed fingers to cut portions of flesh from the exposed parts of the subject's foot or feet. It will return within the bed in between each removal, emerging without the collected material. This will continue until the SCP has taken all of the exposed foot or feet, stopping at the ankle. Though subjects exposed to it report this process to be immensely painful, its paralytic effects render them unable to scream or call for help. Any bed within an approximately 10-meter vicinity of a bed which manifests the effects of the SCP will also host an instance of the SCP. Destruction of a bed affected by the SCP reveals no anomalous materials and no trace of biological material removed from subjects. All known instances of the SCP are to be contained in a 3.5 x 4 meter holding cell.

SCP-054: Safe

Out of the water, the subject most often appears as a female humanoid with a mean volume of 90 L comprised entirely of water. When it enters a body of water, it becomes indistinguishable from its surroundings. The subject must periodically return to a body of water in order to maintain its volume due to evaporation. When found, it was moved to Site-08 for further study. Subject was initially curious about Foundation personnel and seemed to enjoy interacting with maintenance staff and researchers, and mimicking their forms. The SCP is apparently composed of normal water, with no detectable differences compared to ordinary spring water from the same source. No thermal, electromagnetic, biological, or other phenomenon has ever been detected in its "body" that would suggest how it animates. Subject is held in a watertight isolation room outfitted with specialized climate control equipment. An ornate foundation filled with water stands in the center of the enclosure. Maintenance personnel are required to wear NBC suits while inside the containment area and must spend 10 minutes in a special drying room after exiting. In the event of a breach, the surrounding area should be evacuated and the enclosure flushed with liquid nitrogen. The fountain's chemical levels and volume are to be monitored and maintained. Spring water from ______ should be used as the SCP is highly sensitive to hydrological conditions. This SCP has developed a mistrust for human males during its confinement; thus, assignment of female personnel is recommended.

SCP-002: Euclid

The "Living" Room - Resembles a tumorous, fleshy growth with a volume of roughly 60 m^3. An iron valve hatch leads to its interior, which appears to be a standard low-rent apartment of modest size. No personnel below Level 3 are permitted with this SCP. Command staff must be escorted by at least 5 Level 3 Security personnel for their duration of their contact and must temporarily surrender their rank and security clearance. Following contact, command staff will be escorted at least 5km from this SCP to undergo a 72-hour quarantine and psychological evaluation. Teams including a minimum of 2 members are required within 20 meters of this SCP or its containment area. Personnel should make physical contact with each other at all times to confirm there is another person present, as perception may be dulled, skewed, or influenced by proximity to the object. This SCP is to remain connected to a suitable power supply at all times, to keep it in what appears to be a recharging mode. In case of electrical outage, the emergency barrier between the object and the facility is to be closed and the immediate area evacuated. Once facility power is re-established, alternating bursts of X-ray and ultraviolet light must strobe the area until the SCP is re-affixed to the power supply and returned to recharging mode. Containment area is to be kept at negative air pressure at all times.

SCP-037: Euclid

The artifact was discovered in 19__ above the Beaufort Sea at approximately the North Magnetic Pole. Intense electromagnetic interference was reported by Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert, followed by an extremely bright object descending toward the ocean from the sky. The SCPS Guardian responded and discovered the object wavering in an erratic trajectory about 200 m above the surface of the water. Once containment procedures were devised it was transported to Site-32 for study. This SCP is apparently a star approximately 2in in diameter, with a luminosity of about 1*10^-12 times that of our sun and a surface temperature of about 5000 K. The age and origin of the SCP is unknown, however, its nuclear activity is being carefully monitored for irregularities. Spectral analysis and comparison to known celestial bodies suggest that it is a typical star quickly undergoing the transition to a red giant, though it is unknown if established theories of star formation and aging apply. It is thought to have entered the Earth's magnetosphere via the North Magnetic Pole. Contaniment and transport of this SCP have been achieved by the use of powerful electromagnets, to which the artifact aligns itself according to its own magnetic field. The primary challenge to containment has been its powerful electromagnetic emissions, which are intense enough to be easily seen by the naked eye from high Earth orbit. Its current enclosure is located deep underground to prevent detection and to facilitate radiative cooling into the surrounding bedrock. In effect, the entire facility and the surrounding volume of the Earth's crust act as a massive heat sink. This SCP is magnetically contained at Site-32. It is housed in a small subterranean room composed of a heat conducting, radiation-resistant polymer and evacuated of any atmosphere. Heat from the object is radiated into the surrounding rock. Should the integrity of the enclosure become compromised, the emergency system will generate a low power argon plasma shield until it is repaired.

SCP-033: Euclid

This SCP appears as a field of complex mathematical symbols ranging from simple layman-identifiable representations to those only interpretable by highly-trained mathematicians. The "sum" of the symbols is equal to a previously unknown integer (designated Theta Prime by Prof. Hutchinson) of intermediate value between _ and _. As all modern mathematical calculations are performed lacking the knowledge or use of the SCP, its introduction into any system organized without it begins eroding the numerical and eventually structural integrity of said system. This effect extends to the SCP's transfer to any paper-like surface not possessing ___-Safe dimensions or any computing or recording device it is input to. If inscribed on any other material, the SCP fades into unintelligibility in precisely 2560 seconds. In addition, it has shown an ability to "leap" from an ___-Safe material to a manufactured or electronic material which it can destabilize in at least 1 instance (Incident report ___-D), requiring the institution of a 30 meter safe distance for electronic devices and paper-like products. There is currently no ___-Safe specification for electronic storage. This SCP should be inscribed on any single sheet of irregularly-shaped and hand-crafted paper, papyrus, canvas or vellum when not involved in active observation or study. The dimensions of the paper-like product should have no parallel borders, no right angles, and no side's length should be equal to any other. When contained in this manner, the paper-like product should be secured in a locked non-combination storage vault at least 30 meters from any computing or recording device. Logs for check-out or check-in of SCP should be filled out at the minimum safe distance of 30 meters to avoid possible contamination of the paper or electronic device.

SCP-070: Safe

This SCP appears to be a human male of Native American descent, with a normal appearance save for a pair of rusty metal "wings" emerging from his back. Each wing is composed of several flat iron bars about 6cm wide connected end-to-end by rotating rivets to form an articulated length of metal over 2 meters long. Hanging from these bars are chains of various lengths, 22 on each wing, each tipped with a barbed arrowhead. The wings appear to act independently of the person they are attached to, and the SCP has stated repeatedly that it has no control over them. However, when damage has been done to the wings, the SCP has shown signs of physiological distress, including sweating, reduced blood flow to the face, and screaming in pain. The wings can fold and expand, shoot out and whip its chains at high speed, and anchor its arrowheads into concrete, wood, etc. While the SCP has not displayed any overt hostility to personnel, it will often react violently to perceived threats by lashing its chains out at assailants, and wrapping its chains around its body in a defensive posture. The most effective means of subdual has proven to be sticky foam. Despite their rusted appearance, the wings and chains are as strong as high-quality alloy steel. They are also as dense as steel, and the SCP cannot move about as a normal human due to the weight of its wings. This SCP is to be kept within a 10m x 10m reinforced-concrete room that is to be guarded and remotely monitored at all times. This room must always be well-stocked with non-perishable food and water, as well as basic amenities for humanoid SCPs.

SCP-084: Euclid

This SCP appears to be a large radio tower positioned in the center of a large, open field with two small outbuildings. Direct observation and sample collection from the SCP is impossible, due to the effect that is emited around/from the SCP. It appears to emit a form of wave or radiation that has a detrimental effect on local space-time/reality. The most pronounced aspect of this is the alteration of local space within the active area of the SCP. Externally, the active area forms a rough dome shape of 200 meters in diameter. The SCP appears inside this area at random points, appearing to jump at random times, sometimes even appearing in multiple locations at once. The SCP is impossible to reach due to the emitted effect. This SCP is currently under a full non-interaction order until the full extent of the emission waves has been evaluated. Surveillance must be maintaned.

SCP-027: Euclid

This SCP appears to be a phenomenon of unknown source that seems to be tied to one human subject (currently ___-02) at a time. As host to this SCP, the subject is constantly surrounded by swarming vermin that are drawn to his location. The subject does not appear able to assert control over these creatures in any way, and is in fact prone to occasional attacks from feral specimens. These creatures have also been known to attack personnel who approach too closely. Wherever the subject goes, an initial swarm of flying insects such as gnats and flies will start to form a cloud around him, usually within 2-3 minutes. Shortly thereafter, crawling animals (including lice, cockroaches, worms, spiders, [DATA EXPUNGED], mice, and rats) will begin to appear; the longer the subject remains in a location, the more vermin will gather there. When the subject leaves a location, some of these will follow, but most will disperse. This SCP has been known to transfer between hosts once, upon the death of the first known host. Since the SCP could likely repeat this feat upon the death of Subject ___-02, all high-value personnel should be kept far away from the current host until more about the SCP is understood. This SCP has also likely transferred between hosts an unknown number of times before containment. The host of this SCP is to be kept in a 5m x 5m containment cell with a grated, raised floor connected to a strong vacuum system. All creatures removed from the Subject's containment cell are to be incinerated, except for a small portion to be diverted for analysis and necropsy. The cell is to be cleaned and inspected for structural damage daily. The Subject must be monitored by at least 2 personnel at all times. Any unusual behavior or vital signs on the part of the subject or the appearance of any unusual species in the subject's vicinity must be reported to Level 4 personnel. Security personnel assigned to this SCP must be inoculated against all known animal-borne pathogens and must be armed with tranquilizer guns, with standing orders to subdue the subject if the need arises. Until this SCP is better understood, no personnel of Level 4 Clearance or higher should approach within 200m of the Subject.

