Scrum Chapters 1-4 MGMT 460

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The primary management tools used by DSDM are what four tools?

1.) Facilitated Workshops 2.) Modeling and Iterative Development 3.) MoSCoW Prioritization 4.) Timeboxing

User Story

A desired characteristic that the final product resulting from a Sprint should have


A management philosophy where the development process of software is preplanned and implemented on a sequential, cumulative basis.

Inspection means the ____ the project work in order to ensure that it remains material to the objectives, or ____.

Monitoring, backlog

Lean was initiated and perfected by the motor manufacturer, _____, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the ____ ____ ____ or _____.

Toyota, Toyota Production System, Toyotism

The problem with Waterfall is that any issues that develop with a prior stage of development will _____ the entire project and lead to a potentially enormous waste of time and work.


Burn-down Chart

A descending graphs with time on the X-axis which illustrates the general progress of the project.

What are the three principles of Crystal?

1.) Human Powered --> Maximize the potential of each person on the project team(people centric) 2.) Ultralight--> Use the least possible administration and auxiliary activities regardless of project size or scope. 3.) Stretch-To-Fit--> Always start out with less than needed and expand the requirements (as opposed to cutting away)

What are the 4 Principles that make up the cornerstone of the Agile Management System?

1.) Individual & Interactions over Process & Tools 2.) Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation 3.) Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation 4.) Responding to a Change over Following a Plan

The propose of the Sprint Retrospective is to: (3 Things)

1.) Inspect how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships,proceses, and tools 2.) Identify and order the major terms that went well and potential improvements 3.) Create a plan for implementing improvements to the way the Scrum Team does its work

Before Agile Project Management, What were managements 3 "flawed assumptions"?

1.) It is possible to plan a large project 2.) It is possible to protect against late charges 3.) It makes sense to lock in big projects early

What are the 12 principles of Agile Software?

1.) Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software 2.) Welcome chaining requirements, even in late development 3.) Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale 4.) Business People and developers must work together daily throughout the project 5.) Build Projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment, support, and trust they need.

The team in a Scrum Project consists of only three roles, which are???

1.) Product Owner 2.) Scrum Master 3.) Development Team Members

The main priorities in the physical application of Scrum are described by the 3 "pillars". These three pillars are ___, ___ , and ___.

1.) Transparency 2.) Inspection 3.) Adaption

What are the "Core Practices" of XP? (There are 12)

1.) Whole Team 2.) Planning Game 3.) Small Releases 4.) Customer Tests 5.) Simple Design 6.) Pair Programming 7.) Test-Driven Development 8.) Design Improvement 9.) Continuous Integration 10.) Collective Code Ownership 11.) Coding Standard 12.) Metaphor, Sustainable Pace

What are the 12 principles of Agile Software? (Continued)

10.) Simplicity- The art of maximizing the amount fo work not done- is essential 11.) The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12.) At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly

A Sprint may be very short, lasting only a matter of days, or it may occupy up to ____ weeks, but not more than ____ days.

4, 30

Scrum is different than other project management systems, such as Waterfall, in which the entire timeframe is determined before the project starts and may be estimated at ____ months or ___ years.


What are the 12 principles of Agile Software? (Continued)

6.) The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. 7.) Working Software is the primary measure of success 8.) Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely 9.) Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

Scrum was developed by Ken Schwaber Sand Jeff Sutherland, who are two members of the ____ Alliance.


Scrum, in itself, represents a pristine example of the ___ approach.


The Sprint Review emphasizes the ____ priority that ___ and immediate responses to fed back are necessary to ensure satisfactory product output and optimal customer satisfaction.

Agile, Flexibility

Sprint Retrospective Meetings demonstrate how the ___ approach prioritizes ___ interaction and promotes transparency and constant _____.

Agile, human, communication

Crystal is the brainchild of one of the original Agile Alliance members, ____ ____.

Alistiar Cockburn


Anything that does not result in the addition of value to the output

With Scrum, progress results in outputs are called "_____"




Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Lean ____ the different types of waste that it seeks to eliminate.


XProgramming was the most _____ used methodology in software development in the U.S. at the time, Scrum A Quickstart Guide, was published.


DSDM also uses the concept of ______, which administers the documentation as a third party and provides it to the customer at a charge.


DSDM is a relatively older methodology that is used in the ____ sphere, and is regarded by some as being very "____ Orientated" since DSDM was devised by people involved in commercial activity to suit their priorities and environments.

