SE401 Introduction

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After release, when the modules of the system related to the new or updated modules are tested.

Nmae some tools that can automate testing

Ant- automated compilation, build and testing JUnit- automated running of tests Eclipse Debugger- Dubegging Cobertura, EclEmma, JaCoCo - code coverage

Why must we use tools when testing?

Automate repetitive tasks, avoid typos, cope with large programs

Why musn't a developer do the testing?

Because of bias, they will deby the code has errors.

Black Box Testing

Design test cases without knowledge of internal structure and design of the system; based on functional requirements.

Dynamic Testing

Done upon eexecution of the code to see if the expected and actual results match

What are the limitations of software testing?

Exhaustive Testing is impossible, testing is not proof for absence of defects, not knowing when to stop testing.

A program must not be tested by independent testers. True/ False


All defects cause failures everytime. True/ False?


Assumptions about no new defects being found is okay in testing. True/ False?


Early testing is not possible. True/ False?


Errors are not underlyiong causes of defects. True/False?


Errors can occur in the design, coding but not in requirements or testing. True/ False?


It is more expensive to fix a defect in the early stages of testing. True/False?


One needs to know how to code in order to become a software tester. True/ False?


Principles of software testing are just for reference. True/ False ?


QA doesn't set the standards for team to build better software. True/ False?


Software Testing includes activities intend to find errors so it can be corrected after the product is released. True/false?


Software Testing is equivalent to debugging. true/ False?


Test the valid and expected data only. True/ False?


Testing does not add to the cost of conformance


Testing is not context dependent. True/False?


Testing is to ensure that the software does ONLY what it is supposed to do. True/ False?


Testing is to show that there are no errors, bugs, defects in the software


The goal of QA is to provide assurance that a product is not meeting customer's quality expectations. true/ False?


White Box Testing doesn't involve measuring Covergae. True / False?


testing can guarentee absence of failures. True/ False?


the software product shouldn't be tested on expectations and needs of users and instead only on technical side, True/ False?


Programs without known failures may contain defects if they have been verified. True/ False?

False, they may but it might not be covered by the specs

Categories of software Testing

Functional, Non Functional, Maintenance

Pesticide Paradox

If the same tests are repeated over and over again, eventually the sames set of test cases will no longer find any new defects.

What do we gain from testing?

It allows us to find bugs, fix them, and in turn raise the quality of the program

Ad Hoc Testing

It is informal, expected results aren't defined, it isn't sufficient and arbitrariness guides the test execution activity here.

If no defects are found , is the software completely correct?

No, testing can't check for absence of defects

Static Testing

Pre Execution: done by reviewing documentation, code analysis or reading

In order to achieve an optimal amount of testing what may be done?

Prioritization of test cases

Testing should provide feedback to stakeholders to make informed decisions about what?

Release of software, for next development step, handover to customers

Unit testing

Test individual modules of code seperately

Integration Testing

Test the interaction between different modules and see if the changes are reflected

System Testing

Test the systrem as a whole by developers , includes checking the network, connection , database, etc.

Cost of conformance

This is the known cost - human resources, technology, tools, software, hardware Prevention: quality plaanning, trainig, etc Appraisal: testing, inspection

How can we ensure that every defect and failure is sorted out?

Through testing both valid, and invalid conditions

Why is software testing important?

To prevent injuries, fatalities and a huge loss of money, especially in critical systems. It helps ensure the reliability of our systems.


Total cost of quality = cost of conformance (coc)+cost of non conformance (conc)

A human makes an error, which leads to a defect, which causesa failure to occur. True / False?


A software can only be released if the requirements are met. True/false?


Blackbox testing is also known as functional testing. True/ False?


Defects can occur in requirements , design or code. True/ False?


Each test case must include expected output which must be thoroughly inspected. True/ False?


Exhaustive testing is not possible. True/false?


Failures can be caused by environmental conditions. True/ False?


Finding and fixing defects doesn't help if system build doesn't fullfill user needs. True/ False?


If the same tests are repeated numerous times, eventually they won't be able to find new bugs. True/ False?


It is important that you achieve optimum test results True/ False?


Programs without known failures may contain defects if they haven't been verified. True/ false


Software testing is not quality assurance. True/ False?


Testing directly reduces cost of non conformance. True/ False


Testing is expensive. True/ False?


Testing is necessary but not sufficient for quality assurance. true/ False?


Testing must consider all possible scenarios, even implied, unstated requirements, it requirees a person to be imaginative and creative. true/ False?


Testing the invalid and unexpected data is necessary. True/ False?


Tetsing can begin from the requirements phase in the form of static testing. True/ false?


The absence of errors is a fallacy when it comes to software testing. True/ False?


The test manager works very closely to the project manager in order to plan the entire cost for the testing. True/ False?


TrueSoftware Testing takes at least twice as long as estimated. true/False?


both, testing and verification attempts to exhibit new failures. True/ false?


defects are concerned with specific parts or components of the system. True/ False?


software analysi is complementary to software testing . True/ False?


the main objective of testing is to DISCOVER defects, it is a destructive activity. True/ False


white box testing is also known as structural testing, glass box, clear box testing.. True/ False?


The phases/ granularity of testing.

Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance

How can we determine when to stop testing?

Using metrics - such as keeping track of defect rates

Acceptance Testing

Validate system against user requirements, by customers, without formal test cases

Defect Clustering

a small number of modules contain most of the defects detected


after release when the new or updated feature is tested itself

Verification techniques

code generation. program synthesis from specifications

Test Case

consists of inputs, steps/actions, expected results, actual results, pass/fail.

White Box testing

design test cases by examining the internal design and source code of the program

Testing Process

developing test plans, designing test cases, running them, and evaluating the results.


deviation of observed behavior of the system from its specification

Explain context with respect to testing?

different products have different elements, featurea and requirements. For example, tetsing for a banking system will focus on authentication whereas for movie ticketing site would focus on viewing the lists and payment

test plan

document that specifies how a system will be tested, including criteria for success

Testing does not show presence of defects. True / false?



find evidence for absence of failures ; it guarantees correctness


flaws, faults, bugs in a system that can cause the system to fail to perform its required fuction

test suite

group of test cases organised around some principles


human actions that result in a fault or defect in the system; aka: mistakes

Quality Assurance

planned and systematic way to evaluate quality of process used to produce a quality product

software analysis

process of finding defects in a program without executing it; static analysis

If in one test suite, a certain majority amount of cases fail, what must the next step be?

stop testing, and assume the rest failed as well. send back for review and bug fixing and then redo testing


systematic process that finds and eliminates the defect that led to an observed failure

Software Testing

systematic process used to identify the correctness, completeness, and quality of developed software.

How to determine the amount of testing done is sufficient?

take into account- the level of risk (technical, safety, business), project constraints (time, budget)

How do we overcome pesticide paradox?

test cases need to be regulary reviewed and revised, and new and different tests need to be written to exercise different parts of the software or system to find potentially more defects.


testing starts only after implementation is completed, it is very expensive in case a defect id found, as changes must be made back to when design was done or even in requirements

Non functional testing

testing the attributes of system such as scalability, usability, performance

Why are all 12 software test principles important?

they help create an effective task strategy and draft error catching test cases

cost of non conformance

this is the hidden or future cost internal failure: rework external failure: liability, loss of lives and properties

Types of integration testing

top down, bottom up, sandwich

beta testing

type of acceptance testing: having potential consumers examine a product prototype in a real-use setting to determine its functionality, performance, potential problems, and other issues specific to its use

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