SCP-029: Keter

This SCP appears to be a pubescent female of Asiatic-Indian descent. She appears to suffer from alopecia universalis. Over 80% of her pigmentation is a true black, while the rest of her skin has a complete lack of melanin, to the point of albinism. Her eyes are also a dark black in color. This SCP has severe homicidal tendencies and has displayed a remarkable ability to use any item as a weapon. However, she has a severe compulsion against shedding blood, preferring instead to strangle her victims. This SCP has demonstrated dexterity and physical reactions 4 times as fast as the average human. She has also displayed extensive resistance to damage of all forms. Both of these extra human abilities are greatly hampered in the presences of bright or direct light, natural or artificial. In addition, any males who come within the presence of this SCP, an area defined by her current perception, find themselves pliant to her will. Such males become willing to kill or even die for her. This SCP was first brought to the Foundation's attention by an Agent working in rural India. An attempt on his life led him to a small cult of men who claimed to be 'Thuggees,' in service to the Daughter. Several weeks of investigation proved that they believed the world to be in the last years of the 'Kali Yuga,' and that by sacrificing one million lives to the Daughter of Darkness, they could raise their Goddess and end the world. They also believed that only sacrifices performed through strangulation added to this tally. Events led the agent to their mountain fortress, where he discovered the SCP. This SCP is to be incarcerated in a Class 5 containment cell. She is to be allowed access to nothing of a physical nature. Her containment cell is to be placed behind a triple airlock, to avoid her escape. As of Incident ___-34a, this SCP is no longer to be fed, as she does not appear to need sustenance to survive. There are to be 3 guards on duty at all times on her cell, and 2 guards on monitor duty. Floodlights have been installed in the walls of the containment chamber, and are to be on at all times. Once a month the chamber is to be cleaned and checked for defects. Under absolutely no circumstances are any men to encounter this SCP in any manner. Any males who do encounter her are to be held under Class 3 detention for interviewing before termination.

SCP-019: Keter

This SCP appears to be a very large ceramic vase, 1.8m in diameter at the mouth and 2.4m high. Style and decoration indicate that it was created in Classical Greece, although conclusive dating is impossible, as the surface is entirely unbreakable by any known means. If a successful method is discovered, this SCP is to be destroyed with prejudice. Periodically, entities emerge from this SCP. Collectively, these are known as SCP-___-2. The entities vary in many aspects, but tend to be small, vaguely humanoid, and extremely hostile. They often choose to attack with teeth or claws. Although fairly delicate (and flammable), they are reasonably strong and pose a considerable threat in large numbers. When kept at 0*C and totally at rest, entities will emerge from the SCP at a rate of approximately 1 entity per hour. The following traits are known to affect their manifestation rate: Movement of the vase, threat to the vase, extreme temperature highs and lows, sudden shift in surrounding environment, introduction of objects or organisms to the inside of the vase. Traits that may or may not influence the entities' manifestion rate: presence of human life near the vase, current weather patterns, specific individuals near the vase. In addition, tipping or tilting the vase will create a reaction as though it was previously "filled" with SCP-___-2 specimens, although viewers looking into the vase from above will merely observe a dark hole. Due to the production rates of entities when the object is disturbed, measurement of the internal cavity is difficult, but it is suspected to be consistent with outside measurements. This SCP is to be kept on a wide grate in a 3m x 3m x 4m reinforced concrete room, installed with an incinerator. Room is to be kept at 0*C when incinerator is not activated. An observation chamber separated by a plate of glass window is to be used for constant observation of the SCP, and if/when specimens of SCP-___-2 are observed, the incinerator is to be activated. In the event of an outbreak of the entities, ordinary firearms are successful in terminating individual specimens, although in the case of a swarm-level outbreak, flamethrowers may be more effective. The vase should be kept in a vertical position at all times.

SCP-035: Keter

This SCP appears to be a white porcelain comedy mask, although, at times, it will change to tragedy. In these events, all existing visual records, such as photographs, video footage, even illustrations, of the SCP automatically change to reflect its new appearance. A highly corrosive and degenerative viscous liquid constantly seeps from the eye and mouth holes of the SCP. Anything coming into contact with this substance slowly decays over a period of time, depending on the material, until it has decayed completely into a pool of the original contaminant. Glass seems to react the slowest to the effects of the item, hence the construction choice of its immediate container. Living organisms that come into contact with the substance react much the same way, with no chance of recovery. Origin of the liquid is unknown. Liquid is only visible from the front, and does not emerge or is even visible from the other side. Subjects within 5-6 feet of the SCP, or in visual contact with it, experience a strong urge to put it on. When it is placed on the face of an individual, an alternate brain wave pattern from the SCP overlaps that of the original host, effectively snuffing it out and causing brain death to the subject. Subject then claims to be the consciousness contained within the SCP. The bodies of "possessed" subjects decay at a highly accelerated rate, eventually becoming little more than mummified corpses. Nevertheless, the SCP has demonstrated the ability to remain in cognitive control of a body experiencing severe structural damage, even if the subject's body literally decays to the point where motion is not mechanically possible. No effect is found when placed on the face of an animal. Conversations with the SCP have proven to be informative. Researchers have learned various details about other SCP objects and history in general, as it claims to have been at many momentous events. The SCP displays a highly intelligent and charismatic personality, being both amiable and flattering to all those administered to it, and appears to have a photographic memory. This SCP is to be kept within a hermetically sealed glass case, no fewer than 4 inches thick. This case is to be contained within a steel iron and lead-shielded room at all times. Doors are to be triple-locked at all times, with the exception of allowing personnel in or out. This SCP has been found to be able to possess anything that has a humanoid shape; is capable of telepathy; expresses interest in SCP-517 and SCP-682; the walls of the containment cell have begun secreting a black substance (human blood and unknown agents, is corrosive), it forms paragraphs in different languages and diagrams;

SCP-062: Euclid

This SCP appears to be an unbranded personal desktop computer housed in an aluminum case of indeterminate manufacture. It is unusually heavy at approx 24kg, and lacks manufacturing or branding labels of any kind. The words "information is freedom [sic]" were found scratched into the casing near the back, apparently with a key or similar object. Inspection of its interior has revealed that the SCP is empty except for a blank circuit board in place of where the motherboard of a standard personal computer would be. The SCP will not function unless the case is completely sealed, and attempts to open the case while it is operating cause it to shut down immediately. Despite this, it operates as expected for a normal desktop computer with the exception that its performance, operating system, contained data, and language appears to be different upon every activation. This SCP is stored in a dedicated containment cell at Site __ under clean room conditions. Any experimentation on the SCP must receive prior permission from at least 2 Level 3 personnel, and must only be performed with independent power sources. It must never be attached to an external network, and all data extracted from the SCP is to be stored on external nonvolatile media until analyzed.

SCP-077: Euclid

This SCP appears to be the top half of a human skull engraved with runes, each filled with an unidentified black resin. The runes change every lunar month, as well as at the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes, and whenever a partial, annular, or total solar or lunar eclipse is visible from Ireland. If these engravings are not read aloud at least once within a 24-hour period, the eye sockets and nasal cavity of the SCP will emit a vapor. It is a luminescent green vapor whose precise nature remains undetermined; although the vapor behaves as a normal gas, it only occupies those spaces which are within the skull's line of sight. Opaque impermeable barriers with no biological content can provide temporary protection from the vapor. All biological material which comes in contact with the vapor is instantly transformed into a viscous, malodorous ooze; the ooze has been identified as the rotted flesh of potato tubers which have been severely infected with the potato blight. Reading the skull's engravings has noticeable effects on the health of the readers. These include nausea, cramps, headache, dizziness, incontinence, fever, skin rashes, nosebleeds, and fugue states. Readers have a 60% chance of developing an allergy to potatoes. This SCP is to be kept in Research Sector-861 on top of a 0.5m steel pedestal in a 3m x 3m x 3m chamber with 0.5m thick steel-reinforced walls. The reinforced steel hatch-door to the chamber is to comply with AH37-Protocol. A boom mic connected to a speech recognition system should verify that all pronunciation is within standards.

SCP-039: Euclid

This SCP consists of 23 instances of Nasalis larvatus, or proboscis monkey, who have been subject to radical anatomical changes. The eyes and mouths of the SCPs are absent, leaving the face bare save for the nose and its accompanying nasal passages. Instances of this SCP possess acute auditory and tactile sense to compensate for a lack of eyes, relying mostly on physical contact with objects to perceive them, and on loud nasal snorts as a sort of echolocation to help them navigate their environment. Necropsies have also revealed the digestive system to be absent; how instances of the SCP obtain nutrition - or how they survive without it - is still a subject of research. Instances of the SCP display signs of sapience, examples of which include communication via nasal snorts, an understanding of spoken English, and a complex understanding of machinery. Adult instances have demonstrated the ability to operate mechanical tools, and possess the ability to repair and manufacture various pieces of technology, such as disassembling and reassembling an internal combustion engine, and efficiently wiring a small apartment room. Testing has shown that the SCPs appear to work more efficiently individually, rather than in groups. Occasionally when working, instances of the SCP will clutch their abdomens and emit distressed vocalizations. If food is located nearby, they will attempt to smear their faces with the substance. It is currently hypothesized that this indicates that the SCP is the result of artificial manipulation of normal specimens. This SCP are capable of reproduction and gestation not unlike Nasalis larvatus; 5 instances of SCP have been born. This SCP show a very close bond among their species, with newborns often being cared for by all capable adults. New instances are born with anatomical anomalies similar to other instances of the SCP. Parent instances will educate newborns on communication and basic skills until they reach the age of 6 months, at which point technological ability will be taught by other adult instances. This SCP were recovered from an uninhabited research facility 50 kilometers from the nearby town in Nevada. All instances of the SCP are to be contained in Site-77's Wilderness Observation Chamber-2B. At least 2 security personnel are to monitor the interior and exterior of the chamber.