Corporate, Business

Sprint Retrospective meetings are not easy to conduct since they my lead to ____ of certain member's work or expose negative relations, dysfunction, and tensions within the team.


______ is a programming methodology that is used to develop software exclusively.


Lean is ____-centric, and as a result eschews the traditional push production system.


Unlike older manufacturing firms, Lean utilizes a pull production system instead of a push production system. A pull production system uses the voice of the ______ to determine how many units are produced and such, ____ shapes the number of units produced. The units in the process are "pulled" through the process by customer needs instead of "pushed" by artificial(forecasted) demand. This results in higher levels of customer satisfaction and reduced _____ in the areas of excessive production and unnecessary inventory levels.

Customer, demand, waste

Lean shares many of the same focuses as Agile project management such as a focus on the needs of the ____ and ____ processing.

Customer, incremental

Everyday, the Sprint Team conducts a ____ ____ meeting. The name "_____" is designed to reinforce the sense of intimacy and flexibility(primary priorities of _____) of the meeting as every member is expected to stand. This is again in keeping with the minimal out of ______ that Scrum attempts to generate.

Daily Standup, Standup, Agile, Bureaucracy

Client interaction and feedback in XP can go too far sometimes. If the client is always on premise, their presence could influence the ___ process. This intimate, ongoing presence and interaction needs to be managed with prerequisite maturity and prudence on the part of both parties in the interaction.


The Scrum Master serves as a liaison between the Product Owner and the ______ ___.

Development Team

Daily Scrum is a daily meeting that the _____ ____ undertakes to assess their progress. This meeting is also known as the "__ ___". This meeting is where the team is not allowed to sit down and this meeting is not allowed to last longer than __ minutes.

Development Team, Standup Meeting, 15

DSDM stand for?

Dynamic Systems Development Method

Project Backlog

Establishes the purpose of the project, and lists the concrete outcomes that the customer expects, and lists out anything else that the team has to accomplish.

What happens during the Sprint Review?

Everyone talks about what was achieved during the sprint, how achievements affect the Product Backlog, and Everyone talks about if any adoptions are necessary.

Scrum does not favor the principle of a superior authority figure or ______ position.


The Sprint Retrospective is when the actual Team is focused on and their project ___ processes.


Adaption is based on ______, and is a result of ____ assessment, such as instances when the Team has deviated form the Sprint Goal or the customer determines that the current product is not going to meet their specified requirements.

Inspection, negative

Agile is known as an ____ process.


Scrum is ______, like the other Agile methodologies, in that it involves the production of the project output in stages, or increments. Each iteration is known as a "_____"

Iterative, Sprint

Lean is a business management philosophy taken form the ____ manufacturing sector.


Scrum is substantially derived from _____ ____ systems, especially _____.

Japanese Management, Lean

XP (Extreme Programming) is another brain child of an Agile Alliance member, ____ ___.

Kent Beck

A Scrum Project is initiated with a "____-___ meeting". This meeting is where the project backlog is determined and Sprints are outlined and the task list associated with each Sprint is developed. These task lists are known as the ____ ____.

Kick Off, Sprint Backlogs

Transparency relies on the other two precepts for its _____.


Transparency means that everyone involved in the project is required to have a proper understanding of the project's ____ and ____. Transparency extend to the customer, and to other, less implicated observers such as industry watchdogs or ____ authorities.

Objectives, Progress, Government

Sprint Planning takes place at the _____ of a Sprint. Sprint Planning is not supposed to last for more than ___ hours. This is where the Scrum Team determines what the project ___ list entails. This is also where the Sprint goal is formulated around the project _____ list.

Outset, 8, Backlog, Backlog

The Product Owner is not a customer, but an individual who ______ the enter project at a macro or overreaching level.


Quality is administered and ensured in XP through a system known as "_____ programming" or "____ programming" in which two programmers work in tandem and check each other's work throughout the development process.

Peer, Pair

The first Sprint starts with a Sprint ____ ___, during which the Sprint ___ is determined.

Planning meeting, Goal

DSDM is heavily administrative in that it requires extensive -__-___ studies and documentation. ____ maintains a way lighter administrative workload than DSDM due to the fact that ______ takes a lightweight approach to administration and the fact that _____ heavily promotes the self-organization of teams.

Pre,Project, Agile, Agile, Agile

The 4 Principles of the Agile Management System clearly demonstrate a deliberate departure form the more _____-driven, premeditated approach of Waterfall or other hierarchical project management systems.


Crystal places a substantial emphasis on ______.


XP emphasizes two aspects of the development process, ___ and constant interaction with the _____.