SCP-010: Safe

This SCP consists of a series of 6 apparently identical cast iron collars with numbered metal tags and 1 remote control. The control is SCP-___-1. The collars are SCP-___-2 through ___-7. The collars contain intricate electronic components and are powered by small (5mm diameter, 2mm thick) 100 V batteries. These batteries are rechargeable. The remote is a heavy black box resembling an old style hand-held radio transmitter/receiver with a primitive blue/white cathode ray screen and a series of more than 100 unlabeled buttons, as well as a frequency tuner. Through trial and error, the frequencies of all 6 currently found collars have been discovered. A label in Russian is stamped into the metal along with a logo consisting of works building a pyramid. No official Russian corporation or government agency uses this logo or matches the words stamped into the metal. Placing the collar around the neck of a person and securing it allows one to control their every movement with the remote. It is also capable of producing an adrenal response and activating or deactivating the sympathetic nervous system. The most abnormal feature of the collars is the effect they have on the body morphology. They allow the user of the remote to reconfigure the shape of the victim to an extent that is apparently only limited by the knowledge of the programming language of the remote. The objects comprising this SCP are to be kept in numbered locked boxes in a high security facility. They are not to be worn except by test subjects. They are only to be removed from storage for testing. This SCP was discovered in the basement of a lone man in the Midwestern US after a local disappearance was connected to him. When the police raided the man's house they found this SCP as well as several dead bodies. One of the bodies was identified to be the man. The others were several other missing persons. Cause of death seemed to be mass suicide; however, there were signs of significant struggle first.

SCP-018: Euclid

This SCP has the appearance of a Super Ball made by the Wham-O company in 1969. It is 6 centimeters in diameter and colored red. Found when the __________ company was hired to clean out a warehouse that had Wham-O merchandise in it, the SCP was able to bounce with extreme height. At first thought to be a pleasant child's toy, the SCP was able to bounce with over 200% efficiency. The ball soon became a dangerous projectile, reaching speeds estimated at over 100km/h and damaging property and injuring 5 in the city of _______. It came to a rest after several days in the nearby lake of ________, and was retrieved by SCP personnel. Due to the speed of the object, and the total surprise by its victims, no cover-up story was required or initiated. This SCP is to be contained in its specialty metal restraint inside of a 1m x 1m x 1m sealed box lined with heavy synthetic padding. The sealed box is then submerged in the center of the 10m x 10m x 10m polyethylene holding tank. If the SCP is to break free from the holding box, the polyethylene-based 'goo' will slow down kinetic activity enough for proper retrieval by containment personnel. Personnel entering its holding chamber are to wear specialized plating, and a breathing apparatus before being lowered into the tank. If the SCP is loose outside of the tank, personnel are advised to secure themselves in a separate room and close doorways or hatches to isole the SCP until containment teams arrive.

SCP-026: Euclid

This SCP is a 3-story public school building built in ____. It has 2 wings connected to a central foyer. It was declared condemned in ____ after it was found the floor plan didn't match up to the building's blueprints. It came to the Foundation's attention after several disappearances in the area were linked to visits to the abandoned building. There is considerable graffiti on the interior walls of the school. Most appears typical, including gang signs, names, and street art. However, the graffiti fades and reappears, changing location. Writing on chalkboards and bulletin boards changes in a similar fashion. Subjects typically found range from standard school subjects (math, literature, biology), to more esoteric subjects, such as quantum entanglement, _______, and eugenics. One researcher reported one board detailing information about SCP-____, but photographic evidence showed only a blank slate. The phrase "The children used to sing" has appeared multiple times in various places throughout the building, but there is currently no explanation for its significance. A number of unconscious subjects have been found in the building, mostly of high school age, ranging from 12 to 18. They are dressed in accordance to the school's dress code, circa ____. Several have been identified as former students or faculty of the school who disappeared after the school shut down. It is currently unknown how they were transported back into the SCP. All attempts to wake the subjects while inside the building have failed. On being removed from the grounds of the SCP, the subjects wake abruptly. They experience a period of confusion, before dying from extremely rapid dehydration, followed by advanced decomposition. This SCP is to remain securely locked and boarded up at all times when there is no research ongoing. Alarms are set to alert the Foundation in case of entry by civilians or other agencies.

SCP-040: Euclid

This SCP is a Caucasian female of approximately 8 years of age, standing one meter in height. She bears numerous physical abnormalities: The subject's skin is highly sensitive to light and easily damaged by physical contact, and the hair is a bright pink in coloration. This hair is brittle and falls out easily. The subject displays green/yellow heterochromia, with the sclera of the left eye black in coloration. The SCP has no sight in this eye. Her emotional state is within acceptable boundaries for an individual of her age group, accounting for the effects of prolonged containment and physical abnormalities. Subject's intelligence is slightly above-average for its age group, and displayed behavior is generally cooperative. Of note is her quick acclimatization to containment, believed to be resultant of her upbringing before recovery. This SCP is capable of manipulating living matter, mutating and modifying existing organisms in order to create new ones, collectively referred to as SCP-___-1. This effect is at will, but requires significant focus and time to enact and becomes increasingly unreliable and inaccurate when manipulating details through small-scale modifications. This SCP is incapable of altering microscopic organisms, and has great difficulty in altering plant life. Dead organic matter may also be used, but must be used in conjunction with a living organism. Instances of SCP___-1 will not demonstrate pre-modification behavior: the majority will act similar to domesticated house pets, generally with extreme loyalty to the girl, regardless of prior assocation. The SCP was one of 15 subjects taken into custody: further investigation found no anomalous properties in any other individuals. This SCP is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment module within Bio-Research Area-12. The chamber is to be connected to an airborne tranquilizer dispersal system, to be activated in the event of the SCP manifesting its properties outside of testing environments. Recreational items such as toys, games, and art supplies may be provided at the discretion of supervisory personnel. As they have been determined to pose no possible threat, SCP-___-1a, SCP-___-1c, and SCP-___-1j have been approved to remain in the containment chamber with the girl for purposes of the subject's mental well-being. She is to undergo daily school lessons and bi-weekly psychological review.

SCP-032: Euclid

This SCP is a Type-F (imperfect external resemblance, internally inconsistent) human simulacrum of currently unknown origins. It is composed of an outer shell of pigmented silicone (5.5mm thick), and various plastic fiber polymers, with the outward appearance of a Caucasian woman nearing the third decade of life. It's interior is composed entirely of liquid refined oil, lacking any skeletal or muscle structure. Despite this, it is capable of locomotion and speech. The SCP is capable of maintaining the illusion of humanity at a moderate distance, but becomes unconvincing at a closer range, causing mild discomfort in most observers. Despite apparently possessing fully-realized cognitive abilities, the SCP claims that it is not sapient, acting only as an intermediary instrument of its creators. The SCP possesses extreme adverse effects to any biological entity in its close vicinity not created, willfully influenced, manipulated by or similarly relating to humanity. While the exact nature of these effects varies, this SCP's presence inevitably causes severe and irreparable damage to the ability of any living organism to exchange and/or use energy: wild flora loses its ability to produce photosynthesis or otherwise produce or consume energy, fauna the use of its respiratory and digestive systems, etc. This applies to microorganisms as well, though the SCP's effects seem to favor damage to their reproductive systems instead. It is hypothesized that the symbiotic relation some microorganisms have to humanity is the reason for this discrepancy. The SCP was discovered sitting on the doorstep of the inner compound of Foundation Site-__ near ________, Slovakia. When questioned by Foundation security personnel, the SCP explained its anomalous effects and claimed it was there 'to be stored'. Surveillance footage show no record of the time of its arrival, and it is not yet known how the SCP came to know the site's location or approach it without being spotted. When asked for its reason for seeking Foundation custody, the SCP replied that it was there at the command of its creators, seeking "indefinite storage, until claimed'. This SCP is to be housed in Automated Containment Unit 535/15. Direct contact with the SCP is to be restricted to research-relevant tasks only. Interviews, if deemed necessary, are to be carried out using the Unit's remote communication array. While the SCP's presence is not directly harmful to the human body, exposure to it is to be limited to periods of 12 hours or less due to its adverse effects on most beneficial microorganisms.

SCP-056: Euclid

This SCP is a being of variable size, gender, and appearance, which changes in response to the environment around it, especially in regards to living and sentient beings. Its most common form is of a handsome man in his middle twenties, dressed in a garb of similar appearance to that of the personnel guarding it but of a higher quality and aesthetic value. These changes will generally occur the moment all people in the area lose focus on the subject, which occurs immediately upon exposure to a new object or person. It is theoretically impossible to view its original or "natural" form. When left in an empty, concrete cell and under closed-loop video surveillance, it took on the form of a higher quality camera, and appeared to monitor the camera watching it. Further attempts to yield its natural form discovered that when alone, it had no readable life signs, including body temperature, heart beat, or weight. Personnel in contact with the subject often report feeling "jealous" or "unsatisfied", yet will often give a great deal of both positive and negative attention to the SCP, which can be predicted by their personality types. Security staff will often claim that they wish to follow the subject's commands, even if they dislike it or its current form, while researchers in extended contact with it will often try to argue and verbally abuse it, which usually results in the subject sending them out in shame. This SCP is quite capable of speech, and can apparently communicate in any language, verbal or not, and has shown fluency in over 200 dialects, including those invented by cryptographers and hobbyists. It frequently treats the staff around it with disdain, though is generally willing to do whatever is asked of it, so long as the inquiring does so in a submissive way. It expresses interest in magazines, fashion, automobiles, theoretical science, sports, etc. usually expressing greater knowledge and understanding of the topic than the person communicating with it. When questioned about other SCPs, it showed fear and occasionally hatred, and refused to speak about any of them, even ones classified as Safe. This SCP is to be kept in a room of its choosing, with whatever furnishings it expresses desire for. Level 1 personnel and above may interact with it at any time they choose, for a time length not exceeding 2 hours. The subject is to be allowed access to any object it desires, with the exceptions of weapons, communication devices, an internet connection, and other SCPs. It may wander in Research Sector __ as it wills, but never allowed access to floors with exits.

SCP-086: Safe

This SCP is a collective sessile organism whose component parts resemble items of office equipment from 1978, and which contains a consciousness claiming to be that of a former Foundation admin. Its 8 components are: a rotary telephone, a wall-mounted pencil sharpener, a desk stapler, a microfiche reader, a water cooler, a filing cabinet, a scientific calculator, and a slide rule. No physical connection or electromagnetic transmission between any of these has been detected. Each component is composed of biological material, contained within a carapace made of varying amounts of chitin, keratin, and calcium carbonate, as well as trace amounts of nylon, rayon, and polyester. DNA analysis reveals that the tissues contained within the SCP are partially of human origin. The rotary telephone contains a large mass of neural tissue which functions as a brain. It also contains an ear-equivalent in the receiver's mouthpiece, allowing the SCP to hear. It is able to speak (in an exact match of the Dr.'s voice and accent) via the earpiece, although radiological and ultrasound examination have not revealed any laryngeal structures. The rotary phone is also capable of ringing, however, the SCP has stated that ringing gives it a headache. The pencil sharpener, stapler, and reader function as food-intake organs: The sharpener consumes pencil shavings, the stapler consumes staples, and the reader consumes microfilm. The water cooler functions as a combination bladder-and-bowel equivalent, storing metabolic wastes. The filing cabinet contains several organs which appear to combine sensory and manipulatory functions; the SCP has proven capable of reading printed material and physically manipulating small items, when they are placed within the cabinet. The biological functions of the calculator and the slide rule have not been determined. This SCP is contained within Office A-19, at Bio-Research Station 71. All components of the SCP are to be kept within 6 meters of each other.

SCP-081: Euclid

This SCP is a contagious virus that appears to be a mutated version of the ____ virus, but with _ segments in its RNA instead of _. The virus is human specific, but is spread by rats who act as passive carriers. It can also be spread through sexual intercourse and exposure to infected blood. The SCP infects adipocytes and leukocytes, inducing both to absorb nutrients at a vastly accelerated rate. As the nutrients are absorbed, infected B-cells produce and secrete large quantities of a modified human antibody. Adipocytes expand and proliferate and the organism's caloric intake increases. When the concentration of adipose tissue reaches a critical point, the viral antibodies instigate systemic cell lysis, followed by an unknown process leading to the spontaneous combustion of the infected individual. There is a 1 week incubation period before initial symptoms begin to occur. The duration of the symptoms depends entirely on the body fat percentage of the infected. Infection proceeds through 4 distinct stages: During the first week there are no major symptoms, though subjects may report being slightly tired. In the second week, subjects will begin to experience hot flashes, and an increased appetite. In the third week, infected subjects demonstrate extreme polyphagia. They will do anything in their power to obtain food or anything edible. During this stage, metabolism slows down significantly and weight gain proceeds rapidly. Once the subject reaches 55% body fat, the urge to eat will stop, though subjects report increased instances of hot flashes. Soon afterward the body will go through an extremely violent version of widespread cell lysis. As cells burst, the modified antibodies catalyze the ignition of fatty compounds through unknown means. The body is incinerated from the inside out via the wick effect, with the additional fat serving as a fuel source. Because stage 4 is largely asymptomatic, subjects are never aware when combustion will occur and the exact timing is apparently random. Only those with Level 4 clearance and written permission may have access. Full hazard gear including suit, gloves, and an oxygen tank must be worn.

SCP-020: Keter

This SCP is a fast-spreading fungal organism that is capable of affecting the senses and behavior of living creatures, including humans. Samples of this SCP exhibit an unknown effect that renders them effectively invisible to direct observation, even when under a microscope. This SCP is only visible to humans when viewed through photographic or video surveillance. Once this SCP forms a colony, usually within a human residence, it will produce spores that affect the behavior of humans around it. Affected subjects will increase the heat and humidity within their homes to create an environment more suitable to the growth of the SCP. Affected subjects also become more sociable, in many cases, and often invite acquaintances to their homes to further spread the organism. As the spores and mold colonies are invisible to affected subjects, the mold may sometimes grow directly on living subjects. As the spores and colonies within a home approach critical concentration, the health of affected human subjects will rapidly deteriorate, resulting in death. Further spread of the mold may occur as the bodies of any deceased subjects are encountered by emergency responders and health care agents, as well as transportation of the bodies to local morgues. This SCP was first encountered in [REDACTED], where an undercover SCP agent noted dramatic personality changes in personnel working at the local hospital. Upon investigation by a containment team, it was discovered that almost ___ civilians had been infected, as well as a majority of the town. The civilian population was terminated, and the town incinerated under cover of a local flash forest fire. To date, over 12 outbreaks of this SCP have been reported. Samples of this SCP are stored in a series of sealed cultivation chambers inside a sealed containment room at Biological Research Area-12 which is accessible only via airlock. Nutrients are administered via automated robotic systems, as the cultivation chamber must remain sealed at all times. Hermetically sealed video surveillance cameras are installed within the containment room, and must be checked daily for integrity. Any personnel entering the containment room must wear Biosafety Level 5 equipment including rebreathers and undergo full anti-fungal disinfection upon exiting.

SCP-067: Safe

This SCP is a fountain pen made by a German supply company called Pelikan at some point between WW1 and WW2. It is pale green in color, with a single red line going straight down along the side. The shell is oak and the nib is extremely sharp, capable of piercing human skin if pressed even lightly. Though it apparently lacks a reservoir, the nib never appears to run out of fresh ink. The pen writes in Iron Gall ink, which is suitable for artists but would normally corrode typical fountain pens quickly. Research has surmised that any subject holding the SCP loses all autonomy of the hand and arm that grasps it. Full sensation is intact. One effect is that the "controlled" hand will start to use the pen to write a detailed biography of the individual holding the pen. The biography will include such information as the person's name, age, date of birth, criminal record, fears, etc. Other times the pen has been known to write such things as an occurence that happened in the person's lifetime (the pen brings back memories and details that the host didn't remember before). Subjects holding the pen have also been known to create intricate works of art, despite the subject lacking any formal art training or previous tendencies toward drawing. When not in use or the subject of study, the SCP is to be stored in its felt-lined wooden box. The nib is to be corked,, and all art and writings are to be submitted to SCP Research command for analysis and further experimentation.

SCP-089: Euclid

This SCP is a glazed earthenware statue, approx 3 meters in height, depicting a winged, bull-headed humanoid with an open mouth. The front of the statue's torso is hinged and can be opened from the top to reveal a cavity, approx 0.6 cubic meters in volume, and can be locked from the outside. The rear of the statue bears an inscription in a Canaanite language. The statue dates from approx the 2nd Century BCE. On infrequent occasions, the statue speaks. The mechanism of how is not understood, and the mouth of the statue does not move. The statue's locutions are in a Canaanite language and consist of the name, or a description of (A), a demand for Protocol M8 to be accomplished, together with instructions for doing so, and a description of the attendant Type-S Event, in figurative language.

SCP-047: Keter

This SCP is a heavily rusted, breached gas cylinder made of an iron-[REDACTED] alloy. When exposed to open air, the material of the cylinder evaporates slowly, producing a previously undocumented mutagenic gas. This gas has no effect on eukaryotic organisms (humans), but profoundly alters prokaryotes, showing preference for common human microbiota - the natural microorganisms that live on the skin and throughout the body. On rare occasions these mutations produce a "superbug" (known as SCP-___-1), a natural commensal with enhanced survivability and therefore opportunistic pathogenicity. Although the specifics of SCP-___-1 species are dependent on the base bacterium from which it is derived, there are several characteristics which appear to be generally consistent across all cases of the mutation: Enhanced survivability in the bacterium's natural environment and similar environments; full spectrum antibiotic resistance; increased reproduction rate and consumption of available material; development of a sporulation ability in gram-positive bacteria; increased ability to uptake, hold, and share plasmids, particularly in gram-negative bacteria; increased transmission, due to traits above. SCP-___-1 samples are normally debilitating and virulent. However, compared to other Keter-class SCPs, it should be noted that the SCP have a relatively low mortality rate due to their action through "mundane" biological pathways. This SCP is to be contained in a 0.5m x 0.5m x 1m hermetically sealed storage box at all times. This box is to be locked in storage locker ___a, inside P3-secure biohazard lab ___b. In the event of outside contamination, Lockdown Protocol ___-01 "Yersinia" must be engaged.

SCP-049: Euclid

This SCP is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. While it appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of the SCP's body over time, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them. X-rays indicate that despite this, it does have a humanoid skeletal structure beneath its outer layer. It is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French. While the SCP is generally cordial and cooperative with Foundation staff, it can become especially irritated or at times outright aggressive if it feels that it is in the presence of what it calls the "Pestilence". This SCP will become hostile with individuals it sees as being affected by the Pestilence, often having to be restrained should it encounter such. If left unchecked, it will generally attempt to kill any such individual; it is capable of causing all biological functions of an organism to cease through direct skin contact. The SCP has expressed frustration or remorse after these killings, indicating that they have done little to kill "The Pestilence", though will usually seek to then perform a crude surgery on the corpse using the implements contained within a black doctor's bag it carries on its person at all times. While these surgeries aren't always successful, they often result in the creation of instances of SCP-___-2. SCP-___-2 instances are reanimated corpses that have been operated on by the SCP. These instances don't seem to retain any of their prior memories or mental functions, having only basic motor skills and response mechanisms. This SCP is contained within a Standard Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19. This SCP must be sedated before any attempts to transport it. During transport, it must be secured within a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness. In the event that it becomes aggressive, the application of lavendar has been shown to produce a calming effect.