Quality, Client

Agile allows for the ____-time, immediate adjustment of the project and its outcomes.


The ____ is the eventual, final product offerings as delivered to the customer, as opposed to the iterative output of each Sprint, which is known as The ______.

Release, Increment

The Scrum Master is not a manager, per se, but does ensure that the team has the necessary _______ at their disposal, that they are informed of the ____ of the project, that the Scrum process is adhered to, and that they respond to customer feedback.

Resources, Progress

Subsequent Sprint meetings after the first Sprint meeting will include a Sprint ____ meeting that reflects on the previous Sprint and takes into account customer feedback.


The name "Scrum" derives from ______.


The Development Team and the ____ Team are the same thing.


These "3 pillars" are also referred to as ___ ____.

Scrum Events

Scrum functions on the premise of a project team that is coordinated by the project team manager, or ____ ____.

Scrum Master

There are various subsystems that share the Agile philosophy. Some of these subsystems are ____, ___, ____, ___, and ____.

Scrum, Lean, Crystal, DSDM, and XP (or Xprogramming)

Examples of Monitoring Aids

Some Monitoring Aids can be very standard such as Burndown or flowcharts and some can be uniquely detailed such as the Scrum specific Task Board.

The ___ ___ is an important meeting that takes place at the end of a Sprint. This meeting allows other role-players, like the ___ , to be present. The ____ ___ invites these role-players and this meeting is not allowed to last for more than __ hours.

Sprint Review, Customer, Product Owner, 4

Another tool in the Scrum Toolbox is the ____ ____. A ___ ___ organizes individual tasks for a particular Sprint based on their status relative to completion. This results in a board divided into "__ ___ ", "_____", "__ ______", and "____" categories for each user story pertinent to a particular Sprint .

Task Board, Task Board, Not Started, Started, In Progress, Done

Agile uses different ____ than other, older management systems. Agile does not try to be prescriptive or rigid. Rather, Agile trys to be as responsive as possible to the shifting expectations of the consumer. Some of the different terminology used between Waterfall and Agile is Initiating vs Envisioning, Planning vs Speculating, Executing vs Exploring, and Controlling vs Adapting.


A possible pitfall of Crystal is that Crystal involves a high degree of _____, and to employ a team member solely on that basis is sometimes not feasible for some projects. This is also a departure form the lightweight administrative capacity that ____ prescribes.

Testing, Agile

What is one possible criticism of DSDM?

The concept of time-boxing is more prescriptive than the style usually associated with Agile.

Scrum Artifacts

The concrete output of the project and its management process.


The physical product output of the Sprint

Monitoring Aids

These are the administrative items that the Team will use to monitor and analyze their progress

Sprint Backlog

These are the output items that need to be achieved during the current sprint. They are part of the entire project's output, but they also lead to a useable increment in their own right

Product Backlog

This is a list fo the customer's requirements or expectations of the finished item. The backlog list contains all the specifications or features that need to be achieved.


This is the absolute and universal consensus as to the specifications of the finished product, or what the precise expectations of the customer are. This has to be made very clear, so everyone will know what "Done" specifically refers to. The Scrum Team needs to agree on what the term "Done" specifically refers to, so they can structure their work and monitor the progress of their project against what "Done" is.

Sprint Goal

This is the output that is envisaged for the particular sprint the Sprint Goal was made in. The Sprint Goal also outlines the necessary tasks that will be used to attain that goal. These tasks are outlined in the Sprint Backlog.

Iterative Process

This means that project progresses are broken down into incremental stages, or iterations.

What are the two types of Scrum Artifacts?

Those which are used in the management of a project and those which are delivered to the customer, I.e. the product itself

At the end of each iteration in Agile, the customer is presented with a ___ output, at which point they can opt to terminate the project. There is no obligation to continue with the project, since the output or "vertical slice" is a workable product and one that may already be able to be applied satisfactorily in the end-users operations.


Lean operates on the premise that ____ in a process needs to be eliminated or reduced to its minimum possible extent.


Lean has very practical and beneficial implications for manufacturing firms. By reducing input costs and reducing ___ throughout, a system will maximizes its ___ on _____. If implemented correctly, Lean can also cause an increase in ____ speed and turnaround time, both of which serve to reduce lead times.

Waste, return, process, processing

For those who desire to escape the more rigid, plan-oriented approach of ________, but who are wary of the almost entirely flexible, seemingly improvisatory nature of _____, DSM may be a workable alternative because it provides a framework for the project, including formalized studies and paperwork.

Waterfall, Agile

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