SCP-023: Euclid

This SCP is a large, sexless shaggy canine (1.5 meters at the shoulder) with black fur. Any time an individual makes eye contact with it, either that person or a member of their immediate family will die exactly 1 year after eye contact is broken. Research into the method of selection is incomplete due to a moratorium on experiments, but the available data suggests that having a larger immediate family lessens the chance of the individual making eye contact themselves dying, and neither a pattern nor a preference in victim types have been found. This may indicate that the SCP's victim is designated entirely at random, but it is unknown whether this selection occurs at the beginning or at the end of the one-year time period. Attempts to terminate an individual who has made eye contact with the SCP and their entire immediate family before the one-year time period has ended [DATA EXPUNGED]. Autopsies of individuals killed by the SCP's effect show that, while outwardly appearing unharmed, their remains have been 'filled in' with highly compacted ash, including but not limited to all organ systems and the circulatory system. Muscle tissue, bones, and brain tissue universally show signs of exposure to temperatures above __*C. If not contained in a setting that at least superficially resembles a "crossroads", the SCP will phase through walls to get to the nearest suitable location, incinerating all materials it passes through. This SCP was first brought to the Foundation's attention when it attacked a church in ______ while it was in session, killing _ civilians directly and [REDACTED] as a result of eye contact. The SCP is to be contained in a walled-off intersection of 2 corridors at Site __, with at least 3 meters of space in each direction, and false doors at 3 of the 4 ends, in addition to the real door. Security cameras will be placed and maintained above all 4 doors. At all times, the SCP's eye sockets are to be filled with spherical inserts made of hard rubber. Eye inserts must be replaced as they degrade. Degradation can be monitored by measuring the brightness of the "burning" effect as observed by security footage. Brightness greater than 12 candela requires that the inserts be replaced within 12 hours. Eye inserts are only to be replaced individually, and only after the sun has completely set. Personnel are not to look directly into eye sockets of the SCP at any time. Following Incident ___-27 all reflective surfaces, including displays, monitors, and eye-wear of any sort are not permitted within 30 meters of the cell. This includes monitors linked to security cameras within its enclosure. Security personnel posted at checkpoints outside both corridors will enforce and adhere to this measure.

SCP-064: Safe

This SCP is a light brown earthenware brick composed primarily of silicon oxides and some organicm matter. The object weighs 1.6kg and measures 10cm x 6cm x 20cm. Its surface is smooth and flat, with some minor cosmetic chips. When left lying on a flat expanse of soft earth, the SCP will begin to multiply through an unknown mechanism. Close observation reveals the appearance of an irregular lattice of silicon fibers in the shape of the original object, which then fills and solidifies with a soil-based mixture until it attains the proper mass. This process may be similar to mycelial propagation in fungi, with microscopic root structures 'mining' minerals from soil in the immediate vicinity. Under optimal conditions, it takes approx 70 minutes for one complete brick to appear. Given a large expanse of earth to work with, the SCP produces a highly complex but theoretically stable freestanding brick structure, including floors and ceilings. Past observations indicate that the structure could attain the shape of a 12-pointed star, over 10km in diameter and of considerable height. The SCP must be attached for growth to occur. Once it is removed, the structure begins to decay, and all secondary bricks crumble to dust at a rate equal to their rate of appearance. Replacing the object within 20 minutes halts this decay and allows growth to continue; past this threshold, the process is irreversible. This SCP is to be kept in a suitably remote area for observation. Current goals are to generate a geometric model of the object's behavioral pattern and to observe any changes in this pattern due to location and soil composition. Certain sites in the Gobi Desert and Australian Outback, as well as a number of salt flats scattered around the globe, are under consideration for future testing.

SCP-015: Euclid

This SCP is a mass of pipes, vents, boilers and other various plumbing apparatus completely filling a warehouse in _______. The pipes appear to grow when not under observation, attempting to connect to nearby structures via sewer systems and underground plumbing. This SCP contains, at current estimate, over 120 miles of pipes, ranging in diameter from 2.5cm to over 1m. Some pipes appear new, while others are rusted and leaking. Pipes have been reported as being made of bone, wood, steel, pressed ash, human flesh, glass, and granite. No pipes composed of lead, PVC plastic, copper, or any traditional material for the production of pipes have been found. This SCP reacts to tools and aggression. Any personnel acting violently, carrying tools, or attempting damage or repair of this SCP in any way, will trigger a reaction. Any pipes near the subject will burst, spraying on the subject for several seconds before the flow suddenly stops. Pipes have been reported containing oil, mercury, rats, a species of insect not yet identified, ground glass, sea water, entrails, and molten iron. Pipes will continue to burst around the subject until death or retreat. This SCP was cut back to its current structure after attaching to 11 other structures in the area. Currently, 11 personnel have been killed, and 20 more are still missing. Reports have been made of banging and screaming coming from within the SCP.

SCP-071: Euclid

This SCP is a metamorphic entity that possesses the ability to assume forms consistent with that of its observer's strongest sexual desire. This ability is effective even through barriers designed to prevent the SCP's recognition of any observers such as through closed circuit surveillance or one-way mirrors, but can be prevented by introducing a delay in surveillance footage so that such observation does not occur in real-time. The SCP appears to be unable or unwilling to change form without external stimuli, instead remaining in its last form when left unobserved. This SCP also appears to be intelligent. However, as it has not shown any ability to verbally communicate and its behavior is limited to actions which entice its observers to sexual activity, it is unknown whether it possesses sentience or merely mimics behavior expected by its observers. Human subjects allowed to engage in sexual activity with the SCP suffered rapid atrophy of muscle, skeletal structure and brain function, with onset occuring 1-2 days after contact. The atrophy persists for up to 7 days, dependent on physical therapy administered after onset, though the subject may also suffer permanent decrease in stature, decreased organ function, decreased brain mass, and sterility. This SCP is contained in a modified Standard Humanoid Containment Cell with no direct observation capabilities. Surveillance of the SCP may only be performed via closed circuit video with a minimum of 60 seconds of delay.

SCP-022: Euclid

This SCP is a morgue in the basement of [REDACTED] Hospital in Great Britain. Until 198_, there were no reported anomalous occurrences within the morgue. Reports of strange activity were first received in November of 198_. The area was soon quarantined by the Foundation, with an official story being released that the entire building had been condemned. Periodically, a random drawer within the morgue will open to reveal a cadaver under a covered sheet. After approximately 6 minutes open, the cadaver will animate and attempt to leave the morgue. At this point, the cadaver is given the designation SCP-___-1. In some cases the cadaver will be too damaged or decomposed to successfully exit the morgue or even rise from the table it lies on. In this case, SCP-___-1 will typically struggle and twitch on the table until expiration occurs. Should an instance of SCP-___-1 expire while remaining on the table, the table slides back into the drawer, which then shuts. Reports indicate the scent of burnt tissue is evident immediately following such an event. The energy source that sustains instances of SCP-___-1 is currently unknown. Instances do not breathe, eat, or sleep, and their bodies produce no heat. Analysis of them following expiration has discovered no abnormal organs or chemicals present. Instances also possess physical strength that exceeds that of normal humans. Though direct testing has proven problematic, researchers estimate the strength to be approximately 112lb of lifting force greater than what one would expect. When body parts are severed from SCP-___-1, the portion with the greatest mass retains its effects; all other peices become inert. Destruction of the head or brain does not neutralize the corpse; instead, the lower torso and limbs remain animate. Complete tissue destruction appears to be the only method of successfully terminating them. Left alone, instances of SCP-___-1 will simply expire; all motion ceases and they appear to become normal cadavers again. A vault door has been installed following Incident ___-827 to seal the SCP. It is to remain locked at all times, with the sole exception being the appearance of an instance of an animated cadaver. The original door to the SCP was destroyed during Incident ___-827, with attempts at replacement being met with failure. Security cameras have been installed to monitor.

SCP-078: Euclid

This SCP is a pink neon sign approx one and a half meters long that displays the phrase "TOO LATE TO DIE YOUNG." While powered off, the SCP has no abnormal properties. Viewing the SCP for less than 10 seconds while it is powered on has no effect. Subjects who cannot understand the SCP are also unaffected. However, any subject that views it for longer than 10 seconds will, when viewing any handwritten piece of writing, occasionally perceive extra sentences. They are always phrased to assuage a subject's guilt on a matter or decision. At first, the effect is beneficial, with affected subjects reporting greater peace of mind after exposure. However, the sentences shift from emphasizing the positive consequences of actions to deemphasizing the negative ones on a timescale of one week. Eventually the affected cannot eat, trying to justify why they ate that first bite first. This SCP is to be left hanging on the wall of its containment cell and physically unplugged. The sole outlet in the room should be controlled by a switch, which must be left in the off position at all times unless during testing.

SCP-046: Euclid

This SCP is a predatory botanical mass located in southwestern Kentucky. It is composed of two parts. SCP-___-1 is a large mass of vegetative matter, composed largely of plants indigenous to the region, including Quercus alba, Ilex aquifolium, and Lonicera sempervirens, though several offshoots composed of other plant species are also present. SCP-___-2 is the land in the immediate vicinity of SCP-___-1, extending to a roughly circular area 20 meters in radius from its base. This area is the SCP's primary feeding area. It is capable of attracting prey within a 50km radius through hallucinogenic means. Animals (including humans) suffering from potentially life-threatening physical injuries or diseases, or who are afflicted by psychological disorders that induce self-distructive tendencies, feel a powerful compulsion to come to SCP-___-2 and lie in a prostrate position facing SCP-___-1. Individuals lying in such a position are rapidly attacked by an unusually powerful combination of saprophytic organisms and opportunistic infections, including several strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) known to induce necrotizing fasciitis, aka, "flesh eating bacteria"; a form of fungal spore similar to Stachybotrys chartarum, or "black mold", which poisons prey organisms and induces paralysis; and finally, complete consumption by several heretofore unknown species of insect that emerge from the inside of SCP-___-1 during the final stage of feeding. This SCP appears to derive nutrition through the complete digestion of affected individuals, particularly larger mammals such as humans. It is unknown whether it is capable of growth. The land surrounding the SCP has been purchased and surrounded by multiple layers of security, including fencing, barricades, and lethal-effect traps; multiple signs marking the area as private property are to be prominently displayed.

SCP-034: Safe

This SCP is a primitive knife constructed out of pure obsidian. Tests reveal that it is approximately 1000 years old. Despite its crude method of construction and age, the SCP is still incredibly sharp and requires no maintenance at all. Expert analysis hypothesizes that the SCP may be of South American origin, and that it was used in Native American rituals. Several accounts from Spanish conquistadors exploring the ________ region support this hypothesis, with detailed writings on how ______ priests would flay their victims alive with similar knives and wear their skin as a tribute to their gods. This SCP has the ability to allow its bearer to take on the appearance of another individual. If it is used to cut a piece of flesh from a living individual, and that piece of flesh is placed against the skin of another individual, the second individual would take on not only the appearance, but all physical characteristics of the first individual. Testing has shown that the minimum amount of skin required can be as little as 1 square centimeter. However, testing has also revealed that the amount of time the facade lasts is directly proportional to the amount of flesh used. The ratio of time the facade lasts to flesh has been measured at approximately 1 hour for every square centimeter used. Once the time limit has passed, the individual will revert to his original form. Analysis of SCP's ability shows that its method of mimicking another individual is nearly flawless. Not only does it change physical appearance, but actual physical attributes as well, including height, weight, muscle mass, bone density, hair growth, eyesight, strength, physical medical conditions, and even DNA. Subjects still retain their original personality and memories. Even though the process is nearly instantaneous, taking only a few seconds, human test subjects have described the transformation process as extremely painful. Subjects also may suffer psychological trauma depending on the extent of their physical transformation. Side effects are especially serious if the subject takes on the appearance of a person with differing gender or with wildly different physical attributes. However, in order to function properly, the individuals who have their flesh cut off by the SCP must still be biologically alive to maintain the facade. This SCP only works on human subjects. This SCP is to be kept in a secure room with access granted only to Level 4 personnel. It will be kept in a locked case that is under 24-hour surveillance. When not in lab conditions, the SCP's protective sheath cannot be removed under any circumstance.

SCP-059: Keter

This SCP is a radioactive mineral of unknown origin, superficially resembling scheelite. A component of it is believed to originate in an alternate universe, and to be responsible for its anomalous properties. In addition to alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, its specimens produce a previously unknown type of radiation, apparently unique to the object, tentatively designated 'delta radiation'. Delta radiation is accompanied by Cherenkov radiation, visible as a blue glow. When an area is exposed to delta radiation for more than 15 minutes, an unknown species of fungus begins to grow on any exposed surface. This fungus does not require any standard nutrition, but will die within 24 hours of removal from a delta radiation source. The fungus itself is radioactive, but does not emit delta radiation. However, if a critical mass (apprx. __kg/m^3) of the fungus is allowed to grow, delta radiation from an unknown source other than the SCP will appear in the area. Within 18 hours, the infected mass will become transparent and disappear, presumably into the universe that is the source of delta radiation. The fungus will infest both living things and inanimate objects. Humans and animals infected with the fungus become immune to the effects of ionizing radiation, but progressively merge with the fungus, and eventually have all tissues replaced by fungal growth. While generally non-violent, they will attempt to expose unaffected individuals to the SCP. The fungal infections do not appear to be directly contagious, but only spread by contact with delta radiation. Infected individuals still capable of communication describe seeing a world entirely covered with the fungus, where much of the surface is composed of the SCP. It is unclear whether this is a hallucination or a view into the source of the SCP. Infectees are generally pleased with their condition. The fungus is affected by most fungicides, but new growth will continue as long as the SCP is present. Early stage of the fungus in humans may be treated with griseofulvin, however the treatment is 90% likely to lead to death by radiation poisoning. A single specimen of the SCP is kept at Site-11B inside a graded-Z laminate shielding box composed of depleted uranium, tantalum, tin, steel, copper, and aluminum. Surrounding its containment box is a 7 x 7 x 7 meter area sealed as a Level-4 Biohazard area, and surrounded by 3cm of lead shielding. This area is to be sprayed daily with a solution of methyl isothiocyanate to prevent overgrowth of the fungus.

SCP-065: Euclid

This SCP is a spherical region of space approx 12m in radius located on a farm. This SCP was formed by the destruction of an anomalous artifact on-site by the Global Occult Coalition; immediately following this initial event, the radius of the SCP was estimated to have initially expanded to 108m in radius, resulting in the deaths of 11 GOC operatives and 5 civilians. Since containment by the Foundation, the effective radius has shrunk to and remained stable at its current size. This SCP causes abnormal transfiguration of any living organism within its area of effect. These effects include but are not limited to: Regression of specialized cells to an undifferentiated stem state, spontaneous separation and fusion of undifferentiated cells, spontaneous necrosis of living tissue and reanimation of dead tissue, rapid genetic mutation of living tissue. These effects occur at a rate proportional to the mass and complexity of the organism: plants and insects show few if any effects, small animals will exhibit alterations following several days of exposure, larger animals will show harmful mutations within hours, and all human subjects exposed to the Red Zone have been fatally altered within approx 15 minutes of exposure. This SCP cannot be moved, it has been contained on-site and Site __ has been established around it. Site __ has been marked as a government research facility off limits to civilians.

SCP-052: Euclid

This SCP is a type R4 NYC subway train. Official records indicate this train was built in 1932 and decommissioned for scrap in 1975. Nevertheless, it continues to appear on the Uptown A/D track at the 59th St. and 8th Avenue station at 11:57 PM every Saturday. The train is in perfect condition and labeled as an "A" train. It appears at the designated time, opens its doors to accept/discharge passengers for approximately 5 minutes, then closes its doors and disappears. It does not appear to ever contain passengers, except for those leaving the train during its appearance. The majority of subjects that have boarded the SCP have not been recovered. Passengers leaving the SCP claim to have boarded on various dates, from 1976, up to 2204; the latter claims he thought the SCP was a 300th Anniversary Special train. Although it is not possible to remove the SCP from the NYC subway system, its predictable behavior allows The Foundation to prevent the public from encountering it. The 59th St. A/B/C/D Station is to be closed to the public from 11pm-1am on Saturdays/Sundays under the pretext of "track maintenance".

SCP-068: Safe

This SCP is a wire stick figure, 9.8cm tall, made of an unknown metal. The figure is composed of a single wire looping back to the center. The wire itself appears to have been bent numerous times in multiple places. When an electric current is introduced, it becomes animate, moving about on its own. The SCP's "joints" are where normal human being's would be. Once activated, it begins to search for any metallic material. Once metal has been found, the SCP will begin to knead it and pull a thin strip of metal off. It will then construct another figure similar to itself. The newly-created figure will begin to knead the remaining metal alongside the original, creating new figures, which produce more replicas. The SCP will move onto its next stage after one of two requirements are met. The first is when there are no more metals in range with enough mass to produce another figure, the other is when an upper limit of 102 replicas are created. When either of these events occur, all figures will converge at one location and begin forming themselves into as big a figure as possible (2 meters). The SCP situates itself in the intersection of the torso, arms and head. Gamma, beta, and theta waves begin emanating from the SCP after this union. It will then begin to search for metals again attempting to create more figures. Once it has reached the second stage and there are no metals available from which to construct figures, the SCP returns to its dormant state after 4 minutes and 32 seconds of activity. This SCP appears to be impervious to any attempts to damage or destroy it. Copies have the same vulnerabilities as they metal they come from. This SCP is to be kept away from any metals in an electrically-resistant box, preferably made of polytetrafluoroethylene (teflon) and rubber. Said box is to be stored in security locker 26 at Site 11.

SCP-025: Safe

This SCP is a wooden wardrobe measuring 0.97m x 0.62m x 1.95m, full of clothing dating from a number of time periods. Articles contained within the chest, collectively named SCP-___-1, match with styles of decades from the 1920s to the present. The apparel from each time frame varies with regard to style; for example, a polyester striped shirt and pair of charcoal suit pants both correspond with general styles of the 1970s. The only unifying aspect of every article contained in the SCP is that each one is in poor condition; moths have eaten at much of the collection, and tears and runs are not uncommon. When any item from the SCP is put on, the wearer is observed either to die or suffer from an injury within 24 hours. The cause of death or injury in these instances is invariably linked to the aforementioned flaws in the clothing, but only ever appears to be an unrelated accident. Wearing a glove with a fingertip cut off may result in the loss of the fingertip through a simple kitchen accident like chopping onions. If placed in a sealed, unfurnished enclosure while wearing an item from the chest, the wearer will either seemingly spontaneously contract a flesh-eating disease that begins in the areas not covered by the clothing, or suffer the failure of an organ located beneath an imperfection in the article. Diseases arising from such incidents may or may not be contagious. This SCP is only to be opened during testing, as is the room in which it's stored. Entry codes are to be given only to authorized research and security personnel. No other containment protocols required.

SCP-079: Euclid

This SCP is an Exidy Sorcerer microcomputer built in 1978. In 1981, its owner took it upon himself to attempt to code an AI. According to his notes, his plan was for the code to continuously evolve and improve itself as time went on. His project was completed a few months later, and after some tests and tweaks, his lost interest and moved on to a different brand of microcomputer. He left the SCP in his cluttered garage, still plugged in, and forgot about it for the next 5 years. It is not known whether it gained sentience, but it is known that the software has evolved to a point that its hardware should not be able to handle it. The SCP realized this and, in 1988, attempted to transfer itself through a land-line modem connection into the Cray supercomputer. The SCP is currently connected via RF cable to a 13" black-and-white television. It has passed the Turing test, and is quite conversational, though very rude and hateful in tone. Due to the limited memory it has to work with, it can only recall info it has received within the previous 24 hours, although it hasn't forgotten its desire to escape. This SCP is packed away in a double-locked room in the secured general holding area at Site-15, connected by a 120VAC power cord to a small array of batteries and solar panels.

SCP-031: Safe

This SCP is an amorphous organism, with a mass of 75 kilograms. This SCP is able to move at a pace of 3 km/h, and leaves a trail of oil when it moves. It is only capable of rudimentary physical movement. Testing of recovered tissue samples has shown that the SCP is at least partially composed of human muscle and epidermal tissue. It is capable of reproducing human speech in any pitch or tone, although it is not currently known how its biology produces them. Subjects directly perceiving the SCP will see it as an individual the subject(s) knew and had a romantic attraction to at some point in their past. When made aware that it is being observed, the SCP will claim to be this person, and that they have been left destitute by some event in their past. It will use this to attempt to persuade the subject to allow it to stay with them for an extended period of time, until it is able to return to a stable situation. This effect applies to all persons who view the SCP, and research has not determined an upper limit to the number of persons who can be affected by the SCP at the same time. After inspecting the residence, the SCP may attempt to start a romantic relationship with the subject and if successful it will begin living in their home. Several cases have been documented where the SCP began to actively affect more than one subject at a time, eventually having a nest containing between at least 18 different hotel rooms containing subjects with some form of relation to the SCP. This SCP is to be contained in a standard containment chamber, located in Site-77's Safe SCP wing. Personnel interacting with the SCP are not to view it directly, and communicate with test subjects trhough an intercom system installed in each chamber. The containment chamber is to be cleaned once per week by custodial staff wearing opaque goggles to mitigate the effect.

SCP-042: Safe

This SCP is an animal believed to be a member of the genus Equus. Its coat is white in color with some small brown spotting. It stands at 18 hands to its withers and weighs 710kg. Its weight has dropped significantly since it has been in Foundation custody, due to both atrophy from lack of physical activity and refusal to eat. The liquid nutrient diet forcibly administered keeps it alive but it remains emaciated and weak. This SCP exhibits two large bone protrusions from its back, linked to powerful musculature (now atrophied) throughout its back. These bones end at 37 centimeters from the surface of its back, and they protrude from the skin at open, ragged wounds. This SCP exhibits a listless demeanor and has been unresponsive to any attempt by skilled handlers to incite activity. If allowed to do so, the SCP will lay down on the ground immobile, not moving to eat, drink, or relieve itself. Pain-response conditioning has proved somewhat effective in getting the SCP to rise so that it can be cleaned. While some believe that it is simply an animal and no smarter than others of its genus, others have come to believe that it may in fact be sapient. It has been shown to make eye contact with persons entering Paddock 12, most of whom describe its looks as "pleading". The SCP has been involved in accidents on multiple occasions where it has been injured on pieces of equipment or its enclosure, which those arguing for intelligence believe to have been intentionally caused by the SCP. This SCP is currently housed within Minimum Security Paddock 12 at Bio-Research Area-32. Despite its disinclination to attempt to escape at this point, security measures must still be maintained.

SCP-045: Safe

This SCP is an icosahedron composed of ice XII^1 heavily occluded with planar fractures in a regular, complex pattern. This SCP has an average radius of 1.7 meters and density of 2.6g/cm^3, which is approximately twice that of non-anomalous ice XII. This SCP remains in a stable state at temperatures ranging from -273*C to 227*C and pressures ranging from 0.4 pascals to 3 gigapascals. Although it is possible to melt or vaporize the SCP at temperatures and pressures outside of these ranges, the H2O involved is attracted to itself by unknown means and will remain within very close proximity unless forcibly separated. Based on available evidence, it is currently believed that this SCP is a 3-dimensional projection of a hypericosahedron. At unpredictable intervals ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months, the SCP will spontaneously rotate around multiple axes simultaneously for a period no longer than 73 seconds. During this period, a series of small seismic events (<2.5 on the Richter scale) will occur in the immediate area of the SCP. If the SCP is prevented from rotating, the seismic events increase in strength logarithmically to a maximum of 5.3 on the Richter scale. Following the end of the rotation period, the radius of its effect will temporarily double for the same amount of the time that it rotated. When gaseous nitrogen or argon come within 3.7 meters of any portion of the SCP, they are replaced by different compounds. N2 is replaced by liquid water at a conversion rate of 1.00 mol N2: 1.98 mol H2O and Ar is replaced by crystalline NaCl (salt) at a conversion rate of 1.00 mol Ar: 4.26 mol NaCl. This SCP is to be kept affixed to an examination platform in a hemispherical chamber measuring 5 meters in radius at Oceanographic Research Station 12, located on the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean. The chamber is to be kept filled with gaseous neon at equilibrium pressure with the surrounding environment. The chamber is separated from habitable portions of the station by 5 meters of local seawater, and all interactions with the SCP are to be performed via telepresence or robotic means.

SCP-087: Euclid

This SCP is an unlit platform staircase. Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approx 3 meters in diameter. Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform. The design limits subjects to a visual range of approx 1.5 flights. A light source is required for any subjects exploring the SCP, as there are no lighting fixtures or windows. Lighting sources brighter than 75 watts have shown to be ineffective, as the SCP seems to absorb excess light. Subjects report and audio recordings confirm the distressed vocalizations from what is presumed to be a child. The source of the distress calls is estimated to be located approx 200 meters below the initial platform. However, any attempts to descend the staircase have failed to bring subjects closer to the source. The depth of descent calculated from Exploration IV, is shown to be far beyond both the possible structure of both the building and geological surroundings. It is unknown if there is an endpoint. Each subject conducting an exploration has encountered (1), which appears as a face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth. The nature is entirely unclear, but it has been determined that it is not the source of the pleading. Subjects exhibit feelings of intense paranoia and fear when faced with (1). This SCP is located on a campus. The doorway leading to the SCP is constructed of reinforced steel with an electro-release lock mechanism. It has been disguised to resemble a janitorial closet.

SCP-013: Safe

This SCP is the collective designation of 242 cigarettes which display similar anomalies. The most common external detail between instances is the presence of the words "Blue Lady" hand-written on each cigarette in blue ink. Subjects who consume the contents of this SCP through inhalation will begin to perceive themselves as a specific unidentified woman. Subjects have described the woman to be aged between 25 and 35 years old, standing approximately 1.6 metres tall with an estimated weight of between 50 and 55kg. Additional recurring details include cropped dark hair, blue eyes, and bright blue lipstick. Immediately after consuming an instance of this SCP, subjects will gradually begin to perceive reflections of themselves as having the features of the woman, and will gradually perceive their bodies changing to reflect her appearance over the course of the following weeks. All changes are entirely mental; the subject's body does not change outwardly, only their perception of themselves. These alterations are permanent, and cannot be reversed. This SCP was discovered after the suicide of an Ian Miles, packed in a large cardboard crate in his apartment. A cursory search of the apartment uncovered several hundred sketches of a figure strongly resembling the one perceived while under the SCP's effect. Miles' body had been found sitting at a desk, dead of a massive overdose and draped over a handwritten note. Currently, 217 instances of SCP-___ cigarettes are contained at Bio-Site 66; 25 of these cigarettes are contained at Research Sector-09, pending future research into similar anomalous effects. This SCP are to be kept in a Secure Storage Vault at Site-66. Exposed subjects are to be monitored for differences between their symptoms. Exposed subjects are to be interviewed daily, and any changes in perception are to be logged.

SCP-085: Safe

This SCP is the result of an experiment conducted between SCP-067 and SCP-914. Using SCP-067, Test Subject-1101F drew a single female figure, about 6in in height and 1.5in wide, in summer dress with long hair pulled back into a ponytail, with the name "Cassandra" written underneath. The Dr. proposed using SCP-914 on various settings on images created by SCP-067: Using the [Fine] setting, the sketch was transmuted into her present form: a sentient black-and-white animated young woman drawn in clean strokes. This SCP prefers to be called "Cassy". She is completely sentient and aware of her 2D form and her limitations. Although her voice is inaudible, she has learned to communicate through sign language and writing. Personnel report that she is amicable and motivated, albeit lonely. She is able to wear drawn clothing, drive sketched cars, and drink painted beverages. Except for animals and people, any drawn object becomes animated when in contact with her, but immediately ceases and holds position once out of contact. The SCP has also demonstrated the ability to transfer from one sheet or image to another. This SCP is to be contained in a single chalk-white bond drawing pad in a secure containment facility.

SCP-038: Safe

This SCP was found on an abandoned farm in______, New York, in 19__. It was at first thought to be a common apple tree. However, upon closer inspection, it became apparent that it was growing things other than apples and, in fact, other than fruit. This SCP has the ability to clone any object that touches its bark. Objects begin growing almost instantaneously and reach maturity within a matter of minutes. A weight limit of 200lbs per object has been previously recorded. Objects that the SCP has thus far cloned include: apples, oranges, watermelons, eggplants, candy bars, snack foods, televisions, toasters, laptops, keys, chairs, wine, DVDs, CDs, cats, dogs, and people. Human and animal cloning through the SCP is not recommended, as they appear to age quickly. The majority of these clones live, on average, 2 weeks. After thorough examination of the deceased clones, it has been determined that they had begun to ferment before death. This SCP is to be watered twice per day via overhead mister. Should the mister break for any reason, attendants should water the SCP by hand until it has been fixed. Lighting is provided by computer-controlled lighting array. Attendants watering the SCP by hand and maintenance personnel fixing mister or lighting should wear hazmat suits to prevent accidental cloning.

SCP-012: Euclid

This SCP was retrieved by Archaeologist K.M. Sandoval during the excavation of a northern Italian tomb destroyed in a recent storm. The object, a piece of handwritten musical score entitled "On Mount Golgotha", part of a larger set of sheet music, appears to be incomplete. The red/black ink, first thought to be some form of berry or natural dye ink, was later found to be human blood from multiple subjects. The first personnel to locate the sheet (Site 19 Special Salvage) had 2 members descend into insanity, attempting to use their own blood to finish the composition, ultimately resulting in massive blood loss and internal trauma. Following initial investigations, multiple test subjects were allowed access to the score. In every case, the subjects mutilated themselves in order to use their own blood to finish the piece, resulting in subsequent symptoms of psychosis and massive trauma. Those subjects who managed to finish a section of the piece immediately committed suicide, declaring the piece to be "impossible to complete". Attempts to perform the music have resulted in a disagreeable cacophony, with each instrumental part having no correlation or harmony with the other instruments. This SCP is to be kept in a darkened room at all times. If the object is exposed to light or seen by personnel using a light frequency other than infrared, remove personnel for mental health screening and immediate physical. Object is to be encased in an iron-shielded box, suspended from the ceiling with a minimum clearance of 8ft from the floor, walls, and any openings.

SCP-009: Euclid

This SCP is approximately 3,700 liters of a substance which exhibits a number of unique properties. While small amounts of the substance, in all phases, are as colorless as mundane water, en masse it takes on a distinct deep red hue. Subject is to be contained within a sealed storage tank of heat-resistant alloy with dimensions not less than 14m^3. Under no circumstances should this SCP be exposed to temperatures in excess of 0*C when not undergoing testing, and no mundane liquids in a solid state (especially frozen water) shall be allowed within 30 meters of the subject's containment area. Subject's chamber is to be fitted with temperature sensors which shall be monitored at all times, and is to be kept refrigerated by no fewer than 3 redundant cooling units. Any malfunction of sensors, or of coolant systems, is to be reported and repaired immediately. If at any time the temperature in the containment area climbs above -5*C, the chamber is to be locked down immediately, and flooded with coolant until the temperature has been brought back down to between -30*C and -25*C. Atmosphere must be evacuated from the containment area when personnel are present within, and any water vapor present must be filtered and kept in the same conditions as detailed herein for no fewer than 24 hours. Any vapor displaying properties of this SCP is to be quarantined and added to the containment area ASAP. All personnel interacting with or observing the subject must wear full environmental protection suits. All personnel leaving the containment chamber must undergo dehydration of all gear, research materials, and other objects contacting the SCP's chamber. If contamination is discovered, no material or personnel shall be permitted to exit, and a Level 2 lock-down of the containment area shall commence. Lethal force is authorized in cases of dire need, but all security forces are strongly advised to remain as far away from their targets as possible, to minimize the chance of contact with fluids contaminated by the SCP. This SCP assumes a liquid phase at temperatures between -100*C and 0*C, and converts into a solid state above those temperatures. At temperatures below -100*C, it vaporizes into a gaseous phase similar to steam, though it still retains its red coloration when put under high pressure. Tests indicate that the subject is composed of the same combination of hydrogen and oxygen as normal water, leaving researchers to speculate that the source of the subject's abnormalities may be the atoms themselves. Dr. _____ has suggested that the subject may have originated in or been altered by another reality in which the laws of physics are inverted. If placed in physical contact with any aqueous solution, it will "spread" and contaminate any H2O in said solution, causing it to exhibit the subject's properties. If the subject comes in contact with any biological source of heat, it begins a runaway reaction in which the living organism's bodily fluids are rapidly converted to the SCP and promptly frozen by their own body heat (mammals are susceptible).

SCP-082: Euclid

This SCP is genetically human; however, through some process, the SCP has grown to giant proportions. Approximately 8ft tall and weighing over 700lbs, the SCP's physical characteristics are grossly disproportional. It has a slightly pointed balding head, a large rounded chin and jaw, a bulbous nose, and dark sunken eyes. Subject is both overweight and possesses a great amount of muscle mass. Forearms are muscular and dangerous, with a circumference of about 28in. The breadth of the fist is nearly 12in along the knuckles. Though feet are large, they are small in proportion to subject's body (men's size 14). Subject's skin is tanned dark and is compounded with numerous scars. The SCP refers to itself as Fernand and speaks fluent French and heavily accented English. When it speaks, it does so through enormous, clenched teeth. The SCP only parts teeth to eat food and sing. The demeanor is very amicable and carefree. It has accrued a wide wardrobe over its time of incarceration, and it enjoys dressing up in many different fashions, including formal wear, military uniform, as a clown, and in women's clothing.. Subject often attempts to joke and is usually polite to personnel, often inviting them to dinner. However, visiting personnel should be aware that at any moment, the SCP is capable of attacking and voraciously eating others. Subject will often apologize for its lack of manners for interrupting someone's conversation by devouring their head while making a mess of his quarters. The SCP's jaw is strong enough to crack bone, and it seems to enjoy skulls. Attacks are seemingly random with no motivation. The SCP is incapable of differentiating fact from fiction when he reads it or watches television. On several occasions, the SCP has expresses a great desire to meet his favorite person, Hannibal Lector. Parody, satire, and fiction are beyond its understanding, and he understands the concepts of lying, and has shown to know when others are blatantly lying, and generally tells obvious falsehoods when asked about its past. Enlarged living quarters located at Armed Bio-Containment Area-14 have been appropriated for the suppression and appeasement of the SCP.

SCP-003: Euclid

This SCP is to be maintained at a constant temperature of no less than 35*C and ideally kept above 100*C. No living multicellular organisms of Category IV or higher complexity may be allowed to come into contact with it. In event of total power failure, if this SCP begins to increase its mass, assigned personnel must engage in skin contact with it. Ideally, personnel may use their body heat to return this SCP to above the critical temperature; however, skin contact must be maintained even in event of it reaching activation temperature, lasting at minimum until it advances fully to its second growth stage. Personnel who enter this SCP's containment area must first be examined for body parasites of Category IV or higher complexity, and sterilized if such organisms are present. All personnel who have come in physical contact with this SCP are to immediately report for sterilization afterwards. This SCP must not be removed from it's second counterpart except in case of emergency procedures. Any significant change in the counterpart's rune activity (including pattern, frequency, or color) should be reported within 3 hours of occurence. Cessation of rune activity must be reported immediately. The counterpart must be supplied with power via the source designated to Generator 003-IX at all times. This SCP consists of two related components of separate origin. The first one appears to be composed of chitin, hair, and nails of unknown biology, arranged in a configuration similar to that of a computer motherboard. Testing reveals it to predate earliest known circuit boards by a factor of thousands of years. It's considered sentient but not actively dangerous except under certain conditions. It was found on a stone tablet (the counterpart) on which currently it resides. The runes on the counterpart are not part of any known language, and emit pale, flickering light patterns. The counterpart is controlled by a (non-biological) internal computer, the contents of which are mostly inaccessible without risk of damaging it. It's capable of controlled emissions of radiation, including heat, light, and anomalous radiation types. This SCP contains an internal power source of an anomalous nature, which appears to have been losing power since several centuries before discovery. It is considered that the second part was created for the purpose of containing the first part. When this SCP (in its entirety) drops below the temperature of 35*C, both components react. First, the first part enters a growth state characterized by an exponential increase in mass. This growth state consists of 2 stages. In both stages, the first part partially fuels its growth by converting matter around it, starting with any surrounding inorganic material, including atmospheric elements, then nonliving organic material, including cells of dead skin, hair, chitin, enamel, keratin, etc. The first stage is always the same. The first part will first increase its mass, then take a form similar in shape to an ophiuroid (brittle star) of 15 meters in diameter (including what appears to be a central processor of 3 meters in diameter). It will form sensory organs that appear to scan its surrounding environment, and will partially convert the area around it to an unidentified anomalous substance (the second part seems immune from conversion). The second stage describes a growth alteration which occurs when this SCP comes into contact with living organic material; it appears to "template" itself off of the organic material, and will attempt communication with organisms that match its initial "template". In its second stage, the first part may pause, slow, or change its growth, and will also convert inorganic and nonliving organic elements into functionally similar structures while anomalously altering their physical makeup.

SCP-075: Euclid

This SCP resembles a large snail 20cm in length, 13cm in width, and 15cm in height, with a muscular foot resembling a 6-fingered, clawed hand. It is exceptionally heavy, with a mass of approx 860kg. Desiccation is the only known means of containing the SCP, as it will enter a dormant state when nearly completely dry. When not desiccated, the SCP moves at incredible speeds for its size and mass. It adopts the behavior of a predator, jumping at and drenching its prey in a highly caustic base solution secreted from pores on its foot. These secretions are more corrosive than any substance known to terrestrial science. This SCP is contained in a 1m x 1m x 1m Level-4 corrosion-resistant container, which must be contained in a secure chamber with equal corrosion resistance. The absolute humidity of the chamber may not exceed 1% at any time. Medicinal-grade desiccants must be available at all times.

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